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NPD Sales Results for November 2007


the 360 really is turning into fortress america compared to its worldwide sales. man if they could only get 10% of that success in asia 50% in europe, they could take the lead in game consoles worldwide for good


watership said:
Uncharted is a great game, with a really bland main character.
Drake is one of the best video game personalities in quite awhile, actually. The voice actor did a near flawless job at making the character likable and natural. Of all Sony's new IP, Nathan Drake is in the best position for franchise super stardom.


reilo said:
The price-point is still $100 higher than the X360 was last year? And let's not forget the Gears of War effect.

If Sony is still doing these numbers in the holidays when the PS2's production is stopped, then there is something to really worry about them. But the fact that 500K people are still buying PS2s is telling.
And it hasn't even hit the magic $99.99 price-point yet.


Metalmurphy said:
But it does prove Userbase is the cause of low numbers, unlike what most people like to claim here.

Mass Effect is an RPG and will never appeal to a large base of 360 owners, uncharted is as mainstream as possible, if anything uncharted should be compared to something like gears of wars sales last year
Gamedaily said:
What a month! Top titles like Call of Duty 4, Super Mario Galaxy, Assassin's Creed and Guitar Hero III drove software sales to $1.3 billion. The Wii still outsold PS3 by 2:1, while the DS topped all hardware.
Posted by James Brightman on Thursday, December 13, 2007

GameDaily BIZ has just received the NPD's U.S. video game data for the November period, and the results are perhaps even better than was expected. Total industry sales were a whopping $2.63 billion (up 52 percent), as software sales rose 62 percent to $1.3 billion and hardware sales rose 41 percent to $1.1 billion. Console hardware in particular accounted for $771 million (up 49 percent) and console software jumped a whopping 75 percent to $1.1 billion.

Also of note is a 52 percent increase in game accessory sales to $243 million. "4 of the 5 best-selling accessories for the month were Wii controllers. The Wii Zapper, which debuted in November, sold 232K units. The second-best selling accessory for the month was the PS3 wireless controller at 282K units," stated NPD analyst Anita Frazier. She also pointed out that life-to-date sales of the Xbox 360 HD DVD player are at 269K units in the U.S., representing a 3.4% attach rate to the 360 install base.

The U.S. video game industry now stands at $13.12 billion, up 50 percent, and there's a whole month to go before we close the book on an incredible 2007. This has truly been a year of hardware, as hardware sales are up 73 percent year-to-date, with console hardware up 103 percent, no doubt thanks to the surge of the Wii.

Speaking of the Wii, Nintendo's console (shortages notwithstanding) sold through 981K units. The DS once again reigned supreme, however, with 1.53 million sold. Microsoft's Xbox 360 wasn't too far behind the Wii with 770K. Meanwhile, the PS3 sold 466K – a huge improvement, but still far behind the competition in an important holiday sales month. Sony's aging PS2 also outsold the PS3 with 496K units. And the PSP sold a healthy 567K.

Frazier pointed out, "The Wii had its best-selling month yet, besting last December by 60%... [and] the NDS and Xbox 360 both realized their second best sales months yet, after December of last year." Regarding the PS3 she added, "The combination of the price cut and seasonal lift gave the PS3 the biggest October to November sales increase of any hardware platform."

This month in terms of software, Activision's Call of Duty 4 (read more about it in Chart Toppers) stole Mario's crown. The game sold 1.57 million units on the Xbox 360 and another 444K on the PS3, for more than two million in sales. Nintendo's Super Mario Galaxy put up a very respectable 1.12 million in sales, while Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed (which sold more than 2.5 million worldwide) sold over 1.3 million on the Xbox 360 and PS3 combined in the U.S.

BobLoblaw said:
Still, it's becoming less and less of an incentive for American developers to support the platform in the states. That in itself is huge.
Sure, but perhaps the publishers care about making money?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Unreal Tournament 3 (PC) - 34k

holy shit

Oh god, someone please save Little BIg Planet

MGS4....yeah I'm not going to comment....


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
JudgeN said:
I thought 400 dollars was still outside mass market price range? So what are you trying to say, the 40 gig as announced without backwords compatibility and the internet instantly turned it into the tard pack, and they sit on shelves. I really didn't even expect over 400k for PS3 considering how bad it is represented.

I'm not saying the results are surprising. My point is, just because we expected it to not sell well and it in fact met our expectations..that doesn't mean it did ok.


Stop It said:
Oh dear for UT3, total bomb, and somehow I dont think the PS3 version will help matters worse, trust me to jump in day one to a sinking ship (I got the PC version) :(

The PS3 version will significantly outsell the PC version, in all likelihood. Perfectly respectable performance + keyboard/mouse support + 50" HDTV = :D


BenjaminBirdie said:
Absolutely, but I feel like PS3 needed more than just the amount of attention it's received so far to really shine accross the board. Especially in terms of multiplatform releases. The more powerful system should not be relegated to ports that are lauded with sighs of relief when they turn out "just as good".

Alas that's the fate of the PS3 for the coming time, it will get the first party titles that really push it but beyond that it will be at the mercy of the devs who do the ports.

The best as far as 3rd party exclusives the PS3 can now hope for is stuff like last gen Splinter Cell, a timed exclusive that had the Xbox as lead platform.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Here come the spinsters... :lol

PlayStation by the Numbers

November 2007

The PlayStation® platform is off to a great start this holiday season based on NPD November 2007 sales data:

Hardware Momentum (PS3, PS2 and PSP)

**For the month of November, PlayStation hardware unit sales reached more than 1.5 million units, an increase of 160% when compared to last month's unit sales (October 2007).

**PlayStation total hardware revenue was $373 million in November, sales dollars increased by 170% compared to last month's sales.

**For the month of November, PlayStation console sales reached 962K units.

**466K PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) hardware units were sold in November, a 285% increase over the previous month's sales. PS3 had the biggest October to November sales increase of any hardware platform.

**PlayStation®2 (PS2) also experienced great momentum in November, hardware unit sales reached 496K, a 170% increase over last month's sales. Since its release in North America on Oct. 26, 2000, more than 120 million hardware units and more than a billion units of PlayStation 2 software have sold worldwide, making it the best-selling gaming platform ever released.

**According to the latest Nielsen data (April – November 2007), PS2 is the most played videogame console averaging 42.2% usage minutes compared to 11.8% for Xbox 360 and 5.5% for Wii.

**PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) continues to experience strong sales momentum with new pricing and the availability of new entertainment packs. In November, 567K PSP hardware units were sold, nearly a 100% increase over last month sales.

Software Momentum (PS3, PS2 and PSP)

**PlayStation total software revenue in November was $414 million, sales dollars increased by 128% compared to last month's sales.

**In November, retail dollars from PS3 sales totaled $138 million, a 192% increase over last month's sales.

**PlayStation had three software titles in the top ten list across all consoles: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock for PS2 sold 966K units, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for PS3 sold 444K units and Assassin’s Creed for PS3 sold 377K units.

PLAYSTATION®Network Momentum

**Just one year after launch, there are more than 3 million registered PLAYSTATION Network users worldwide who have downloaded more than 60 million pieces of content.

**In North America alone there are more than 1.8 million registered users who have downloaded more than 34.5 million pieces of content.

**A recent PLAYSTATION Network price promotion for Calling all Cars™, Everyday Shooter™, flOw™ and Pixel Junk Racers™ resulted in a combined 920% increase in total downloads.


I would bang a hot farmer!
slaughterking said:
Does this translate into 232k sold Crossbow Training games or is the Zapper also sold separately?
LCT isn't counted separately.

Wii Play = Game + free accessory
Wii Zapper = Accessory + free game
chespace said:
By that logic, shouldn't Uncharted have sold somewhere in the 400k's?

Take it a step further. Dead Rising, a new IP, sold around 500-600k in its first month of release (August 06). At that time, the 360 was hovering around PS3's current userbase.

A low userbase doesn't automatically equate bomba numbers.


Sysgen said:
Uncharted had a demo and it couldn't break 120K, so either it's not one of the best games of the year or the demo was poor and failed to sell the product. I am inclined to believe the latter.

Uncharted's shooting/cover system was clunky and just not fun. I didn't play the demo before buying the game ( which was still fun overall despite the shortcomings), but if it had shooting segments in it i don't blame people for not buying the game.


I don't get it, are PS3 owners buying games on the 360 even if they don;t own the console or something?

Does the COD4 xbox360 packaging look like the PS3 one or something?
Gamedaily said:
GameDaily BIZ tracked down Anita Frazier for a quick Q&A.

BIZ: With the PS3 sales rising to 466K in November, do you believe the tide has finally turned for Sony's console? It still was significantly outsold by the competition.

AF: November saw a significant sales improvement over prior months, but yes, the PS3 realized the least sales of the current hardware systems. What I think this shows is that both seasonality and the price cut did its part in lifting sales, but another piece of the puzzle is to have that killer app that will really drive adoption, and that doesn't seem to have hit yet. Once it does, the landscape will change. I would expect another big lift in December, again, mostly due to the lower price and the fact that December is always the biggest month for any hardware system. But overall I think the increase is a good one, and a sign for sure that this "battle" hasn't been decided yet, and since the PS2 continues to sell so well it provides a nice foundation for the Sony brand.

BIZ: How much do you think Wii shortages hurt the Wii? It still sold 981K.

AF: It's hard for me to use the word "hurt" given the Wii captured the highest unit sales of all console systems. That said, it's clear that there isn't an abundance of inventory at retail, so we don't know, and I won't conjecture, how many could have sold had there been ample inventory. Overall the platform seems to be doing very well in spite of inventory constraints.

BIZ: There's been so much hype about Rock Band, but it's not in the top 10. Where did it end up and how many did it sell? Do you think cost was a hindrance?

AF: 360 Rock Band came in 12th at 312K units, and the title (including the PS3) version also ranked 12th for the month at 382K. While I do think price is playing a factor, the game garnered very high review scores and as word of mouth spreads, it can definitely pick up momentum in December, and into the New Year. I also think a limited initial shipment may have played into the figures we're seeing.

BIZ: Any big trends or surprises you'd like to point out?

AF: With so many collectors or limited edition games as well as premium priced titles like Guitar Hero and Rock Band in the market, average retail prices of software are increasing so that is part of what accounts for software dollar growth. What I liked seeing this month is that year-to-date through November, software unit sales are up 14% when they were up 11% as of October. That's the kind of trend that will be very beneficial to the industry heading into 2008 when the focus should shift slightly more toward game acquisition from a year really marked by hardware acquisition. Increased software sales is what the industry ultimately needs to keep seeing to grow.


How did it do?


Uncharted? Not well

(Replace with Zack & Wiki and it's equally sad news. It did even worse.)
It's scary to think how different all this would be looking right now if they'd just got the pricepoint right at launch instead of squandering an entire year.
Mrbob said:
The Wii hardware sales are really nice now, but I'm starting to wonder if the Wii will ever catch the X360 overall in the USA. I think we will have a nice battle brewing. Especially after the X360 gets another price cut in the spring to coincide with the release of GTA4.

Software wise X360 has already cemented itself as the king this generation.

Speaking of GTA IV, what a fucking beast that game will be huh? Damn. Its going to sell really well. And yeah, i'm really interested in seeing how MGS4 will sell.
If anything is going to "save" the PS3 it will be Killzone 2. Yes, irrespective of quality. All other first party games are doomed to bomb because hey, PS3 owners LOL. Fuck you, PS3 owners.


Big Nate said:
2) Why do people buy 360's like hotcakes when the thing breaks continually? Has the Falcon version finally fixed RROD's, or does the general public just not care?

Not everyone buys them like hotcakes. I know lots of people who refuse to buy it because of the RROD problem. And lots more who will never buy a Microsoft product. Not every 360 is going to break, and the 3 year warranty helps a bit.

But the games, oh the games...


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
chespace said:
PS3 had the biggest October to November sales increase of any hardware platform.
Oh Sony! Look what you've been reduced to boasting about. :lol


**According to the latest Nielsen data (April – November 2007), PS2 is the most played videogame console averaging 42.2% usage minutes compared to 11.8% for Xbox 360 and 5.5% for Wii.

WTF :lol :lol
oo Kosma oo said:
Alas that's the fate of the PS3 for the coming time, it will get the first party titles that really push it but beyond that it will be at the mercy of the devs who do the ports.

The best as far as 3rd party exclusives the PS3 can now hope for is stuff like last gen Splinter Cell, a timed exclusive that had the Xbox as lead platform.

But if Uncharted and R&C are performing as they are, where's the motivation to continue with stellar exclusives? What's something like Infamous going to do? These games aren't cheap to make, that's all I'm saying.


MPW said:
i hope this means naughty dog making jak 4 :D

After seeing how R&C did, I think ND will be working on Spears of Combat.

AltogetherAndrews said:
If anything is going to "save" the PS3 it will be Killzone 2. Yes, irrespective of quality. All other first party games are doomed to bomb because hey, PS3 owners LOL. Fuck you, PS3 owners.


Never change AA.


schuelma said:
And yes, the cheap PS2 is still selling well with casuals. How is that at all good news for the future of the PS3?
Something tells me the kind of person that buys a PS2 at this point wasn't in the market for a $400 PS3 anyway.


Dark FaZe said:
Speaking of GTA IV, what a fucking beast that game will be huh? Damn. Its going to sell really well. And yeah, i'm really interested in seeing how MGS4 will sell.
Don't tell that to Konami though - I think they'd like to very much hide under the blanket now. :lol


The physical form of blasphemy
So wait...I thought the shitty zapper only came with zelda? Did zelda suck so bad, that they don't even count it as a game?


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Mrbob said:
The Wii hardware sales are really nice now, but I'm starting to wonder if the Wii will ever catch the X360 overall in the USA. I think we will have a nice battle brewing. Especially after the X360 gets another price cut in the spring to coincide with the release of GTA4.

I'll bet you a thousand dollars it does.
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