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NPD Sales Results for November 2007

Mrbob said:
BTW, what did the CE X360 COD4 sell?

It is obvious the top 10 official NPD list only included the regular version.

Sonycowboys post a few pages back will have included all edtions for the SW predictions.

Similarly GH3 Wii and 360 were quite close compared to top 10 numbers on combined figures ( solus + bundle )


Hunter D said:
Why are you posting in a thread about game sales if you don't want to discuss said sales?
I never said I didn't want to discuss sales. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. But I want to do so in a manner that is mature and filled with less flamebait.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Opus Angelorum said:
What do you mean?

UT3 sold 34K on the PC and Midway dropped the ball on the marketing. Hell, Stranglehold got better marketing and support from Midway.
Crisis said:
Calm down Xbot. I'm getting tired of fucking defending this. All I have said was that the PS3 didn't TANK like a bunch of you morons are saying it did. It did a little better than expected. It did well. I don't know where the fuck you are all getting this "LOL CRISIS SAID THAT PS3 IS TEH WINNAR!" shit from.
It did not do better than expected. You don't get to redefine expectations after the fact. That's the whole point of expectationing. Those estimates are low because everyone already knew that the PS3 didn't perform well during Black Friday, not because that's what people were expecting.


tehbear said:
Cause the demand for games like AC and COD4 is higher? Let's face it, Uncharted doesn't have the right theme/gametype/hype. Exclusive means shit to gamers, and PS3 people aren't so different than 360 people.

I don't think it's inconsequential when talking about the 360 though. Even two worlds managed better numbers than quality ps3 games. I don't get if it's because of friendslist, just for the sake of it or what but sometimes I don't understand the 360 base buying pattern.
Opus Angelorum said:
What do you mean?

You know how people are attributing the poor sales of Uncharted to poor marketing? And you know how that's kind of a bunch of crap? Well in the case of UT3 it's pretty fucking true. I mean, it's got to be interesting in some really infuriating way to be Epic right around now, and be able to compare Midway marketing with MS marketing of Gears last year.


I have to make a comment that the PS3 sales of Call of Duty 4 and Assassin's Creed are VERY encouraging.

Whether the PS3 bombed or not compared to the Xbox 360, there's no question that the PS3 SKU actually contributed to the profitability of these two titles.


XiaNaphryz said:
And STILL managed to lose ground in total sales between it and the other consoles. Jeez the defense force is out in full force.
By 300k and 500k, respectively. This was expected, but still.

The PS3 increase was about what it should have done. The last price cut doubled sales. Sales normally double from October to November on their own. PS3 went up 4x from last month. It's well in line with what it should have done given what October sales were. The problem of course, is how low it's been to begin with. That's a deep hole.


polyh3dron said:
Sony just needs to go on a marketing blitz FOCUSED ON ONE GAME. It did wonders for Assassin's Creed, hell, it did wonders for The Game That Shall Not Be Named Thanks G*Spot even though that game is a piece of shit.

Agreed. I'll say it again...I can't even remember seeing an Uncharted ad on TV.


Speevy said:
I have to make a comment that the PS3 sales of Call of Duty 4 and Assassin's Creed are VERY encouraging.

Whether the PS3 bombed or not compared to the Xbox 360, there's no question that the PS3 SKU actually contributed to the profitability of these two titles.



Speevy said:
I have to make a comment that the PS3 sales of Call of Duty 4 and Assassin's Creed are VERY encouraging.

Whether the PS3 bombed or not compared to the Xbox 360, there's no question that the PS3 SKU actually contributed to the profitability of these two titles.
Definitely. Isn't this the best 3rd party performance for the console? I believe so.


Sucks at viral marketing
Loudninja said:
By the way, where is the Orangebox?
The same place Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Forza 2, Bioshock, and every other 360 flavor of the month goes. We boast about how awesome they sell for a month and then never mention them again.


Why are developers still making PSP games?

unless you are Square-Enix(CrisisCore), or Capcom(Monster Hunter) there's literally no reason to continue developing PSP games. are they considered write offs?

I only see God of War and Crisis Core creeping on the Top 10 next year


I found this on ps3forums, surely this isn't true is it?
I'm here and guess what WW saleswise the PS3 dominated the 360.... I refuse to include a gamecube 2.0 as a next gen system. I don't give two hoots if it has pinpoint accurate motion sensing.


I have a feeling that UT3 on PS3 is going to be the next one to bomb on the system. And the trend will follow to Burnout Paradise, DMC4, and LBP. I think MGS4 will do ok just from the hype alone and the name recognition. Killzone 2 should be the biggest seller for PS3 next year.


So I guess the PS3 isn't this gen's gamecube. It's software sales are quite the opposite - third party titles do better than Sony's in house games.


Son of Godzilla said:
It did not do better than expected. You don't get to redefine expectations after the fact. That's the whole point of expectationing. Those estimates are low because everyone already knew that the PS3 didn't perform well during Black Friday, not because that's what people were expecting.

WHOSE expectations? Yours? PS3 did about as well as everybody predicted it would and that counts for something. No it didn't do 360 or Wii numbers but it's the most expensive console out there still. You think the numbers are poor and I think they're about where they should be. Team Xbox is that way.
oo Kosma oo said:

I'm not laughing at the game itself, which I hear is quite awesome (I never played it) but this was a game that was supposed to destroy the 360's momentum and cause a shift of the industry in general. I was laughing at the insane Sony fans, not the game or Naughty Dog themselves.


reilo said:
UT3 sold 34K on the PC and Midway dropped the ball on the marketing. Hell, Stranglehold got better marketing and support from Midway.

Epic is pretty damn stupid for alienating the Xbox 360, especially after Gears of War sold 4-5 million. The game may do decently on the Playstation 3, but I have no faith after these last few months of software sales (I'm not part of the problem!).


After Ratchet, everyone should have seen the Uncharted sales coming.

To shooter fans, it's Gears with a theme they didn't want. To action/adventure fans, it's TR with a hero they've never heard of.

And to most people, it's on a system they don't own.


ALeperMessiah said:
I'm pretty sure they ran one during NFL games sunday

I've seen a shitload of AC ads during football (always met with completely awestruck reactions at the sports bar I go to), but never an Uncharted one, at least not one that made people take notice.
The Experiment said:
I'm not laughing at the game itself, which I hear is quite awesome (I never played it) but this was a game that was supposed to destroy the 360's momentum and cause a shift of the industry in general. I was laughing at the insane Sony fans, not the game or Naughty Dog themselves.

Since when?


Those numbers for the PS3 aren't that bad...at least, not as bad as everyone expected.

The actual story is PS3 owners not buying exclusive software for their system. Makes me wonder if people are actually just buying it for the Blu-ray, meaning more casual gamers are being attracted, and those guys are buying based on looks, not reviews.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Really sad that Mario Galaxy wasn't the best selling game this month, guess people never get tired of same-ol-same-ol realistic military FPSes...


Speevy said:
After Ratchet, everyone should have seen the Uncharted sales coming.

To shooter fans, it's Gears with a theme they didn't want. To action/adventure fans, it's TR with a hero they've never heard of.

And to most people, it's on a system they don't own.
Sad but true :(
harSon said:
Epic is pretty damn stupid for alienating the Xbox 360, especially after Gears of War sold 4-5 million. The game may do decently on the Playstation 3, but I have no faith after these last few months of software sales (I'm not part of the problem!).

Games coming out 2 weeks before christmas usually don't do so hot. Its just a bit too late
Opus Angelorum said:
So...what does that say for giving a timed exclusive to the PS3 for UT3?
It still might do reasonable numbers on the PS3. It's undeniable that the majority of the marketing for UT3 has gone into the PS3 version. Well, not mainstream marketing, but still.
harSon said:
Epic is pretty damn stupid for alienating the Xbox 360, especially after Gears of War sold 4-5 million. The game may do decently on the Playstation 3, but I have no faith after these last few months of software sales (I'm not part of the problem!).

If the rumours that Epic and Microsoft's relationship wasn't so comfortable after Gears of War, I don't blame Epic for giving the PS3 exclusivity. I think they may regret that decision.


Also, FWIW, I think a lot of the Nov releases are going to do well this month too, since lots of people delay the buy till Xmas (I haven't bought Uncharted or Galaxy yet).


Uncharted's poor sales are clearly due to poor advertising. It's a great game, but Sony has to put more advertising money on the table at both retailers and media.

Games are not being sent to die on the PS3 (Fantastic AC and COD4 numbers considering user base and nearly 1:1 with monthly HW). But it is clear that they need to market the hell out of their games, which AC and CoD4 were.


Besides GTA, I think DMC4 will be a good litmus test to see where PS2 owners truly have gone. Perhaps even a better test.

DMC games have been born and bred on the Playstation brand exclusively so far. If the PS3 version lags in sales comparative to the 360 version this is more troubling news for Sony.
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