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NPD Sales Results for November 2009


NintendosBooger said:
The Wii is doing great. Fuck all the haters.

It's the only game machine that sells as a result of game software alone, unlike the 360 that needs numerous price cuts to stay afloat and the PS3 that would have dried up long ago without a redesign and a major price cut.

People accuse the Wii of being gimmicky, when it's those other machines that require gimmicks more-so in order to keep selling.

Being a Wii supporter, I don't have any gripes about its hardware performance. I think it's fantastic. I love the machine, but there are a lot of software failures that are just a little depressing, especially when they're often the better titles available for the platform... Well, that caters to various niche hardcore genres.


cleveridea said:

Over 550k without PC sales (provided your numbers are correct). I know PC retail is in the toilet, but I wonder if DA:O managed to hit 600k on NPD including PC. It most definitely did if you throw digital distribution in the mix.


Shogun PaiN said:
Theres not a chance in hell the Wii would of sold anywhere close to what it is doing now without the motion control and things like Wii fit.

It would be the Gamecube all over again.

Motion controls and WiiFit aren't gimmicky in any sense. It's a legitimate playing style in its infancy, and evolving into a more refined interface, and WiiFit or EA Sports Active, while may seem gimmick to the more close-minded hardcore gamer, many consumers will use it on a daily basis. Gimmicks fade, the Wii does not.
NintendosBooger said:
The Wii is doing great. Fuck all the haters.

It's the only game machine that sells as a result of game software alone, unlike the 360 that needs numerous price cuts to stay afloat and the PS3 that would have dried up long ago without a redesign and a major price cut.

People accuse the Wii of being gimmicky, when it's those other machines that require gimmicks more-so in order to keep selling.

The 360 has received a total price adjustment of $100 since launch, compared to the original $399 and $299 Pro and Core models. That's $100, in 4 years.
Shogun PaiN said:
Theres not a chance in hell the Wii would of sold anywhere close to what it is doing now without the motion control and things like Wii fit.

It would be the Gamecube all over again.
So you're saying motion controls and Wiifit are gimmicks...?


kswiston said:
Over 550k without PC sales (provided your numbers are correct). I know PC retail is in the toilet, but I wonder if DA:O managed to hit 600k on NPD including PC. It most definitely did if you throw digital distribution in the mix.

I wish we could get PC numbers. The only thing I've heard was on a podcast a couple weeks back where Jeff Green said the PC version has sold extremely well. Espcially the digital copies. Over 600K is easily a lock, and probably much more than that.


Stumpokapow said:
By that I did not mean "the game has maintained full MSRP at all times at all retailers", I mean that it has, in general, maintained something within a stone's throw of MSRP at most retailers for the entire last two years. It behaves like a Nintendo first-party success in that sense.

I'd say next Treyarch game will be as big or bigger than WaW but smaller than MW2 if I had to guess (I feel like CoD3 -> MW1 -> WaW is a good map for WaW -> MW2 -> Next Treyarch)

The next treyarch game is going to sell gangbusters. Especially now that its out of WW2. Getting close or even beating MW2 is not out of the question imo.

Call of Duty is this gens GTA. Its 'The' top franchise that will sell the most, and will spawn copy cats. Just like GTA was last gen..


VerTiGo said:
Motion controls and WiiFit aren't gimmicky in any sense. It's a legitimate playing style in its infancy, and evolving into a more refined interface, and WiiFit or EA Sports Active, while may seem gimmick to the more close-minded hardcore gamer, many consumers will use it on a daily basis. Gimmicks fade, the Wii does not.

Well said. Playing Mario Galaxy and Zelda: TP with the Wiimote was awesome.

Can't wait to see how NIntendo evolves these controls next gen.


VerTiGo said:
Motion controls and WiiFit aren't gimmicky in any sense. It's a legitimate playing style in its infancy, and evolving into a more refined interface, and WiiFit or EA Sports Active, while may seem gimmick to the more close-minded hardcore gamer, many consumers will use it on a daily basis. Gimmicks fade, the Wii does not.

Thats a fair point and I may be wrong on this but if Nintendo release a Wii 2 with everything the same except for HD graphics I really couldn't see the ''casuals'' biting anywhere near as much as they do now. I think because this is the first time motion control has been done so well then it makes people eager to try out the new experience.

From my own experience with my family though the Wii just seems like it's a must buy item that sounds amazing when you describe it to your friends and family but once the initial thrill wears off it ends up getting tossed into a cupboard - Obviously that's just my family though :lol

Souldriver said:
So you're saying motion controls and Wiifit are gimmicks...?

Not at this stage no (with the Wii anyway). Just like I said above - I cant see them enticing as many people in next time around.
NintendosBooger said:
People accuse the Wii of being gimmicky, when it's those other machines that require gimmicks more-so in order to keep selling.
Yeah, damn those gimmicks like price cuts and major software releases. Damn them to hell!

I gotta admit, I'm shocked that the PS3 didn't beat the 360. Thought the initiative and momentum was in their court. I just don't want a very clear winner between the two HD consoles, rathering that they each beat and batter each other into lower prices and more features. For that to happen Sony needs to up their game in whatever ways they can.


Spiegel said:
Stumpokapow wins this round

Indeed he does. Off a good 39k with my PS3 estimate. Although I'm not sure why I was reading the 360 version as 326k when it has been 362k the whole time. Anyhow I still maintain that ME could very well outsell them both over time. We shall see with Dec NPD if we manage to get the numbers. 76k difference first month NPD.


Shogun PaiN said:
Thats a fair point and I may be wrong on this but if Nintendo release a Wii 2 with everything the same except for HD graphics I really couldn't see the ''casuals'' biting anywhere near as much as they do now. I think because this is the first time motion control has been done so well then it makes people eager to try out the new experience.

From my own experience with my family though the Wii just seems like it's a must buy item that sounds amazing when you describe it to your friends and family but once the initial thrill wears off it ends up getting tossed into a cupboard - Obviously that's just my family though :lol

A lot of that has to do with marketing and what games people actually play. There's plenty of great Wii game titles that should satiate the desire of most gamers that aren't solely geared to playing first or third-person shooters. It's even got the hardcore gamer pretty covered, but seeing how most of these games have either failed or performed only modestly, it's not always easy to prove this argument.

The interface is new. It's constantly being evolved, either by MotionPlus, Natal and whatever you want to add. Whatever works will make its way into the future in a more refined manner. I see the Wii as being very much like the NES in that regard.

Regardless, the best thing the Wii did was the IR sensor for cursor control. Not even the motion control aspect until MotionPlus really...


NullPointer said:
Yeah, damn those gimmicks like price cuts and major software releases. Damn them to hell!

I gotta admit, I'm shocked that the PS3 didn't beat the 360. Thought the initiative and momentum was in their court. I just don't want a very clear winner between the two HD consoles, rathering that they each beat and batter each other into lower prices and more features. For that to happen Sony needs to up their game in whatever ways they can.

The problem here is though is that sony have only just lowered manufacturing costs yet still take a small loss on the machine. I dont think at this stage they can afford to go any lower.


Jtyettis said:
Indeed he does. Off a good 39k with my PS3 estimate. Although I'm not sure why I was reading the 360 version as 326k when it has been 362k the whole time. Anyhow I still maintain that ME could very well outsell them both over time. We shall see with Dec NPD if we manage to get the numbers.

Honestly I'm hoping for that too.

ME2 deserves to sell great


VerTiGo said:
A lot of that has to do with marketing and what games people actually play. There's plenty of great Wii game titles that should satiate the desire of most gamers that aren't solely geared to playing first or third-person shooters. It's even got the hardcore gamer pretty covered, but seeing how most of these games have either failed or performed only modestly, it's not always easy to prove this argument.

The interface is new. It's constantly being evolved, either by MotionPlus, Natal and whatever you want to add. Whatever works will make its way into the future in a more refined manner. I see the Wii as being very much like the NES in that regard.

Regardless, the best thing the Wii did was the IR sensor for cursor control. Not even the motion control aspect until MotionPlus really...

I think that's the key here to Motion controllers lasting for a while. If Natal isn't better than what we currently have or Nintendo don't manage to give people a legitimate reason other than ''Graphics'' to buy a Wii 2 then I cant see motion controllers lasting that long.

Of course this is only my opinion and it could turn out totally differently :lol


Grecco said:
The next treyarch game is going to sell gangbusters. Especially now that its out of WW2. Getting close or even beating MW2 is not out of the question imo.

I can't help but think that MW2 will remain the series pinnacle in sales. This will be the San Andreas of the HD consoles. Future COD/MW titles will still do extremely well. Just not 6M first month well.


Flying_Phoenix said:
The rapid sales increase due to the slim marketing seems to be. Hence why it didn't beat the 360.

I didn't say that it was dying just that it's surge is starting to slowly fall off.
Why is it being compared to the 360? I don't see how the fact that it didn't outsell the 360 is relevant to the 'surge' falling off, and somehow the fact that it had it's best non-December month ever is not relative to the fact that the surge isn't falling off.

I hope the surge continues to fall off more next month as the PS3 will probably experience it's highest sales at that point. :/


kswiston said:
I can't help but think that MW2 will remain the series pinnacle in sales. This will be the San Andreas of the HD consoles. Future COD/MW titles will still do extremely well. Just not 6M first month well.

That's not how it works. This monster ridiculous amount of sales is the new normal! We should only expect growth from here on out!


kswiston said:
I can't help but think that MW2 will remain the series pinnacle in sales. This will be the San Andreas of the HD consoles. Future COD/MW titles will still do extremely well. Just not 6M first month well.

I know I said I wasn't going to go quote digging, but I said exactly this in the MW2 to sell 17-18 million thread:

Sho_Nuff82 said:
It will be the Halo 2 of FPS this gen, in terms of sales comparisons to its predecessor.

My prediction for first month:

360 - 2.5 million
PS3 - 1.5 million

If MGS4 can do a million in a month on PS3, COD4-2 will do more.

All signs point to MW2 completely obliterating the pre-order numbers seen by the likes of Halo, I fully expect it to beat Halo 3's 3.3 million first month reported number.

Looking at the LIVE charts, while there is considerable overlap with COD4 and WaW, both games are still individually popular enough to consistently have more active online communities than Gears of War or GTA. I think MW2 will draw from both fanbases and dominate the 360 online scene and the month of November. On PS3, where there is no Left 4 Dead 2 to compete with, it should do comparitively better.

And I wasn't the only one:

Accident said:
COD4 is still selling to new owners, selling better than WaW and is on top of it in the Live Activity charts.
World at War was received with mixed reviews by the Call of Duty community and a lot of people hold off from buying it, that won't happen with Modern Warfare 2. Both communities are looking forward to move to Modern Warfare 2.

My predictions for November:
360 - 2.75M
PS3 - 1.5M

Though there were skeptics:

Y2Kev said:
The ps3 number you put forth is insane. That would be a tripling of WaW's sales. Tripling. In a year.

Sho_Nuff82 said:
I think it's going to come out of the gate with something nuts like 4 million in sales in the November NPD between PS3/360,

donny2112 said:
No chance. Literally no chance. 3 million maybe.

Launch November NPD numbers:
360 MW1 - 1.57m
360 WaW - 1.41m

PS3 MW1 - 444K
PS3 WaW - 597K

360 MW2? Yeah, maybe it has a chance at 2m for the month, but I'd expect something a little under 2m for November. PS3 MW2? No chance at all of 2m. Reaching 360 MW1 numbers would be an astounding increase.



I'm curious to hear how DJ Hero did in it's first full month since it only had a few days in Oct. For some reason I find the game really appealing, but I don't want to commit to it unless there's a chance of there being a DJ Hero 2.


Jonsoncao said:
I am lazy but have we got any top 20 numbers yet?

I think its still only the list -

1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (360)
2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3)
3. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii)
4. Assassin’s Creed II (360)
5. Left 4 Dead 2 (360)
6. Wii Sports Resort (Wii)
7. Wii Fit Plus (Wii)
8. Assassin’s Creed II (PS3)
9. Dragon Age: Origins (360) - 342,254
10. Mario Kart (Wii)
11. Wii Play (Wii)
12. Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (Wii)
13. Value Game Bundle (Wii)
14. Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story (DS)
15. Dragon Age: Origins (PS3) - 177,008
16. Value Game Bundle (Wii)
17. God of War Collection (PS3)
18. Halo 3: ODST (360)
19. Borderlands (360)
20. Madden NFL 10 (360)

But you could add the Dragon Age numbers and get a very rough idea.


Shogun PaiN said:
I think that's the key here to Motion controllers lasting for a while. If Natal isn't better than what we currently have or Nintendo don't manage to give people a legitimate reason other than ''Graphics'' to buy a Wii 2 then I cant see motion controllers lasting that long.

Of course this is only my opinion and it could turn out totally differently :lol

I think Iwata, Miyamoto, and even Reggie have said they won't release a new console with just HD graphics in mind.

In my opinion, if they released Wii+ with HD graphics, an upgraded standard remote m+ built-in, an improved nunchuck (m+), maybe some more storage space, and the right game, the system would sell fine.


Wow Donny got owned hard. :p

Also, GoW collection must have been around 100k to 150k sold. Not bad for a quick and dirty port. After Dec rolls around it could be near a quarter million. We might be seeing more of these.
Shogun PaiN said:
I think its still only the list -

1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (360)
2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3)
3. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii)
4. Assassin’s Creed II (360)
5. Left 4 Dead 2 (360)
6. Wii Sports Resort (Wii)
7. Wii Fit Plus (Wii)
8. Assassin’s Creed II (PS3)
9. Dragon Age: Origins (360) - 342,254
10. Mario Kart (Wii)
11. Wii Play (Wii)
12. Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (Wii)
13. Value Game Bundle (Wii)
14. Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story (DS)
15. Dragon Age: Origins (PS3) - 177,008
16. Value Game Bundle (Wii)
17. God of War Collection (PS3)
18. Halo 3: ODST (360)
19. Borderlands (360)
20. Madden NFL 10 (360)

But you could add the Dragon Age numbers and get a very rough idea.

Wow, I'm surprised the list went down in numbers so fast before #20. Forza seems to be doing much better in the UK than the US, unless I'm misreading this.
soldat7 said:
A mediocre Mario Kart selling like this means a) we won't see another Mario Kart this gen and b) when we do get another, it will likely be mediocre.
There has never been more than one mario kart per system.

And none of them have ever been mediocre. Even Super Circuit.


Top 20 is up.


Bowser's Inside Story holding on is great to see.
That means that the absolute lowest it can be right now is 548k.
Though it's probably around 600k or possibly even higher than that.

Also, jvm, when you do your analysis, you usually include the average selling price of PS3/360.
Is it possible you can do one for DS as well? I'd really like to know how DSi's holding on.


jvm said:
I am supposing that is the shrinkwrapped 2-game packages you find at big-box retailers like Target, Wal-mart, and TRU.

But how would they count that?
I mean wouldn't there be different games and stuff or do they just assume its like one SKU?
Stumpokapow said:
So that's at least 100k for Borderlands 360 and probably 150k or more for GoW collection? Excellent numbers for both.
Nice. I'm glad both of those have sold well, especially Borderlands.

And of course Assassin's Creed 2 deserves all the sales it can get. It was the biggest surprise of '09 for me.
jman2050 said:
Uncharted isn't even on the top 20.

I might have missed it by accident, but do we still not know how much it did sell?

According to Gamasutra, 34 titles sold over 100k, so the drop off after the top 20 isn't likely to be all that large. I'd say it's pretty likely that UC2 is one of those 34 titles.
Y2Kev said:
WTF is value game bundle
That's when stores have a big bin of shovelware and each game has a big $19.99 price tag on it and another sticker covering up the original UPC. Even though they are a mix of games they all share the same UPC so they register as the same product.


hatchx said:
I think Iwata, Miyamoto, and even Reggie have said they won't release a new console with just HD graphics in mind.

In my opinion, if they released Wii+ with HD graphics, an upgraded standard remote m+ built-in, an improved nunchuck (m+), maybe some more storage space, and the right game, the system would sell fine.

I think Nintendo will have a tough transition on their hands from the DS/Wii to the DS2/Wii2. They did a great job at capturing an expanded audience of people who never played games before. However a lot of people in that expanded audience will not be used to tech going obsolete in a few years. I had a tech support job once for about 9 months and I can't tell you how many times I heard "I don't know why my computer is so slow. I just bought it 5-6 years ago".

A "Super NES" version of the Wii is not going to convince everyone in that expanded audience group to run out and buy another $250 system.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Go Value Game Bundle, both versions over 100k. Screw the skeptics, with their fancy shmancy predictions of 0 Value Game bundle copies sold, you were at least 1000% wrong and possibly even more.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
a Master Ninja said:
That's when stores have a big bin of shovelware and each game has a big $19.99 price tag on it and another sticker covering up the original UPC. Even though they are a mix of games they all share the same UPC so they register as the same product.
So shovelware DOES sell! Haters pwnt!!


Busaiku said:
Also, jvm, when you do your analysis, you usually include the average selling price of PS3/360.
Is it possible you can do one for DS as well? I'd really like to know how DSi's holding on.
Analysis goes up Monday morning.

As for the hardware prices, the best I can say about the DS/DSi situation is in last month's article. Read it here.

Penguin said:
But how would they count that?
I mean wouldn't there be different games and stuff or do they just assume its like one SKU?
Yes, different games. I don't know why it's done this way, except that they're probably randomly packaged and use a single barcode to ring up at the register ... so they're considered a single SKU. Or we can think of it as how all the different versions of MW2 [except those in the Xbox 360 MW2 systems] are lumped together to gives us #1 and #2 on the chart.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
jvm said:
Analysis goes up Monday morning.

As for the hardware prices, the best I can say about the DS/DSi situation is in last month's article.

Yes, different games. I don't know why it's done this way, except that they're probably randomly packaged and use a single barcode to ring up at the register ... so they're considered a single SKU. Or we can think of it as how all the different versions of MW2 [except those in the Xbox 360 MW2 systems] are lumped together to gives us #1 and #2 on the chart.
They have a specific price associated though, which would suggest they were all sold at the same store.
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