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NPD Sales Results for November 2009


Opiate said:
I've said this before, but I'll say it again:

My prediction for the rest of the generation is that the PS3 and 360 will seesaw back and forth in Worldwide LTD, as different systems get different price cuts. When the PS3 launched, the 360 had an ~8 million unit lead on it; I expect the disparity to remain between ~4-12 million forever.

And the Wii will continue to dominate both of them. In other words -- present trends continue. I got an enormous amount of flack for this suggestion about a year back, as if "present trends continue" was a preposterous notion, when present trends do indeed continue 90% of the time.

And continue getting shitassed 3rd party support...geez I hate 3rd parties sometimes.

Mod Abuse
Dragona Akehi said:
Alright here comes the one and only warning you're all going to get:

Anyone else who makes the claim that the 360 outsold the PS3 because of "the mass bannings" after this post is going to get a six month ban.

It's fucking ridiculous: it's the same stupid argument that PS2 sold because people kept rebuying them because they broke. So knock it off.
/Mod Abuse


Ardorx said:
Because people still have this dumbass notion that brand > everything. Price matters and a $200 360 or $300 360 with two games packed in (by default) is incredibly attractive. Especially to cash-strapped parents.
It has nothing to do with that, it was just everyone was getting this insular view of the sales from articles and musings without considering past trends. Including me, btw. But at least I was more reasonable in my prediction.


[Nintex] said:
So.. uh yeah Reggie will cry, with happiness after he gets his annual bonus and paycheck for selling more than a million copies of New Super Mario Bros. Wii this year. Iwata had a goal to sell 10 million units of New Super Mario Bros. Wii by March 2010. I think if we combine Japan(1 million first week), US(1 million first NPD report) and Europe(number 1 everywhere) it seems like a fairly easy target.



Mrbob said:
Doubtful. CoD4 sold for months and months and months, even up to the release of MW2.

CoD4's sales charting in NPD:
November - 1.57 million (360), 444k (PS3)
December - 1.47 million (360), 500-613k on PS3
January - 330.9k (360), 140k on PS3
February - 296.2k (360), 99.9-161.8k on PS3
March - 237k (360) (first month not in top spot) ~153k on PS3
April - 141k on 360
May - 360 version charted 11th, no number available.

Modern Warfare 2 outsold the first SIX MONTHS of sales for CoD4.

Why For?

PantherLotus said:
Did people expect the price drop would suddenly change the trends of the past three years? More importantly, did they expect it to have a lasting meaningful impact?

uuuhhhhh yeh?

I mean, I'm as surprised as any at the 360 outselling, but SURELY people can see the bannings played a PART in that.

Yeah, it may not have been the MAJOR role some are suggesting, but it must have added a 100k or so to the total? Maybe more?

Either way, good work on scoring a goal agains the flow of play MS.
mujun said:
That's a nice tinfoil hat you are wearing.

They knew MW2 was going to sell in droves and they knew that most of the people would probably return to the 360. It was a brilliant time to do the ban.
MW2 numbers... holy fricken' hockey powder!
Wow. Man. Wow.

And yes, I too am shocked at the 360 beating PS3.
The whole GAF anecdotal evidence, Microsoft saying "we did well" etc, really did think the slim had outsold it.

Still, MW2... wow.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Woah, 360 outsold the PS3, did not see that coming.

And Reggie's prediction that NSMBWii would outsell atleast one version of MW2 was wrong :lol


Month after month I'm beginning to come around to the idea that Sony might be first to jump start the next generation. Being first to market seems like the winning formula if you have developers behind you.


Paznos said:
Are people actually doubting that some of the people who had their consoles blocked didn't go out and buy a new one? and that's part of the reason the 360 sold more than the PS3? seems logical to me considering all the reports of people selling their old systems on craigslist/ebay.

What if, what if, what if.

Glorious NPD day!


Junior Member
EviLore said:
Data care of NPD Group
Reporting Period: 11/1 - 11/28/09

PlayStation 2 203.1K
PlayStation 3 710.4K
PSP 293.9K
Xbox 360 819.5K
Wii 1.26M
Nintendo DS 1.70M


Last years numbers for comparison:

Playstation 2 206k
Playstation 3 378k
PSP 421k
Xbox 360 836k
Wii 2.04M
DS 1.57M

It's interesting that it appears PS3's boost in sales compared to last year is taking more from Wii sales than it is from 360 sales.
Chrange said:
Modern Warfare 2 outsold the first SIX MONTHS of sales for CoD4.

both good and bad for cod mw2.

Infinity Ward better be more expedient with that DLC if they want to keep selling the game at the levels they hope for. It's just a matter of numbers that with such front-loaded sales, the used market is obviously gonna get flooded super-fast


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Apparently no one in this effing thread can read.

I weep for the future


Jonsoncao said:
:lol cry moar

Cry? I made no predication and the only thing I bought was a Wii last month. If you are going to belittle PS3 sales due to bundles, why not also go after hundreds of thousands of banned 360s which possibly get replaced? What about the Arcade deal where they were giving $100GC with purchase?

What's good for the goose...
The one thing I want to go away is the idea that a sequel to a popular game can't draw in new people and that it can't contribute to hardware sales. This sentiment is regularly wrong no matter how many times I see it expressed in sales threads.


It's like everyone forgot about the mass 360 console bannings. Such a strategic move by Microsoft, this will most likely continue into December NPDs!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
PSGames said:
It's interesting that it appears PS3's boost in sales compared to last year is taking more from Wii sales than it is from 360 sales.

That is 100% incorrect. The Wii is down because last year the Wii sold a completely unprecedented amount in November and still couldn't meet demand.

That bubble popped earlier this year when the PS3 was still selling like shit pre-Slim.



I don't understand all the 360 surprise. It ALWAYS has an Awesome November.

Also lol at the banning theory - that's a reason to go PS3!


GSG Flash said:
Woah, 360 outsold the PS3, did not see that coming.

And Reggie's prediction that NSMBWii would outsell atleast one version of MW2 was wrong :lol

His prediction was through Januray NPD. The game definitely has a chance of outselling the PS3 version of MW2 by the end of January.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Tazo said:
It's like everyone forgot about the mass 360 console bannings. Such a strategic move by Microsoft, this will most likely continue into December NPDs!
Everyone except for the 20 or so other people to post this.
Greatest excuse ever btw.


Imagine how much lower PS3 sales would be if everybody with a banned 360 didn't run out and buy a PS3 this month.


legend166 said:
Well, damn. Goes to show that despite the fact the top 10 paints an incredibly rosy picture for software sales, things were actually down overall.

Yay for consolidation of sales to a few select companies!

Yep, saw this report on CNBC which was surprising that the market is going to have companies consolidating or getting smaller.


he largest entertainment launch of the year wasn’t enough to push video game sales into positive territory in November, raising concerns about the overall health of the industry.

Despite blockbuster numbers for “Modern Warfare 2,” video game sales remained in negative year-over-year territory in November, down 3.1 percent compared to 2008, according to The NPD Group, which tracks video game sales. Game sales totaled $1.4 billion — with more than 25 percent of that coming from “MW2”.

The advance was notably lower than analysts had predicted. (Wall Street consensus had called for a 2 percent increase, though some analysts were looking for a jump as large as 7 percent.)

Activision’s [ATVI 10.76 -0.03 (-0.28%) ] blockbuster lived up to expectations with sales of more than 6 million copies — with over 4 million on Microsoft’s [MSFT 29.87 0.16 (+0.54%) ] Xbox 360. Activision had previously announced the action title recorded sales of $550 million in its first five days. More than 8 million people worldwide played the game in that time — twice the number of troops in NATO’s 28 member countries combined. (NPD only tracks North American sales.)

Meanwhile, the early winter price cuts by the console manufacturers still couldn’t push sales of video game machines into positive territory. While each turned in vastly improved numbers compared to October, the year over year figures were significantly lower, down more than 13 percent, totaling just over $1 billion.

The Nintendo [NTDOY 30.5 0.15 (+0.49%) ] DS was, as usual, the month’s biggest seller with 1.7 million units, nearly quadrupling its October numbers. The Wii sold 1.3 million units, more than twice as many as it sold last month.

Microsoft saw a better than three-fold increase, selling 819,500 Xbox 360s. And Sony [SNE 28.39 -0.04 (-0.14%) ] more than doubled its PlayStation 3 sales, coming in at 710,400.

Only the PS3 and Nintendo DS beat the 2008 numbers. Overall, video game hardware sales are still 16 percent behind last year’s pace.

While “Modern Warfare 2” was by far the sales leader, there were several other significant hits in November. Nintendo’s “New Super Mario Bros. Wii” sold 1.39 million copies and Ubisoft’s [UBSFF 15.55 --- UNCH (0) ] “Assassin’s Creed 2” sold more than 1.2 million. Valve Software’s “Left 4 Dead 2,” which was published by Electronic Arts [ERTS 16.44 0.08 (+0.49%) ], sold 744,000 copies, despite some fan complaints about the sequel’s early release.

With November surprising and disappointing so many observers, many are trepidatious about what December might hold. Even if “Modern Warfare 2” has strong legs at retail, most are expecting another disappointing month. (Industry sales have declined eight of the last nine months.)

Overall, the videogame industry is tracking 12 percent behind the 2008 numbers. Publishers, analysts and investors had hoped to end the year with just single percentage digit declines, but most acknowledge that seems impossible now.

“As 2009 draws to an end, it is clear that it will end as a horrible year for video game publishers,” said Michael Pachter of Wedbush Securities, who adds he expects December will once again slide into negative territory.

Others wonder if the strong of bad sales this year will finally convince publishers to lower the prices of mid-level games down from the current $60.

“Really good titles are selling — and they’re selling at premium prices, but consumers aren’t willing to pay $59 for second tier content,” says Colin Sebastian of Lazard Capital Markets. “I think that’s why there’s a concern for next year. What’s the right price for titles moving forward? ‘Halo Reach’ will get $59, sure, but what about games below that? I think you’ll start to see prices decay. The NPD data, along with the discounts we’ve seen at retail this holiday season, will push that issue to the front burner


PSGames said:
Last years numbers for comparison:

Playstation 2 206k
Playstation 3 378k
PSP 421k
Xbox 360 836k
Wii 2.04M
DS 1.57M

It's interesting that it appears PS3's boost in sales compared to last year is taking more from Wii sales than it is from 360 sales.
DS is actually up. Didn't expect that. Not that it's a huge surprise.


Bizzyb said:
And continue getting shitassed 3rd party support...geez I hate 3rd parties sometimes.

3rd parties did quite well on ps3/360 this holiday. Activision has to buy a new plot of land just to store their money, EA did well, Ubisoft did well. On PS3, third parties don't even have to compete with Sony's first party games ( sorry Uncharted 2, we can still be friends). It's just too hard to compete on a platform where 2 year old games consistently outsell every third party effort. Not only that, but think of all the DLC that these companies would miss out on if they tried to go Nintendo's route. Activision and EA make a killing on dlc.


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
elrechazao said:
The reggie defense forces are sure out in force to make sure that nobody slights the man in the least. Make sure to destroy anyone who doubts his wisdom!
Seems to me they are out to fight people with poor reading comprehension.


At the very least, I would say the PS3 has elevated its status from poor to above average with hardware sales. Around the same rate as the 360, which has been steady but not particularly spectacular.

I wish we got a top 20 for software sales. I'm impressed with the 360 top 10 in software sales though. Even with MW2 beasting other games sold great as well. L4D2 first month is significantly above the first month for L4D last November. We'll see if the second month can hold up or if this game was more front loaded.
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