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NPD Sales Results for November 2009


Jaded Alyx said:

Michel Ancel. He said if NSMBW outsold MW2 PS3, he'd get to make the rest of the Beyond Good & Evil trilogy.

Mod Abuse
Dragona Akehi said:
Alright here comes the one and only warning you're all going to get:

Anyone else who makes the claim that the 360 outsold the PS3 because of "the mass bannings" after this post is going to get a six month ban.

It's fucking ridiculous: it's the same stupid argument that PS2 sold because people kept rebuying them because they broke. So knock it off.
/Mod Abuse


erotic butter maelstrom
What I really want to see is the top 20, what are the odds that Tony Hawk Ride makes it? It had 10 days or so to sell.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
TheGreatDave said:
You certainly read this thread!

I guess I should have put a disclaimer that I did not read anything but the first post of the thread, but I'm guessing most people figured that out after reading my post anyways :lol


Sadist said:
Oh Burai, you will be GAF's plaything from now on.

It's all very nice posting glib comments about tinfoil and "hilarious" GIFs, but nobody has yet come up with a compelling argument as to why the assertion that the banwave has likely bolstered the Xbox 360's figures this month is so terribly wrong.

Especially when GAF consensus was that the banwave would do exactly that in the "Shots fired" thread and when the consensus in the prediction thread was that there was no way the Xbox 360 could possibly outsell the PS3.

I mean, seriously. What do you have to add that can properly discredit such a theory?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
sillymonkey321 said:
3rd parties did quite well on ps3/360 this holiday. Activision has to buy a new plot of land just to store their money, EA did well, Ubisoft did well. On PS3, third parties don't even have to compete with Sony's first party games ( sorry Uncharted 2, we can still be friends). It's just too hard to compete on a platform where 2 year old games consistently outsell every third party effort. Not only that, but think of all the DLC that these companies would miss out on if they tried to go Nintendo's route. Activision and EA make a killing on dlc.

Yeah EA is making a killing.


Michael Patcher confirmed to be a clueless idiot as usual* :lol

*He will now revise his proclamation that the PS3 will rule the world by 2013 (from 2009 to 10 to 11 to 12 to 2013)


PlayStation 2 203.1K
PlayStation 3 710.4K
PSP 293.9K
Xbox 360 819.5K
Wii 1.26M
Nintendo DS 1.70M

[360] 630K
[NDS] 1800K
[PS2] 170K
[PS3] 740K
[PSP] 310K
[WII] 860K

My DS, PSP and PS3 were pretty close.


Regarding Reggie NSMB Wii prediction discussions:

Is there any rule against people who don't read or lack any semblance of reading comprehension?

How about people who don't fucking read or lack any semblance of reading comprehension on the topic they are discussing

Stupid people get me mad. I should probably quit the Internet.


legend166 said:
Well, damn. Goes to show that despite the fact the top 10 paints an incredibly rosy picture for software sales, things were actually down overall.

Yay for consolidation of sales to a few select companies!
"While this year's top-selling item bested last year's by 283%, it couldn't make up for softness elsewhere," she said in commentary released with the data. "The top 50 games this year sold 5% less units than did the top 50 last year."




1.6 Mil for Wii. geez wat a beast

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I can't believe people are citing banned 360s. :lol

AniHawk said:
Michel Ancel. He said if NSMBW outsold MW2 PS3, he'd get to make the rest of the Beyond Good & Evil trilogy.
not funny

bathala said:



is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
MightyHedgehog said:
The one thing I want to go away is the idea that a sequel to a popular game can't draw in new people and that it can't contribute to hardware sales. This sentiment is regularly wrong no matter how many times I see it expressed in sales threads.

It does go hand in hand with hardware pricing though. PS3 and 360 both sold less than 200K the month GTA IV came out, despite being (at that time) the fastest selling game ever. The difference between $299 and $349/$399 is huge for a lot of people.

PS3 hardware is respectable but Sony has become downright horrible at promoting their own brands. This will be the second year in a row where a GOTY winner that they publish vanishes out of the top ten after one month and is never seen again. I'd like to think they would keep pushing Uncharted 2 into the early months of 2010, but they will undoubtedly move on to hyping up God of War III and Gran Turismo 5.

They do an admirable job of keeping up the average quality of the games they publish but they don't seem to do a whole lot to help the games get the sales they deserve.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Yup. I heard repeatedly in Retail Musing threads that it was stomping the 360 because consumers saw those bundles as clearly the better value.

I tried to tell people this the month shouldn't be measured on Black Friday week alone. PS3 was only averaging 90K a week before BF week. That is huge difference and the bundles really saved the month. I'm going to say it now look for a much bigger gap for December.

spidye said:
this pretty much confirms ps3's 3rd place for this gen.
awesome work sony

I know my predictions around here are more than often unpopular but I've said it for a long time this gen is set. Sony put their best foot forward this holiday (price cut, redesign on HW, solid SW this year and for the holidays) and will still settle for third again.

lockload said:
Michael Patcher confirmed to be a clueless idiot as usual* :lol

*He will now revise his proclamation that the PS3 will rule the world by 2013 (from 2009 to 10 to 11 to 12 to 2013)

And I called Pachter out in August/Sept when he made those predictions as well, and the holiday predictions. Nothing new.


LCfiner said:
It’s obvious that Nintendo titles like this have crazy long legs so the drop off in December would be less.

There isn't going to be a drop off in December for NSMB Wii--it's going to sell more in Dec. than it did in Nov., and likely by a large margin.

Also, I'm guessing the game will be in the top 10 of most of, if not all of, next year's NPDs.

That's generally how Nintendo's big titles work--they open with good sales and continue to bring in good sales for some time to come (see Wii Play, Wii Fit, Mario Kart Wii, Wii Sports Resort...).


listen to the mad man
Snuggler said:
What I really want to see is the top 20, what are the odds that Tony Hawk Ride makes it? It had 10 days or so to sell.

Zero. Low sales overall and split across three SKUs. Not a chance.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Megadragon15 said:
November marked the return of the..........status quo.

In ranking..just :p But PS3 is not at 'the status quo' in the sense of previous holidays. It has remarkably improved. Wii isn't really at it's previous 'status quo' either in terms of the gap it enjoys.

It's the status quo...but with mightily reduced gaps between the home hardware.


GQman2121 said:
Month after month I'm beginning to come around to the idea that Sony might be first to jump start the next generation. Being first to market seems like the winning formula if you have developers behind you.

Yep. That's what's helped the Wii.

Oh wai-

Ranger X

Holyshit GREAT MONTH!!!

The PS3 have been "Modern Warfared" by the 360 it seems!! Never underestimate the shooter crowd it seems!

Also, Reggie eating crow --- BUT awesome sales. I mean, a 2D Mario in 2009 selling more than Galaxy and all other games but Modern Warfare = SPECTACULAR.



Jtyettis said:

I tried to tell people this the month shouldn't be measured on Black Friday week alone. PS3 was only averaging 90K a week before BF week. That is huge difference and the bundles really saved the month. I'm going to say it now look for a much bigger gap for December.

I know my predictions around here are more than often unpopular but I've said it for a long time this gen is set. Sony put their best foot forward this holiday (price cut, redesign on HW, solid SW this year and for the holidays) and will still settle for third again.

And I called Pachter out in August/Sept when he made those predictions as well, and the holiday predictions.



Holy shit. The long tail is going to give that thing 5 million easy.


Oh and is the Activision peripheral based money grab dead? None of their wares were in the top 10, when they used to dominate the holiday season. Time for a new corporate strategy methinks.


d+pad said:
There isn't going to be a drop off in December for NSMB Wii--it's going to sell more in Dec. than it did in Nov., and likely by a large margin.

Also, I'm guessing the game will be in the top 10 of most of, if not all of, next year's NPDs.

That's generally how Nintendo's big titles work--they open with good sales and continue to bring in good sales for some time to come (see Wii Play, Wii Fit, Mario Kart Wii, Wii Sports Resort...).
It really makes me wonder what the top 20 looks like. I can imagine another 10 or so slots for evergreen titles like Wii Play before the third parties are even mentioned.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Jtyettis said:

I know my predictions around here are more than often unpopular but I've said it for a long time this gen is set. Sony put their best foot forward this holiday (price cut, redesign on HW, solid SW this year and for the holidays) and will still settle for third again.

Yup. Will be interesting to see if they meet their shipment projections. Pretty steep.
I think everyone is overreacting, while I am surprised that the PS3 got outsold, im not surprised at the same time. MW2 sold 4 milly on the 360 alone! I'm sure that more than a few picked up a nice 360 along with that game. I wouldn't be surprised to see the 360 outsell PS3 until January... but for those that don't think MW2 and a banning caused a spike are just being ridiculous, the 360 has been selling less than the ps3 since September and now in Nov prime 3rd party games drop it got a spike, why is that hard to believe? Anyway, im sad Uncharted 2 aint on the top 10, damn sure deserved to.


DeadGzuz said:
Cry? I made no predication and the only thing I bought was a Wii last month. If you are going to belittle PS3 sales due to bundles, why not also go after hundreds of thousands of banned 360s which possibly get replaced? What about the Arcade deal where they were giving $100GC with purchase?

What's good for the goose...

oh come on, that is not some warm welcome for a new ps3er like me :lol

how do you explain the software of the red ring pirated box? :lol


BenjaminBirdie said:
No one had any prepared for THIS outcome!!

All those PS3 Stomping 360 gifs have to get re-edited!



"I recommend, Feather Touch. 360 has selected POWER DRIVE!"


:lol :lol :lol

Birdie has the best post in the thread so far. That's brilliant and you know it's true.

All the gif-makers had their gifs ready for the moment when PS3 outsold 360 and then HOLY SHIT DON'T CLICK SUBMIT REPLY DON'T CLICK SUBMIT REPLY.

BenjaminBirdie said:
Yup. I heard repeatedly in Retail Musing threads that it was stomping the 360 because consumers saw those bundles as clearly the better value.

I'm so happy that for once, I wasn't NOMG WRONG. Been calling this since August.
Burai said:
So you honestly believe that all of those thousands upon thousands of pirates who were banned have just gone into hibernation and suddenly have no desire whatsoever to play Modern Warfare 2 online?
It seems unlikely that pirates are the type to en masse immediately drop several hundred dollars for one game.


reKon said:
I believe the PS3 is going to outsell the Xbox 360 this December, January, February, AND March. Quote me.

Wish granted.

And Burai, I'm having hard time believing that a lot of people would put down several bucks for whole new 360 and MW2. Sorry for being sceptical.
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