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NPD Sales Results For November 2010 [Update 6: PSP, PS2, Move Games]


farnham said:
funny. i got so much flack when i asked people why kevin butler is so popular amongst gamers. and now everybody says he is not a good pr figure

The funny thing is that Kevin Butler's popularity among gamers on GAF shows exactly why he isn't a good PR figure.


apana said:
Yeah the 360 numbers are overshadowing it but honestly I think the Wii numbers are insane when you take recent trends into consideration. It could possibly sell above 3 million this december? Will Donkey Kong end up being a bigger franchise then Zelda?

At the rate it seems to be going the Wii should sell fairly equal to last December when it set an all new december sales record of 3.81 Million.

For the 360 to beat that would require the kind of jump that I just dont think is possible. 360 sold 1.31 million last December. The real loser for December will be the PS3 for sure as last year it managed to edge out the 360.

Holiday 2010 is best summarized as the Fall of the PS3


Averon said:
Marketing had nothing to do with it. Sony bungled GT5's release at the last minute, had no compelling bundles for black Friday, the PS3 is still $100-$200 more than the competition, and other than GT5 had not real "gotta have it" exclusive for the console. Marketing was the least of their problems.
Yeah, from a sales perspective, it's hard to believe that Sony could allow so many titles to drift over New Years. It may well have killed their Move plans dead as well (no killer-app).

I wonder if they're planning a PS3 superslim at this point (if it's even at all possible).


Kusagari said:
The funny thing is that Kevin Butler's popularity among gamers on GAF shows exactly why he isn't a good PR figure.
that too was my argument. ofcourse it got shot down pretty hard.
$500m, and god knows how much on costs for Kinect & slim development, to beat a shitty white box by 100,000 units. Guess that was worth it!!
poor Sony though....lol.
I applaud nintendo on wii figures. Very impressive, as much as I use my 360 & ps3 more than it now you gotta applaud it!


Averon said:
Marketing had nothing to do with it. Sony bungled GT5's release at the last minute, had no compelling bundles for black Friday, the PS3 is still $100-$200 more than the competition, and other than GT5 had not real "gotta have it" exclusive for the console. Marketing was the least of their problems.

$300 base price
$400 bundles
No real Move marketing at all

compared to

$199 base 360 (and bundles too)
$500 mil Kinect marketing budget
Wii (no competition with wii)

Not sure what marketing Sony can do to make broader market buy their still expensive console.


Unconfirmed Member
gofreak said:
Not quite. It's more or less half way between 2008 and 2009 november numbers.

Not very good at all. Sony should really revise their marketing strategy in NA I think.
Well, the recent Adds with the Baby faced adult are, well, horrible.


Looking at how the Wii has a huge increase in November, compared to other systems, I think the 'casuals'(for lack of a better word) come out in droves in the holidays. They don't buy video games at other times of the year. Wii was getting smoked up until this November. Even ps3 was outselling it last month. Wii sold 232k last month. This month is sold 1.27 million. That is a 450% increase over the last month. Insane


Sales-Age Genius
Maybe this worths mentioning. Wii had the biggest month-over-month increase for a system ever (at least with the numbers we have).
Sipowicz said:
one thing i do hope is that sony gives the psp2 the support it deserves not the shitty support the psp1 got

PSP deserved the support it got, I'd say. It did pretty well but was never going to be the best handheld on the market.

Sipowicz said:
it would benefit sony to put an equal, if not greater focus on the PS2 and get teams like sucker punch and the warhawk people on the PSP2

Pretty sure that ship has sailed


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Which thread was it that we were discussing how the US + Japan numbers for the 360 and PS3 were almost exactly equal so far this year (jan-oct)?

Will be interesting to see how that looks with November added in.


Garjon said:
Yeah, from a sales perspective, it's hard to believe that Sony could allow so many titles to drift over New Years. It may well have killed their Move plans dead as well (no killer-app).

I wonder if they're planning a PS3 superslim at this point (if it's even at all possible).
the thin is games that are popular in US like SOCOM , that should have been on sale by september, will be released after the holiday season, that affects directly console sales and Socom sales.

And even lowering price by 50 or 100 bucks, MS and nintendo can still do the same, so i see no real advantage there. They started late, and they are arriving late all the time this gen.


butter_stick said:
Well it's just whoever buys Harmonix will look at the sales of both games and think "let's drop Rock Band" :(
HMX acquisition with a successful Dance Central: let's drop Rock Band!
HMX acquisition without a successful Dance Central: let's drop Rock Band!
Sony needs a price drop , if you just want to play HD games why would even buy a ps3.
PS3 299 vs Xbox360 199 plus more people going to get what there friends have .
All they can do now is ride it out and bring out PS4 in 2012 with a normal price for NA.

Yes Boss!

Crazy 360 numbers. Fucking beast this year. Good on Wii and DS...makes me happy. Kinda sad PS3, probably the most intetesting system this year and a shame.
I love how people are acting like 360 outselling Wii by 200,000 units in one month is a big deal. Wii has been stomping everyone's ass for like 4 years.


farnham said:
funny. i got so much flack when i asked people why kevin butler is so popular amongst gamers. and now everybody says he is not a good pr figure

His always been rubbish imo, he takes the focus away from what the advert should be about

The actual game. But he appeals to people who already have PS3's, i just don't get it. :lol


BenjaminBirdie said:
Based on? Weren't software sales in the UK on par with Wii at launch?

Based on the fact that the device is no longer sold out on Amazon UK. On the American version the device still commands high premiums from third-party sellers.

Sure, it's LOL Amazon, but I think it's interesting in regards to momentum.

Edit: Software comparisons, iirc, are difficult because when the Wii launched Chart-Track didn't release single SKU charts.
Chris1964 said:
Maybe this worths mentioning. Wii had the biggest month-over-month increase for a system ever (at least with the numbers we have).

Do we attribute this to Just Dance 2 and Donkey Kong?

There were a lot of good bundles out there this BF. More so than any other BF I remember
HAL_Laboratory said:
I love how people are acting like 360 outselling Wii by 200,000 units in one month is a big deal. Wii has been stomping everyone's ass for like 4 years.
Well, you're explaining yourself why it is a big deal. ;)

(And it's 100,000 units btw)
butter_stick said:
Well it's just whoever buys Harmonix will look at the sales of both games and think "let's drop Rock Band" :(
No argument (perhaps, "let's rethink Rock Band, how about Kinect?"), but I'm still very happy for them. And Dance Central is really fun. No Rock Band, but it really is a blast.


Garjon said:
Yeah, from a sales perspective, it's hard to believe that Sony could allow so many titles to drift over New Years. It may well have killed their Move plans dead as well (no killer-app).

I wonder if they're planning a PS3 superslim at this point (if it's even at all possible).
Well they might've had 'more' games but Little Big Planet 2 and Socom can't compete against Halo or a Wii + Mario bundle. Sony shot their load in 2009 with mixed results, Nintendo is ramping up for the 3DS so it was Microsoft's time to shine. But the future for Move seems grim because they had little to back it up with.
DuckRacer said:
HMX acquisition with a successful Dance Central: let's drop Rock Band!
HMX acquisition without a successful Dance Central: let's drop Rock Band!

More accurately:
HMX acquisition without a successful Dance Central: let's just drop this idea.


Marketing was the least of Sony's problems this month. There were a metric fuck-ton of Move and GT5 ads. The overall price of the system is the major factor, the lack of any big titles outside of GT5, and how poorly GT5 was handled in general were the big factors. The fact that Socom 4 and LBP 2 didn't make it this year didn't help either. From about September on, it was just mistake after mistake. Now I don't think it was like Sony set out to destroy their momentum, but whatever bad luck they've had regarding their games, and delays, has really hurt them.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Chris1964 said:
Maybe this worths mentioning. Wii had the biggest month-over-month increase for a system ever (at least with the numbers we have).

Wow. That's insane!


I wonder if the 360 SKU of CoD:BO is the highest single SKU ever in one month in NPD history, if the simultaneous online # is correct I d say 360 Black Ops should be 6m in November
HAL_Laboratory said:
I love how people are acting like 360 outselling Wii by 200,000 units in one month is a big deal. Wii has been stomping everyone's ass for like 4 years.

I don't think that's really the big deal, Hal.

The prediction charts from the beginning of this gen are even funnier now :lol :lol

Basically everything that was predicted -- that Wii would sputter out in a year or two, that PS3 would eventually dominate all, that 360 would soon languish into 3rd place with nothing to speak of by 2010, has been proven completely wrong :lol


timetokill said:
PSP deserved the support it got, I'd say. It did pretty well but was never going to be the best handheld on the market.

it's an excellent handheld and it deserved better than shit versions of sony franchises often farmed out to other teams

and what's the PS3 supposed to be, some sort of huge success? PSP deserved much better than what it got off sony

timetokill said:
Pretty sure that ship has sailed

i meant psp 2. i've changed it
Lunchbox said:
sony needs a price cut and another redesign.

as we can see redesigns = $$$
How about a redesigned Wii.
Only console still in its original form factor, surprised though if it doesn't hit $150 soon in the new year.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The best thing about Donkey Kong's sales is that the game will probably get a much-deserved trilogy. Bring it on.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Lonely1 said:
Well, the recent Adds with the Baby faced adult are, well, horrible.

Those were latin american ads (if you're talking about the ones I think you are).

Also what I said was that I think they should review and revise what's working and what's not in their marketing mix in general. I wouldn't presume to know if ads are or are not a problem. Price probably is much more fundamental than any Kevin Butler ad, I'm sure. SCEA's hands are kind of tied on that til SCEJ gives them a nod though.


Jonsoncao said:
I wonder if the 360 SKU of CoD:BO is the highest single SKU ever in one month in NPD history, if the simultaneous online # is correct I d say 360 Black Ops should be 6m in November
So you think every other SKU combined sold only 2.4m? :lol :lol :lol
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