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NPD Sales Results For November 2010 [Update 6: PSP, PS2, Move Games]


HAL_Laboratory said:
I love how people are acting like 360 outselling Wii by 200,000 units in one month is a big deal. Wii has been stomping everyone's ass for like 4 years.
100k actually. It's still a big deal, it's 6th month in a row and going into December. Wii might outsell it in December, but probably not by much. If Microsoft has the right software for Kinect throught next year and especially next November and December it might be a strong #1 contender again. We'll see.


timetokill said:
The prediction charts from the beginning of this gen are even funnier now :lol :lol

Basically everything that was predicted -- that Wii would sputter out in a year or two, that PS3 would eventually dominate all, that 360 would soon languish into 3rd place with nothing to speak of by 2010, has been proven completely wrong :lol

It was proven wrong long before this.


gofreak said:
Those were latin american ads.

Also what I said was that I think they should review and revise what's working and what's not in their marketing mix in general. I wouldn't presume to know if ads are or are not a problem. Price probably is much more fundamentally than any Kevin Butler ad, I'm sure. SCEA's hands are kind of tied on that til SCEJ gives them a nod though.

I'd assume that we're going to get a price cut in spring, and a massive push with their lineup for next year being like it is. The stuff they're going to be pushing next year is kinda nuts, I hope they can market them all well :lol
DevelopmentArrested said:
problem with this is? do you really need Rock Band 4? I mean really?

Yes, yes I do.

Much more so than I need a dancing game from one of my favorite devs. And I'm not hating on Dance Central specifically, I just have no interest in the genre.


HAL_Laboratory said:
I love how people are acting like 360 outselling Wii by 200,000 units in one month is a big deal. Wii has been stomping everyone's ass for like 4 years.

Maybe that's the reason why it's such a big deal? :lol


sparkle this bitch
wayward archer said:
Pretty much.

There has yet to be a decent PS3 ad campaign.
Kevin Bulter was an decent ad campaign. Problem is after a dozen TV adverts, a few dozen Internet virals, Twitter updates, and ever other piece of viral advertisement. It's had the polar effect and became a bad cliche. Where the bulk of supporters left are the same ones who after 2 or 3 years still feel the need to justify their purchase with list wars.

I'll say this, the sales aren't actually terrible. Its their 4th holiday season and they are still putting up half a million. That's still a lot of revenue going to Sony with systems and game sales. They still have a lot of room with price to maneuver too. You just can't compare it at all to the competition or past years performance. :lol
DefectiveReject said:
How about a redesigned Wii.
Only console still in its original form factor, surprised though if it doesn't hit $150 soon in the new year.
Making the Wii even smaller. Hmmm, I wonder if there's such a thing as being too small, where people equate size with quality and value. :lol

(I'd love to see a redesigned Wii though, but I doubt it'll happen. Colors, bundles and pricedrops is where it's at)


Chris1964 said:
Maybe this worths mentioning. Wii had the biggest month-over-month increase for a system ever (at least with the numbers we have).

My Jesus Christ Lady of Charity.

What awaits us next month ? Neptunian golden crabs spamming the Earth crust while sucking berry juice through a straw ?


RiccochetJ said:
Hopefully the AC:B numbers leak soon. I wonder how it did compared to the monster that is COD.

800k on 360 according to some twitter chatters, wait for better sources.


Butler ads were fine originally, because they gave PS3 marketing an actual personality and identity, which it was lacking. But now, like the Geico Caveman, they need to move to something else, because the Butler campaign is saturated and now irritating. Too much.


Souldriver said:
Making the Wii even smaller. Hmmm, I wonder if there's such a thing as being too small, where people equate size with quality and value. :lol

(I'd love to see a redesigned Wii though, but I doubt it'll happen. Colors, bundles and pricedrops is where it's at)
or make it bigger

wii PHAT a balanceboard with the wii built in!


Nuclear Muffin said:
Woah damn, what happened to the PS3?!

Black Ops, GT5 and Move and it still manages to fall about roughly 20%. Dahym!
Don't think Black Ops counts as a system seller for PS3. If people want to buy a console just for COD they'd go with the 360.


hold on, i just noticed this -

fable3 in its second month out sold GT5???

After all the bad press and inevitable disappointing sales maybe Polyphony will stop being so arrogant and pay attention to the rest of the industry for a change.

They had their head in the sand almost as much as the fanboys.
lawblob said:
Butler ads were fine originally, because they gave PS3 marketing an actual personality and identity, which it was lacking. But now, like the Geico Caveman, they need to move to something else, because the Butler campaign is saturated and now irritating. Too much.

Oh shit, brainwave!!


He's like a Video Game Vice President, and his wacky neighbor is always talking about how great his "ZBox 780" is!


ABC, call me!
Stumpokapow said:
So, uh...

... that 8.4 million unit Black Ops number includes PC. No previous COD numbers we have include PC. Hmm.

It also includes Wii. So Black Ops had the benefit of 2 extra platforms for this years NPD.


V_Arnold said:
Luckily, we do not care :)

Very surprised at Fable 3's numbers.
man. kiddy kong ruined dkc3 for me

it was such a beautiful game with dixie. but once i got hit with dixie and had to play with that manbaby ape.. i just wanted to throw up.


GT5 made 8th with 6 days of sales :lol That's pretty damn good!

In other news, I severely underestimated the Bieber effect. Severely. And I'm kinda feeling like Sony did too :p


Unconfirmed Member
gofreak said:
Those were latin american ads (if you're talking about the ones I think you are).

Also what I said was that I think they should review and revise what's working and what's not in their marketing mix in general. I wouldn't presume to know if ads are or are not a problem. Price probably is much more fundamental than any Kevin Butler ad, I'm sure. SCEA's hands are kind of tied on that til SCEJ gives them a nod though.
Yes. Im in Latin America. So they are region specific? Oh my god, I though they were badly positioned/translated Anglo-America adds...


I wonder if Sonic Colors, Goldeneye, and Galaxy 2 are still selling steadily down there in the bottom somehwere. Also Move is looking like a mistake, should have tried something innovative, or at least something that looked innovative.


user_nat said:
Which thread was it that we were discussing how the US + Japan numbers for the 360 and PS3 were almost exactly equal so far this year (jan-oct)?

Will be interesting to see how that looks with November added in.

Jan - Nov, 2010, US+JP:

WII - 5.9 million
360 - 5.1 million
PS3 - 4.4 million

NPD and Media-Create.


Boney said:
It is.

Who the fuck is buying this!
people that considered fable 2 to be a good game and (falsely) assumed that fable 3 will be just as good ?

apana said:
I wonder if Sonic Colors, Goldeneye, and Galaxy 2 are still selling steadily down there in the bottom somehwere. Also Move is looking like a mistake, should have tried something innovative, or at least something that looked innovative.

what are the big move games on the horizon ? (not the move compatible games that everyone will play on a normal controller.)


Stumpokapow said:
So, uh...

... that 8.4 million unit Black Ops number includes PC. No previous COD numbers we have include PC. Hmm.

Why do we always wait for the Red Guys to ask the relevant questions ?


All this thread needs now are the traditional Lord of the Rings gifs from PhoenixDark to make it complete. :)


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Dont worry guys 3D will save the PS3 in 2011.
szaromir said:
100k actually. It's still a big deal, it's 6th month in a row and going into December. Wii might outsell it in December, but probably not by much. If Microsoft has the right software for Kinect throught next year and especially next November and December it might be a strong #1 contender again. We'll see.
I think Wii should be excluded from ask this nonsense talk.
It's still in it's original form factor, selling mostly crappy looking games. 360 gets a relaunch and people think it's an achievement.

I think 360 and ps3 have had 20+ skus if not more.
If I had to spend $500m to get those numbers I'd be pissed.

and through all of this nonsense talk DS and it's 1.5m sales has almost been ignored.
That's an achievement to be proud of.

3ds is gonna be immense
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