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NPD Sales Results For November 2010 [Update 6: PSP, PS2, Move Games]


DMeisterJ said:
I wish we could get individual formats. It'd make finding out how well games really did much easier. All formats is not very nice to single-platform games.
Well it helps to paint a better picture on the advantages of multiplatform though.


I knew from looking at Amazon's best selling videogame charts that Just Dance 2 is going to have big numbers in this months NPD. I guess Ubisoft has another hit in their lineup.


ICallItFutile said:

Never forget.
its close if -

green - wii
red - 360
purple - ps3

with a bit more gap with red/green

this was the chart i think long time ago:lol .

I seriously think it is the price factor. Everything related to ps3 looks expensive. the system has amazing games. I love wii the only console I have. I will end up buying ps3 or 360 after this gen. Some how I like to buy some console after the gen pass so i can save huge money on games. :lol

edit: dammit :lol


In these numbers, may lie a first glimmer of hope that Sony realizes its time to get moving on new hardware.

Only a glimmer, but it's something.


ChefRamsay said:
GT5 made 8th with 3 days of sales :lol That's pretty damn good!

Fixed ;)

Although Sony seriously fucked up the launch.

Advertising after the game is released is always a bad thing. :lol


apana said:
I wonder if Sonic Colors, Goldeneye, and Galaxy 2 are still selling steadily down there in the bottom somehwere. Also Move is looking like a mistake, should have tried something innovative, or at least something that looked innovative.
Move only looks like a mistake to NA GAF.

The rest of the world is eating it up. And considering how much less R&D/development it required (EyeToy was already developed, and similar tech was in the works for PS2 but never fully realized) combined with farrrrrr far less marketing budget, Move is already a big success for Sony and its shareholders.
CozMick said:
Even better! XP


Sales-Age Genius
apana said:
I wonder if Sonic Colors, Goldeneye, and Galaxy 2 are still selling steadily down there in the bottom somehwere. Also Move is looking like a mistake, should have tried something innovative, or at least something that looked innovative.
You can bet Wii software was huge this month.


Guess Sony should have directed their efforts into selling systems and instead of releasing useless fw updates.


Also good on Assassin's Creed. This is one series that keeps getting better each iteration and brotherhood is so damn fine, so good on Ubisoft, you deserve high sales for this.


listen to the mad man
DefectiveReject said:
I think Wii should be excluded from ask this nonsense talk.
It's still in it's original form factor, selling mostly crappy looking games. 360 gets a relaunch and people think it's an achievement.

This is as silly as when people try to marginalize Wii Play on account of the fact that "it's a game bundled with a controller! Of course it sold well!" You don't get to point out your competitors successes and say "Those don't count. We could have done those!"

The figures are what they are. If it's that easy for Nintendo to magically double their sales by "re-launching" or changing their form factor, why can't they do it or why haven't they done it?
DMeisterJ said:
Marketing was the least of Sony's problems this month. There were a metric fuck-ton of Move and GT5 ads. The overall price of the system is the major factor, the lack of any big titles outside of GT5, and how poorly GT5 was handled in general were the big factors. The fact that Socom 4 and LBP 2 didn't make it this year didn't help either. From about September on, it was just mistake after mistake. Now I don't think it was like Sony set out to destroy their momentum, but whatever bad luck they've had regarding their games, and delays, has really hurt them.

not to mention call of duty and the "friend" factor. as someone stated above, people will get what their friends are into. and 360 is generally considered "the 1st person shooter" machine. we could wax poetic on why that is, but it's another thread entirely. but when people mention "call of duty" in my experience, they are specifically referring to it on 360. in fact, when i hear people say they play cod on ps3, i internally vocalize a, "Oh damn?" out of simple surprise.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Oh shit, brainwave!!


He's like a Video Game Vice President, and his wacky neighbor is always talking about how great his "ZBox 780" is!


ABC, call me!
His best friend is a chubby, self deprecating janitor, with a VERY sassy and opinionated wife.

Episode 7 is very special, Butler helps him overcome his diabetes with Move exercise games.
apana said:
Will Donkey Kong end up being a bigger franchise then Zelda?

DK is not a better selling franchise than Zelda. The worst selling Zelda game published by Nintendo was Four Swords Adventures, which sold like 700K worldwide. On average, Zelda games sell 2-3M WW. I know several DK games sold much worse than that.


Zelda is 12th, DK is 21. DK trails Zelda by roughly 10M. DKCR will sell nowhere close to 10M, and Zelda is going to get a healthy bump in 2011 from OoT 3D and SS.


Comics, serious business!
Most epic NPD in a long time. There's no way in hell Forza 3 will outsell GT5 in NA is there? Sony must be sweating bullets. They need to get desperate with a price drop ASAP.


Unconfirmed Member
hamchan said:
Also good on Assassin's Creed. This is one series that keeps getting better each iteration and brotherhood is so damn fine, so good on Ubisoft, you deserve high sales for this.
When is the PC version coming out? I don't to suffer through the screen tearing of the Ps3s. :/
I think the chart where the Wii sells negative numbers at the end of its life is still the awesomeremest one of them all. :lol

Anyone have that chart ready?
Wow at 360 numbers. Congrats to Microsoft. I guess Kinect has really paid off. Wow at those ps3 numbers. Didn't expect that at all. Wii is stable and does very good numbers once again for November.


expy said:
There are 4 other SKUs.... PC, PS3, NDS, Wii.

There were 3.5m simultaneous online players on LIVE during the EST evening two days after BO was released

Also MW2 sold 6m on 360 during last November and December, and the highest simultaneous online number I saw last year was 1.7m on 360, 0.5m on PS3(I bought PS3 MW2 in December though)

Therefore I say it is possible BO did 6m on 360 in November this year


Souldriver said:
I think the chart where the Wii sells negative numbers at the end of its life is still the awesomeremest one of them all. :lol

Anyone have that chart ready?

Best one of them all. Been awhile since I've seen it.

MS so secret with the Kinect numbers. We want em!


Stumpokapow said:
This is as silly as when people try to marginalize Wii Play on account of the fact that "it's a game bundled with a controller! Of course it sold well!" You don't get to point out your competitors successes and say "Those don't count. We could have done those!"

The figures are what they are. If it's that easy for Nintendo to magically double their sales by "re-launching" or changing their form factor, why can't they do it or why haven't they done it?

people seem to forget that nintendo actually bundled in wii sports resort with motion plus (50 dollar value) with the standard wii bundle and sold it at the same price in may. it was a stealth pricedrop and it did nothing. oh also they released black wiis. nobody cared
Zeouterlimits said:
The great thing about these crazy NPD numbers is the buzz. Oh how I have missed it.

They're so Batman.

They arrive when they're needed most.


Having these numbers combined with delicious Kinect Schadenfreude is just ridiculously amusing.


Time for some entirely useless predictions based on a previous trend!

If the three consoles followed the same growth pattern from November to December as last year, this is what we'll get:

Wii - 3.84 million
360 - 2.2 million
PS3 - 1.01 million

In reality, the Wii will probably be lower and the 360 higher.

Who knows about the PS3.


Anasui Kishibe said:
I'm sure it's been asked, but where's the PSP?
We haven't got PSP numbers directly for 3 months now, Pachter and his helpful hints are our only hope, he didn't let us down in past months, you have to wait until tomorrow for his notes.


TSA said:
DK is not a better selling franchise than Zelda. The worst selling Zelda game published by Nintendo was Four Swords Adventures, which sold like 700K worldwide. On average, Zelda games sell 2-3M WW. I know several DK games sold much worse than that.


Zelda is 12th, DK is 21. DK trails Zelda by roughly 10M. DKCR will sell nowhere close to 10M, and Zelda is going to get a healthy bump in 2011 from OoT 3D and SS.

Holy Crap @ Ape Escape!!! I loved that game back in the day, I can't believe it's so popular!!


I really have no idea how Fable 3 held so well. It really sucks too since the game is horrid. Molyneux ruined almost everything great about Fable 2 and these sales will tell him to continue with this awful direction in Fable 4.
miladesn said:
We haven't got PSP numbers directly for 3 months now, Pachter and his helpful hints are our only hope, he didn't let us down in past months, you have to wait until tomorrow for his notes.

ah thanks mate, didn't follow the other NPD threads. I'm expecting a shitty number, anywho

@ :lol :lol lawlob. I'm sure He's playing with the 3DS right now
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