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NPD Sales Results for November 2013 [Up3: Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, 3DS, Wii U]


I kinda think Nintendo's business is in danger in North America unless the next console reinvents itself. Wii U is dead but we all know that. The 3Dees is pathetic. Models are low price points, big software, etc. And that's what you come up with?

Long term nintendo has to be like oh shiz.

We're about to see what Super Saiyan Panic Mode 2 Nintendo can do. Next E3 is going to be interesting.


Time for Nintendo to go all out with next gen! 1080P HD with specs on par with the PS4.

I remember the gamecube and playing Star Wars Rogue Leader, Metroid Prime, and Resident Evil... man those games look so amazing and next-gen at the time!

Cygnus X-1

The difference between the Dreamcast and the Wii U is that Sega ran out of money with the Dreamcast. Literally. They lost $400 million in 2000 and simply could no longer support the Dreamcast without facing the possibility of defaulting on their debt.

Pachter has noted that Nintendo could continue with its current level of sales and fiscal performance for another 10 years without seeing any major management or structural changes due to its large cash reserves.

Yeah, they are not suffering losses this year (even with all the mess they are experiencing). They will post profits again, but this doesn't imply everything is fine.


Funny how many automatically asnwered "Microsoft" in that thread about "Who is in worse shape, Nintendo ro Microsoft".

OR words to that effect.

This sucks though. Nintendo was going ot be the onyl manufacturer making a "traditional" console next gen. I wasn't interested in the Sony and Microsoft streaming boxes they'll be making.


Oh, and for the record, I have no problem with the 360, but since MS corporate took over and screwed up the XB1, I have to admit some joy in their failures.

I love watching MS scramble for good news when getting whipped by a company that was on the border of bankruptcy. I have to admit, I'm enjoying the Hell out of this as the MS stockholders will be screaming bloody murder about the entire hardware division


They had a pretty good month tho?
I kinda think Nintendo's business is in danger in North America unless the next console reinvents itself. Wii U is dead but we all know that. The 3Dees is pathetic. Models are low price points, big software, etc. And that's what you come up with?

Long term nintendo has to be like oh shiz.

770K is down but nowhere as bad as what you're saying. How do we know that PS4 and Xbox One won't suffer the same fate? Is 900,000 a month going to continue?

Wii U is getting blown out of the water a year later but it started with good sales too

Boss Man

I hate to say it but it sucks to be Nintendo right now.

I mean what can you really do??
Make a cheap ass GamePad bundled into a rebranded the system called the Super Wii 2.

Get their heads out of their asses and develop full-fledged titles for it.

Do okay.

We'll see what they actually do though.


Your turn next, boys.


Make iwata proud

This context makes me think of that old Ninja Gaiden strip from Penny Arcade



The Vita's YTD numbers over Wii U's in Japan isn't enough to make up for what the Wii U outsells the Vita by here in NA.

The Vita still has a bit of hope imo since it has yet to release too many higher profile titles. Wii U already had its 3D Mario and if the 3D Zelda/Smash don't help... :/


I gotta laugh at Major Nelson

That guy´s spin on the sales is funny and what an embarrassment for Microsoft to have such a guy on their payroll.

100k X1
1m Ps4

But X1 is the fastest selling console in NA LOL :)

Logic tells me launch day sales are an accumulation of the prior 5 months of preorder sales. Right?

Now if when even take the high end on the PS4 estimate of 1.6M. The daily avg for the month of Nov. is 106K.

Now if PS4 weren't sold out they would have sold more, but you can't sell what you don't have.


if you don't count 3DS/2DS as "console" he's pretty much right.

So far, Ninty has struck out with the N64 (33 mil) Gamecube (20 mil) and WiiU (tracking to 10 mil..if it makes it there).

They got lucky with the Wii, their best selling home platform of all time- selling just below PS1 numbers.

where exactly does nintendo go here? their business model clearly doesn't work here.

If they can find a better business model that is more appealing in today's age and return to profitability they would exactly be "sunk".
this is great, i might be able to find a wii u for 30 bucks in a clearance bin in 2015 and play bayonetta 2

that is if the console isn't killed prior to its release


I think these results just confirm that Nintendo is prepping for a big Nintendo Direct announcement from Iwata stating that the Wii U will now be sold separately from the GamePad.

Something like:

Wii U console + Wii Remote Plus: $159
GamePad + Nintendo Land: $89

And maybe they'll update the eShop to be operatable by Wii Remote.

Edit: this post was sent to die, at bottom of NPD thread page... Like Wii U lol

Wow, these cries for a price drop keep getting more and more ludicrous. Wii U + Wii remote plus for cheaper than an OG 3DS?


Junior Member
Out of interest - do you really think Nintendo will abandon the WiiU like Sega did with the Saturn or Dreamcast? Would they have to have another console up their sleeves or just sit it out?

No, they won't. They're not that dumb. They'll stick it out and learn their lesson. As someone mentioned in a different Nintendo thread, the next generation console from Nintendo will not be a hybrid console. Rather, the next handheld and home console will be designed in parallel with the same architechture, which will greatly reduce the struggles of Nintendo development and provide extreme flexibility between both platforms. They will definitely still continue with the "affordable" hardware, angle.


Holy sh** at Dreamcast/Wii U comparison. Nintendo is finished. They need to cut their losses with Wii U, go back to the drawing board, and come up with a new device soon.

DC wasn't completely terrible, especially not compared to GC and Xbox. Sega was just bleeding money so hard that they needed to basically win that generation by a wide margin.

Nintendo has enough money that they can ride the Wii U out and see what happens. Probably launch a new console in 2016 or something.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
There is nothing even remotely surprising about the order of that last. The way NPD does things now makes it very difficult for a single platform SKU to compete against games that are on five or more platforms. You're not going to see a Halo, Gran Turismo, or Zelda game top the chart in a Q4 (calendar year) month again.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
I find amusing how this is being ignored. Numbers may seem good on a first look, but they aren't considering all things. Mobile menace is real and is here sooner than most thought.


-Pokemon X/Y
-Best Zelda released in over 10 years
-Great game lineup
-$99 2DS/$150 3DS XL Black Friday

It should be KILLING it in sales, it should be in "beast mode" at the moment. Instead the sales are flat and they will start going down down down in 2014. I am fine with making a tablet at my main gaming hardware, but I also want dedicated gaming hardware like the 3DS and PS Vita to succeed.

If people doubted that smartphones will cannibalize and shrink portable markets, here is proof positive. Could Nintendo survive with a smaller market? Sure they can, but it is their lifeline at the moment. When you have both markets shrinking, you can't help but be worried about their future.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Everyone celebrating and thinking that the Wii U numbers will force Nintendo to turn around and make what is essentially a clone of the PS4 for 2015 are probably in for a rude awakening.

Nintendo will have to recognize everything that went wrong with the Wii U, sure. But they're probably going to just ride this out like the Gamecube and search for alternative ideas based on what they've learned.


Junior Member
Gaming Industry has basically become Hollywood but much worse:


And Need For Speed and WWE had releases as well this year, but they didn't end top ten.

This is the very picture of what I've been thinking for a while: that a huge swath of the console gaming consumer base pretty much only gives a shit about the same five games, no matter how hard all the other games try to imitate them.
I kinda think Nintendo's business is in danger in North America unless the next console reinvents itself. Wii U is dead but we all know that. The 3Dees is pathetic. Models are low price points, big software, etc. And that's what you come up with?

Long term nintendo has to be like oh shiz.

reinventing itself into what, though? The market is just about saturated between Sony, Microsoft, What Steam is trying to do with Steam machines, and Apple and cheap android pads.

I understand something that no one sees coming like the wii or the iphone could turn things around, but for every one of those we see, there's a thousand failures that just don't catch on. Banking on that is the longest of long shots- like hoping for consecutive grand slams when you're down by 10 in the bottom of the 9th.


That has to be a very scary number. What has happened to Nintendo's core audience? We've always expected that they wouldn't buy 3rd party stuff but now they aren't even buying first party software...

I am honestly very interested to see what happens. Nintendo sticking with the status quo is going to make these sales go lower and lower but it's Nintendo, it's not crazy to think their answer to this would be "hmm...MORE MARIO!". I don't even think a new console would help them given their 3rd party problems and now people have sworn off most of their notable 1st party IPs. So it's going to be interesting to see them try and get out of this hole they've spent the last 15 years slowly digging themselves.

Azure J

Unlike Sega (with the Dreamcast), Nintendo has money and not much debt; they will be fine.

Doesn't look good for them now; i don't think they'll catch up, but they have to stay profitable at the very least. The worst thing for them now is lack of third party support; they really have to work harder in that regard.

They will not be OK if they stick to thinking like this. Sure, they've got money and IP, but with the apathy towards their hardware only growing and their "sure fire"/"ol' reliable" stalwarts coming in with such pitiful numbers, they'll continue to slowly bleed out if they don't make massive, wide area changes as soon as they possibly can. Who'll care if Nintendo shows up to the party with something worthwhile hardware wise if consumers have finally reached the tipping point where the Nintendo Sway or the Mario/Zelda/Pokemon triumverate doesn't get more than a couple hundred thousand Nintendo fans and harcore gaming types?

The moment their visibility drops, is the moment we might be very seriously looking at a future where Nintendo's presence in gaming diminishes.
Panic mode NIntendo does not exist. People kept spouting that nonsense all year and here we are at the end of 2013 with this disaster and it doesn't look much better going forward

Edit: This is an NPD thread, but the 3DS is also going to be a decent bit down YoY in Japan as well and that had Monster Hunter released. I agree with Nirolak that Nintendo is probably going to start pushing into a new system software development whether it be some new console or handheld by the end of the next year with an announcement in 2015.
I kinda think Nintendo's business is in danger in North America unless the next console reinvents itself. Wii U is dead but we all know that. The 3Dees is pathetic. Models are low price points, big software, etc. And that's what you come up with?

Long term nintendo has to be like oh shiz.

as long as it goes out with a bang


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
770K is down but nowhere as bad as what you're saying. How do we know that PS4 and Xbox One won't suffer the same fate? Is 900,000 a month going to continue?

Wii U is getting blown out of the water a year later but it started with good sales too

I'm not talking about what we don't know about consoles in the future. I'm talking about what we DO know. And what we do know is that despite rolling out major, major guns, the 3DS had a very weak performance after an utterly stellar year of software.

If you look at that and go, "Oh, yes, not worried!" then you are more calm headed than I am. Sirens should be going off at Nintendo. This is the time they need to start planning for the next platform that will probably determine whether or not they remain relevant in the west and that is not an exaggeration.
Nintendo deserves everything they are getting with the Wii U. They are trying to charge a premium price to a mainstream audience, but not delivering value for that price. The Wii may have had weaker hardware and been built around a gimmick, but it was a compelling gimmick that was supported by software and didn't drive the price out of impulse buy range. If they are going to go forward with the GamePad they need to start delivering games that show why the extra cost is worth it.

Lesson learned: gimmicks and weak specs only work at a low price point. If you are going to charge premium price for a feature, then you need to show why it's worth it.


Yeah, they are not suffering losses this year (even with all the mess they are experiencing). They will post profits again, but this doesn't imply everything is fine.
I agree. I just feel that people who think that there will be some radical changes at Nintendo are setting themselves up for disappointment. I don't think people actually understand the level of mismanagement at this company.
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