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NPD Sales Results for November 2013 [Up3: Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, 3DS, Wii U]


you know what won't get old

the wii u



It was nice knowing you Iwata.

On the plus side, this almost certainly means we'll be getting a blowout Nintendo Direct for Wii U like the one we had in January.

Holy shit lolllll

Was just thinking this, Desperate Nintendo is the best Nintendo. These rough sales won't kill Nintendo I think. But I do hope it kicks them in the ass and wakes them up and makes them realize that what they are doing isn't enough.

Honestly the end segment of the Final Bosman this week seems to be pretty damn accurate when it comes to Nintendo and what goes through their brains.


Starts at around 11:20



They had a pretty good month tho?

MS lost to Sony in its own territory, selling less consoles for the month than Sony did in 24 hrs. Keep in mind the utter domination MS had on them last year. Add in the fact the the XB1 is WAY behind in every other territory, things don't look good.

As far as the rest is concerned, you have the loss of marketshare with the XB1, the Surface is amazingly bad, and the Windows phone isn't performing well either. Pressure to sell them all off will increase exponentially after the Holidays


Gold Member
What exactly? I've never bought a Nintendo console but I would consider it if they released better hardware and more of the sort of games I like.

And who is going to make those games you like on this Powerful Nintendo console of the future, because 3rd parties sure the hell wont, not on a Nintendo console.


Nintendo will have to recognize everything that went wrong with the Wii U, sure. But they're probably going to just ride this out like the Gamecube and search for alternative ideas based on what they've learned.

Ain't that the best possible thing to happen?


770K is down but nowhere as bad as what you're saying. How do we know that PS4 and Xbox One won't suffer the same fate? Is 900,000 a month going to continue?

Wii U is getting blown out of the water a year later but it started with good sales too

Nah Wii U started with average sales. Let's not forget that for example in UK PS4 and Xbox One outsold Wii U LTD in a matter of days.


The Vita still has a bit of hope imo since it has yet to release too many higher profile titles. Wii U already had its 3D Mario and if the 3D Zelda/Smash don't help... :/

What exactly could save Vita? The only one I can think of is Monster Hunter, even then that will only sell big numbers in Japan.


The Wii name is in the mud.

They need to abandon it completely.

They probably need to go back to the "Nintendo system" naming scheme.

What exactly could save Vita? The only one I can think of is Monster Hunter, even then that will only sell big numbers in Japan.

No idea, really. I'm remaining hopeful because other than maybe Tearaway and a small handful of other games, there really is no reason for most Westerners to get a Vita. (well, if they import they are fine)
I think Nintendo's best move at this point is to re-enact the third pillar strategy by 2015 like they did with the DS back in 2004. Let that hopefully be at least enough of a success to ride out the next 5 years or so... and then focus on being more of a consumer entertainment and devices-like company with a specialty in games. Phones and tablets and other smart-devices.

That and they should really start leveraging their better known IPs as movies and TV shows... maybe even a theme park.

They really, truly do need a longterm, fundamental change of direction though.
Everyone celebrating and thinking that the Wii U numbers will force Nintendo to turn around and make what is essentially a clone of the PS4 for 2015 are probably in for a rude awakening.

Nintendo will have to recognize everything that went wrong with the Wii U, sure. But they're probably going to just ride this out like the Gamecube and search for alternative ideas based on what they've learned.

Yeah. Just give me Wave Race U and F-Zero U and I'll be happy.


MS lost to Sony in its own territory, selling less consoles for the month than Sony did in 24 hrs. Keep in mind the utter domination MS had on them last year. Add in the fact the the XB1 is WAY behind in every other territory, things don't look good.

As far as the rest is concerned, you have the loss of marketshare with the XB1, the Surface is amazingly bad, and the Windows phone isn't performing well either. Pressure to sell them all off will increase exponentially after the Holidays

Who keeps pulling this guy's string?


MS lost to Sony in its own territory, selling less consoles for the month than Sony did in 24 hrs. Keep in mind the utter domination MS had on them last year. Add in the fact the the XB1 is WAY behind in every other territory, things don't look good.

As far as the rest is concerned, you have the loss of marketshare with the XB1, the Surface is amazingly bad, and the Windows phone isn't performing well either. Pressure to sell them all off will increase exponentially after the Holidays

This is some hyperbole.

Xbone had a good month
I'm not talking about what we don't know about consoles in the future. I'm talking about what we DO know. And what we do know is that despite rolling out major, major guns, the 3DS had a very weak performance after an utterly stellar year of software.

If you look at that and go, "Oh, yes, not worried!" then you are more calm headed than I am. Sirens should be going off at Nintendo. This is the time they need to start planning for the next platform that will probably determine whether or not they remain relevant in the west and that is not an exaggeration.

Sirens aren't even going off over there in the face of an utterly catastrophic failure from their flagship home console. I certainly wouldn't expect any alarms to be going off over the 3DS performance either.

Fox Mulder

Everyone celebrating and thinking that the Wii U numbers will force Nintendo to turn around and make what is essentially a clone of the PS4 for 2015 are probably in for a rude awakening.

Nintendo will have to recognize everything that went wrong with the Wii U, sure. But they're probably going to just ride this out like the Gamecube and search for alternative ideas based on what they've learned.

sure, will be interesting to see what 5+ years of irrelevance does to their brand. The Wii died well before the wiiu launched, and now they'll have to cling to a shitty product for 4-5 years because the handful of customers that bought one would get mad.

I love Nintendo, but they deserve this.


Junior Member
Funny how many automatically asnwered "Microsoft" in that thread about "Who is in worse shape, Nintendo ro Microsoft".

OR words to that effect.

This sucks though. Nintendo was going ot be the onyl manufacturer making a "traditional" console next gen. I wasn't interested in the Sony and Microsoft streaming boxes they'll be making.

I doubt Sony will make the PS5 a streaming box. I believe PS5 will still have disk based games, since a huge portion of Playstation mindshare resides in developing countries. XB2 will probably be a streambox tho. They'll push hard for digital in the coming years.

Also, Nintendo is definitely not bowing out of home consoles until another failure of this magnitude. They can weather this storm. Not sure if Iwata can tho, tbh.


Yep. WE all knew the WiiU would underwhelm at best but even the 3DS is doing extremely mediocre numbers during a period where there was so many incentives and aggressive pricing. It really paints a grim picture of the dedicated handheld market space. The WiiU is its own unique problem though as the new consoles are doing very well, at least for the time being.

I'm not sure how they can battle the handheld problem. Mobiles arent just going to back off anytime soon. It saddens me more there as most of the games I end up playing are handheld titles.


No one else interested in 1st party ( published ) exclusive numbers ?

I hope creamsugar can give us 1st party exclusives numbers.

Sony: Killzone, Knack, Tearaway
Microsoft: Dead Rising 3, Ryse, Forza 5
Nintendo: Zelda ALBW, Mario 3D World

Missing anything notable? And my personal wish to get Ys: Memories of Celceta number.


And you all called me crazy in that other thread for saying that a few good games couldn't save the Wii U.

I laugh, but I do it with a heavy heart.


reinventing itself into what, though? The market is just about saturated between Sony, Microsoft, What Steam is trying to do with Steam machines, and Apple and cheap android pads.

I understand something that no one sees coming like the wii or the iphone could turn things around, but for every one of those we see, there's a thousand failures that just don't catch on. Banking on that is the longest of long shots- like hoping for consecutive grand slams when you're down by 10 in the bottom of the 9th.


Portable with balls that can send it's signal to a TV via HDMI. That's the path for Nitnendo.

Basically a powerful DS that can then use the TV as a third screen, or broadcast what's on the main screen of the portable. It allows Nitnendo to focus on ONE platform and gives the devs the oppotunity to either make handheld focused OR home focused games for a platform with a healthy userbase.


The Vita still has a bit of hope imo since it has yet to release too many higher profile titles. Wii U already had its 3D Mario and if the 3D Zelda/Smash don't help... :/

Such as? It's already had P4G, Killzone, Uncharted, AC, Soul Sacrifice, God Eater, etc What other high profile titles are in the waiting? If anything Nintendo has released far fewer high profile titles for Wii U...

Boss Man

Panic mode NIntendo does not exist. People kept spouting that nonsense all year and here we are at the end of 2013 with this disaster and it doesn't look much better going forward
I honestly expected them to start ramping up development and I'm pretty surprised how out-of-touch they seem.

For instance, why have they never made a legitimate Pokemon RPG on a home console?

How did that VGX Cranky disaster happen? Did they really think that was worth more?
came back and saw the Wii U numbers

man lower then 300k amount..... now we know why they chose such a low letter in the alphabet
jk jk don't kill me
Edit: We need to know the PS4 numbers Sony.... come on do it... DOOOO IT
I've always wondered this, but maybe the market just doesn't want a Nintendo home console. Each Nintendo home console has lost a significant portion of past users. We consistently see a gen by gen decline no matter how great the games are from Nintendo and their third party exclusives. The Wii was an outlier it seems when it struck a huge cord with casuals. People seem content with just having a Nintendo handheld for their fix. Nintendo most likely needs a fundamental change in perception if they want to succeed.

PS. I have owned every Nintendo home console and adore their first party content. It just seems like the market is rejecting them.
end of 2015?

no way that happens.

the vast majority of that 3.91 (?) million they''ve sold so far was within the first couple months of launch. they're around 1 million WW TOTAL this year.

at this rate, assuming sales don't go down (which is a BAD assumption) it will take 5 solid years of sales to hit 10 million. They're not going to be on shelves that long.

The WiiU is going to end up doing somewhere between the 3D0 and the Saturn, and go down as one of the worst consoles of all time.


3DS is decent, it should at least be able to maintain it's current trajectory of games, which is all that matter to me with the system. I already have more games on it I enjoy than the DS and I loved that system. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like it will reach close to the highs of the GBA and DS if the 2DS redesign didn't really give it a bigger shot in the arm.

Wii U is undeniably disappointing. If I'm not mistaken, this is the biggest uptick in a month for the system since last year, but that's not saying much. Mario 3D World sales are probably more disappointing to me especially since no other Wii U software reports were included in the press release. That likely means even if momentum continues to pick up some next month for the system, 3rd party support will drop off more.

Looks like the system will be mostly indie games and 1st party games for the bulk of next year. Looks like I'm probably jumping in with a PS4 a little sooner than I anticipated, but still waiting til more games come out for it.

Probably will stay away from NeoGAF for a few months now. The schadenfreude over the Wii U has been intolerable for the past year but it's going to get deafening now.


Panic mode NIntendo does not exist. People kept spouting that nonsense all year and here we are at the end of 2013 with this disaster and it doesn't look much better going forward

And if it did, it wouldn't be pretty. They'd double down on safe games. Release games fast to fill gaps. Stop taking risks and expanding. Stop offering great features to loyal fans and focus on the biggest audience.


The Birthday Skeleton
Holy sh** at Dreamcast/Wii U comparison. Nintendo is finished. They need to cut their losses with Wii U, go back to the drawing board, and come up with a new device soon.

This post shows deep knowledge. So, how long do you think it will take them to "draw" a new device?


Gaming Industry has basically become Hollywood but much worse:


And Need For Speed and WWE had releases as well this year, but they didn't end top ten.
This is a very depressing picture. I wish people wouldn't continually buy yearly released games even when they're bad (COD).
God damn. Rough sales for Nintendo, and an incredibly shitty top 10 software list.

I'm starting to think Nintendo may actually need to ditch the game pad in time for Mario Kart and Smash so they can drop the price of the console to a point where people would be ok with buying it for 2 or 3 games.


And who is going to make those games you like on this Powerful Nintendo console of the future, because 3rd parties sure the hell wont, not on a Nintendo console.

It would be Nintendo's job to make a device they want to develop for at least at launch to test the waters or give them some sort of incentive.
Also because... what new console?

Again, creating a powerful console a-la Gamecube?

They're asking iOS games. I don't think they'll get that, but if people expects Nintendo riding on a console with worse GC numbers and a declining handheld market for the next years and doing nothing...well, I really doubt.


It does? How so?
Wii U is dead in EU. They never had any support there.
Wii U is dead in NA. No amount of Marios, Smash and Karts can save it.
Wii U is dead in JP. No amounts of DQX expansion packs can save it.

Vita on the other hand still has potential in Japan and the rest of the world (as a glorified PS4 controller)

Vita will probably top 10 million while the WiiU won't.
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