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NPD Sales Results for November 2013 [Up3: Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, 3DS, Wii U]


Wow. MS did pretty damn good. I am surprised with all the negativity surrounding it. It is interesting that it was the best weekly average selling console, even though it was out 1 less week than the PS4.

I am just glad both consoles did fantastic, this will mean a lot of software for us gamers and with both selling so well that will get both MS & Sony to try to 1 up each other in the software, services etc. which is only the best for us gamers.


Should have posted in the prediction thread, 220k was my guess for wii u.

I doubt this will be enough to make them give up on the console business though. And with their current system that lifeless they have got to be thinking about a 2015 launch for the next one if possible.


That's a scary fucking picture. I like some of those games and it still scares me shitless in terms of where we're heading...

It's not the 90s anymore, there's a lot more to do and buy than console retail. I'm buying and playing more games than I ever have but I don't own anything on that list (not to say itls all bad, its not).


Someone update this chart.

EDIT: Damn your swift ways, GAF. Might as well post the new graph:



Gold Member
It would be Nintendo's job to make a device they want to develop for at least at launch to test the waters or give them some sort of incentive.

Nintendo could have made the same exact hardware as PS4, and it still would have made no difference, sure maybe 3rd parties makes some games instead of none, but when they do not sell 19 million in the first 24 hours, the sequels get cancelled just as fast as now.

That is my honest opinion.
Actually, instead of pulling out of the console business, Nintendo should just keep selling the Wii U for like the next 10 years as some sort of cheap video game alternative to all the new iterations of future PS and Xboxs. Eventually, it should get down to a 79$ price point.

Then after that they can reinvent themselves and release something new.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
making this The Year of Luigi was Nintendo's fatal mistake, I think.

This! Same shit bit them in the ass when they released GC with Luigi's Mansion instead of a good Mario game.

Luigi and his floaty ass jump suck! ;)

Also I love how game droughts always kill nintendo consoles yet they keep letting t happen.
Nothing annoys me more when people bring up the Gamecube when it is suggested Nintendo release a powerful console.

Were people not there at the time? Perception is key! The fact is that since the n64 Nintendo systems have been gimped in a major way one way or the other. They have not released a system that in eyes of the media/core players is equal or better than their counterparts. This along with the shitty 3d party relations, and Marketing are the reason they are failing.

n64 - Carts
GC - No DVD when DVD were the hot shit, Purple, Handle
Wii - No HD, Shitty Online, Weak
Wii U - Weak, Shitty online

People didn't not buy the N64 because it had cartridges. Cartridges hurt the system because it made distribution of games more expensive, and ended up isolating themselves from third parties which began the dreaded drought spells that Nintendo gamers have been experience ever since.
I usually don't care for numbers but I'll post on behalf of Wii U. Holy shit. I was always a big Pokemon on home console guy, anyone think that would help save it? At this point I don't think Mario Kart/SSB will do the trick, at all.


Big congrats for the 360... sold almost as many units as its big brother did. Truly one of the better consoles of all time


The 'H' stands for hentai.
And the DC wasn't coming off of a generation leading 100 million selling console.

If the WiiU does under 10 million (likely) it will have lost over 90% of the Wii's audience.

90. percent.

Where did that market go? Smartphones and Tablets.

It is the same product that is also having a huge effect on the 3DS. Kind of ironic that Apple and Google are fighting Nintendo (and winning) against Nintendo on not one, but TWO FRONTS.

Casual gamers and families have dropped the Wii U in favor of smartphone and tablet PC's. Kids and the older folks have dropped the 3DS in favor of smartphone and tablets. So yeah, Nintendo has to be damn worried with no fallback console.
I can't believe the MS BS spin, AGAIN!!

It's backfired AGAIN because it makes them look desperate and duplicitous.

When will they fucking learn? Why not just come out and say 'The Xbone had a record launch'. There. Leave it at that. Why try to claim a false, absurd victory over the PS4 when everyone knows 1 million in a day absolutely wipes the floor with 900k total for the month!

Next year, Mario Kart is the only announced Wii U software that could move units.
And evidence suggests that the Wii U will only swallow up any potential the title has, it'll probably sell substantially less than previous entries.
Was just thinking this, Desperate Nintendo is the best Nintendo

Desperate Nintendo is the Nintendo that cuts two dungeons from Wind Waker so they can rush it out to prop up the GameCube or pads 3D Land with remixed versions of levels to mask the shortness of the game after they did the same for the 3DS.

The "panic mode Nintendo is best Nintendo" thing is shit.
Dat fanboyism.

This CCIE guy is really entertaining.

Strong start for the next gen. The MS is doomed camp needs to step back as they did pretty damn well with a $100 more expensive machine. Blows my mind what they've been able to do after an atrocious reveal.

Right now, I'm going to enjoy the last-gen a bit more as I still have a lot of games left to play. Need to get a couple new tires which will delay my entrance into next-gen.


Wow. MS did pretty damn good. I am surprised with all the negativity surrounding it. It is interesting that it was the best weekly average selling console, even though it was out 1 less week than the PS4.

To most consumers, the negativity didn't matter. However, with their huge lead with the 360, it's pretty shocking to see them fall behind like this.

Bruno MB

The Legend of Zelda (Portable titles):

[GBA] The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past & Four Swords (Nintendo) {December 2, 2002} - 542,000
[GBA] The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (Nintendo) {January 10, 2005} - 217,000
[NDS] The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Nintendo) {October 1, 2007} - 224,000
[NDS] The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (Nintendo) {December 7, 2009} - Charted at 11th (10th best selling game of that month sold 657,000).
[3DS] The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (Nintendo) {June 19, 2011} - 283,000
[3DS] The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (Nintendo) {November 22, 2013} - 405,000 including bundles and digital sales


Leapfrogging the Next Gen consoles again with Wii U was probably a bigger mistake than they'd realized. With a console that was supposed to focus on the core gamer, they needed to go all out. They just upgraded simply and called it a day. Man, Zelda is going to be awesome, but no one is going to buy it.


Utterly fantastic thread, I laughed like 20 times. Shame about the awful (rumored and extrapolated) Vita numbers.

Perfect capper to NPD Day would be for Sony to troll everyone and announce "Playstation family" numbers one last time.


I don't know why people suggest a "relaunch".

That's not even polishing a turd. That's just taking a turd and calling it something else.

People just need realize it's something new that exists. The name and poor marketing have crippled the system which otherwise is a good product.
220k for the Wii U is pretty much disaster territory, right? Those numbers for Mario aren't flash either. Surely Nintendo can't go out with a straight face and say 9 million now?


Nintendo could have made the same exact hardware as PS4, and it still would have made no difference, sure maybe 3rd parties makes some games instead of none, but when they do not sell 19 million in the first 24 hours, the sequels get cancelled just as fast as now.

That is my honest opinion.

The console would have to have some sort of gimmick in addition to the power(and if it came out int 25 or 2016 it would potentially be stronger if they went the power route) to make people want to buy it.


Where are people seeing Vita numbers?

Wii U underperformance is totally expected at this point. They had a chance to get back into the game with a price cut this holiday, and they didn't take it. There's nothing on the release schedule that can change the Wii U's direction. It's all over but the shouting.

Looking ahead, I'm not sure Nintendo continuing to build home consoles makes sense. They won't compete on price or power, and they won't or can't get third party games on the system. What's their differentiator? All they have is first-party IP, and if the Wii U has proved one thing, it's that first-party IP isn't enough to carry a whole platform.

If they did release a Wii 3 in say 2015, how would things be any better than this time around? If you were sitting in Iwata's seat, how would you justify comitting to that expense, knowing that you might be risking the company?


benevolent sexism
And the DC wasn't coming off of a generation leading 100 million selling console.

If the WiiU does under 10 million (likely) it will have lost over 90% of the Wii's audience.

90. percent.

When you explode in the mainstream culture like the Wii did, the bulk of your audience is transient by nature (unless people really thought waggle tennis was going to create millions and millions of new hardcore gamers). 90% loss is a bummer, but it doesn't mean what it would mean if MS or Sony lost 90%. Still, that shit is crazy.
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