"I have cashed out all of your shares and using them to buy Wii Us. We will reach 9 million. *pulls out bomb and detonator*"

A blast from the past
"I have cashed out all of your shares and using them to buy Wii Us. We will reach 9 million. *pulls out bomb and detonator*"
I think the amazing thing about their current marketing campaign, is they are targeting people who want the console even less.
You're correct though.
at some point people will stop blaming marketing and realize that no one wants the system
Why are people trying to prop up Wii U by comparing it to Vita now? Two different devices selling poorly for two different reasons. The main difference however is that Sony understands that Vita is in a place where they are trying to build it up as a companion device to PS4 and let it cut its own niche out. Wii U is supposed to be the successor to one of the highest selling consoles of all time and is selling bomba levels. I suspect Nintendo investors are on suicide watch or close to it.
Why won't that happen? I think the new Mario game has only grossed about 17 million dollars in all territories thus far.
Mario Kart 7 just doesn't sound exciting at all.
When you explode in the mainstream culture like the Wii did, the bulk of your audience is transient by nature (unless people really thought waggle tennis was going to create millions and millions of new hardcore gamers). 90% loss is a bummer, but it doesn't mean what it would mean if MS or Sony lost 90%. Still, that shit is crazy.
The Wii U was one of the most successful launches up to that point.
PS4 and X1 will not maintain these sales. Just like every system, they will drop, nor is Wii U "dead", anymore than 3DS was dead and a major flop destined never to sell and proof that Nintendo would be going 3rd party:
Anyone who was paying attention last generation should have realized 2 things:
1. The market is insatiably hungry for games
2. The market will not buy systems until they are cheap
Every single platform last generation sold over 80 million: DS, PSP, Wii, 360, PS3. Some of those platforms took 1-3 years before they ever reached regularly high monthly sales numbers. In fact, the only system to reach and maintain high monthly sales was the Wii. And the prime determinants of when EVERY system reached and maintained high monthly sales were a low initial hardware cost, be it the Wii's off-the-bat cheap launch price or after price drops to $299 for the PS3 and 360 and the buildup of a compelling software library (yes, even Wii Sports counts, cultural phenomenon that it was).
While that's not to say one of the two or even both systems, the PS4 and X1, may maintain high monthly sales immediately as with the Wii or PS2, it is to say that while Wii U may never reach 100 million, 80 million, or even 60 million, it is in no way dead. Anyone who is trying to sell you that idea is...
A) ignorant of the market and its history
B) trolling
C) pushing an agenda
I think it's pretty easy to see that effect, but some people are in straight denial. 3DS won't even reach GBA numbers, in my opinion.
When is X due out? I wouldn't trust anything with a date past 2014 right now.
Well, if they would have marketed the thing properly at first it wouldn't have as much bad inertia and wouldn't be in quite as bad of a position as it is now.
Marketing's one of several problems, but it's definitely a factor.
The Wii U was one of the most successful launches up to that point.
BTW, here is something that will blow your mind... Almost as many 360's sold as the XB1.
Alright, so where do we go from here? Should I make a video of me flinging my Wii U out of a window, then publicly apologize to the internet ever having liked such a shameful, awful thing? Must I accept that any fun I've ever had with Nintendo products has just been a delusion produced by an immature mind?
I'm frustrated. The situation is terrible and I know there's no real way of turning around, but this shit is so overwhelming that I feel like I'm doing something wrong by even looking forward the few positive things the Wii U has left. Fuck me.
i dont even understand the current campaign, families and walmart shoppers?
Nothing annoys me more when people bring up the Gamecube when it is suggested Nintendo release a powerful console.
Were people not there at the time? Perception is key! The fact is that since the n64 Nintendo systems have been gimped in a major way one way or the other. They have not released a system that in eyes of the media/core players is equal or better than their counterparts. This along with the shitty 3d party relations, and Marketing are the reason they are failing.
n64 - Carts
GC - No DVD when DVD were the hot shit, Purple, Handle
Wii - No HD, Shitty Online, Weak
Wii U - Weak, Shitty online
no its at like 9 million right now iircMario Kart 7 sold like what, 20+ millions ?
The "better marketing boat" has sailed at this point. The other two competitors have released and hit the ground running. Third parties are already well invested in Sony/MS.People just need realize it's something new that exists. The name and poor marketing have crippled the system which otherwise is a good product.
DS->3DS software sales are down about 45-50% generation over generation launch-aligned as well.
The Wii U was one of the most successful launches up to that point.
PS4 and X1 will not maintain these sales. Just like every system, they will drop, nor is Wii U "dead", anymore than 3DS was dead and a major flop destined never to sell and proof that Nintendo would be going 3rd party:
Anyone who was paying attention last generation should have realized 2 things:
1. The market is insatiably hungry for games
2. The market will not buy systems until they are cheap
Every single platform last generation sold over 80 million: DS, PSP, Wii, 360, PS3. Some of those platforms took 1-3 years before they ever reached regularly high monthly sales numbers. In fact, the only system to reach and maintain high monthly sales was the Wii. And the prime determinants of when EVERY system reached and maintained high monthly sales were a low initial hardware cost, be it the Wii's off-the-bat cheap launch price or after price drops to $299 for the PS3 and 360 and the buildup of a compelling software library (yes, even Wii Sports counts, cultural phenomenon that it was).
While that's not to say one of the two or even both systems, the PS4 and X1, may maintain high monthly sales immediately as with the Wii or PS2, it is to say that while Wii U may never reach 100 million, 80 million, or even 60 million, it is in no way dead. Anyone who is trying to sell you that idea is...
A) ignorant of the market and its history
B) trolling
C) pushing an agenda
Desperate Nintendo is the Nintendo that cuts two dungeons from Wind Waker so they can rush it out to prop up the GameCube or pads 3D Land with remixed versions of levels to mask the shortness of the game after they did the same for the 3DS.
The "panic mode Nintendo is best Nintendo" thing is shit.
Sony's wasting its time too then.
Nintendo forecast revision incoming? Or is Iwata going to continue his delusional streak by hoping for 2 million consoles sold in December?
Mario Kart 7 sold like what, 20+ millions ?
Nintendo has maybe 1-2 more handheld generations left. After that it is a wrap.
With their consoles already having become irrelevant, I don't see a place for Nintendo in this industry in 10-15 years. Barring some HUGE lucky hits like the Wii & DS again, they will be going third party in the future, like it or not.
As bad as things seem to be, the Wii U is not without saving. Iwata needs to be make some big decisions if he's going to stay where he is. Gonna have to eat losses and get the price down too
Consider this:
Nintendo was aware of these numbers when they "revealed" Cranky. That is the type of response that they decided was needed.
Omg thank you. When someone brings up the GC as an attempt at creating a powerful console...shaped like a purse and never having performance specs officially released to brag...I feel like slapping them through the internet.
Do you really believe that? Do you think in March of this year for example MS expected to have to even fight with Sony for the US? Have you seen the percentages in the US for the 360/PS3? Here's a hint - the 360 wiped the floor with the PS3 in the US. Now, it comes out that Sony outsold MS in the US (their strongest area), and this is good news for MS? Really? The only good news is that MS will not be able to force parity with a weaker system.
BTW, here is something that will blow your mind... Almost as many 360's sold as the XB1.
There's at least five X on the chalkboard already.Your chalkboard is missing Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and X. Not that it matters, nothing is saving that trainwreck of a console.
You are delusional. The Vita would be ignored even if it came bundled in with a PS4.
A blast from the past![]()
Why should that be surprising when tablets/smartphones with $1 games are everywhere?
I truly hope these numbers have scared the crap out of Nintendo and have Iwata scared as to what investors will want to do and say. They need to get their heads out of their asses or this system is going to be dead and no first party games are going to sell well. Forget third parties completely at this point. Nintendo's own games aren't selling on it and that's been the case for a while now.That is a massive problem they have to address. There is still December but I don't see things being much different.
I've never really seen the point of being emotionally invested in sales. I mean, I understand it to the extent that it affects whether you'll get more or less of the stuff you like in the future, sure. But other than that? I like sales discussions because I find it fun to sit around being an armchair analyst and pretend like I'm smart when I'm right because I "get" the industry. But outside of those factors? I find it best to distance it from the act of actually playing games.
There have been good games. There'll be a few more. There probably won't be as many as you would have liked if things don't improve, but obviously there's still some must-have games. So in that regard, I advocate just enjoying them. Mario 3D World is still great. DK will be as well. So will Mario Kart. And X. And Smash. I bought on launch day, and I don't regret it. And this is coming from someone that's been down on it's sales prospects since last December.
They have enough cash. We'll probably see another Gamecube - situation: Great exclusive games and almost zero 3rd oparty software. I expect a new console in 2016
Nintendo hardware sales in November:
2002 1.62m
2003 1.94m
2004 1.95m
2005 1.46m
2006 2.11m
2007 2.51m
2008 3.61m
2009 2.96m
2010 2.78m
2011 2.01m
2012 1.76m
2013 0.99m + DS + WII
So odd how Nintendo can do so well in the portable market, and so poorly in console space.
Why are people trying to prop up Wii U by comparing it to Vita now? Two different devices selling poorly for two different reasons. The main difference however is that Sony understands that Vita is in a place where they are trying to build it up as a companion device to PS4 and let it cut its own niche out. Wii U is supposed to be the successor to one of the highest selling consoles of all time and is selling bomba levels. I suspect Nintendo investors are on suicide watch or close to it.