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NPD Sales Results for November 2013 [Up3: Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, 3DS, Wii U]


Does it really matter? The people who got the bundle wanted the game, so even if it was not bundled they would get it.

Yes and no. Or they got it because there wasn't much else but really wanted the PS4?

I only got the KZ Bundle because it was good value with the extra controller and camera. Not because I wanted Killzone. This isn't a WiiSports situation dude. Calm down.


Try the rest of the world too. Crazy how people are in here are saying its a mistake for Sony to send out 500k units to Asia and every other market outside of the US/UK as if those people don't matter or whatever.

Yeah I find that funny too. I love the notion that they'll win those territories anyway. Not with zero consoles they won't.


So are they going to announce 3 million in a few days? 500K and expecting sellout shoud push them over right? It would be a good pr move to announce that after microsoft announcing 2 million.


Yes and no. Or they got it because there wasn't much else but really wanted the PS4?

I only got the KZ Bundle because it was good value with the extra controller and camera. Not because I wanted Killzone. This isn't a WiiSports situation dude. Calm down.

I'd say it had an impact on the mobile gaming market no?

nah. mobile was exploding anyway. Apple (and android to a lesser extent) are responsible for that. the games that rake in the cash on mobile aren't really similar to what nintendo was doing at all- and most of the revenue from those comes from in app microtransactions, which is a totally different business model.

those gamers may have gone to mobile, but they would have gone there anyway.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
It sold 270k in the US in 2 weeks. Roughly 1 in 4 people who bought a PS4 in the US bought Killzone.

Yeah, the Killzone numbers are pretty impressive.

I'm not sure what Sony's expectations were for the title, but for a launch game with a lot of shooter competition for the month, and the userbase starting out so low to begin with, I think they should be pretty happy. I doubt they expected it to match KZ2/3, which were launched when the PS3 had sold millions to US consumers already, but it ended up doing just that.

I just hope the title continues to sell with a fairly high attach rate with new PS4s sold in December and beyond.
Interesting titanfall facts.

The 360 build is shaping up very nicely.

The xb1 build is looking like it's sticking with 720p.

The PC build will shit on the xb1 build.

Social metrics (twitter mentions, youtube views, etc) as dumb as they are usually are accurate predictors. Tf is trending behind infamous.

There's also some talk that titanfall 1 is going to feel more like the outline of a game moreso than a full title. It's laying the groundwork.

I'm excited as fuck to play titanfall. I will be there day one. But if you think it's going to do more than give the xb1 more than a couple hundred K bump over a couple months you're fooling yourself.

First, lol at the possibility of Titanfall running at the same resolution for both 360 and x1 and two, great to hear word that Titan fall may not be a full title. Single player is the only way I would ever purchase one and I wouldn't be surprised quite a few people feel the same way. Hoping it's included in the sequel.

It sold 270k in the US in 2 weeks. Roughly 1 in 4 people who bought a PS4 in the US bought Killzone.

Look at who you're responding too. Why even waste your time


Killzone is first party, so Sony makes way more off of it than a third party would with an exclusive.

that being said, it was the fourth highest selling title for the PS4, which is better than I expected, and would likely be profitable even if it was an exclusive.

This makes me happy, especially since they started the move back towards KZ2 style MP.

KZ5 with SF engine 2 is going to be epic, and now much more likely.


Why would Asia get 500K?

Sony really should have just waited until February for all of asia.

Those 500K units would have been much better in a competitive territory like the US, rather than one that is already going to be almost all Sony regardless of when they launch.

Asia 500K shipment? Will it sell out? That's pretty high numbers.
I don't think market is that big here.



Introduced a whole new generation of people to gaming. These people didn't just die or stop playing video games entirely :p

Maybe the mobile gaming movement was inevitable but Wii and DS opened the doors wouldn't you say? Not 100% due to them but they helped. Like people say the casual audience moved.
Given similar timeframes that's actually reasonable growth, especially when you consider the PS3 and 360 (ps3 in particular) were selling at significantly higher price points in the middle of the largest economic collapse since the great depression.

personally I'm shocked they're ahead at ALL.
That growth can be seen as little more than "There's more people now!"

You see what I'm getting at? That is not the growth of a healthy thriving industry. It's practically stagnant when talking population increases. This is why Wii growth was important, why it can't just be written off as an anomaly, and why I hope beyond reason that MS or Sony can pick up the slack.

This market has the potential to significantly contract generation to generation. Making a "core" game is risky enough, without a rapidly growing market to sell too.
Honestly, I'm not trying to be facetious with this, but is this a serious post?


However, I am only trying to say what Nintendo needs to do nothing more really.........getting close to 500k for the Wii U in December is definitely possible since PS4 and XB1 might be in short supply during that time and some will go ahead and buy a Wii U now and get the other systems later.


Multiplayer shooters in the vein of CoD that are built with console controls first in mind are not so huge on PC.

I would say Titanfall is closer in vein to Battlefield with its heavy focus on team play. It all depends on how good the PC version is though, and our only indication is that it will be good.


LOL. Your math fails also. Where did I say 6.4 was the attach rate?

Read the 2nd line of my post where I said to assume the SAME attach rate. It is very simple math when you have a full ratio and a partial ratio to figure out the missing piece.

I am not saying I agree with the premise behind this (that the attach ratios are the SAME) but the math is correct.

Yes, you really do.

The math is not correct. We need CoD's total sales to figure it out. What you're doing is multiplying 6.4% (the percent of CoD sales which were XB1 copies) times 909k (total XB1) sales which gives us a meaningless number.

Look at what happened when I used that method with the 360's % of CoD sales. We end up with a 7 million sales, which is obviously wrong.
I'm shocked by the 1.1mil for the PS4.

So the 2.1mil breakdown
NA - 1.1mil
Latin - 300k
Euro/Aus - 700k

Smashing records and still ahead of MS in US/UK even with supply constraints. That's pretty insane. I think they are eclipsing Wii/PS2 WW hype here. It's clear MS isn't interested in winning the war. They only care about US/UK. Wouldn't be surprised if we see a 150/70 split in favor of the PS4 by year 5 or 6.



However, I am only trying to say what Nintendo needs to do nothing more really.........getting close to 500k for the Wii U in December is definitely possible since PS4 and XB1 might be in short supply during that time and some will go ahead and buy a Wii U now and get the other systems later.

naww man. just let it go.
Asia 500K shipment? Will it sell out? That's pretty high numbers.
I don't think market is that big here.

I think we're actually getting more stock than previously expected.

Apparently first batch orders for Malaysia will start shipment from tomorrow onwards, despite the 20th street date.

Demand seems very high, even with the local absurd Bolehland prices.
I tried Liverpool, walmart, costco, best buy and small retailers and nothing, I can see the DF having bigger shipments tho..

That is my bet too. Is still not difficult to found in the Centro Historico but for what you told me is going to sold out soon. Glad I bought one yesterday.

Edit: Maybe you should try buy it by internet in oe of the stores websites and hope the shipment cost is not that big


1.4m is for NA, Mexico and LA.

My split.

US: 1.1m
EU + AUS: 700k
Canada + Mexico + LA = 300k

Something close to that?
This sounds about right.

On the multiplats selling much better on ps4. I remember a certain some one on a certain other site was saying the xbone would have a better attach ratio. LMAO Hes been triggering. ;)
The math is not correct. We need CoD's total sales to figure it out. What you're doing is multuplying 6.4% (the percent of CoD sales which were XB1 copies) times 909k (total XB1) sales which gives us a meaningless number.

not really, it assumes the same attach rate on PS4, which is relatively reasonable
despite people objecting because they wanted PS4 sales to be higher, it turned out to be within ~50k, especially because whatever advantage XB1 had among a "more dudebro userbase" was canceled out by having more exclusives
Yeah I find that funny too. I love the notion that they'll win those territories anyway. Not with zero consoles they won't.

Why is it important which console "wins" in a specific market for Sony anyway? A PS4 sold in Taiwan or Franc emakes them the same amount of money (Maybe even more due to conversion rates)
nah. mobile was exploding anyway. Apple (and android to a lesser extent) are responsible for that. the games that rake in the cash on mobile aren't really similar to what nintendo was doing at all- and most of the revenue from those comes from in app microtransactions, which is a totally different business model.

those gamers may have gone to mobile, but they would have gone there anyway.

Not true. Nintendo's handheld business is declining because your average 8 year old wants a tablet now, not a dedicated handheld. Parents would rather buy their kid a tablet as well.

The kind of game doesn't matter. Nintnedo could make whatever kind of game they want, but it doesn't change the fact that fewer and fewer kids want what Nintendo is offering.
Introduced a whole new generation of people to gaming. These people didn't just die or stop playing video games entirely :p

Maybe the mobile gaming movement was inevitable but Wii and DS opened the doors wouldn't you say? Not 100% due to them but they helped. Like people say the casual audience moved.
No I don't see that at all. PS2 sold 60 million more than the Wii, why would you attribute a lower selling console to exposing more people to games?

Wii was just a popular console with smart innovation that took some of PS2's casual audience who jump in at a low price point.

Bruno MB

David Gibson ‏@gibbogame 47min

Nintendo said it sold over 215k Super Mario 3D World for WiiU in Nov across digital and physical...implies around 7% digital.

David Gibson ‏@gibbogame 50min

Nintendo says sold over 280k Zelda: A Link Between Worlds for 3DS which implies a 11% digital rate in USA for Nov but 405k including bundle


nah. mobile was exploding anyway. Apple (and android to a lesser extent) are responsible for that. the games that rake in the cash on mobile aren't really similar to what nintendo was doing at all- and most of the revenue from those comes from in app microtransactions, which is a totally different business model.

those gamers may have gone to mobile, but they would have gone there anyway.

True. People always say the casual audience has moved to mobile so I assume the casual gamers migrated over. It's impossible to say but the Wii/DS owners went somewhere. Mobile gaming has been around for ages but the plethora of Disney Infinity/Skylander type games and other puzzle games and such seem to have been helped by the Wii and DS and these chart so the Wii's effects still linger. Am I wrong?

However, I am only trying to say what Nintendo needs to do nothing more really.........getting close to 500k for the Wii U in December is definitely possible since PS4 and XB1 might be in short supply during that time and some will go ahead and buy a Wii U now and get the other systems later.

Sony and MS are trying everything they can to push stock into the US channel during December

There is little room for Wii U in that mix imo
That growth can be seen as little more than "There's more people now!"

You see what I'm getting at? That is not the growth of a healthy thriving industry.

Actually, it is. a mature industry (as gaming is) does not grow by 10 or 20 percent YOY. The growth is going to be more organic, and mirror population increases.

Mobile is growing much more quickly, because mobile is an immature industry. it's still reaching people who have yet to be reached, but it WILL slow down. anyone who thinks apple and android will still be growing at the rates they are now is in for an extremely rude awakening.

It's practical stagnant went talking population increases. This is why Wii growth was important, why it can't just be written off as an anomaly, and why I hope beyond reason that MS or Sony can pick up the slack.

This goes back to what I said before. Wii gaming was most certainly an anomaly- it branched gaming out to a new audience, but this audience wasn't sustainable. you had people buying the system for wii sports and wii fit, who were never going to buy a console again. They were in for the novelty, and once satisfied moved on.

This kind of audience isn't exclusive to gaming, it can happen anywhere, and trying to build a business around them is suicide.

This market has the potential to significantly contract generation to generation. Making a "core" game is risky enough, without a rapidly growing market to sell too.

The core audience has grown generation over generation every year since the crash of 1983. there is no possibility for contraction, especially since (as I pointed out) MS and Sony aren't launching in the middle of a worldwide economic collapse this time.
I'll share an Asian perspective.

During the PS1 and PS2 generation, many Asian countries bought consoles because they were easily piratable and our markets here openly allows pirated goods.


So demand is higher than the norm for Asia. Because buyers no longer expect that these consoles will ever be the same as they used to.

Heh, having lived there for a bit (SE Asia) during that era, I can attest to the validity of this statement. Every corner gaming shop near where I lived had them game covers neatly arranged in a ring folder/binder, sorted alphabetically and by console/genre.

All for just 1-2 USD per game (the equivalent value in local currency of course.). You just had to ask them for the "good stuff" and they'd take out them ring binders from under the counter. Of course they had legit games and consoles to mask the pirated goods to have some semblance of legitimacy as well. (If you bought a console from them, they'd offer to mod it for you, FOC of course.)

Oh and don't forget the walkie talkies they carried to alert their other associates when and if busts were about to happen so they could close shop temporarily while the "Ministry of Trade appointed enforcers" would storm the area, looking for pirated goods.

Reality of course did set in, when the PS3 took ages to get broken, and while it was possible to do it (many years after it came out), it was a lot more cumbersome and a PITA as compared to how simplified it was on the PS1/PS2. Anecdotally speaking, some folk jumped to the 360 instead because it got broken much more easily.

Good times.
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