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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]

Sony moved 70 million PSPs, more then any handheld rival ever had. Vita, at first, seemed posed to fix every issue players had with the PSP.

It's just, well, Sony fubared the prices. $250 was great when the 3ds was 250 and tablets started around $500.

Not so much when the 3ds was $170, tablets were starting to show at 199, and the vita required $20-100 memory cards to function.

Player interest died pre launch. Devs fled form the thing (save for indies in the west, and select japanese devs in the east). Sony sat on this for years before doing anything, and still hasn't fixed many of the issues.

It was hardly DOA, not until sony just sent it to die by not reacting/bad decisions.
I don't think there's anything they could have done. The market changed underneath everyone. No amount of action was going to change that. Nintendo should be the perfect example of that. Huge moves along the way to end up with a system that will lose 90 million units of their prior gen hardware sales.

Sony could have reacted, but you're fooling yourself if you think it would have amounted to anything. By the time they launched Nintendo was already filling the dedicated handheld niche the market now is.


They have been pretty clear though that it's a temporary price cut, everyone who doubts that is basing it on pure speculation. I think they will leave the price at $349 no bundle, but part of me wants M.S. to bump the price back up just so I can read the the meltdowns here on Gaf lol. All the "WTF M.S.!!!" Posts it would create, would be glorious lol.

They may have been "clear" but that doesn't mean they're not allowed to change their tune.


No Vita numbers?

Probably for the best.

Witch hunting and console parading over yet?

Getting down to the interesting stuff, why didn't anyone who picked up Smash or a Wii u this month for it also get another game? Any game at all? Wii u software sales Is like yelling into an cavern... All you get is hollow sounds of yourself yelling back and emptiness
That is interesting. Presumably a large chunk of the new buyers only wanted Smash (or their parents wouldn't buy them more games this close to Xmas).

Perhaps there'll be an uptick next month.




Dragon Age didn't chart but the numbers aren't far off from Far Cry 4/Unity/MCC. Didn't expect it to pass those either, hopefully it has legs and is doing well elsewhere
Fortunately PS4 sales were pretty good on a historical perspective. Higher than most consoles in their second holiday. One just had such aggressive pricing that it blew all consoles (even Wii) out of the water.

Is this true?

There's a lot of doom and gloom posts in here so I thought neither had sold spectacularly well.


The honeymoon is over. Sony needs a to drop the PS4 price or X1 will probably be comfortably #1 in NPD results from now on. First party exclusive and more powerful hardware don't mean as much as the price difference does to the average consumer.

Am I the only one who thinks that 800k PS4s to 1,2kk Xbox Ones is still good, especially considering all the effort Microsoft had to put into this (pricereductions, marketing, crazy bundels, product changes and stepping back from their original vision) ?

It is the US homemarket after all, nobody would even look twice if the PS4 would outsell Xone with 1,2kk to 800k in Japan. I even think most people would take that as a good sign for Microsoft.

I do not even think sony has to react. I am pretty sure they are still leading world wide sales by a large margin. At this point Microsoft doesn't even seem to give a fuck about the rest of the world, at least about mainland europe.


You need to put the sales in proper context friend. The PS4 sold really well in November. XB1 had an amazing November. Sony isn't going to lose an extra 50 dollars per console sold when the system is still selling at a decent clip.

Yep. Pretty much my only concern for MS would be how does such a big november (and possibly December with the same deal) affect their sales next year? Do they win themselves an uptick in the regular month to month volumes, buying themselves back into the race, or have they hoovered up a ton of next years buyers early, and they flatline next year?

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Again, DAI is doing fine: best debut for the franchise to date. Also, digital is way more a factor now than ever so if you add 20% on top, you're looking at a very comfortable margin over the first two games: being 11th for the month where you've been dormant for years and everything else is either an annual sequel or remake all while increasing your sales, hard to see anything bad there


Am I the only one who thinks that 800k PS4s to 1,2kk Xbox Ones is still good, especially considering all the effort Microsoft had to put into this (pricereductions, marketing, crazy bundels, product changes and stepping back from their original vision) ?

It is the US homemarket after all, nobody would even look twice if the PS4 would outsell Xone with 1,2kk to 800k in Japan. I even think most people would take that as a good sign for Microsoft.

I do not even think sony has to react. I am pretty sure they are still leading world wide sales by a large margin. At this point Microsoft doesn't even seem to give a fuck about the rest of the world, at least about mainland europe.

I think it just shows if MS actually put some effort in and market their own console aggressively, people will buy it. Sony have been rolling on their good momentum since launch, so MS needed to do something to pick up the slack.
Again, DAI is doing fine: best debut for the franchise to date. Also, digital is way more a factor now than ever so if you add 20% on top, you're looking at a very comfortable margin over the first two games: being 11th for the month where you've been dormant for years and everything else is either an annual sequel or remake all while increasing your sales, hard to see anything bad there

Jinx you owe me a whiskey!


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
You need to put the sales in proper context friend. The PS4 sold really well in November. XB1 had an amazing November. Sony isn't going to lose an extra 50 dollars per console sold when the system is still selling at a decent clip.
Yeah I'm not sure they would view this gap in sales as excessive when the far less aggressively priced Destiny bundle created a 300K difference in one month. If they were panicking, we'd have already seen some new configurations for retail in December. But if (or rather, when) Xbox One stays at $349 in January they are probably going to have to keep some promotion going for longer than they anticipated. I don't see a full on price drop before May. The worldwide totals are too good at current pricing to freak out after one month in one region. The gap between 360 and PS3 in North America was so enormous that even having a discussion about Microsoft simply catching up is a bit crazy.

They have been pretty clear though that it's a temporary price cut, everyone who doubts that is basing it on pure speculation. I think they will leave the price at $349 no bundle, but part of me wants M.S. to bump the price back up just so I can read the the meltdowns here on Gaf lol. All the "WTF M.S.!!!" Posts it would create, would be glorious lol.
As I mentioned in another thread on this particular topic, I don't see it happening. It would be the most temporary PR victory ever for them to close the gap for two months, only to see it slide away for almost half a year leading up to E3 price cuts. If they don't catch Sony now, things would get very ugly when price drops hit and they haven't really put anything out for the first few months of the year. $349 as the price admission is going to stay. Maybe bundles that include games become $399.

Now is not the time for funny gifs, now is a time for reflection. A time for Sony to re-evaluate their approach to the market. To fight now would be fruitless, they must adapt, they must evolve, they must....upgrade to face the new challenges that lay ahead of them.

The road may be bloody, the lion they face at the end may be fierce and born of a jackal, but Sony must endure for it is their destiny to take back the throne and instil order.


I got to hand it to Microsoft, they finally did it, beating ps4 by 400k plus. My only question is at what cost though? Can they keep having these crazy deals going forward ?


They have been pretty clear though that it's a temporary price cut, everyone who doubts that is basing it on pure speculation. I think they will leave the price at $349 no bundle, but part of me wants M.S. to bump the price back up just so I can read the the meltdowns here on Gaf lol. All the "WTF M.S.!!!" Posts it would create, would be glorious lol.

There's a saying in retail which basically says its easy to drop a price and very hard to increase it.

MS will not increase the price of the One, I would literally be amazed if they do.


I am pretty sure PS4 is sold at a slight profit by now. It's possible that Wii U is still sold at a slight loss. Xbone is sold at a loss (quite a large one in November).

AFAIK, WiiU, Xbox One (499, kinect version) and PS4 were selling with a smallt profit from the start.
Wow. Poor Wii U. My favorite console but hardly anyone cares about it.

I'm wondering how Nintendo doesn't release a new console in 2015.

Why should they? It seems they earn now a lot of money with this console and its games.

And a 1/4 million cared enough, that is hardly hardly anyone...
Highest launch of the series, but it's also...

3rd iteration in a rather well-established franchise. (even if DA2 did bite off more than it could chew )
4-5 year development period (as opposed to DA2's one-year development time)
Larger dev team ( can't remember, but I remember a sizable number touted for DA:I... 300? )
5 SKUs (as opposed to 3)

If expectations were kept in check to be in-line with the previous games in the franchise, then that's fine. Nowadays, it's hard to tell with crazy things like Dragon's Dogma hoping to sell 10 million/we want the Skyrim audience.


I got to hand it to Microsoft, they finally did it, beating ps4 by 400k plus. My only question is at what cost though? Can they keep having these crazy deals going forward ?

Some numbers would be nice. I would estimate $100M loss vs. $50M profit for Sony.

(I am old, I remember times when losing $100M in a month wasn't peanuts)


AFAIK, WiiU, Xbox One (499, kinect version) and PS4 were selling with a smallt profit from the start.

No, PS4 was sold at a slight loss at first, something like 20 USD iirc.
Xbone is definitely sold at a loss now, especially taking into consideration the value of the bundled software.
CoD drops further. I don't hate the franchise but honestly I'd like for it to decline a fair bit so things can shake up a bunch in the FPS category. Let new IPs break-in and move away from the ADS-centric gameplay to some sort of new hotness.

There's a saying in retail which basically says its easy to drop a price and very hard to increase it.

MS will not increase the price of the One, I would literally be amazed if they do.

People in Canada can believe it.


No Vita numbers?

some vita numbers

playstation tv < 39k (ltd)

in october, ps vita + ps tv was about 30k. i think in september they were 20k? maybe the combined systems sold about 50k in november. it would put the system near 250k for the year (last month it was about 200k)
I can't believe people thought Smash would spur a sales spike for the Wii U when Mario Kart couldn't. Now you have people kidding themselves again and moving the goalposts to games like Splatoon, X and Zelda.


I can't believe people thought Smash would spur a sales spike for the Wii U when Mario Kart couldn't. Now you have people kidding themselves again and moving the goalposts to games like Splatoon, X and Zelda.

mario kart did spur a sales spike. sales have been up for the wii u all year outside of about two or three months.

getting it to levels of other non-saturn third-place consoles was another thing entirely. 2015 will be the end of the system and the start of its decline in the us. it can be staved off by a price cut and some lucrative bundles but after 2015, it should fade to vita levels pretty quickly.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
I can't believe people thought Smash would spur a sales spike for the Wii U when Mario Kart couldn't. Now you have people kidding themselves again and moving the goalposts to games like Splatoon, X and Zelda.

Be fair. The console is up like 37%-ish to last year.

That is exactly what you'd call "raising sales" - it would have been much worse without mario kart. So yea smash could have done more but stil up double digits to last year this month
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