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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]

My poor Wii U is truly dead ):
10% YOY increase is all they can manage after all of their heavy hitters are gone. What could even make a dent now? I doubt Zelda U could. Maybe a true Amiibo game?
Price reduction, as important as several heavy hitters.

*to sustain the sales without big brands.



The drop is getting flatter :p
Price reduction, as important as several heavy hitters.

*to sustain the sales without big brands.

I have serious doubts about that. Hitting double digit prices didn't help the GameCube that much. If the market doesn't see the Wii U as desirable, no reasonable price drop is going to have more than a marginal effect. If people just don't want it, the thing would have to be $49 to sell like gangbusters.


Wii U will always be a niche product. I knew that going in and am perfectly happy with the experiences I get out of it.

Honestly I don't know what anyone at this point is expecting from them. The console's not "dead" as its still making a profit for Nintendo. They'll continue to support it for a couple more years then move on. Anyone thinking they were gonna ride the tidal wave of Wii with the rise in mobile gaming is delusional. It just wasn't going to happen.


300-400k sounds about right given the bottom of the barrel pricing and freebies MS was throwing in with the system, can't imagine they made any money in November, and after paying publishers for all those free games, they probably actually lost money, but they did manage to close the gap by a 3rd in the US, give or take. I'd wager Sony made more money in November on console sales than MS did, most of the big releases still sold more on the PS4, minus bundling, COD, and Madden.

People thinking MS will wipe out the gap completely by February, lol. January and February will be dead months, if anything in the first half of the year is going to move a needle, it'll be Bloodborne when it hits, and more so in Japan than in the US I would think.

It'll be interesting to see if they stick at $350 come January or raise back up to $400. If they settle at $350, I expect to see Sony announce a cut to $350 around E3, probably not before.

I would more than wager, I would basically guarantee it.

as for the gap closing. they would have to keep the acu type bundle console and 2 games for 350 to keep closing the gap. I don't think they want to do that. I think they will keep the 350 price but no games included. but it wouldn't happen by February, probably closer to april or may. if that ws to happen in both US and UK, Sony would probably drop to 350 also.

Edit: just noticed on that you can still buy the day one edition on amazon. that seems odd for a year after release.
There's no question that PS4 will continue to dominate globally. Microsoft is only interested in preserving dominant market share in the United States and England (and I believe they will lead in those markets eventually - possibly by the end of 2015).

As for Sony, given the sorry state of that company as a whole, they had better be more interested in profits than winning a meaningless pissing contest with a mutual competitor that is largely offering an identical product.

That 'meaningless pissing contest' is consumer mindshare during the holiday shopping season. It's not the end-all-be-all, but it really matters. Even selling at a loss, netting customers at the early stage of a platform's lifecycle is more profitable than ever before. 5-7 years of buying accesories, membership fees, and more profitable online games.

As a personal anticdote, on Thanksgiving I had a brother-in-law and a friend scouring the ads for the best X1 sale. These two guys (and others like them) are video game trend setters for their more casual group of COD/Madden friends. As a PS4 owner, I did nothing but encourage them. There are great deals and it's a great system.
300-400k sounds about right given the bottom of the barrel pricing and freebies MS was throwing in with the system, can't imagine they made any money in November, and after paying publishers for all those free games, they probably actually lost money, but they did manage to close the gap by a 3rd in the US, give or take. I'd wager Sony made more money in November on console sales than MS did, most of the big releases still sold more on the PS4, minus bundling, COD, and Madden.

People thinking MS will wipe out the gap completely by February, lol. January and February will be dead months, if anything in the first half of the year is going to move a needle, it'll be Bloodborne when it hits, and more so in Japan than in the US I would think.

It'll be interesting to see if they stick at $350 come January or raise back up to $400. If they settle at $350, I expect to see Sony announce a cut to $350 around E3, probably not before.

I expect Sony will wait until Gamescon to announce a worldwide price drop. I expect a price drop to $299 like they did in 2009.


People thinking MS will wipe out the gap completely by February, lol. January and February will be dead months, if anything in the first half of the year is going to move a needle, it'll be Bloodborne when it hits, and more so in Japan than in the US I would think.

You seem to disregard December which is usually 2x November sales. I do agree that February seems like a stretch, and much depends on the pricing post-Holidays. If the price stays, I wouldn't bet against parity around the time of E3 (unless Sony does something in response).


NPD Sales Result for November 2014 of My Insider Info is Better Than Your Insider Info.

Don't forget to vote for me as NeoGAF Insider of the Year.

cboat sacrificed himself for the greater good of this thread. It wouldn't have been this interesting without the shyamalattwist.jpg.

Imagine if cq and cs had waited a couple more hours to appear...


Woah so what happened over the last 12 hours here then? I was super tired last night but forced myself to stay up for NPD. I read the first ten pages or so of this thread and witnessed all the CBOAT chaos. So what happened? CBOAT's bomb on the first page was a lie?

I'm reading back through the thread now trying to catch up. So according to Cream the difference was actually 400K and CBOAT was incorrect?
I'm inclined to believe he was semi-trolling.

7-10 would have been an accurate ratio, I think he put a "k" in there to troll the thread. Which was deemed unacceptable, and understandably so.


Wii U will always be a niche product. I knew that going in and am perfectly happy with the experiences I get out of it.

Honestly I don't know what anyone at this point is expecting from them. The console's not "dead" as its still making a profit for Nintendo. They'll continue to support it for a couple more years then move on. Anyone thinking they were gonna ride the tidal wave of Wii with the rise in mobile gaming is delusional. It just wasn't going to happen.

True but to go from 100 mil sold one generation and then maybe hitting 15 mil the next generation is one steep drop. Nobody would of thought that would of been the case and it would be fair to think Nintendo's next console after the Wii could hit 30 mil?


That 'meaningless pissing contest' is consumer mindshare during the holiday shopping season. It really matters. Even selling at a loss, netting customers at the early stage of a platform's lifecycle is more profitable than ever before. 5-7 years of buying accesories, membership fees, and more profitable online games.

As long as it is not just the second console for which only a few selected games are purchased.

Or purchased by ultra-price-sensitive gamers that only buy used games.

Seeing how PSN Store gift cars are sitting on the top 3 Amazon spots of yearly rankings and how a shitload of DS4s sold on BF the "quality of the purchaser" is probably an important factor, not only the quantity.
MS has Dec on lock as well, still lowered price and now they are tossing in free games of a person's choosing? And Sony is doing nothing but tossing out "meh" bundles. MS is tossing everything at getting ppl to buy, Sony kinda needed to not just sit back and watch their lead go poof.
The console's not "dead" as its still making a profit for Nintendo.

They have had one quarter of profit after three years of losses. Let's not count our Amiibos before they hatch. Also, like in Nintendo's previous generations, I suspect their handheld is contributing more to the bottom line than the console side.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Really goes to show how huge CoD is that it can be both on a massive decline and still one of the biggest launches ever.


MS has Dec on lock as well, still lowered price and now they are tossing in free games of a person's choosing? And Sony is doing nothing but tossing out "meh" bundles. MS is tossing everything at getting ppl to buy, Sony kinda needed to not just sit back and watch their lead go poof.

Yeah, the big hurdle for Sony seems to be that their GTA5 Black Friday bundle is sold out at every major online retailer, and in limited availability at brick & mortar stores.

Meanwhile the Assassin's Creed Bundle is still in full force everywhere.
But that would mean cboat posted something without a deliberate typo, which is pretty out of character.

2 million in the UK???
lol no! Won't even reach 1.5 million.

If MS only shipped 6m to N.A. they'd be sold out everywhere sometime around now. (mid December) They're looking at selling ~6m in USA alone, there could be 7m shipped to North America easily.

So 6.5mill NA
1.5 mill UK sound right?


As long as it is not just the second console for which only a few selected games are purchased.

Or purchased by ultra-price-sensitive gamers that only buy used games.

Seeing how PSN Store gift cars are sitting on the top 3 Amazon spots of yearly rankings and how a shitload of DS4s sold on BF the "quality of the purchaser" is probably an important factor, not only the quantity.

The high rankings of PSN store cards on Amazon can be skewed by the fact that it's one of the most convenient places for non-Americans to fund their US PSN accounts.

Ranger X

Everything going as expected.
The WiiU didn't have the number of great games needed to make a dent.
The price drop gave a temporary momentum to the Xbone.

Free prediction for December:

The dust falls back on the ground, and PS4 goes back on top, partly because the GTA bundle.

Miles X

So 6.5mill NA
1.5 mill UK sound right?

I'd say closer to 7m NA. If XB1 has a Dec on par with Nov like it did last year, that's 6.2m~ US alone. As a rule of thumb the rest of NA is about 10% of the US, so 600k~. 6.8m sell through, 7.4m shipped~

UK + Americas will easily surpass 8.3m sell through by 2015.


Everyone's harsh on CBOAT
He trolled the thread with news would that would get the most response here (MS under performing).

I was here for his golden age of insider info but those days seem to be over. All his info seems to just want to shed a bad light on Microsoft


The high rankings of PSN store cards on Amazon can be skewed by the fact that it's one of the most convenient places for non-Americans to fund their US PSN accounts.

Shame I can't do it. When ever I order PSN on Amazon it messes up and I have to call them to cancel it.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Already asked, but I don't see answers on this: do we know how well Skylanders' and Infinity' toys did when they debuted? It'd be nice to get a better context to amiibo sales (around SSB Wii U's results).
As long as it is not just the second console for which only a few selected games are purchased.

Or purchased by ultra-price-sensitive gamers that only buy used games.

Seeing how PSN Store gift cars are sitting on the top 3 Amazon spots of yearly rankings and how a shitload of DS4s sold on BF the "quality of the purchaser" is probably an important factor, not only the quantity.

I'm certain the number of XB1 sold in Nov to PS4 owners or used game hunters is insignificant. Most will be gifts or 360 owners already accustomed to an online marketplace. MS will profit from those units over the next 5-7 years.


As long as it is not just the second console for which only a few selected games are purchased.

Or purchased by ultra-price-sensitive gamers that only buy used games.

Seeing how PSN Store gift cars are sitting on the top 3 Amazon spots of yearly rankings and how a shitload of DS4s sold on BF the "quality of the purchaser" is probably an important factor, not only the quantity.

Yeah it will be interesting to see who bought those Xboxes. How many were sold to 360 owners who were always going to upgrade to a One and simply couldn't resist pulling the trigger early at fire sale prices?


Got to say I am really happy HMCC is the 10th spot. Hopefully it doesn't even show up next month.

In November, the #10 slot probably still represents millions of units sold. It's only one slot below Assassin's Creed, a massive franchise spread across 2 platforms.

It's probably the best-selling Xbox One exclusive since Titanfall. It may have performed even better than Titanfall.

Miles X

In November, the #10 slot probably still represents millions of units sold. It's only one slot below Assassin's Creed, a massive franchise spread across 2 platforms.

It's probably the best-selling Xbox One exclusive since Titanfall. It may have performed even better than Titanfall.

Nope. Did 660k~ which is worse than Titanfall and Destiny.

Still an impressive showing for a collection but it could have done better if it were not for all the .... shit.
So 6.5mill NA
1.5 mill UK sound right?

1.5 mil UK sounds possible, but again, they are currently 5 million in USA, probably 5.5 with Canada, but with December's sales yet to be counted. if they only stock 6.5 million by year end, there will be none left for January. I'd say 7m would be at the low end. Rest of world doesn't need to be that high as there's not many places that are buying it in large numbers.


Yeah it will be interesting to see who bought those Xboxes. How many were sold to 360 owners who were always going to upgrade to a One and simply couldn't resist pulling the trigger early at fire sale prices?

I hope that Xbox One price drop isn't going to be temporary, or I fear for their future the other 10 months of the year. All temporary price cuts do is push sales forward. This is begging to have an even weaker pre-season, because the console at $399 has lost all value.


Sony never drops the price by only $50. At least last gen, they never did.

From $599 to $499
From $499 to $399
From $399 to $299

And I don't think they will start this gen! A drop from $399 to $349 will interest nobody. They will just say: "Wasn't it more or less at that price last holidays with all the bundles?".


^This. Congrats Microsoft for giving away your product to stay competitive. Well done.... because you know, this is more effective than building up consumer confidence, and a great games library year round which will make people see the value of your product and buy it at full price.

I call BS. We as consumers can't say the XBONE isnt a good value proposition and then complain when they make it a good value proposition...

CONSUMER: "The XBONE is too expensive for the hardware that's in it, no way I'm buying it at that price compared to PS4"

MS: "No problem, we will remove the Kinect, drop the price, and add some games. Let's sell some boxes!"

CONSUMER: "I can't believe MS had to drop the price and give us games to get it sold, what a bunch of losers!"

Come on, the salt is unbelievable. Consumers spoke, the value prop wasn't good, MS listened (at least for the holiday) and gave you a better value prop. There are more than enough games to keep you busy, and there are great games confirmed and expected in 2015. They cant change the hardware, it is what it is. They changed what they could to make it more appealing. ENJOY IT!
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