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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]


The 1.2M how does that fare against any hardware for the month historically? I guess in terms of where this would fall historically for Nov hardware.
Damn good. 360s highest was 1.7 I believe. I dont remember PS3 ever going over a million for Nov. Wii had a 2 mil Nov.


Unconfirmed Member
It was a lie, and if people cant see through his deliberate attempts to smear anything to do with Xbox then his removal from GAF should help. Dont think ive witnessed such wreckless and obvious trolling with "insider" status.

He or she only ever said "7-10k difference," right? If so, he or she could have been referring to something completely different, but certainly knew we were concerned most with hardware sales. Cboat gets some blame for intentionally being misleading through ambiguous information, and we get some blame as well for going off of the wall without any clarification.


IMO, the PS4 with maybe a free year of PS+ needs to hit the $350 price point for a while if not permanently. Especially if MS keeps a bundle going for around that price.


If anyone has money to spare it's Microsoft. Sony isn't in a financial position to react the way everyone is anticipating.

Sorry, quoting myself:
A pricedrop of 25% after (most probably) 20 month does not hurt Sony. They get great conditions because the PS4 runs at high production, components getting cheaper anyway and a more efficient revision will make up for the $100 easily.

But why not continue with $399 if the PS4 is still selling? Because Sony knows how they open new customer segments at $299 (and $199). Without them they never stand a chance to reach 150M. PS4 sells great but slowing down a little is no valid alternative to accelerate sales.

Sure MS could beat $299 from Sony and go down to $199...but then...I doubt it...quoting myself again:
quetz67 said:
I am seriously surprised we haven't heard much from shareholder lately
He only ever said "7-10k difference," right? If so, he or she could have been referring to something completely different, but certainly knew we were concerned most with hardware sales. Cboat gets some blame for intentionally being misleading through ambiguous information, and we get some blame as well for going off of the wall without any clarification.

There is really no other way to read it given the context, and CBoaT had the opportunity to correct his post if it was a mistake.

If Amazon rankings are anything to go, December is going to be a blowout win for th XB1. The gap may be closed by Xmas in NA.

It would have to be a major blowout since it's still a ton of ground to cover. Not gonna happen in December.
^This. Congrats Microsoft for giving away your product to stay competitive. Well done.... because you know, this is more effective than building up consumer confidence, and a great games library year round which will make people see the value of your product and buy it at full price.

Holy lord. Do you realize after the word "this" you did exactly what you're criticizing him of?


Gold Member
Damn, Wii U is for real done now. No false hope anymore. For anyone I argued with in 2012 that Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros would make a noticeable difference to turn things around, I admit I was wrong. What a disaster of a console. lol

The Cboat Xbox numbers drama was good fun. Still need to read through a lot of it but it's pretty wild to see the Xbox One close the gap by so much so quickly. Next month should be similarly fun, only with no Cboat craziness.
Nah, MS will go beyond that 10m shipment. 12m is my guess.

I doubt it. Our retail sources said neither consoles had a 100% sell-through rate for BF, and I suspect the 10 million figure by MS was on the assumption of their planned shipment throughout Nov/Dec.

Even if November was doing much better than they expected, they can't suddenly increase their orders and get it in time for December shipment for electronics.


So where did that 7-10k number come from? See he got banned too. Can't keep up with this thread at work :(

Can't understand why Cboat would pull that one either. He knows Gaf gets other sources for NPD like Aqua and Creamsugar ... Puzzling.

On the MS win, was expected if a bit better than I thought.
A Big Win for sure, at a Big cost too (possibly north of $100m), but well deserved anyway.

Otoh SCEA really didn't seem they were putting much of a fight either in November. I'm honestly still wondering why they didn't offer the GTA V + TLOU bundle for the whole month (11/18th and onward) like in Europe instead of making it a Black Friday item only?

I guess they prioritized profits, and that worked well enough from that point of view I guess.

In December the ball is in Sony's camp. We'll see if they feel the need to respond, and how.

Amazon has been spot on all year.

Not sure they will be in December though...
Amazon has been among the worst spots to buy a PS4 in December so far (Walmart still has the GTA V/ TLOU bundle, and Gamespot has had several promo bundles which apparently sold very well up until Wednesday).


He or she only ever said "7-10k difference," right? If so, he or she could have been referring to something completely different, but certainly knew we were concerned most with hardware sales. Cboat gets some blame for intentionally being misleading through ambiguous information, and we get some blame as well for going off of the wall without any clarification.

He had 40 PAGES to clear things up, he has a history of lying about MS; sorry this is bullshit reasoning and prevalent with many here trying to deflect his obvious attempts. 40 pages of nonsense, took further 40 to get the discussion going. I dont mind a bit of fun or teasing like Cream sugar but it was Cosmic that set things straight otherwise it would have kept on going with false info.

Seriously happy to see the back of him. He was great when his info was about specs, games etc, but he's become political and obnoxious, no need for any insider to be that way.

^This. Congrats Microsoft for giving away your product to stay competitive. Well done.... because you know, this is more effective than building up consumer confidence, and a great games library year round which will make people see the value of your product and buy it at full price.



I'd like to know how much profitability the Xbox division sacrificed and if the rest of Microsoft is either okay with it or if the desire to spin/sell them off has increased.

Have you been reading any news with Xbox, investors, and the CEO? Phil is doing a joint presentation with Nadella in January, they bought Minecraft where Phil led the negotiations courting Notch at dinners, and Nadella has publicly said gaming is one of the most important hobbies in today's culture. Microsoft is okay with Xbox as it fits into their bigger strategies and increases their brand.


Did Sunset Overdrive do that poorly? :( dammit, best game of the year doesn't deserve that!

Microsoft kind of screwed Insomniac over. They probably could have sold quite a bit of white SO bundles during November/December if they hadn't made them so goddamned limited.


Unconfirmed Member
He had 40 PAGES to clear things up, he has a history of lying about MS; sorry this is bullshit reasoning and prevalent with many here trying to deflect his obvious attempts. 40 pages of nonsense, took further 40 to get the discussion going. I dont mind a bit of fun or teasing like Cream sugar but it was Cosmic that set things straight otherwise it would have kept on going with false info.

Seriously happy to see the back of him. He was great when his info was about specs, games etc, but he's become political and obnoxious, no need for any insider to be that way.

I didn't say he wasn't to blame. I agree he had time to clear things up; however, we are to blame as well for constantly assuming shit. Unrelated, but did you see that stupid fucking hype thread for PSX? Alrighty. We get carried away too much. I did the same when I saw the 7-10k posted by him and assumed hardware, so I blame myself for assuming so as well.


So given Sonic's result, combined with Alien's results last month, I think we're at the point where Sega doesn't have any notable retail brands left in the West.


They have followed NPD this current gen in terms of ranking each month.

Edit: Could have been referring to his "blowout" comment though. I agree with that then.

Pretty much all the bundles are sold on on PS4. I believe only the destiny bundle that includes the Astro Headset, and the standard console are available from amazon.

No consoles to sell = makes a chart useless


As someone that owns all the consoles, I hope the console war is fought on the software front and not the price front. Sell your console with greater games!


Microsoft created a momentum for Xbox One, but Q1 2015 doesn't look so promising with Sony exclusives.

I think they need to take away some bundle out of the hat. White Xbox One + Halo MCC sounds a good idea.

MS's game isn't in the start or mid of the year, they wake up from a slumber guns blazing in time for the holidays. That is, unless Sony price cuts around E3...


Can't understand why Cboat would pull that one either. He knows Gaf gets other sources for NPD like Aqua and Creamsugar ... Puzzling.w.

His TitanFall information was puzzling too. It was absolutely shat thrown in the face when you had the CEO of Respawn saying so. It's as if Cboat's account has been compromised by Sony now to taint Microsoft's image lol.
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