Does Dec have the same release heavy schedule as Nov? Any chance DA:I pokes it's head out in the top 10 then?
Zelda popularity vs. Zelda sales are weird. Nintendo just revealed the Link was the best selling Amiibo thus far in the U.S.
I meant WW
7-10k dif
So the second DA really killed the franchise didn't it.
(btw. if I remember correctly, the difference should be 1.2 million already in the US)Look, the sales gap between PS4 and XB1:
Nov 2013 - PS4 229k
Dec 2013 - XB1 ~50k
Jan 2014 - PS4 130k
Feb 2014 - PS4 10k
Mar 2014 - PS4 60k
Apr 2014 - PS4 84k
May 2014 - PS4 120k
Jun 2014 - PS4 72k
Jul 2014 - PS4 56k
Aug 2014 - PS4 30k
Sep 2014 - PS4 254k
Oct 2014 - PS4 ~120k
Total: 1115k
Probably, but they paid for it with reduced enthusiasm for the series.
I just checked on the sales of Origins on consoles in its debut month and it's almost exactly the same as Inquisition. Rather fitting that they'd be back where they started with the game that attempts to right the ship, as it were.
Amazon says so far so good.
Fixed a bit
XB1 isn't anywhere close to 10M sold thourgh WW, no.
Lol no it's been confirmed.
lmfao at those wiiu hardware numbers. can they even reach gc numbers at this rate?
You are overestimating.
This is Wii U's third Christmas, and the console hasn't even surpassed Sega Saturn yet.
Is it true x1 one barely one by 10k? Wow of true ms has no shot even in the US this gen that's nuts.
All those posts predicting xbox outselling ps4 by 400k plus and it is nearly as tie... Ms has no chance even in the US Imo.
There were other posts in this thread but this is the most salty gif I've ever seen.
NoHas this been corroborated? I just got in this thread now.
NPD directly tracks all of those retailers.
LOL no. If MarioKart 8 and Smash can't shift systems. Nothing will. No one is interesting in the WiiU or Nintendo's IP's.
It probably did in Canada.No way ouya sold 10kkill me
Amazon was almost a non factor this month. They've been good for rankings so far, but we'll see.
Schadenfreude much? You've been on this victory lap already for almost two years. It doesn't get old?
If Amazon were to be fully believed the Xbone would've outsold the PS4 2:1 during November.
This also highlights another issue. Any chance of Microsoft money hatting an exclusive for the Xbox One is going to diminish as the sales gap widens. If they couldn't be competitive this month, and winning by 10k isn't competitive, it's winning by a margin of error - they will have an insane time convincing any third parties their console is a viable permanently home.
I say this a guy who just bought an Xbox One and PS4 within the same week for myself personally.
My point is there are still at least 10 other games that sold more than it in November. For a title of that magnitude, that is terrible.
What is it at then?
After 25 months on the market
Gamecube - 5,700,000
WiiU - 3,082,000
Gap = 2.62m in Gamecubes favour.
Text: MS win November NPD
Drake's eyebrows raises....
Text: CBOAT: "on by 7k-10k"
Drake smiles....
My point is there are still at least 10 other games that sold more than it in November. For a title of that magnitude, that is terrible.
ha, FC4's lead over ACU really goes to show the extent of the word of mouth backlash on Ubi's flagship franchise
lmao! literally everytime the Wii U underperforms with a new game, Nintendo fans start saying "______" will save the Wii U. its not going to be saved. Skyward Sword only sold around 3.5 million copies and that was on the Wii which had an install base of 100k+. Zelda U will be lucky to get close to 1.5 million units imo. the system is dead. as great as Zelda U looks, no way people buy a Wii U en mass unless the Wii U's price is dropped to $199 or lower. argue all you want about the value of the sytem but clearly its current MSRP is doing the system little favors, especially when retailers had PS4's and Xbox One's for around $300 during November.
If Amazon were to be fully believed the Xbone would've outsold the PS4 2:1 during November.
ha, FC4's lead over ACU really goes to show the extent of the word of mouth backlash on Ubi's flagship franchise
What is it at then?
Anyone else thinking the Wii U is too pricey?
Is $199 price point more fitting?
I think you overestimate the importance of this IP. A lot.
Link?Lol no it's been confirmed.