So, what are the chances MS can wipe out Sony's entire lead in NA in December?
It's got to be pretty good, right?
If that pic is correct, the green part would be the gap:
[XB1] 1200K
[PS4] 940K
[WIU] 350K
[3DS] 400K
[360] 250K
[PS3] 180K
my thinking was more rooted in there being lower hardware sales than what there turned out to be. 800k+ ps4s is still rather tremendous for a second november.
Good god that's beautiful
We need an official statement on this. One random dude says 7-10k gap, another random dude says he's wrong, and then random dude #3 posts a pie chart. WTF.
The Wii U was 223K 2013, so 10% up is actually 245K.
Why do people keep eyeballing... there are angles and maths posted.
It's 1.24M and 840K.
Sales of white consoles?
Cream is easily the most reliable source in NPD threads... Crazy has a track record of being right and wrong. Most recently he's been wrong about a lot as I recall.
Bish PM incoming.I love cboat, but in this case he is not correct.
Just stop.