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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]


So XB1 will get to say within 400k-600k of PS4 end of the year. Sony then win every month again next year until November? That would lead MS a even bigger gap to catch then this year.

Conceivably Sony could win NPD by 50k for the first 10 months next year and the gap will be back to what it was in Oct. Seems like a reasonable scenario. Then the crazy ass deals come out of the woodwork again for Nov 2015.


So this is how these NPD threads go from what I've seen.

Initial overreaction to some unknown sources post> clarification 30-40 pages later> Discussing numbers etc> People trying to downplay the numbers with long essays.

Cboat is not a unknown, he has just lost his way.
I look forward to their euphoria when XB1 wins December lol

Incredible how far the XB1 has come.

Said it before, but by the end of the year it will have more than halved a lead that took the PS4 10 months to build!
more like incredible how far back the price was dropped with free games added in for the X1 to win a month lol.


MS turning things around in a big way. 7k is huge, 10 would be just unbelievable. It's gonna be snowing coke on the MS Christmas Party this year.


A compelling argument for sure.

For me is pretty obvious that Xbox One sales was because $329/349 price tag and 2 free games.

It's not because Assassin's Creed, it's the idea of a cheap console with free games. If they are CoD Ghosts and Advanced Warfare, sales will be at least the same (Probably bigger because CoD has more appeal).


so MS basically caught up 35% of the difference in a single month? (400k / 750k+400k)
damn black friday really is a crazy phenomenon


You're starting with a conclusion, and then bending the data to fit that the conclusion.

The most reasonable assumption is the the AC bundle had the most demand because most prospective Xbox buyers wanted AC, even more than CoD.

But the COD bundle cost more than the AC bundle, so that part of your analogy is incorrect.

There was the standalone Xbox One without Kinect for the same price as the AC bundle. Anyone in their right mind would buy the AC Bundle over the one without any games at the same price. That is the main reason why it was sold so well over the other versions of the Xbox One.


Wow, I forgot all about NPD today.

After a quick scan of this thread I can't believe anybody thinks PlayStation is in any trouble whatsoever. This result was forecast a mile away due to Microsoft's price cuts and free game give-a-aways.

Another thing which I've said for awhile now is that Sony probably didn't have the stock to support a huge sale this holiday season. They've been selling like crazy since launch and never had the time to build up stock. If the PS4 had a deal like the XB1, it would likely have sold out and the XB1 would still have beaten it. On top of that the worldwide number are probably even or still in Sony's favor.

What trouble though? At $399 - thus higher profit margins - they sold a really high amount too, no slouch. Microsoft went a different approach, and gained significant ground (gap is now 750k-800k) but with diminished profit margins. They definitely had a strategy that worked out fantastic, because they made real ground and I believe that momentum will lead them to at least 250k victory in December. Next year gets interesting.

The reality is PS4's worldwide lead is unassailable, so it's really just a fascinating race to see how close things are going to get in US and UK, the only territories XBO has any viable chance of making up any real ground. Still never enough for worldwide, but enough to hit at least 45-50 million by gen's end. Successful enough, no doubt.

These numbers have made the game very interesting in the US now. The long term strategy is what fascinates me, because what can be seen as a victory today might go wrong tomorrow. Remember, Sony's 2015 lineup is formidable and they definitely have the first six months locked down from that perspective. Will they connect one of the big games next year with a high profile price cut, amplifying the effects on both software and hardware? PS4's maintained their price for a longer period of time, leading to pent up demand, could have just as explosive a return over its competition during that time. Making back up the gap MS made in November/December.

There's a host of possible scenarios. If MS stays at $349.99 - and how could they not? - they have to sell a bit more each month to make up for the profit margin decrease. So much depends on if Sony wants to stubbornly cling to $399.99 until Holidays, or if they see MS creeping up on them close enough they might spring it by July. Who knows. So many different scenarios means so many possible avenues for one or the other to gain ground.

Of course MS has Halo 5, although one wonders if the recent Halo: MCC stuff will dampen initial explosion of sales somewhat as people wait for hands-on observation that everything works the way it should.


I wonder if this will encourage Sony to be more aggressive this holiday.

Would probably me a bit hard. Assuming that they are planning right now, they have a 14-15 days to make a bundle, release it and market it for it to have the biggest push(Christmas and Day after gift card sales). They would probably be better off selling it as is and not have to worry about marketing and price cut.
Conceivably Sony could win NPD by 50k for the first 10 months next year and the gap will be back to what it was in Oct. Seems like a reasonable scenario. Then the crazy ass deals come out of the woodwork again for Nov 2015.

Sony would realistically need another "Destiny" type of push though. Something that accelerates its lead pre-season, because realistically speaking, whatever the outcome of December NPD, PS4's lead was given significant buffer thanks to Destiny + White SKU.

Though that depends on how competitive Sony is for next holiday. Realistically speaking, they should be better prepared this time round, unless MS ups it up another notch in 2015.


Conceivably Sony could win NPD by 50k for the first 10 months next year and the gap will be back to what it was in Oct. Seems like a reasonable scenario. Then the crazy ass deals come out of the woodwork again for Nov 2015.

I could see it being bigger if MS just sat back and waited for Nov/Dec again. PS4 has far more exclusive coming out, which they didn't have this year. I can't see them putting the price back up either, that would be crazy.


I know that Sony will not likely to lower the price any time soon. PS4 is selling well. But the bundles are overpriced imo :(

They really aren't.

I know I'll be arguing against myself here but still.

The race to the bottom is not a healthy thing to do. It's filled with crap upon crap. Do we really want our consoles to imitate the various mobile software stores?

Buy a PS4, pay $50 to unlock BD, pay $30 to unlock vod services etc etc?
As I can see the problem with not selling a console I'm more afraid of how cheap everyone is. If the platform holders die due to the fact that everyone is Scrooging it I'll be first to point a finger and tell everyone how stupid they were. Please no significant price cuts until the third year. No console under $300 until it's fifth year please.
Why would cboat even troll like that?

Arrogance got to him finally

Please tell me where he was arrogant? Or is being wrong because of <unknown reasons to us> arrogant?
Wii U's 2015 numbers at this rate are going to be profoundly bleak. I am not looking forward to seeing those results month after month.
This is going to be one slow Titanic sinking

No offense Ami but I don't know why in December of 2014 anyone could use the titantic as a metaphor for Wii U sales. They were never large to begin with and most certainly aren't going to be slow to sink to the bottom [again actually so was the titanic a submarine?]

Pity really I guess but Nintendo needs to get 3rd party support because that assuredly seems to be where the market is now. Unless of course it can create its own sustainable market segment which would be better but like that seems like a big risk.

Around 515k

Better than I predicted. Still YOY bleed is real.


No offense Ami but I don't know why in December of 2014 anyone could use the titantic as a metaphor for Wii U sales. They were never large to begin with and most certainly aren't going to be slow to sink to the bottom [again actually so was the titanic a submarine?]

Pity really I guess but Nintendo needs to get 3rd party support because that assuredly seems to be where the market is now. Unless of course it can create its own sustainable market segment which would be better but like that seems like a big risk.

Better than I predicted. Still YOY bleed is real.

I meant Nintendo is the titanic itself, not the Wii U :(

I don't know how bad it is going to get from here. Trajectory is only down from here, you and I both know that. It is really ... 12 million max? I mean, Dreamcast levels now. This is easily Nintendo's biggest console flop at this point, unless we count Virtual Boy.
Today must feel like Xmas for embattled xbox fans. Cboat banned for 5 months, XB1 squashed PS4..

It is and there are plenty of GAFfers and banned GAFfers rejoicing on Twitter like they won the latest mega millions. Hopefully they don't delve into TimDog territory because that would be really fucking sad.

I actually wish I wasn't pointed towards these Twitter handles because they now make me sad as I slowly lose respect for these posters.


That's what I've been saying Sony is acting like the hare in terms of its pricing and other aspects like updates to the system all things being equal like games and exclusives both of which attract many buyers for both systems. It's something I have noticed as a ps4 owner that I have been feeling a perception that many others might have felt too that they have been sitting back more than they should for the most part rather than take advantage of their advantages

I think Sony has it in the bag really. Hard not to see that when u take worldwide sales into account. Only thing is, Sony is not in a position as a company this gen to step on MS's throat. At least they know not to f around come next November when the situation may most likely look similar to this November given the games outlook for both Sony and MS Q1 - Q3 2015. Looking forward to what MS will do as far as pricing in January.
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