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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]

Great month for PS4. STELLAR month for XB1. XB1 may take December, but Sony can afford to go to next year and see how sales are doing before budging. Microsoft has to keep that $350 price or sales will absolutely crater.
So $60,000,000 in lost potential profits (1.2mil x $50 (the price reduction)); Excluding loss for games bundled. That is a lot of money.

A lot more when you add in bundle losses for games included.
Yep, cause they definitely won't make that money back from those user's purchases of LIVE membership and games over the generation now...Good call
So what happens if Sony takes December?

Then we revise our expectations. Right now, Amazon as a barometer puts XB1 > PS4 for December to date.

The important thing to acknowledge of Amazon is that it's a great tool for positioning, but not one for volume sales. The position of PS4/XB1 for February & November this year were about similar in terms of rank in charts, yet the physical difference ended up being 10k and 400k respectively.


Sony shouldn't let this become a turtle and hare story again because that would be something

Sony has yet to do anything though. It's not like they were rushing out of the gate to win this gen. Until we see aggressive pricing, we won't know who is the hare and who is the turtle.
Wow, I forgot all about NPD today.

After a quick scan of this thread I can't believe anybody thinks PlayStation is in any trouble whatsoever. This result was forecast a mile away due to Microsoft's price cuts and free game give-a-aways.

Another thing which I've said for awhile now is that Sony probably didn't have the stock to support a huge sale this holiday season. They've been selling like crazy since launch and never had the time to build up stock. If the PS4 had a deal like the XB1, it would likely have sold out and the XB1 would still have beaten it. On top of that the worldwide number are probably even or still in Sony's favor.
I hear you, but 240k and getting outsold by a 10 year old console (360) during Smash month is not good at all. I'm sure there would be a bigger audience for the Wii U with more competitive pricing(myself included), but I can understand why they choose not to do so with the way things stand.
At most I think a price of $200 would have added 50-100k units. WiiU at this point is its own enemy. Part of the reason I don't expect it to remain on shelves past 2016. At it's current rate it will be a long, very slow crawl to 6 million units in America. Literally double it's current LtD. And this year will likely end up one of its best.
look at it this way

IN 2014 xbox was going at 55 and ps4 was going at 70, then xbox increased it's speed to 70 and ps4 remained at 70; if people start buying more xbox ones at this price while Sony just waits and is happy with profit per system then Xbox one will eventually will catch up even if Sony is making a higher profit per console. So what matters more, more consoles in consumers hands or profit per consolr

US does not equal WW. Sony still has more consoles in people's homes and the profit. Also do you really think MS is going to erase a 700-800k lead in the US in December?

Riddle me this what do think sales between the two will be like from January to June, which I imagine will be the time Sony officially drops the price? You think the X1 is going to outsell the PS4 by a healthy or any margin in that time frame at $50 less when PS4 has The Order, Bloodborne, MLB, Until Dawn, many digital exclusive titles, and generally the better performing Mulitplats?


Sony has yet to do anything though. It's not like they were rushing out of the gate to win this gen. Until we see aggressive pricing, we won't know who is the hare and who is the turtle.

Given how badly they got stomped last gen in NA, Sony is probably content with their current position.


5 month ban


Is it possible that we misread him? He is supposed to post in riddles. I think the drawback was that he didn't remedy the responses once we took it and ran. I still love me some CBOAT. He is the reason I even know about GAF.


The Xbone won December last year and this year it took November and it might be taking December as well.

I wonder of this will become a trend. PS4 outselling the XB1 throughout the year and the XB1 taking the big months.

So XB1 will get to around within 400k-600k of PS4 end of the year if december is like this month. Sony then win every month again next year until November? That would lead MS a even bigger gap to catch then this year. I can't see them allowing that.
No, I'm laughing at you because you lol'd someone's reasonable prediction but you're incapable of putting forward a reason how X1 will "pick up" and the best you came up with was "I don't know".

I'm just assuming that it can't get much worse WW. Which it honestly can't. Price drops, better games, more value = better sales.
With potentially another 200M consoles to be sold and another 6-7 years to sell them, nothing is certain... especially with a new, rather unpredictable market this gen (China).
you are really reaching huh, just enjoy the NA 1 month sales victory and appreciate the fact that a brand new current gen console can be had for 330 and relax. WW X1 will not outsell the PS4. What makes you think the Chinese won't prefer the playstation over the xbox as well?
Sony has yet to do anything though. It's not like they were rushing out of the gate to win this gen. Until we see aggressive pricing, we won't know who is the hare and who is the turtle.

That's what I've been saying Sony is acting like the hare in terms of its pricing and other aspects like updates to the system all things being equal like games and exclusives both of which attract many buyers for both systems. It's something I have noticed as a ps4 owner that I have been feeling a perception that many others might have felt too that they have been sitting back more than they should for the most part rather than take advantage of their advantages

US does not equal WW. Sony still has more consoles in people's homes and the profit. Also do you really think MS is going to erase a 700-800k lead in the US in December?

Riddle me this what do think sales between the two will be like from January to June, which I imagine will be the time Sony officially drops the price? You think the X1 is going to outsell the PS4 by a healthy or any margin in that time frame at $50 less when PS4 has The Order, Bloodborne, MLB, Until Dawn, many digital exclusive titles, and generally the better performing Mulitplats?

I am referring to the US market but it might spill over to international market in some form too


Let's be real, where are you assuming XB1 sales will increase WW?


They like the colour green.

At most I think a price of $200 would have added 50-100k units. WiiU at this point is its own enemy. Part of the reason I don't expect it to remain on shelves past 2016. At it's current rate it will be a long, very slow crawl to 6 million units in America. Literally double it's current LtD. And this year will likely end up one of its best.

As someone who doesn't live in the states I have to ask.

Do Nintendo spend a lot on old fashioned marketing? TV adds, billboards, radio stuff etc?
So this is how these NPD threads go from what I've seen.

Initial overreaction to some unknown sources post> clarification 30-40 pages later> Discussing numbers etc> People trying to downplay the numbers with long essays.


He means you are wrong which is true. Even MS at its best with 360 couldnt compete with Sony WW. Japan is out of the question, uk is the only place MS does well and currently they are behind there. The rest of the places are still as bad as last gen for MS. Add the current lead Sony has WW and you can see the gen is over in terms of places.

I don't get this. Worldwide 360 and PS3 are in statistical tie territory.


Today must feel like Xmas for embattled xbox fans. Cboat banned for 5 months, XB1 squashed PS4..

I look forward to their euphoria when XB1 wins December lol

Incredible how far the XB1 has come.

Said it before, but by the end of the year it will have more than halved a lead that took the PS4 10 months to build!
So this is how these NPD threads go from what I've seen.

Initial overreaction to some unknown sources post> clarification 30-40 pages later> Discussing numbers etc> People trying to downplay the numbers with long essays.

And then there is you.



i think MS might keep the bundle going until bloodborne is released. after that they might take away the games and just lower the price to 299.

$299???? I don't think MSFT is that worried about bloodbourne tbh. The Order has more chance to make a splash due to its technical marvel. I don't see $299 happening right after a price reduction to $349.


you are really reaching huh, just enjoy the NA 1 month sales victory and appreciate the fact that a brand new current gen console can be had for 330 and relax. WW X1 will not outsell the PS4. What makes you think the Chinese won't prefer the playstation over the xbox as well?

It's not reaching... just reality. You don't call the game in the middle of the 1st quarter.


So this is how these NPD threads go from what I've seen.

Initial overreaction to some unknown sources post> clarification 30-40 pages later> Discussing numbers etc> People trying to downplay the numbers with long essays.

Those essays are way more reasonable than whatever you're spouting, to be honest.

And those are still considered discussions, by the way.
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