That's how console cycles go. As they get cheaper in price they become more popular with the demographics you've mentioned, which is exactly why you see the 360 leading in those areas.
Recent console cycles have not gone this way (PS2/Wii/DS). Wide market adoption was there day one, the 360 rekindled mass market adoption after the Wii with Kinect but the market was always engaged. I don't see this market at all anymore unless a Pokemon game comes out, and I don't see anyone trying to appeal to them either. Last years NPD was much the same sans Pokemon taking up two spots. Month in and month out, family oriented titles are performing better on 360/Wii.
Mobile is their platform now and no one is giving them a reason to move on from the old hardware, and that will impact the long term.
Can you elaborate on "extended audience"? How much would an extended audience really change things up considering how massive this demographic is?
The audience that helped the PS2, Wii, and DS reach record breaking highs. I don't see that audience here, or anywhere for that matter in the console space anymore. I don't see them being catered to either. What I see, while a great result from an outside view, is the consolidation of the 360/PS3 core onto the PS4 and to a lesser extent whatever is left of the Xbox core fan on the Xbox.
Great results in the now. No footing for long term propagation.