Shovelware might be too harsh a term. Yet very few major outlets reviewed this game. If you look at Metacritic for it, there's only IGN, Polygon and USgamer in a sea of niche gaming sites. It seemed to review OK for a Kinect game, but that can be a backhanded complement.
Didn't the sales of the Dance Central series plummet? The shift away from Kinect was in full swing when they started on Fantasia, and MS dropping Kinect was patently obvious to happen from the moment the XB1 trailed behind the PS4.
A Kinect music game (not even a dance game) was always going to have an incredibly limited audience, even before MS abandoned Kinect.
As the Dance Central series progressed, sales for each new title continuously declined. There's a reason why Harmonix turned the Xbox One iteration into a digital can be hard to justify growing investment in a series that suffers from continually declining sales even if sales aren't horrible.
Publishers really put a lot of weight in potential growth opportunities.
Not going to post launch month sales here because all of the Dance Central games had good legs.
It's a real shame for Harmonix about Fantasia. I just hope it doesn't cripple their ability to secure future funding for more projects.
Hm, makes sense. For those titles, I assume Level 5 did their own publishing though right? Or was Nintendo/Sony behind the titles?
Namco Bandai published Ni No Kuni.
Nintendo handled Professor Layton right from the start and Level 5 partnered with Sony for White Knight Chronicles.
In all of the new IP situations (including Fantasy Life), they partnered with someone. Level 5 doesn't like to go indie for overseas retail titles.