Seems like Deja Vu.
For the last point, about 50% of PS4 owners are coming from the 360/Wii crowd. So by that logic, the PS3 folks haven't upgraded either.
The rest of the post is largely speculation--the shooters sold the most on the 360 because of a 15M unit lead in the states. Not true elsewhere. And Price is dependent on perception, and the mass market perception is that the PS4 is the one to own.
1 month of sales doesn't change that, nor erase a 1M+ unit lead.
I mean that Xbox has a lot more High profile shooters that are exclusive to Xbox like Halo, Gears, Crackdown, and most recently Titanfall. The Cod timed exclusive are just icing on the top.
I was not talking about 360 having most of the sales for FPS games, though it did indeed have that too.
I really don't see how Xbox One can be the winner in USA. Price cuts and bundles are weapons available for PS4 too. Unlike PS3, is much more easy for Sony scale down the price now.
In terms of games, hardly going to be a great advantage in favour of XBOne, so in the end PS4 will prevail. Is a natural trend at this point.
Well that is my opinion and yours. I think that X1 will come back towards the end like the PS3 did (though in US, only....maybe UK too).
I expect the PS4 to outsell the X1 handily next year Jan.-September.
It just makes sense as the X1 doesn't really have anything big software wise until the holiday, meanwhile PS4 has 2 very high profile games that will both do well.
I think X1 can start really gaining momentum at the end of next year with big games like
Quantum Break
Tomb Raider
Fable Legends
Forza 6
??????? - (mystery game Shinobi & others keep teasing about for next Holiday)
And then going into 2016...
Phantom Dust
Gears 4 (probably holiday)
And we know that Microsoft game studios has a lot of thoes unanounced studios working on stuff, as well as the new possibilities with Mojang & a Minecraft sequel.
At the end of the generation, I still expect X1&PS4 to be battling it out...I am not trying to say X1 will ever dominate or anything, I think it will be neck and neck the entire way.
Anyways, like I said, my opinion and yours, but I hope you can at least see my reasoning for thinking it could happen.