Well most of my friends played it. Only 1 bought retail, the other 9 digital. My guess would be 80-90% digital / 10-20% retail.uncharted must have all come from digital then?
Well most of my friends played it. Only 1 bought retail, the other 9 digital. My guess would be 80-90% digital / 10-20% retail.uncharted must have all come from digital then?
More platforms and coming off a bad AC. Is it really that shocking?wow, that's...something
90% and people are buying it from Malaysia Store.
Well theres goes that "no one cares about Halo anymore" rhetoric.
Yoshi above Uncharted? Even without bundles being counted that's insane to me.
This makes me even more interested in the pies.Bundles + digital sales =....
LOL, this is probably the first NPD thread without the title stating the winner when it goes live. Still waiting for PR
Rock Band XB1 outselling PS4 and Guitar Hero not showing up at all is the most interesting thing to me. Guess DLC carrying over matters.
Come on, release those PR you pieces of shit.
Uncharted bombed?
Good. Maybe we are getting over HD remasters as replacements for actual new games from publishers.
More platforms and coming off a bad AC. Is it really that shocking?
Bundles + digital sales =....
Congrats on Yoshi making the top 10. It's a lovely game. Even so, it's amazing it beat Uncharted.
Perhaps. We don't know if no one says shit.Too close to call maybe?
Isn't strange that we don't have any PR until now?
Not good for Uncharted.
Uncharted bombed?
Good. Maybe we are getting over HD remasters as replacements for actual new games from publishers.
Uncharted bombed?
Good. Maybe we are getting over HD remasters as replacements for actual new games from publishers.
Ubi can't be happy with that Syndicate position.