Beerbelly said:
What IS the PS3 userbase buying? 139,000 for Heavenly Sword (about 4 weeks of sales) is pathetic. It'd be lucky to hit 400,000 LTD.
A lot of them bought Halo 3, obviously. Some bought Halo 3
and a 360 to play it on.
This ain't rocket science folks...
PS3 early adopters at $599 and $499 are, for the most part, hardcores. A lot of hardcore gamers (like me) aren't system bots who have some farcical loyalty to only one system, forsaking all others and other system's blockbuster signature titles. They want to play the big game. For a lot of PS3 gamers, the time to finally get a 360 or buy a new 360 game was when Halo 3 came out.
Again, this ain't a shocker...
Why was it that for months we have been talking about games launching during the Halo NPD and labeling them as "sent to die" or suggesting that games get pushed back to avoid the Halo splashdown, and now, suddenly, everyone is acting shocked that Heavenly Sword's sales were low in the same NPD when people were planning on spending between $60 and $120 on Halo 3, or even picking up a 360? Did everyone get amnesia all at once?
Hey, I bought Heavenly Sword and Halo 3 on day one. You expect to buy a bunch of games at holiday season, but that kinda hurt the pocketbook in Sept. A lot of people couldn't buy both and had to make a choice this month, I'm sure, especially if they had to also make a hardware purchase to play Halo 3.
I'm actually kinda shocked that Heavenly Sword did as well as it did when this month was clearly all about Halo 3.
I'm not so surprised about Wii's success, as people who bought it have been waiting, and they are clearly not the same kind of consumer, as evidenced by the Metroid sales. Clearly, people are buying that system for Wii Sports, ect.
I look at the fact that Metroid only sold 28K more than Heavenly Sword, with Nintendo selling 4x more hardware than PS3, and that tells you all you need to know about what type of person is buying the Wii, and what kind of games/experiences the Wii consumer wants.