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NPD Sales Results for September 2007

GhaleonEB said:
It's hard to say, but Halo 3 is clearly a factor. Over half a million systems sold in September is virtually unprecedented. The PS2 pulled it off - once. And the Wii this month. You could argue it's partly the price cut effect, and partly the Halo 3 SKU, but it's clearly in part Halo 3 as well. A million units were not going to shift instantly; an uptick of over 200k in eleven days is very impressive.

There's clearly a mix of factors here, which will continue into October with the new bundles. But Halo 3 moved systems - that's undeniable. It's likely to continue doing so - and that's enough to disprove Reggie's "point".
The 5 week month probably has something to do with breaking the 500k barrier.


ninj4junpei said:
Seeing the popularity of the Wii gave me hope it would do better. I'm sure it is doing better than the original, which is still quite good.

you also have to realize MP is really not a popular franchise. Even if the wii was a more hardcore system I am pretty sure sales wouldnt exceed 500k. Its a very niche sort of game, appealing neither to traditional FPs fans, or to many Nintendo fans who dontl ike the FP view. Its a very specific taste and even then some people were burned by MP2. Id like to see it sell more, but Im being realistic here. It isnt a huge system mover by any means. But it is DEFINITELY a kick ass game and one of the Wii's best offerings to date.


Grecco said:
His point was that "They didnt have to counter it". He was right. They took Microsofts biggest bullet and shrugged it off.
People conveniently overlook various parts of a quote to suit their agendas, why would they care about that part? ;)


i dont get why nintendos are spinning this as a bad thing for MS that they only sold 26k more than Wii. Wii was outselling it by 300k month after month and what did they expect? a 1 million boost just because of Halo 3?

i wanna see what happens the next two months with price drops and supply shortages.
DeaconKnowledge said:
Not sure what you're getting at here.

Are the remaining 3.25 million people waiting until November to buy 360's for Halo 3?

So what are your predictions for 360 sales in the US through December?


gcfan2k5 said:
Ill say worldwide prime3 will surpass bioshock 360 sales LTD, as well as becoming the best selling metroid game LTD in the franchise.

Certainly doesn't look like it at this point.


hyperbolically metafictive
Mrbob said:
BTW PS3 owners should be happy by this strong 360 performance.

MS just officially saved next gen from the onus of waggle.

word. the only sales metric that matters is A+B>C where 'A' is 360 sales, 'B' is ps3, and 'C' is wii

come on big bucks no waggle no waggle no waggle

80s game show enthusiasts will feel me


Lefty42o said:
the trend of nintendo games selling well over a long term vs short term.

take the fanboy glasses off and see i am not bashing anything. i am just predicting we seee slow sales over a log term.

if i ma wrong in a couple months dig this up and make me eat crow. but relax as well.

Booked! Saved! Galaxy will cream 218k (MP3's August sales) in November. I expect Galaxy to do over 750k in November.
We have seen some bad predictions on this board lately:

1. Sony won't have a 2nd price drop this year. $399.99 is out of the question.
2. Halo 3 won't increase 360 hardware sales much.

I think the next prediction that will be off is:

3. MS won't have another price drop before Christmas.
Wii baffles me. I'm not upset or anything, but damn. Mario Galaxy isn't even out yet. Smash Bros isn't out yet. Wii Fit isn't out yet. And it can do half a million.

Not to undermine an impressive performance, but I kinda expected the 360 to do well. I'm just always shocked that Wii can maintain this kind of sales pattern without a dip.


titiklabingapat said:
The 5 week month probably has something to do with breaking the 500k barrier.
Something, yes. But prorate it down to four weeks, and sales were 422k. Again, only the PS2 once and the Wii this month had a comparable or bigger September.


re: metroid sales

this is the gen where everyone is trying to compete with microsoft's head start by making aaa fps games? sony comes out of the gates with resistance, and nintendo's first post-launch "gamer game" is a fps (basically)?

metroid is selling to the gamecube owners familiar with the franchise. a sci-fi shooter puts you in the midst of a lot of competition these days.

of course... that's still awful low numbers.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Now that Halo sold some units, can we finally stop seeing that damn diorama halo-ad over and over and over again??

Enough is enough.
Innotech said:
you also have to realize MP is really not a popular franchise. Even if the wii was a more hardcore system I am pretty sure sales wouldnt exceed 500k. Its a very niche sort of game, appealing neither to traditional FPs fans, or to many Nintendo fans who dontl ike the FP view. Its a very specific taste and even then some people were burned by MP2. Id like to see it sell more, but Im being realistic here. It isnt a huge system mover by any means. But it is DEFINITELY a kick ass game and one of the Wii's best offerings to date.
I know MP isn't popular and it's niche. As long as it does better than the first I will be satisfied.


Fry Daddy
MisterHero said:
Woo go Wii!

Woo Congratulations go Bungie!!!

MaX_PL said:
i dont get why nintendos are spinning this as a bad thing for MS that they only sold 26k more than Wii. Wii was outselling it by 300k month after month and what did they expect? a 1 million boost just because of Halo 3?

i wanna see what happens the next two months with price drops and supply shortages.
Because Halo 3 is probably the 360's biggest game of the generation while the Wii didn't have anything notable at all.

Though I admit, the 360 did much higher than I anticipated.


drohne said:
word. the only sales metric that matters is A+B>C where 'A' is 360 sales, 'B' is ps3, and 'C' is wii

come on big bucks no waggle no waggle no waggle

80s game show enthusiasts will feel me

Jump in and make that money


AdmiralViscen said:
So what are your predictions for 360 sales in the US through December?

I predict 360 will sell 700k in november and 1.4 million in december

I predict wii will sell 900k in november and at least 1.7 million in december. Nintendo has more supply in reserve than everyone gives them credit for.

Worldwide i predict wii at 2 mil for november and 4 mil for december, with 360 at 1.1mil/nov and 2.5/dec.


Wow at Halo, seriously... crazy wow! Congrats Microsoft for passing, they didnt do it buy much but they did it. Honestly though, wasn't this NPD a week shorter than the last. I find it a bit sickening that the Wii and the DS sold more than last month while competing with Halo 3. Actually Wii sold more than it ever has in a month other than possibly launch i think, bloody unreal.


Prine said:
Fuck the hardware


HALO fucking WASHES AWAY any fucking game IN 1 MONTH REVENUE. Big league boys, big league, now you prick Reggie. Where the fuck are you, you tosser

Its all about the money, and 360 brings the big bucks

/snorts line of coke off stripper's ass


I don't see why people are so surprised at low PS3 sales. I say this, not as a fanboy (though I'll no doubt get called one) but as someone who owns all three systems.

I imagine a very large portion of the people that have enough money to buy a PS3, will also have enough money to own a 360, and are therefore going to be "hardcore" enough to know which version of a game is best, and so far, that's been the 360 one for virtually everything. (unless it was delayed a long time, in which case I would have bought the 360 one ages ago)

If I only had a Playstation 3, then there's a good chance I might have picked up Heavenly Sword, purely because there's not been anything else out worth buying for the PS3 for so long. However, with the selection of great games coming out on the 360 (and Prime 3 on the Wii) I'm not going to spend time/money on something average like HS.

So far for my PS3 I have bought Resistance and Ridge 7 with the machine (Ridge 7 was quickly sold as it was too similar to 6) and that's it as far as full retail titles go. I've picked up flOw and Super Stardust off the store, and would have bought Symphony of the Night if there were points cards available for USA. (I'm not going to buy a PAL PS1 game) There hasn't been another game worth buying for the PS3 since it launched in my opinion, if you own another system. If I only had a PS3, I'm sure I would have picked up quite a few other things. (or sold it for a 360)

It's the same thing with the Wii. Other than Virtual Console titles, the only games I have bought for it this year have been Prime 3 an Resident Evil 4, as there's not been anything else worth picking up. (but if I only had a Wii I'd have bought stuff like Sonic etc)

The sales of Prime 3 are disgraceful though. With the amount of systems Nintendo has been selling, it should have done a lot more than that, especially as it's the best of the three.
Maxwell House said:
We have seen some bad predictions on this board lately:

1. Sony won't have a 2nd price drop this year. $399.99 is out of the question.
2. Halo 3 won't increase 360 hardware sales much.

I think the next prediction that will be off is:

3. MS won't have another price drop before Christmas.

Why would they drop the price further when clearly Halo 3 is moving systems at a brisk pace?

Microsoft isn't stupid. They aren't a charity either.


Maxwell House said:
We have seen some bad predictions on this board lately:

1. Sony won't have a 2nd price drop this year. $399.99 is out of the question.
2. Halo 3 won't increase 360 hardware sales much.

I think the next prediction that will be off is:

3. MS won't have another price drop before Christmas.

Well there is a rumor today of a new 360 with built in HD DVD.


DC R1D3R, 18/10/2007 - In some exciting news for HD-DVD fans, Scott Browning, one of the most experienced CE retail marketing executives in Australia, has revealed that Microsoft is preparing to launch a new Xbox 360 console featuring a built in HD-DVD drive. The Marketing Director made the announcement whilst commenting on the shock decision (Which left many Sony execs stunned) of JB HiFi dropping their exclusive support for Blu ray and start selling the Toshiba backed HD DVD. Browning believes that with movie powerhouses such as Paramount, Dreamworks and Universal all firmly behind the HD DVD format, support for the medium will increase and that it's now only a matter of time when Microsoft (who are also in the HD-DVD camp), will release the built in HD-DVD 360 console.

" The fact that movie houses like Paramount are behind the HD-DVD format along with the like of DreamWorks is key. I believe that more content providers will get behind the format and that the likes of Microsoft who are big supporters of the HD DVD format will bring out an Xbox with a built in HD DVD player. This is a given."

Lately, Sony have boasted of their superior Blu-Ray sales ratios when compared to HD-DVD, with many PS3 owners purchasing the discs, with a built in HD-DVD Xbox 360 console, will Microsoft be able to claw back some lost ground in the HD format wars? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
awesome numbers for 360, halo and Wii

the craziest thing for me is Wii keeping up sales wise with xbox 360's biggest game that month.

Nintendo better hope mario is enough this xmas though to keep momentum really high.

I wanted smash brothers this xmas and i'm sure millions more did too.. I wonder how the delay will pan out.

it should give nintendo the buzz in 2008. 2007 has already been a very successful year for them. could be a good move


Frillen said:
Booked! Saved! Galaxy will cream 218k (MP3's August sales) in November. I expect Galaxy to do over 750k in November.

there ya go. like i said if i am wrong i will be the first to admit it.

just want you to know i am not some fanboy so i wasn't trying to argue just with all these wii's selling its software sells should be better. maybe that will change with galaxy.

good stuff man.


Prine said:
Fuck the hardware


HALO fucking WASHES AWAY any fucking game IN 1 MONTH REVENUE. Big league boys, big league, now you prick Reggie. Where the fuck are you, you tosser

Its all about the money, and 360 brings the big bucks

Reply to that said:
/snorts line of coke off stripper's ass

Ahahaha absolutely perfect!

Somebody's got some pent-up rage. Somebody with a Master Chief avatar no less. You know, Halo 3 still hasn't outsold Gears or Twilight Princess, right? It will, mind you, but perhaps you should make a ban bet as to whether Mario will end up selling more units. (BTW, Reggie said that Halo 3 wouldn't push all that much hardware this month, and while 250k more 360's isn't a bad thing, it certainly doesn't make him wrong).


polyh3dron said:
They're watching Blu-ray movies. That's what I've been doing the most with mine, I've bought about 65 Blu-ray movies since I got the console and about 7 games.

Sony takes out Blu-ray movie functionality from PS3 CONFIRMED?

Sony releases games.


drohne said:
word. the only sales metric that matters is A+B>C where 'A' is 360 sales, 'B' is ps3, and 'C' is wii

come on big bucks no waggle no waggle no waggle

80s game show enthusiasts will feel me



Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Well, clearly this shows that the Wii won't be relinquishing its world wide sales lead like some thought might happen.

Funky Papa

I think I can imagine Prine shirtless, wearing his tie as a bandana and jumping over the table like a maniac while screaming his post.
Pristine_Condition said:
Why would they drop the price further when clearly Halo 3 is moving systems at a brisk pace?

Microsoft isn't stupid. They aren't a charity either.

1. The 360 spike in hardware sales from Halo 3 is probably pretty limited in time after Halo 3's launch. I doubt their is much of a hardware sales increase for 360 right now.

2. MS will move plenty of 360s at its current price, sure, but a $50 price drop will just move that many more units.

3. MS always reacts to Sony price drops. I don't see this being the exception.

4. MS's previous price drop was smaller than people expected. I theorize it was smaller because they were keeping a 2nd one in reserve for Thanksgiving/Sony's 2nd price drop.

Really, I don't expect 360's sales in October to be huge. I think most of Halo 3's effect on hardware will have passed by then.
andrewfee said:
I don't see why people are so surprised at low PS3 sales. I say this, not as a fanboy (though I'll no doubt get called one) but as someone who owns all three systems.

I imagine a very large portion of the people that have enough money to buy a PS3, will also have enough money to own a 360, and are therefore going to be "hardcore" enough to know which version of a game is best, and so far, that's been the 360 one for virtually everything. (unless it was delayed a long time, in which case I would have bought the 360 one ages ago)

If I only had a Playstation 3, then there's a good chance I might have picked up Heavenly Sword, purely because there's not been anything else out worth buying for the PS3 for so long. However, with the selection of great games coming out on the 360 (and Prime 3 on the Wii) I'm not going to spend time/money on something average like HS.

So far for my PS3 I have bought Resistance and Ridge 7 with the machine (Ridge 7 was quickly sold as it was too similar to 6) and that's it as far as full retail titles go. I've picked up flOw and Super Stardust off the store, and would have bought Symphony of the Night if there were points cards available for USA. (I'm not going to buy a PAL PS1 game) There hasn't been another game worth buying for the PS3 since it launched in my opinion, if you own another system. If I only had a PS3, I'm sure I would have picked up quite a few other things. (or sold it for a 360)

It's the same thing with the Wii. Other than Virtual Console titles, the only games I have bought for it this year have been Prime 3 an Resident Evil 4, as there's not been anything else worth picking up. (but if I only had a Wii I'd have bought stuff like Sonic etc)

The sales of Prime 3 are disgraceful though. With the amount of systems Nintendo has been selling, it should have done a lot more than that, especially as it's the best of the three.

This reads a lot like my post earlier...




StevieP said:
BTW, Reggie said that Halo 3 wouldn't push all that much hardware this month, and while 250k more 360's isn't a bad thing, it certainly doesn't make him wrong).

Doubling your hardware sales is pushing your hardware. Spin and hair split for Reggie all you want, but H3 CLEARLY pushed 360 hardware.
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