Heavenly Sword is dead. I don't even think they'd relegate a potential followup to a portable title now.
Jackson said:What kind of dumb picture is this?
Did anyone on this green earth think Heavenly Sword would do better than Halo 3???
Jackson said:What kind of dumb picture is this?
Did anyone on this green earth think Heavenly Sword would do better than Halo 3???
Enough.titiklabingapat said:How much did they spend developing Heavenly Sword?
titiklabingapat said:How much did they spend developing Heavenly Sword?
OldJadedGamer said:According to MS press release, the $129 limited edition legendary edition of Halo 3 alone outsold the top PS3 first party title 2:1.
BenjaminBirdie said:Read the thread. It was beaten by the most expensive and limited SKU.
So, Skate is a bomb, too? And I would've thought around 370k over a bit less than two months is not bad for Metroid Prime 3.AniHawk said:MP3 = bomb.
Jackson said:Ah ok... still... come on?? It's Halo 3, the most hyped game ever, with a fanbase of like 8 million from previous titles vs a mildly hyped completely new IP, with mixed reviews by an unknown team, on a system that has nearly 3x less units than the 360 (in NA)...
the limited edition halo 360 probably sold more than heavenly sword
I guess it isn't bad, but the game isn't getting the sort of support it needs to be considered a success. I think it's going to have a very hard time hitting a million in the States, if it even manages to do so.The_Dude said:So, Skate is a bomb, too? And I would've thought around 370k over two months is not bad for Metroid Prime 3.
If they treat the next one like Phantom Hourglass they will.squicken said:Soccer moms don't play Zelda.
Yeah, because a failing console is good for consumers and competition...Windu said:6.) PS3 - Awsome, serves them right for trying to charge $600 dollars while shoving Blue Ray down our throats. I hope it continues to fail.
BenjaminBirdie said:Since MS found it PR-Worthy someone else found it GIF-worthy. "The helmet is mightier than the sword" was pretty much instantly legendary the second the PR was released. Hence the gif.
bry-bry said:Interesting, the "Halo's a Super Popular Franchise" Defense of Heaven Sword's sales. At least you have perspective.
Mojo said:Yeah, because a failing console is good for consumers and competition...
Mojo said:Yeah, because a failing console is good for consumers and competition...
Yeah, because a failing console is good for consumers and competition...
Jackson said:Ya, I'm not defending HS, I just thought that gif was ridiculous, but since MS reported it, now I get the reasoning... and it is indeed funny...
bry-bry said:Sorry, I misunderstood your post and deleted the reply.
No but he said he hope it continues to fail, as in for it to never sell well. Why would you hope for something like that.OldJadedGamer said:When a company fails, it makes them try that much harder to earn their sales. Look at Sony, them failing has actually helped consumers. We got a $200 price drop in under a year.
edit: and that's good for competition since now MS will try that much harder to combat this which means that we as consumers win in the end.
Mojo said:Yeah, because a failing console is good for consumers and competition...
AniHawk said:...And on the Sony side, it looks like we're finally seeing the torch being passed. The PS3 is already kinda dying out. The negative word of mouth of the last 10 months has damaged it beyond repair.
PSP continues to do very well, though this time with the addition of bundles. 2008 looks positively barren for the system outside a few games like God of War, DMC, and Gran Turismo. I'm not sure how much longer this thing will be able to sell. Frankly, I'm surprised it's still doing as well as it is.
Mostly made by Nintendo. Its definietly a system for gamers if you like Nintendo's 1st party offerings, which, as shown by the N64/Gamecube era, number in the 20 millions. But if youre not enamored enough with Nintendo's offerings to spend $250, then I don't think anyone can justify the purchase for you based on anyone else's games for the systems.squicken said:It's not a system for gamers. There will be games that appeal to gamers,
BenjaminBirdie said:You know, it is significant that MS feels like it can afford to take this kind of PR approach. It had been pretty benign up until this point but now it seems like they feel like Sony doesn't ever stand a chance of catching up to them.
chespace said:Haha, that's the rumor that's out there aint it. The truth is I don't know - GAF is my release date blog for all things outside of Forza DLC.
Wrong.Jackson said:There's no such thing as "damaged beyond repair".
Visualante said:Wrong.
Visualante said:Wrong.
Jackson said:There's no such thing as "damaged beyond repair". I mean look at the PSP, its way up from last year, and the year before that, and now with some very high profile titles out and more on the way it will continue to thrive... will it beat DS? No way, but is it a viable platform and no longer a joke like it was in the begining? Yes.
PS3 can repair itself, it's possible... Sony just needs bite he bullet and take it, sort of like how Apple in jsut 10 weeks dropped the iPhone price 200$ and then reimbursed the original iPhone owners, and is now releasing a new iPhone to alleviate all the issues the current one has, and is even *gasp* opening up its SDK to devs...
if you listen, you can change, if you're closed minded you'll sink... like the N-Gage did
Initially maybe, but if it kept this way throughout this entire gen, not really. It's not going to give MS any incentive to drop prices and compete with Sony, since there would be no need. Sony knows that next time they need a cheap console, that lesson has already been learnt.VALIS said:The PS3 tanking is a great thing for gamers, actually.
WildArms said:Gamecube failing bought us the Wii. I say it isn't too bad.
StevieP said:Ahahaha absolutely perfect!
Somebody's got some pent-up rage. Somebody with a Master Chief avatar no less. You know, Halo 3 still hasn't outsold Gears or Twilight Princess, right? It will, mind you, but perhaps you should make a ban bet as to whether Mario will end up selling more units. (BTW, Reggie said that Halo 3 wouldn't push all that much hardware this month, and while 250k more 360's isn't a bad thing, it certainly doesn't make him wrong).
Funky Papa said:I think I can imagine Prine shirtless, wearing his tie as a bandana and jumping over the table like a maniac while screaming his post.
Prine said:You think SMG will outsell Halo 3 this year? overall?
Mojo said:Yeah, because a failing console is good for consumers and competition...
110K I hear . . . . not too shabby for shovelware.Rhindle said:Top Selling 3rd Party Titles for September:
Wii:Carnival Games
AniHawk said:I'll give Sony until Spring 2008 to turn things around. Once they get Home going, and DS3, and get GTA4, and if they STILL can't come back and put up respectable numbers, it'll be done for them.
I personally think it's done now. There are going to be good games for PS3 owners for years to come, since a lot of games started off on the thing before people knew what a gigantic failure it'd be, but the same thing happened with the PSP. In March 2006, the PSP had an awesome lineup of great games like Mega Man and Syphon Filter and whatnot, and the DS, which only had Metroid Prime Hunters as its only notable release that month, still outsold the PSP. It's too far along now to really change gears. And if people start treating the PS3 like they did the PSP, the case won't be that they want to play games.
squicken said:Nintendo cares more about selling the Wii to non-gamers than selling a game machine to gamers. We still haven't seen top tier western developers announce Wii titles, all apologies to SSX, because like is always the case with Nintendo, third party sales are lackluster. It's not a system for gamers. There will be games that appeal to gamers, but that mainstream audience Nintendo is courting isn't going to care about the next Zelda game. Soccer moms don't play Zelda. If Nintendo can tap enough of the hardcore gamer and court third parties, they could crush everyone by PS2 type numbers.
He was talking about wanting it to fail even after it's below that price.Hcoregamer00 said:When the console is $300 above the accepted average, I don't see why it is a bad thing to see it flounder until it hits the price point it should have launched at.
Tyrannical said:If the 360 outsells the PS3 3-1 or so for US holiday sales, then you can stick a fork in the PS3. By next spring, it'll be a steady stream of cancelled PS3 ports of 360 games.
Mojo said:He was talking about wanting it to fail even after it's below that price.
The thing is, if the PS3 wasn't doing this badly and it was beating the 360, we'd have a Premium at $299 by now.
Luckyman said:What the fuck happened to Stranglehold? Halo 3?
So much bomba.
J-Rzez said:Oh god... If a similar fate follows the Playstation consoles, I dunno what I'll do... Take up metal detection as my main hobby? Or Bonsai trees... Because that is when gaming is dead to me... MS alone couldn't cater to all my needs, and who knows if they're going to try and follow that route themselves next time![]()
Hcoregamer00 said:What???? :lol