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NPD Sales Results for September 2007


perfectchaos007 said:
Does NPD ever release an end of year sales chart for software? Because only seeing numbers from the top ten each month tells us nothing really when trying to grasp total sales of a game.
I believe they did so the past few years, yes.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
I don't really get why Ratchet was moved up though, it's being sent to die by coming a week before the price drop, very few people are going to be in stores buying PS3s at that time.

I feel like I've heard that phase used about an Insomniac title before...


Proelite said:
I am getting a feeling from your post that the PS3 is in a better situation than the 360.

Honestly, I dunno who's in better shape... MS has the install base and software sales, but H3 is spent now, and while there's some Epic games in the future, nothing has the impact that Halo does these days...

Sony on the other hand, is suffering from lowest install base, and a lot of negative media... I mean, the prices could turn it around, and they have a nice future for AAA titles starting this month and into next year which includes MGS4, KZ2, GT, and maybe something with FF in the title... So who knows...

Just the only thing that's going to stop the Wii is Ninty themselves, as in their future of games, and to another degree, the quality of 3rd party titles... When will the honeymoon end? I dunno, not through the end of this year though...


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
J-Rzez said:
Honestly, I dunno who's in better shape... MS has the install base and software sales, but H3 is spent now, and while there's some Epic games in the future, nothing has the impact that Halo does these days...

Sony on the other hand, is suffering from lowest install base, and a lot of negative media... I mean, the prices could turn it around, and they have a nice future for AAA titles starting this month and into next year which includes MGS4, KZ2, GT, and maybe something with FF in the title... So who knows...

Just the only thing that's going to stop the Wii is Ninty themselves, as in their future of games, and to another degree, the quality of 3rd party titles... When will the honeymoon end? I dunno, not through the end of this year though...

At least talking about America, I don't know how you could conclude that PS3 and 360 are anywhere near similar in their situations.


Unconfirmed Member
J-Rzez said:
Honestly, I dunno who's in better shape... MS has the install base and software sales, but H3 is spent now, and while there's some Epic games in the future, nothing has the impact that Halo does these days...

Sony on the other hand, is suffering from lowest install base, and a lot of negative media... I mean, the prices could turn it around, and they have a nice future for AAA titles starting this month and into next year which includes MGS4, KZ2, GT, and maybe something with FF in the title... So who knows...

Just the only thing that's going to stop the Wii is Ninty themselves, as in their future of games, and to another degree, the quality of 3rd party titles... When will the honeymoon end? I dunno, not through the end of this year though...

I disagree. Not everyone that wants Halo 3 is able to buy a 360 anytime they want. Most people have to wait for a birthday or for Christmas for such a high priced item. Halo 3 will be pushing Xbox 360 console sales for the next few months. It is far from spent.


Pimpbaa said:
Spin spin spin!


What exactly am I spinning? Everyone with common sense knew the 360 would outsell the wii. I just didn't think it would be by so little.
Shepherd said:
I disagree. Not everyone that wants Halo 3 is able to buy a 360 anytime they want. Most people have to wait for a birthday or for Christmas for such a high priced item. Halo 3 will be pushing Xbox 360 console sales for the next few months. It is far from spent.

Tis true indeed. This holiday season is going to be VERY interesting. It's gonna be 360 and Wii head to head and really close but who knows... anythign can still happen!


Hail to the KING baby
The Black Brad Pitt said:
And yet still Nintendo walks away with a higher net profit.

You lose.

Come ON now. I know some people here are a bit ineducated when it comes to financial matters (or just regurgitate what Matt @ IGN said re PROFITZ!) but just look at the dollars and cents of the situation. Look at what Halo sold and look at the amount of consoles the 360 sold. We have no way of pinning down the EXACT numbers on profits per console so you work with what you have.

Sometimes I think you guys are being obstruse on purpose (some of the stuff I see on here...)
koam said:
What exactly am I spinning? Everyone with common sense knew the 360 would outsell the wii. I just didn't think it would be by so little.

So pretty much no one on GAF has common sense, since just about everyone chose the Wii to outsell the 360 in the official prediction thread.

Seriously, just stop.


koam said:
What exactly am I spinning? Everyone with common sense knew the 360 would outsell the wii. I just didn't think it would be by so little.
Most of GAF didn't expect that to happen. The GAF consensus 360 sales estimate - based on well over 200 participants - was 433k. The Wii was 450k. We're usually pretty good at this, collectively, but the 360 selling ~100k more than expected is, well, unexpected.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
So pretty much no one on GAF has common sense, since just about everyone chose the Wii to outsell the 360 in the official prediction thread.

Seriously, just stop.
To be fair, it was within 5%. That's close enough it would be very hard to call.
GhaleonEB said:
Most of GAF didn't expect that to happen. The GAF consensus 360 sales estimate - based on well over 200 participants - was 433k. The Wii was 450k. We're usually pretty good at this, collectively, but the 360 selling ~100k more than expected is, well, unexpected.
You've made my day.:D

I have been waiting for someone to say GAF am wrong, and only hearing "We all thought it would definitely outsell the Wii."

Going by GAF projections we were all very very off. The difference between 360 and Wii may have only been 26,000 units, but that was a fuckton of a difference compared to the GAF average.


Now that I think about it I believe the 360 might just lead in holiday sales. I say this because I think the supply for the Wii will still be somewhat limited.


Thunder Monkey said:
You've made my day.:D

I have been waiting for someone to say GAF am wrong, and only hearing "We all thought it would definitely outsell the Wii."

Going by GAF projections we were all very very off. The difference between 360 and Wii may have only been 26,000 units, but that was a fuckton of a difference compared to the GAF average.
Pretty much - Halo 3 definitely showed that it can ramp up hardware sales.

Very different from the average GAF concensus - although a lot of people were really conservative about the difference between Wii and 360 hardware.

I guess the next prediction is how long and how much hardware sales will be ramped up for Halo 3 the next few months.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
schuelma said:
If GH3 Wii does well in October will that mean anything? Or will there be a new excuse as to why that "doesn't count"?

"It is popular, it is bound to sell."

I called it a long time ago, we will see if it is true when the sales pop up.


Arde5643 said:
Pretty much - Halo 3 definitely showed that it can ramp up hardware sales.

Very different from the average GAF concensus - although a lot of people were really conservative about the difference between Wii and 360 hardware.

I guess the next prediction is how long and how much hardware sales will be ramped up for Halo 3 the next few months.
The holiday bundles and Arcade SKU will help keep October high, and should do very well through the rest of the year. The price cut --> Madden --> Halo 3 console --> Halo 3 --> new bundles is an interesting strategy; the first few steps have worked out pretty well. It's like, hmm. What's the phrase. Oh well. :p

koam said:
Well then, I don't follow those prediction threads. To me, there was no doubt about it that it would outsell.

Anyway, i'm not going to argue about hardware sales, jeez. Everyone is so easily offended nowadays.
No one is offended - you were just wrong/uninformed. :)


Sho_Nuff82 said:
So pretty much no one on GAF has common sense, since just about everyone chose the Wii to outsell the 360 in the official prediction thread.

Seriously, just stop.

Well then, I don't follow those prediction threads. To me, there was no doubt about it that it would outsell.

Anyway, i'm not going to argue about hardware sales, jeez. Everyone is so easily offended nowadays.
Arde5643 said:
Pretty much - Halo 3 definitely showed that it can ramp up hardware sales.

Very different from the average GAF concensus - although a lot of people were really conservative about the difference between Wii and 360 hardware.

I guess the next prediction is how long and how much hardware sales will be ramped up for Halo 3 the next few months.
October for Halo 3 and the 360 I expect to be subdued, but each to gain back in November as a second marketing push for Halo 3 and Mass Effect takes effect. Wii will continue like it has been, Mario will turn this American fervor into a fever pitch of American consumer whorism.

Two console market. Sony is not needed this gen, and two will reign because of that.

but really, they some hawdcaw 360 numbers. The power of Skate! Uh, I mean, Halo!

I wonder whether Mario will boost Wii sales if everyone in the world doesn't own one beforehand.


666 said:

but really, they some hawdcaw 360 numbers. The power of Skate! Uh, I mean, Halo!

I wonder whether Mario will boost Wii sales if everyone in the world doesn't own one beforehand.
It's hard for Mario to try to boost Wii sales if they're already sold out though.


My opinion? USED.
Xbox 360 527.8K
Wii 501K

Bu bu bu people who want halo already bought a 360 :lol

360 HALO 3* MICROSOFT (CORP) 1 3.3 million

Perfection, flawless victory and all that. Thats just insane.


Shepherd said:
I disagree. Not everyone that wants Halo 3 is able to buy a 360 anytime they want. Most people have to wait for a birthday or for Christmas for such a high priced item. Halo 3 will be pushing Xbox 360 console sales for the next few months. It is far from spent.

Well, I'm talking about the effects the hype machine plays just a couple months before the game hits and such... It's gonna sell great through the holiday, no doubt... My GS still doesn't have 360's in stock as of a couple days ago... I'm just talking about titles that are on the horizon, about to hit... It's a major card for MS, until they throw down the H4 card... Honestly, they don't have anything that comes close to the effect that Halo has on people coming out, as of announced, next year... Unless a new IP gets tons of hype by the media, perhaps the closest thing would be Gears 2?

Maximilian E.

AKA MS-Evangelist
Thats some crazy halo3 numbers and that is just for the US market. If you put together the worldwide numbers during the same period it should be more than 5 million i would think.

So yes, the crow-eating feast was expected and the usual suspects got the biggest plate filled with the most crows.. yum yum


(more a nerd than a geek)
drohne said:
i wish i respected metroid prime enough to use its poor sales as evidence that wii isn't a game console

Drohne, stepping outside of the normal routien for a bit, what did you have against MP3, again? It seemed like a game you might like, really, if my vague non-memories of the games you expressed interest in were correct (which they probably aren't).
Nice, I'm late to the party but best month for a while. Exciting. Sony plummeting to new depths, wii selling with lacking software, and the extreme power of Halo.

That game has got to have beaten records. It was only out in September 6 days.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Well fuck me with a swizel stick, 360 did beat Wii, even if it was only just, Bravo!

I think both MS and Ninty will be happy with this, I mean Wii only had Metroid 3 out there and still hold half a million units, and MS must be happy with 3million units of Halo3 sold, smiles all round, oh and DS is still a monster.

As for PS3. hahahahahahahahahahashahahahaha, as it was a 5 week month, it sold a whopping 26k a week, marvelous work SCE, hah.

siamesedreamer said:
Oh to be a fly on the wall in the board rooms of Sony right now...

They can try a patchwork of various cheaper SKUs that have less functionality than the best version and move more consoles than they have been averaging. But, in all reality its too late in North America. The decision to go with BluRay and a $600 pricetag sometime last Spring has proven to be an absolutely disastrous decision. There's nothing much more you can say about it. In effect, they decided to sacrifice their video game business in North America in an attempt to "win" the next-generation DVD format war.

And to even begin to suggest that Rachet & Uncharted will be the Sony saviours this holiday is completely LOLz-worthy given the fact that they are officially now 0-for-3 with Lair, Warhawk, and Heavenly Sword. While they should sell better than the 0-for-3ers, anything north of 300k+ is really pushing it.

Really? Can you tell me how the future is? I would love to know what stocks to buy.

Oh the humanity.


Ryudo said:
Xbox 360 527.8K
Wii 501K

Bu bu bu people who want halo already bought a 360 :lol

360 HALO 3* MICROSOFT (CORP) 1 3.3 million

Perfection, flawless victory and all that. Thats just insane.

well the way i read it, 2.8/3.3m already owned a 360. I don't think Reggie was far off the mark (especially when he said it wouldn't affect nintendo), but anyways since when was PR talk taken to heart like this? the thread which quoted him got way more replies than it deserved and people are still talking about it... sheesh


Soule said:
well the way i read it, 2.8/3.3m already owned a 360. I don't think Reggie was far off the mark (especially when he said it wouldn't affect nintendo), but anyways since when was PR talk taken to heart like this? the thread which quoted him got way more replies than it deserved and people are still talking about it... sheesh

What? True, X360 only sold twice as much as it normaly would. People don't buy consoles for Halo3 :lol


Soule said:
well the way i read it, 2.8/3.3m already owned a 360. I don't think Reggie was far off the mark (especially when he said it wouldn't affect nintendo), but anyways since when was PR talk taken to heart like this? the thread which quoted him got way more replies than it deserved and people are still talking about it... sheesh

Funny, but the post you quoted didn't even mention Reggie.:p There's a good chance Ryudo was refering to his claim, but the notion that "Everybody who wants Halo 3 already has a 360" is a lot older than Reggie's quotes.


bry-bry said:
Funny, but the post you quoted didn't even mention Reggie.:p There's a good chance Ryudo was refering to his claim, but the notion that "Everybody who wants Halo 3 already has a 360" is a lot older than Reggie's quotes.

dude. Your nick is what my girlfriend calls me. Weirdness. I assume your name is Bryan also?
PS3 is doing "relatively" OK in Europe and Japan, but in the US, there is no doubt it is in serious troubles. Sony really need to hope that the upcoming price cut will help, or they will need some bigger plans to rectify the situation.
AnimeTheme said:
PS3 is doing "relatively" OK in Europe and Japan, but in the US, there is no doubt it is in serious troubles.

Its not in serious trouble in America, its dead. There is absolutely no chance at all of it ever passing the 360 or Wii.

As America is the worlds largest single market for video games that doesn't bode well for Sony regardless of how they perform elsewhere.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
AnimeTheme said:
PS3 is doing "relatively" OK in Europe and Japan, but in the US, there is no doubt it is in serious troubles. Sony really need to hope that the upcoming price cut will help, or they will need some bigger plans to rectify the situation.

I wouldn't say that the PS3 is doing relatively well in Japan...It is terribly and the thing is about to hit sub 10k/week if some games don't come out for it soon. That works out to be a little more than 40k/month in Japan, which won't get Sony anywhere. Even if it is selling 'well' in Europe, let's say the unreasonable amount of 300k last month, that would still put it below the US amount of 360 sales for last month.
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