Opiate said:No, I don't. The 360 has lost ~2.5 billion overall, and has continued to bleed ~200 million in the last 6 months. (up through June. I expect them to lose money again July-Sep, but make money Oct-Dec).
I mean, Microsoft's system might be self sustaining if it started in the flush of its life, and avoided all those massive losses associated with the launch of a new system. But as it is, MS lost ~2.5 billion (2.5 billion dollars!) in the first two years of the system's life, and have struggled since just to break even* -- this during the system's prime, when it's supposed to be recouping the losses it accrued to start with.
So if Microsoft avoids those massive up front losses (a feat that no company has ever avoided save Nintendo), then possibly. But otherwise, no, I don't think they've accomplished that feat yet.
* To be specific, I have Microsoft's E&D division up ~350 million dollars over the course of the last 6 quarters. That's a net profit of ~58 million per quarter, which is an extremely small profit margin. And to make matters worse, they've actually lost money over the last 6 months, so the very recent past has seen MS losing money.
confused said:Of which 1 billion was to subsidize RROD's. Microsoft managed to do what almost everybody thought was impossible and that is stand toe to toe with Sony. MS has done what was needed to get a foot in the door, they are going to make a killing next-gen
Halo 3: ODST - 1.5 Million (Xbox 360)
Wii Sports Resort W/ Wii Motion Plus - 442,885 (Wii)
Madden NFL 10 - 289,596 (Xbox 360)
Madden NFL 10 - 246,526 (PlayStation 3)
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 - 236,017 (Xbox 360)
Batman: Arkham Asylum - 207,844 (PlayStation 3)
Batman: Arkham Asylum - 202,034 (Xbox 360)
The Beatles: Rock Band - 198,299 (Xbox 360)
Wii Fit W/ Balance Board - 133,930 (Wii)
confused said:Of which 1 billion was to subsidize RROD's. Microsoft managed to do what almost everybody thought was impossible and that is stand toe to toe with Sony. MS has done what was needed to get a foot in the door, they are going to make a killing next-gen
ICallItFutile said:Surprised this hasn't been posted. Is GAF less interested in sales now?
PlayStation 2 1,145,800
PlayStation 3 1,943,500
PSP 1,372,700
Xbox 360 2,391,500
Wii 4,017,100
Nintendo DS 5,717,800
PlayStation 2 44,600,418
PlayStation 3 8,737,696
PSP 15,714,336
Xbox 360 16,251,786
Wii 21,557,481
Nintendo DS 33,259,158
Opiate said:No, I don't. The 360 has lost ~2.5 billion overall, and has continued to bleed ~200 million in the last 6 months. (up through June. I expect them to lose money again July-Sep, but make money Oct-Dec).
I mean, Microsoft's system might be self sustaining if it started in the flush of its life, and avoided all those massive losses associated with the launch of a new system. But as it is, MS lost ~2.5 billion (2.5 billion dollars!) in the first two years of the system's life, and have struggled since just to break even* -- this during the system's prime, when it's supposed to be recouping the losses it accrued to start with.
So if Microsoft avoids those massive up front losses (a feat that no company has ever avoided save Nintendo), then possibly. But otherwise, no, I don't think they've accomplished that feat yet.
* To be specific, I have Microsoft's E&D division up ~350 million dollars over the course of the last 6 quarters. That's a net profit of ~58 million per quarter, which is an extremely small profit margin. And to make matters worse, they've actually lost money over the last 6 months, so the very recent past has seen MS losing money.
:lol someone else said..sounds like you been holding to bust this out for a very long time and it just bursted out suddenly as quick as you seen the sales figures, i totally imagine your hands shaking furiously as you typed that lol. Geezus dude..your gonna base this off one month? A month where sony had a major price drop and new smaller sku and a killer game (uncharted2)? And its not even about who wins, who has more sales..its a good day when all three consoles have shown they sold well because we all win.AnIco said:It's over for Microsoft, period. Microsoft lost their last ace, and that's the end of the 360's hopes and dreams.
It's not hyperbole, it's not fanboy drivel. It is LITERALLY it for 360. Microsoft has nothing left, nothing they can reveal tomorrow would fix the hole now created. There is no reason left for any one, hardcore or casual, to substantively invest in a 360. Except if they want to play Bungie's titles. Which will also come to the PS3 anyway once their Halo contract is up at some point.
The age of Microsoft in the US is done.
Danthrax said:My thoughts...
[*] aaaand I don't know why PS3 owners are still buying Batman, but okay
Opiate said:I'll believe it when I see it. It isn't that I necessarily disagree with you, or that I don't think it's a possiblity: but this industry is extremely unpredictable and everyone always has diffeerent views of the future -- usually, a future where their large corporate conglomerate of choice has overcome the obstacles to a glorious, media hub future.
So, again, I'll believe it when I see it. What I can tell you is that right now -- as we speak, based on events that have actually happened and can be objectively measured -- Microsoft hasn't created a sustainable console business model yet. They're closer than they were 5 years ago, but then again, Sony was there five years ago, and look where they are now.
You could be right, but I'll just stick to observable metrics, thanks.
imtehman said:i didn't say they did, i said they could come next generation now that they've established, at least in the U.S., that they're a serious player in the game industry and that they are here to stay.
They need more training in the Forza/GT comparison thread.SuperEnemyCrab said:Very entertaining thread. I can't believe how many people are taking the troll posts seriously.:lol
OrigJake78 said:The PS3 has finally broken the streak! The PS3 has been outsold by the Xbox 360 and the Wii for the past 13 months straight.
Sony is losing $108 per console. At 491,800 consoles that's a loss of $53,114,400!
So for a lead of 29k over their closest rival Sony lost $53 Million Dollars. And that's in the American market alone.
Sony losing $100 on every PS3 Slim sold
Will PS3 sustain these sales? Maybe. The release of the 250GB PS3 will help (Early adopters am cry).
Will PS3 sustain these sales? No? The PS3 Slim dropped over 2/3rd in only its second week on sale in Japan.
Price cut = Small Increase, New Hardware + Price Cut = Larger Increase
Only one PS3 game in the top 10.
TheRagnCajun said:2. Will Demon's Souls chart well? Cause it really, really, should. I can't say I've ever rooted for a game saleswise, but this game is sooo good and it performed sooo poorly in Japan.
You fail.Mr.Potato Head said::lol someone else said..sounds like you been holding to bust this out for a very long time and it just bursted out suddenly as quick as you seen the sales figures, i totally imagine your hands shaking furiously as you typed that lol. Geezus dude..your gonna base this off one month? A month where sony had a major price drop and new smaller sku and a killer game (uncharted2)? And its not even about who wins, who has more sales..its a good day when all three consoles have shown they sold well because we all win.
Your either a die hard ps3 fanboy
Your a 10 year old die hard ps3 fanboy
Im not gonna even bother looking at your post history because i already know what it will tell me.
confused said:Fair enough. I only wanted to make the point that MS has a good starting point for next generation.
Mr.Potato Head said:snip
Jaded Alyx said:You fail.
Opiate said:Oh, I see the confusion here. I wasn't trying to imply that they'd literally pull out of the industry altogether. I meant what I said: that they could be threatened. The business would have to be more self reliant -- that doesn't mean it would cease to exist, just that it would have to shift tactics.
If you'd like me to put this differently: I don't think Sony can threaten Microsoft, because Microsoft is clearly willing to subsidize their investment in this industry. If Sony goes on a spending spree, Microsoft is willing to spend along with them. And Microsoft would win that war, because their wallet has a lot more cash in it.
But I do think Google can threaten Microsoft. If Google began to legitimately challenge MS's core properties, I think this would force MS to end subsidization of this market to focus on sustaining their core industries. That doesn't mean that the Xbox would die, just that it would be forced to be more self reliant than it has historically been. That's all."[The Beatles: Rock Band] outselling GH5 isnt that big of a deal, and in terms of units, they were actually quite close," he said. "Whats striking is the low overall dollar figure for the two games, which were out for almost the entire month. The two combined fell short of $100 million, and I had forecast $210 million."
WinFonda said:That's a lot of moved hardware. Go go gadget gif
SuperEnemyCrab said:Very entertaining thread. I can't believe how many people are taking the troll posts seriously.:lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol You fail, dudeMr.Potato Head said::lol someone else said..sounds like you been holding to bust this out for a very long time and it just bursted out suddenly as quick as you seen the sales figures, i totally imagine your hands shaking furiously as you typed that lol. Geezus dude..your gonna base this off one month? A month where sony had a major price drop and new smaller sku and a killer game (uncharted2)? And its not even about who wins, who has more sales..its a good day when all three consoles have shown they sold well because we all win.
Your either a die hard ps3 fanboy
Your a 10 year old die hard ps3 fanboy
Im not gonna even bother looking at your post history because i already know what it will tell me.
SuperEnemyCrab said:Very entertaining thread. I can't believe how many people are taking the troll posts seriously.:lol
ICallItFutile said:Surprised this hasn't been posted. Is GAF less interested in sales now?
PlayStation 3 8,737,696
Xbox 360 16,251,786
Wii 21,557,481
I completely forgot about DiRT and SHIFT.Accident said:Bombas:
Dirt 2 (September 8)
LittleBigPlanet: Game of the Year Edition (September 8)
Mini Ninjas (September 8)
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (September 8)
Need for Speed: Shift (September 15) NHL 10 (September 15)
NHL 2K10 (September 15)
Scribblenauts (September 15)
Wet (September 15)
Spyborgs (September 25)
Beaterator (September 29)
Dead Space Extraction (September 29)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (September 29)
Gran Turismo (October 1)
Accident said:Bombas:
Dirt 2 (September 8)
LittleBigPlanet: Game of the Year Edition (September 8)
Mini Ninjas (September 8)
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (September 8)
Need for Speed: Shift (September 15) NHL 10 (September 15)
NHL 2K10 (September 15)
Scribblenauts (September 15)
Wet (September 15)
Spyborgs (September 25)
Beaterator (September 29)
Dead Space Extraction (September 29)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (September 29)
Gran Turismo (October 1)
lol @ this f00 wrong opinion, Anyway all seems as expected for this month i guess nothing really out of the ordinary happen, call me in november hopefully things will be more interesting then.bafflewaffle said:mediocre game, does not deserve to be in top npd imo
ritia picross is ds goty
confused said:Of which 1 billion was to subsidize RROD's. Microsoft managed to do what almost everybody thought was impossible and that is stand toe to toe with Sony. MS has done what was needed to get a foot in the door, they are going to make a killing next-gen
cjelly said:I completely forgot about DiRT and SHIFT.
So did everyone else, evidently.
ICallItFutile said:Surprised this hasn't been posted. Is GAF less interested in sales now?
PlayStation 2 1,145,800
PlayStation 3 1,943,500
PSP 1,372,700
Xbox 360 2,391,500
Wii 4,017,100
Nintendo DS 5,717,800
PlayStation 2 44,600,418
PlayStation 3 8,737,696
PSP 15,714,336
Xbox 360 16,251,786
Wii 21,557,481
Nintendo DS 33,259,158
Accident said:Bombas:
Dirt 2 (September 8)
LittleBigPlanet: Game of the Year Edition (September 8)
Mini Ninjas (September 8)
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (September 8)
Need for Speed: Shift (September 15) NHL 10 (September 15)
NHL 2K10 (September 15)
Scribblenauts (September 15)
Wet (September 15)
Spyborgs (September 25)
Beaterator (September 29)
Dead Space Extraction (September 29)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (September 29)
Gran Turismo (October 1)
Accident said:Bombas:
Dirt 2 (September 8)
LittleBigPlanet: Game of the Year Edition (September 8)
Mini Ninjas (September 8)
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (September 8)
Need for Speed: Shift (September 15) NHL 10 (September 15)
NHL 2K10 (September 15)
Scribblenauts (September 15)
Wet (September 15)
Spyborgs (September 25)
Beaterator (September 29)
Dead Space Extraction (September 29)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (September 29)
Gran Turismo (October 1)
confused said:I tend to disagree. If MS core properties were to be challenged they would probably try to diversify ie. Windows on mobile phones, Xbox or other growing venues of revenue.
Also Xbox LIVE suppossedly raked in over a billion in revenue
w3stfa11 said:Anyone think the PS3 will overtake the Xbox 360 in YTD in the coming months?
Accident said:Bombas:
Dirt 2 (September 8)
LittleBigPlanet: Game of the Year Edition (September 8)
Mini Ninjas (September 8)
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (September 8)
Need for Speed: Shift (September 15) NHL 10 (September 15)
NHL 2K10 (September 15)
Scribblenauts (September 15)
Wet (September 15)
Spyborgs (September 25)
Beaterator (September 29)
Dead Space Extraction (September 29)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (September 29)
Gran Turismo (October 1)
confused said:Of which 1 billion was to subsidize RROD's. Microsoft managed to do what almost everybody thought was impossible and that is stand toe to toe with Sony. MS has done what was needed to get a foot in the door, they are going to make a killing next-gen
Accident said:Bombas:
Dirt 2 (September 8)
LittleBigPlanet: Game of the Year Edition (September 8)
Mini Ninjas (September 8)
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (September 8)
Need for Speed: Shift (September 15) NHL 10 (September 15)
NHL 2K10 (September 15)
Scribblenauts (September 15)
Wet (September 15)
Spyborgs (September 25)
Beaterator (September 29)
Dead Space Extraction (September 29)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (September 29)
Gran Turismo (October 1)
PlayStation 3 8,737,696
Xbox 360 16,251,786