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NPD Sales Results for September 2009


Accident said:
Dirt 2 (September 8)
LittleBigPlanet: Game of the Year Edition (September 8)
Mini Ninjas (September 8)
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (September 8)
Need for Speed: Shift (September 15) NHL 10 (September 15)
NHL 2K10 (September 15)
Scribblenauts (September 15)
Wet (September 15)
Spyborgs (September 25)
Beaterator (September 29)
Dead Space Extraction (September 29)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (September 29)
Gran Turismo (October 1)

Hopefully KH still made top 20 like others have said. I highly doubt it bombed though.

Safe Bet

EviLore said:
Data care of NPD Group:

PlayStation 3 491.8K


fizzelopeguss said:
Why next gen, they were supposed to make money on the 360, it was the original xbox that was built to get them into the industry and gain ground with.

I dunno. You have a point, of course, but one can also look at it another way, which would also be completely reasonable. Microsoft will gain 1) Marketshare, 2) Revenue, 3) Software, and 4) Hardware Sold this generation, and they'll cut their losses in half from last generation.

Again, not that you don't have a point, but the 360 has exceeded the original Xbox by virtually every measurable standard already, and it has years left in its life.
fizzelopeguss said:
Why next gen, they were supposed to make money on the 360, it was the original xbox that was built to get them into the industry and gain ground with.

Pretty sure it was:

Xbox - Foot in the door
Xbox 360 - Increase brand strength, gain 3rd party love, take market share off Sony, get Live in peak condition
Next Xbox - Make profit and go for the gold

Whether that happens or not is up for debate, but I'm pretty sure that was the plan
Holy shit at Mario & Luigi. I guess I didn't realize the series was that popular. I'm glad it is.

And I'm glad that B:RB beat out GH5, I'm glad the masses have taste.


Comics, serious business!
confused said:
I tend to disagree. If MS core properties were to be challenged they would probably try to diversify ie. Windows on mobile phones, Xbox or other growing venues of revenue.

Well, the problem with Microsoft is nothing really moves the needle at this point. 2010 revenues will come in at about $58 billion. They'll earn about $15 billion. Market cap is $236 billion.

E&D revenue will come in at about $7 billion... or about 12% of revenue. But the problem is this isn't making a dent to their $15 billion in earnings (because they're basically earning nothing). So, even if they doubled their E&D revenue to $14 billion and earned a 15% (unlikely) margin they'd make $2.2 billion with the division. Divide $2.2 billion by 9 billion shares outstanding and you get an extra $0.25 in earnings per share. Apply a 17x multiple to this and you get an extra $4 to the stock price or an extra $37 billion to the market cap of $236 billion.

So, let's recap. To move the market cap 15% they have to DOUBLE the revenue from E&D and earn a WHOPPING 15% net margin (this Nintendo's net margin, FYI).

Grow the business times 2 and then earn a Nintendo-like net margin (which nobody else can replicate, by the way) on the business and then they move the market cap by 15%.

Good luck Microsoft. Good luck.


Opiate said:
But I do think Google can threaten Microsoft. If Google began to legitimately challenge MS's core properties, I think this would force MS to end subsidization of this market to focus on sustaining their core industries. That doesn't mean that the Xbox would die, just that it would be forced to be more self reliant than it has historically been. That's all.

With what? Their Android OS will go the way of Linux and what do they have that threatens office? Google docs can`t be what you are talking about. Also, Sony could be forced to end subsidization of the PS3 to focus on it`s failing core makets as well. Sony is in a much weaker position than MS. Not sure any of this should be in the gaming forum anyway.
Kard8p3 said:
Hopefully KH still made top 20 like others have said. I highly doubt it bombed though.

Given that Chain of Memories sold over 1 million copies in the US, I'm sure that 358/2 Days will still do great numbers over time. Especially selling to a larger user base and having less off putting game play.

I would expect to see it chart in the Top 10 next month, given that it just didn't have a lot of time to be tracked in September.


Great numbers for PS3, DS and Wii. About 140k-ish over 360, that price drop made a good impact.

Edit: great 360 s/w #s


w3stfa11 said:
Anyone think the PS3 will overtake the Xbox 360 in YTD in the coming months?
Geez no...Even the old Xbox beat the unbeatable PS2 every now and again. I expect the PS3 to beat the 360 in next months sales but normalize after that.


KuwabaraTheMan said:
Given that Chain of Memories sold over 1 million copies in the US, I'm sure that 358/2 Days will still do great numbers over time. Especially selling to a larger user base and having less off putting game play.

I would expect to see it chart in the Top 10 next month, given that it just didn't have a lot of time to be tracked in September.

Yeah that's what I'm hoping for. However with some of the big stuff coming out this month it still might not make top ten for october. Still there's no way it won't sell more next month.


I always love in these threads when people wander in and ask about some random-ass game that obviously nobody bought; or at least, didn't buy 200K+ of. :lol
Thunder Monkey said:
I thought the PS3 was going to outsell the Wii by 60,000 units. It was only by 30,000. :(

I also thought the PS3 was going to outsell the 360 by 200,000 units. Halo surprises me again. I didn't think it would do much of anything for it.

ODST is selling crazy amounts..i personally didnt care much for it myself.

I will say this..even though im a HUGE 360 gamer..its really nice to see the ps3 sell well because i want to see more ps3 exclusive games as alot of them come out being amazing games.


Opiate said:
For most companies in the world, this would be the right choice, but Microsoft isn't built like most companies.

Microsoft is essentially a core from which a million (very profitable) arms have been extended. That's why crazy people always talk about the fall of Microsoft in grand terms, when people don't even suggest that possibility for companies like Mitsubishi or 3M.

If you challenged the Windows monopoly, then the monopolies provided by Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Internet Explorer are all threatened by extension. Those aren't vague threats, either: a huge portion of the dominance these peripheral software brands experience is on the back of Windows.

Even the 360 is, at least in part, reliant on the PC platform: I don't think it's a coincidence that so many long time PC devs seem so comfortable with the 360. It's because the programming and architecture are so similar.

Microsoft's core is their OS. If that core was ever seriously threatened, Microsoft would pull out all stops to smash that threat. They've already pulled out an enormous number of stops as is: before Google had announced Chrome OS, Microsoft was prepared to spend 48 Billion dollars to buy Yahoo. To put that in to perspective, Microsoft was willing to pay nearly 50 billion dollars just to gain 12-13% of the market that Google dominates.

First off, I'd like to thank you for engaging in this discussion with me without talking down at me because I'm a junior.

You are definitely right that Windows is MS core and major money maker and that 360/PC platforms share the same architecture and programming. I just tend to think that the Xbox brand could be used as a Trojan horse of sorts in the way that now there's a whole group of people (gamer's) that tend to see MS as more than just an OS/software company and tend to think of them as a hardware manufacturer.

What's stopping them from sneaking windows into the Xbox brand. Or now that they are hardware manufacturers with a decent record what's stopping them from entering the PC hardware space ?


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Accident said:
Dirt 2 (September 8)
LittleBigPlanet: Game of the Year Edition (September 8)
Mini Ninjas (September 8)
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (September 8)
Need for Speed: Shift (September 15) NHL 10 (September 15)
NHL 2K10 (September 15)
Scribblenauts (September 15)
Wet (September 15)
Spyborgs (September 25)
Beaterator (September 29)
Dead Space Extraction (September 29)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (September 29)
Gran Turismo (October 1)
This list sorely lacks Wii Fit Plus. It was sold at the Gamecube Hut early and should be included in this NPD.


2 Minutes Turkish said:
Pretty sure it was:

Xbox - Foot in the door
Xbox 360 - Increase brand strength, gain 3rd party love, take market share off Sony, get Live in peak condition
Next Xbox - Make profit and go for the gold

Whether that happens or not is up for debate, but I'm pretty sure that was the plan

They had a 20 yr plan for the xbox brand to achieve this they said
Pretty close up top. DS decimated everyone of course, which kind of deflates all the console price cut hype. My god, what the hell happened to the PSP?


jj984jj said:
This list sorely lacks Wii Fit Plus. It was sold at the Gamecube Hut early and should be included in this NPD.

Again wasnt it released in october? (Oct 4 according to Wiki)
I wonder how well Muramasa did. I hope it sold better than Dead Space Extraction; that title screamed niche game. Why the heck doesn't NPD release something like the Top 50 or more than 10?

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
lawblob said:
I always love in these threads when people wander in and ask about some random-ass game that obviously nobody bought; or at least, didn't buy 200K+ of. :lol
Anybody have the numbers for Monster Truck Mayhem(Wii)?

EDIT: Screw you LCfiner. I actually had to look something up!


What we have so far:

01. HALO 3: ODST (360; Sep-09) 1.52M
03. MADDEN NFL 10 (360; Aug-09) 289.6K
05. THE BEATLES:ROCK BAND* (360; Sep-09) 254.0K
06. MADDEN NFL 10 (PS3; Aug-09) 246.5K
07. MARVEL:ULTIMATE ALLIANCE 2 (360; Sep-09) 236.0K
08. BATMAN:ARKHAM ASYLUM* (PS3; Aug-09) 212.5K
09. GUITAR HERO 5* (360; Sep-09) 210.8K
10. THE BEATLES:ROCK BAND* (WII; Sep-09) 208.6K

xx. BATMAN:ARKHAM ASYLUM* (360; Aug-09) 202.0K+
xx. WII FIT W/ BALANCE BOARD (WII; Apr-08) 133.9k+
xx. THE BEATLES:ROCK BAND* (PS3; Sep-09) 132.4K

-- GUITAR HERO 5 (ALL) 499k



Junior Member
evilromero said:
Pretty close up top. DS decimated everyone of course, which kind of deflates all the console price cut hype. My god, what the hell happened to the PSP?

Outside of it's launch year the PSP has not done very well, and why should it when Sony doesn't really seem to care about it.


ChoklitReign said:
I wonder how well Muramasa did. I hope it sold better than Dead Space Extraction; that title screamed niche game. Why the heck doesn't NPD release something like the Top 50 or more than 10?

Top 20 per platform are released a day or two after the initial overall top ten list.


Road said:
What we have so far:

01. HALO 3: ODST (360; Sep-09) 1.52M
03. MADDEN NFL 10 (360; Aug-09) 289.6K
05. THE BEATLES:ROCK BAND* (360; Sep-09) 254.0K
06. MADDEN NFL 10 (PS3; Aug-09) 246.5K
07. MARVEL:ULTIMATE ALLIANCE 2 (360; Sep-09) 236.0K
08. BATMAN:ARKHAM ASYLUM* (PS3; Aug-09) 212.5K
09. GUITAR HERO 5* (360; Sep-09) 210.8K
10. THE BEATLES:ROCK BAND* (WII; Sep-09) 208.6K

xx. BATMAN:ARKHAM ASYLUM* (360; Aug-09) 202.5K+
xx. WII FIT W/ BALANCE BOARD (WII; Apr-08) 133.9k+
xx. THE BEATLES:ROCK BAND* (PS3; Sep-09) 132.4K

-- GUITAR HERO 5 (ALL) 499k


So Batman AA looks to be level on both platforms ?
duk said:
They had a 20 yr plan for the xbox brand to achieve this they said

As lulworthy as that may be.

If anyone has the time and money to sink into it, MS does.

With the market the Xbox has captured, they could probably 'live' off the existing userbase if they were smart enough about it. We just don't stop buygin games and other useless shit we don't need to buy.

Hell, in two weeks I'll have a 4th 360 console and about 80 games (including XBLA). I have pretty much every accessory available too.

If Ms can be smart about pandering to other idiots like me, I don't think they need to worry too much about finishing 3rd in some imaginary pissing contest.

Look at the Gamecube.
confused said:
So Batman AA looks to be level on both platforms ?

Yeah, pretty much dead even through 2 months. Although with better legs on the PS3, so I would expect that version to take the lead as of next month.


Beatles Rockband beat Guitar Hero...HELL YEAH!!

I'm surprised at how well the Wii did, I was expecting the PS3 to create a much bigger gap. Anyways, congrats Sony!


Danthrax said:
My thoughts...

  • Wow, PS3 only beat Wii by 29k. Thought it would be a bigger gap. And the poor 360 is in the basement... oh wait, no, that's the PSP LoL
  • WOW @ Mario & Luigi 3. I didn't think it would sell that much!! fucking fourth place
  • aaaand I don't know why PS3 owners are still buying Batman, but okay
  • The Wii version of Beatles RB showed up pretty well against the 360 version (200k vs. 250k). It's nice to see when games sell well on the platform with the most sales. The world makes more sense that way. Though it would make more sense if TB:RB sold the most on Wii
  • looks like GH5 got the shit beat out of it, which was kinda expected

...oh, and I can't resist:


Oh wow, my meme!


KuwabaraTheMan said:
Yeah, pretty much dead even through 2 months. Although with better legs on the PS3, so I would expect that version to take the lead as of next month.

I expect the PS3 version to drop off quite heavily seen as every PS3 owner spent october with Uncharted 2


Torhthelm Tídwald said:
So no games sold except the top 10. Got it.

P.S. Did you just admit to reading Kotaku?

No, I just follow Stephen Totilo on twitter :p

sleeping_dragon said:
how was that a bomba when this npd only takes in 3 days of sale for that game?

IIRC, Killzone 2 sold more copies in its first 2 days than in its second month and GTPSP was also tied to a console launch so don't expect anything big next month.


y'all should be ashamed
Accident said:
IIRC, Killzone 2 sold more copies in its first 2 days than in its second month and GTPSP was also tied to a console launch so don't expect anything big next month.
Hmmm, good point.


PlayStation 2 146.0K
PlayStation 3 491.8K
PSP 190.4K
Xbox 360 352.6K
Wii 462.8K
Nintendo DS 524.2K

Impressive for PS3, but not as significant to make anyone think that this console gen sales order will dramatically change over time. DQ X is safe on Wii. FPSs are safe on 360. MGS games are safe for exclusivity on PS3. Multiplatform music games are safe for all consoles.
confused said:
I expect the PS3 version to drop off quite heavily seen as every PS3 owner spent october with Uncharted 2

I don't really think the two games will compete. Those people who rushed out to buy Uncharted 2 are the first month consumers, so they wouldn't really be the people buying Batman in its third month of release.

Batman is a game with a lot of casual/mainstream appeal, so I expect that new PS3 owners will probably gravitate towards that for awhile.


KuwabaraTheMan said:
I don't really think the two games will compete. Those people who rushed out to buy Uncharted 2 are the first month consumers, so they wouldn't really be the people buying Batman in its third month of release.

Batman is a game with a lot of casual/mainstream appeal, so I expect that new PS3 owners will probably gravitate towards that for awhile.

But they will. Everybody rushed out for Uncharted 2 not only us so-called hardcores. After all, it is Sony's big fall title and Batman is multiplatform, meaning sales usually drop off until the price is slashed.


Similarity in Madden numbers really strike me as the most compelling.

What was it in 09, 08?

Madden's a pretty decent foreshadow game for MW2. Could be big for Sony. Bring on more competition.


Accident said:
Dirt 2 (September 8)
LittleBigPlanet: Game of the Year Edition (September 8)
Mini Ninjas (September 8)
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (September 8)
Need for Speed: Shift (September 15) NHL 10 (September 15)
NHL 2K10 (September 15)
Scribblenauts (September 15)
Wet (September 15)
Spyborgs (September 25)
Beaterator (September 29)
Dead Space Extraction (September 29)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (September 29)
Gran Turismo (October 1)
The only ones that are confirmed bombas (i.e. not appearing in the NPD Top 10 as one could have expected) are Dirt and Shift. Aside from that, we know that Extraction and Muramasa bombed as well (as Ani and codecow alluded to, respectively).

Now, that doesn't mean the others haven't bombed horribly (wtf is Beaterator?), but the point is that we don't know that for sure. A couple more will be made clear when the Top 20 hits.


Second-rate Anihawk
lawblob said:
Considering the enormous marketing hype & buzz for Beatles, along with the enormous licensing fee, I don't see how EA could be happy with those numbers.

I'm amazed the music game fad has lasted even this long, honestly. Activision is bleeding it dry so fast, consumer good will towards the genre & peripherals have to be near rock-bottom.
EA has nothing to do with Rock Band outside of distribution. MTV will be the ones shitting their pants over tepid Beatles sales.
I dont understand the comments about ODST and its relation to a 360 hardware jump.

Halo 3 was the new Halo for the 360; ODST was an extension of Halo 3. Its safe to say that most if not almost all of the 1.52 million ODSTs purchased were people that already had a 360 and already had Halo 3.

It wasnt meant to sell 360s; it was meant to make some serious money.
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