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NPD Sales Results for September 2009


I'm surprised that the 360 managed to keep up with the previous September which had a 199 Arcade introduced. The only big surprise is the Wii number, the first week of October must've been huge.

Also I'm probably way too fkucing late, but any idea how The Strike (360) performed?
TruHero said:
After spending about 20min reading this thread, the NPD threads have become my second favorite thread right behind the Pick Up threads.

Good month all around. MS is going to have to lower the Elite's price if they want to compete again.

I don't think MS will lower the price, they made a point of saying they expect to outsell the PS3 this year not holiday, also they want to bundle in Natal next holiday and lowering the price now will make that more costly.


:eek: at those bomba's, prediction: Bionic Games closed before the end of the year. Massive GameCube/Dreamcast like PSP bail-out and an absolute massacre if Nintendo launches an handheld with the nVidia Tegra on board next year.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
AnIco said:
It's over for Microsoft, period. Microsoft lost their last ace, and that's the end of the 360's hopes and dreams.

It's not hyperbole, it's not fanboy drivel. It is LITERALLY it for 360. Microsoft has nothing left, nothing they can reveal tomorrow would fix the hole now created. There is no reason left for any one, hardcore or casual, to substantively invest in a 360. Except if they want to play Bungie's titles. Which will also come to the PS3 anyway once their Halo contract is up at some point.

The age of Microsoft in the US is done.



HAL_Laboratory said:
Nintendo sales: 987,000
Sony sales: 828,200



It's cute how much Nintendo fans get excited or angered about sales. Look at this little guy for example, he hides his frustration behind emoticons.


Liara T'Soni said:
1) Good job Sony. Uncharted 2 charting high next month would be the icing on the cake for them.

2) Batman charted on PS3 and not 360 because of ODST...remember this people before you go nuts about it, 1.5 million xbots bought a game this month and probably didn't buy anything else with it.

3) FUCK Kotick. I hope GH continues to get outsold by RB. I don't even like music games but I can't stand Activision.

4) Halo is still a beast...However, I hope MS releases REACH, and lays off of it for the rest of the gen. They are milking but it's not too bad yet (Wars was a valid attempt to expand the franchise, giving the consoles a taste of a genre that many never played before).

U2 charting high? I fully expect U2 to chart in at #1 for the month.


GrotesqueBeauty said:
I guess it's not a shock, but Dead Space: Extraction did pretty awful, even given that it came out at the end of the month. It's unfortunate because it was clear there was some genuine effort put into the final product, but EA was either stupid or willfully ignorant if they didn't see this development coming down the pike (and they apparently didn't). Amir0x's view that it's not an inferior product despite neutering half of how you interact with the Dead Space universe (navigation) is just as crazy as Sipowicz's view that the game deserved to go down in flames despite being a thoughtful and polished piece of software. At the same time, Amirox is right that it shouldn't be written off entirely because of it's genre, and Sipowicz is correct to point out that the lack of replayability stemming from the genre is a massive deterrent for those who might have otherwise been interested.

i've said it's a good game in 2 player mode but it's really short and once you've seen the comics you're done. they've also reused a bunch of stuff (for obvious reasons). it also has some prblems like the stupid camera that's all over the place, the round target thing that feels as if you're playing with a mouse, the pacing, the text logs etc

what they should have done is come out on day one and said this is an arcade lightgun game spinoff. it'll be budget priced. it'll be made by eurocom with one or two guys from ea.

they should have also added in a bunch of stuff to make it replayable and put in support for proper lightgun controls and four players. as it was though they just lied, blackmailed and released a game that any right minded person would just rent

i'd love to see what another developer could do with a similar concept. they could make it more system shocky with player one having a limited amount of movement and some oppurtunity for explration/customisation. that would be class

sega im looking at you


he's Virgin Tight™
Mahadev said:
It's cute how much Nintendo fans get excited or angered about sales. Look at this little guy for example, he hides his frustration behind emoticons.

Some of you take it too seriously...

It's obviously a joke, and of course a suitable one since Sony has always done it. See? I don't see why people would get so mad regarding sales. It's not like hey get any $$$ off it.


HAL_Laboratory said:
Nintendo sales: 987,000
Sony sales: 828,200



Wait so you are going to pull a nintendo family ala playstation family:lol

And people are still falling for that meme post:lol
Mahadev said:
It's cute how much Nintendo fans get excited or angered about sales. Look at this little guy for example, he hides his frustration behind emoticons.
Says the dude with a Kratos av. And if I'm not mistaken it is a typical Sony PR move to count handheld sales in with console sales if that means greater overall numbers.


Distinguished Air Superiority
lawblob said:
Considering that there are < 9,000 people in U2 multiplayer right now, I wouldn't count on it.
Considering that its a single player-centric game to begin with, and its a Tuesday morning which is statistically the slowest day to play online on any system, i WOULD count on it. I have Uncharted 2 and i havent even touched multiplayer yet until i finish the single player campaign.


Relix said:
Some of you take it too seriously...

It's obviously a joke, and of course a suitable one since Sony has always done it. See? I don't see why people would get so mad regarding sales. It's not like hey get any $$$ off it.

He wasn't kidding, sales are serious business for Nintendo fans.
lawblob said:
Considering that there are < 9,000 people in U2 multiplayer right now, I wouldn't count on it.
It's obviously a fluke....for obvious reasons. Obviously, I'm not sure how much more obvious I can make it.



lawblob said:
Considering that there are < 9,000 people in U2 multiplayer right now, I wouldn't count on it.
What percentage of the total ownership would we expect to be on multiplayer at the moment?


U2 will chart high next month. Probably no. 1 since the only competition is Forza 3 which only has a week.

We shall see though.

I also expect the PS3 to beat the 360 by a few thousand units.


Mariah Carey said:
This is just me guessing but I'd wager third parties are being so obstinate because they're battling against their own irrelevance. There was a ten year space where third party support was considered the most important thing in the world for a hardware maker; moving to Wii would be conceding the mountain of clout they previously held, and they'd subsequently have to submit to not only Nintendo but any hardware maker's whims. Wii has become a competitor to them and the HD machines represent third parties themselves.

Probably some truth in what you say. This generation pretty much goes against what generations past have been and it seems like developers/publishers really want the Wii to fail. Maybe that's not totally true, but damn, it really comes off that way. I just really don't understand it. Lucky for Nintendo they're winning the fight, but the Wii brand image is taking a pounding in the process. Especially here in Japan. It's pretty amazing stuff. It'll be interesting to look back on this 10 years from now.


DMeisterJ said:
U2 will chart high next month. Probably no. 1 since the only competition is Forza 3 which only has a week.

We shall see though.

I also expect the PS3 to beat the 360 by a few thousand units.
I think you're all forgetting Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games and Wii Fit Plus.


all of my posts are my avatar
PS3 numbers are disappointing, going off the GAF hype meter the Slim should have destroyed everyone in NPD's.

Wii is still a rip off at 199$, wake me up when there's a WiiHD for 149$

360 numbers are meh but honestly I expected worse with the Wii price drop and PS3 relaunch.

ODST numbers are fine but could have been even better


AnIco said:
Elite dropped $100 this September and it had a $50 rebate on top of that too, not to mention a huge, huge seller like Halo.

360 will be down, YoY, next month. Count on it.

I have a felling it it be down YOY on Oct as well. But Nov will probably negate that in a big way with the MW2 bundle and LFD2 both dropping the some month.
10 bucks says that this month's PS3 sales are nothing more than a spike caused by folks who've been saying for the last year "I"ll wait till the price drop....". I simply know too many folks who (when asked if they'll get a PS3 for games), "Nah, I'll just buy the 360 version, I've already got that system."
Halo 3:ODST is better than expected.

This is the first time PS3 has topped the charts so it means "something". I expected PS3 sales to be MUCH higher just from WOM and the price drop alone

360 and Wii are doing "good" not like last year's numbers. It's just kinda strange because I expected PS3 to eat into Wii sales for some reason and that didnt happen. The numbers show that Wii and PS3 buyers are really in different "markets" while both still being video game consoles

Strange month


I hope the 360 outsells like gangbusters next month. Because that means more money for Bill Gates which means more money for charity, money spent on medicine and food for children in need in places like Africa.


DiatribeEQ said:
10 bucks says that this month's PS3 sales are nothing more than a spike caused by folks who've been saying for the last year "I"ll wait till the price drop....". I simply know too many folks who (when asked if they'll get a PS3 for games), "Nah, I'll just buy the 360 version, I've already got that system."

The PS3 price drop was in August.
WrikaWrek said:
I hope the 360 outsells like gangbusters next month. Because that means more money for Bill Gates which means more money for charity, money spent on medicine and food for children in need in places like Africa.

Finally, someone had the balls to say it.


Stumpokapow said:
quick quiz:
which game sold better, mini ninjas ds or gran turismo psp?

Pretty hard to say considering this months coverage period plus the fact that NPD doesn't track GT PSP sales on PSN.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Massa said:
Pretty hard to say considering this months coverage period plus the fact that NPD doesn't track GT PSP sales on PSN.

No, its actually really easy to say. You find a NPD subscriber, then he or she looks up both games and determines which sold more.
Relix said:
Some of you take it too seriously...

It's obviously a joke, and of course a suitable one since Sony has always done it. See? I don't see why people would get so mad regarding sales. It's not like hey get any $$$ off it.
Of course it's a joke. But I love how some folks in here hide their frustration by hiding behind quotes that hide behind quotes that have emoticons.
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