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NPD Sales Results for September 2009


WrikaWrek said:
I hope the 360 outsells like gangbusters next month. Because that means more money for Bill Gates which means more money for charity, money spent on medicine and food for children in need in places like Africa.



chandoog said:


DiatribeEQ said:
10 bucks says that this month's PS3 sales are nothing more than a spike caused by folks who've been saying for the last year "I"ll wait till the price drop....". I simply know too many folks who (when asked if they'll get a PS3 for games), "Nah, I'll just buy the 360 version, I've already got that system."

The difference between the 360 and PS3 this month was 139k while the difference between the two in the MGS4 month was 184k. About 47k difference there. Normalcy didn’t take too long after that to be sure (August even before the main price drop). We've seen the drops WW and we very well should see them reflected in the US as well this month. I fully expect them to be not too far off this month to be sure while the Wii takes back the top without issue then back to normalcy come Nov. It’s a spike, but October will give us a better idea of just how much so.

Massa said:
The PS3 price drop was in August.

That’s true which according to these numbers it certainly didn’t see the real bump until Sept, which is still a little surprising to me.


schuelma said:
No, its actually really easy to say. You find a NPD subscriber, then he or she looks up both games and determines which sold more.

Yes, in the time period covered by September's NPD and excluding PSN sales for GT. As I said in my post.
WrikaWrek said:
I hope the 360 outsells like gangbusters next month. Because that means more money for Bill Gates which means more money for charity, money spent on medicine and food for children in need in places like Africa.

Thats how I feel, when I buy a 360 game I know a significant proportion of that money is going to the needy in Africa, curing fatal diseases and other worthy causes.

Anyone who buys games for any other system is pure evil imho.


Massa said:
Yes, in the time period covered by September's NPD and excluding PSN sales for GT. As I said in my post.
Correct. So in the context of this thread, "NPD Sales Results for September 2009", it would be simple to determine which game sold more.


Massa said:
Pretty hard to say considering this months coverage period plus the fact that NPD doesn't track GT PSP sales on PSN.
That was the long answer. The short answer is much more hilarious.


tinfoilhatman said:
PS3 numbers are disappointing, going off the GAF hype meter the Slim should have destroyed everyone in NPD's.

Wii is still a rip off at 199$, wake me up when there's a WiiHD for 149$

360 numbers are meh but honestly I expected worse with the Wii price drop and PS3 relaunch.

ODST numbers are fine but could have been even better

GAF hype was correct. These numbers are USA only, in a week, they have sold over 1,000,000 slims worldwide.


The vouchers for all PSP games combined sold 2.3k copies, people.

People are going to have to stop using the DD excuse for PSP games. There will never be another bomb on the PSP at this rate. No wonder Dragona is clamping down so hard on this.

It doesn't mean that we will never acknowledge the validity of DD sales: but as it stands, there is little reason to believe they comprise a substantive portion of the sales, and until there is such a reason, it's better to work with the evidence we have.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
gofreak said:
I don't know how it is in the states, but if you wait a little while here you can pick up games pretty cheaply.
No that's exactly how it is here in the US as well. Games just don't hold their value. I haven't purchased a game at $60 so far this generation simply because I know if I wait a couple weeks I can find it at $40.

Stumpokapow said:
quick quiz:
which game sold better, mini ninjas ds or gran turismo psp?
Ouch...Below the belt dude! :lol


Can somebody explain to me why Microsoft is screwed and will always be last place when it still leads Sony 2-1 in LTD sales? (16m - 8m)

Forgive me for using logic but I don't see Sony making up 8million units sold in the US to before the next generation starts. Thus I don't see them taking over 2nd place.

Why is this so important to sony fanboys but xbox fanboys don't even seem to care?

Color me confused. Maybe somebody can clear this up for me?


What I don't understand is why so many people think the release of the PSP Go with its DD only framework must necessarily correlate with a massive increase in PSN sales. If the PSP market has taught us anything the last four years, it is that there are millions of PSP owners who are perfectly content to buy the system and essentially never buy games for it ever again. I don't see why this would automatically change with the PSP Go. While piracy was a big issue with the traditional PSP system, I think we overlook the fact that millions of people, particularly young people, IIRC, view it as a gadget / music player, etc., with games only a tertiary aspect of their purchase decision.


Arde5643 said:
lollerskates - looks like casual-izing and mainstream-ing Dead Space didn't work out too well. :lol

Leave the light gun genre to Sega and Namco, m'kay?

Idiots should've kept Dead Space as a 3rd person horror.

Dont knock it till you've tried it. Just played it this past weekend and quite honestly...........I'm sold.
BioNut said:
Can somebody explain to me why Microsoft is screwed and will always be last place when it still leads Sony 2-1 in LTD sales? (16m - 8m)

Forgive me for using logic but I don't see Sony making up 8million units sold in the US to before the next generation starts. Thus I don't see them taking over 2nd place.

Why is this so important to sony fanboys but xbox fanboys don't even seem to care?

Color me confused. Maybe somebody can clear this up for me?

When you were the undisputed king of all gaming just a few short years ago, and the upstart competition that you made look like red headed stepchildren last gen are now defeating you fairly handily in the largest market in the world, it does wonders to your ego. Especially if you're a fan who personally roots for soulless giant megacorporations. And you must therefore attack at every opportunity.
lawblob said:
What I don't understand is why so many people think the release of the PSP Go with its DD only framework must necessarily correlate with a massive increase in PSN sales. If the PSP market has taught us anything the last four years, it is that there are millions of PSP owners who are perfectly content to buy the system and essentially never buy games for it ever again. I don't see why this would automatically change with the PSP Go. While piracy was a big issue with the traditional PSP system, I think we overlook the fact that millions of people, particularly young people, IIRC, view it as a gadget / music player, etc., with games only a tertiary aspect of their purchase decision.

/lawblob casts spell - Summon Tobor (level 1)


elrechazao said:
When you were the undisputed king of all gaming just a few short years ago, and the upstart competition that you made look like a read headed stepchild last gen is now defeating you fairly handily in the largest market in the world, it does wonders to your ego if you're a fan of soulless giant megacorporations. And you must therefore attack at every opportunity.

Ahh, I see. So basically all the 360 fans are happily playing their games while the PS3 fans are bitter and frequent the message boards since they cannot enjoy their games due to being in third this gen?

Sheesh, I thought MMO fanboys were bad.

Another question: Why is 1.5m for Halo:ODST bad?
They did not spend much money making that game so its seems that 1.5m for it would give them a lot of revenue. Plus for an expansion those are pretty legit numbers.
Dabanton said:
Pretty slow thread this month. looks like the excitement petered out quite early.

Well, I'd say we got a fair bit of software sales info (aka the part I actually care about), so I'm happy with this month.


BioNut said:
Ahh, I see. So basically all the 360 fans are happily playing their games while the PS3 fans are bitter and frequent the message boards since they cannot enjoy their games due to being in third this gen?
GAF is very PS3 centric so it's to be expected. The reality is the majority of normal people are too busy playing games to give a shit about any of the sales-age.


AniHawk said:
Racers aren't dead. Mario Kart did really well and Burnout Paradise did good enough.

You've touched on the point I have been pondering for some time now. I think sim racers may be hitting a plateau for the rest of this gen. I can fully see arcade racers making some sort of comeback (I'm really banking on split second to head the charge but MKWii is certainly making great argument). The thing for me is one you as a dev have captured as much realism you possibly can to pack into your game, can it really still be classified as a game anymore? I thought the purpose of gaming was to escape reality for a spell. I wonder if other consumers are starting to feel the same when it comes to sim racers.


pr0cs said:
GAF is very PS3 centric so it's to be expected. The reality is the majority of normal people are too busy playing games to give a shit about any of the sales-age.

So I have noticed. It is why I don't post much here I guess. The only safe places seem to be the PC centric threads lol.


y'all should be ashamed
pr0cs said:
GAF is very PS3 centric so it's to be expected. The reality is the majority of normal people are too busy playing games to give a shit about any of the sales-age.
Uh-huh. Right. :lol


BioNut said:
Can somebody explain to me why Microsoft is screwed and will always be last place when it still leads Sony 2-1 in LTD sales? (16m - 8m)

Forgive me for using logic but I don't see Sony making up 8million units sold in the US to before the next generation starts. Thus I don't see them taking over 2nd place.

Why is this so important to sony fanboys but xbox fanboys don't even seem to care?

Color me confused. Maybe somebody can clear this up for me?

You care, obviously.


mr_bishiuk said:
Thanks for that, I think that table shows why reading too much into the euro chart threads is not a good idea. I was scratching my head yesterday wondering why PS3 sales of Batman are so far ahead of the 360 version when really its probably only 5k units difference and explained bythe exclusive DLC.
Yep. And every PS3 game on the list is cross-platform and only Batman was PS3 > Xbox 360.


Interesting that NFS is so close between 360 & PS3. I assume a lot of 360 owners are waiting for Forza, hence the higher PS3 representation?

Also funny to see GH brand slipping into the sweet oblivion.


y'all should be ashamed
pr0cs said:
Which of my statements is incorrect?
Cmon man, it's obvious what's going on. Sony is doing well, so Sony fans are in the thread. People who don't like that are steering clear of the thread because they don't want any unnecessary bannage. At other times, it was Microsoft beating down the competition and MS fans were posting away.

This isn't some grand Sony fans clogging GAF conspiracy, it's just the way the NPD thread goes.


elrechazao said:
hmm, only 4 top 20 in software for the ps3 in a month where it sold large amounts of hardware. You'd think we would have seen some bump. it's biggest victory is basically two months of dead even sales on batman. (360 sold more last month, ps3 this month, by about the same margin each time).
While I guess there are people who buy brand new games when they buy a system, my inclination when I have bought a new system has been to buy an older title I've been hearing people talk about as a great game. But that's just me.


So did you end up having a quiet weekend jvm, or constantly frustrated that you couldn't push out your Analysis? :p

Thinking about it, I'm surprised Need For Speed Shift didn't do better on PS3. It's the only game in town for the year and it's a while until GT5. Forza's looming release would have kept Shift at bay.

September 2008 by Comparison:


Beatles did less than Rock Band 2 and with more time, but they likely made more based entirely on the expensive box set.

Madden's doing better on Xbox 360 and PS3 this year, Madden PS2 dropped off entirely but Madden PS3 gained nearly 100K more players.


elrechazao said:
hmm, only 4 top 20 in software for the ps3 in a month where it sold large amounts of hardware. You'd think we would have seen some bump. it's biggest victory is basically two months of dead even sales on batman. (360 sold more last month, ps3 this month, by about the same margin each time).

It's actually not bad when considering their respective install bases.


Mario and Luigi in the top 5
Rock Band over Guitar Hero
Batman staying strong
Scribblenauts doing well
Layton holding on

Overall, I am pleased with the top 20.
Nirolak said:
Is that good or bad for Need For Speed: Shift given the current racing game market in the U.S.?
Its not good for the need for speed franchise probably. But are those sales good for the game? Have to wait until we get forza 3 numbers to figure that out i guess.
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