I think there is a good chance depending on how SCEA moves forward at this stage. They will have some strong plans for their marketing push, especially considering the increased promotions Microsoft has been doing, and that was without Black Friday or the Halo collection upcoming. SCEE is basically sitting pretty for the most part, and they're already doing things better from a promotional standpoint, but that's without the additional pressure SCEA has. Most of the budget dedicated for this is always held back until this period, and this is the first year (a tremendous year all things considered), so naturally they're going to feel a bit of weight on their shoulders.
GTA5 is the next key title really. They're going to put full effort behind that, since it's really the biggest title available to them, along with Far Cry. I'm personally hoping they have some solid plans for LBP3 to push it on the PS4 more. LBP3, I feel, is going to have it rough from them because it can quite easily be lost in the middle of everything happening.