Is there an official EU price yet?
I think it's 740-750.
Is there an official EU price yet?
This thing is neck and neck with the Titan X, wow.
I might be regretting my purchase.![]()
I hope so as maybe I can afford 980 now.will the other models drop in price i wonder
So is this available NOW?
So is this available NOW?
It has 4 GB right?
I hope so as maybe I can afford 980 now.
So 1k in Canada?
I think I will wait though, I want it through somewhere that doesn't charge me $60 in sales tax...
They will come out at 4 AM when everyone is sleeping and we will have to wait weeks.I hope the non-refs are out tonight/tomorrow/soon and don't have to wait a week or longer for them
Yeah. AMD is undoubtedly going to point out that "4GB doesn't matter, see our performance and HBM is so amazing."
I'm wondering if I should return my Titan X to Best Buy now,got it 2 weeks ago...
They could price it at under 600 bucks then? AMDs card seems perfect for 1080p gaming
They will come out at 4 AM when everyone is sleeping and we will have to wait weeks.
Not letting me check out
I remember when the Rog Swift was new and out of stock everywhere I'd go to bed with my laptop and one of those sites open that sets off an alarm when something comes in stock. At 3 am I got woken up and managed to get one, huzzahYeah which is why I'm also hoping brick and mortar shops are getting stock this week too, even if I have to pay tax
So how much is this going to affect the prices of 970's, 980's and AMD's equivalent? Are drops across the board expected once AMD announcements are made?
I have to assume AMD's card is a beast since Nvidia is even bothering with jump them with this card.
do prices of previously released gpus usually drop fast? i have sli 970s now which work great but if the 980s drop i would move to them as i can get a full refund for my 970s
So how much is this going to affect the prices of 970's, 980's and AMD's equivalent? Are drops across the board expected once AMD announcements are made?
Supposedly they are aiming to start a premium brand though, and based on rumors/leaked benches it outperforms the Titan X. It doesn't make a lot of sense to create a premium brand but position the card the same way they would if it was "just" the 390X.
It would be great to see AMD price their new card at $600, but it just seems very unlikely based on the rumored/leaked details.
When is the optimum time to upgrade from my R7 260?
I kind of want a 980.
Would a 500W power supply be able to handle a 980 or would I need to upgrade?
600W minimum, looks like.
Damn, I would need to upgrade my power supply too
That would be quite the investment.
Maybe I just get a 970.
$650 confirmed