Rise from yo gwave NYC GAF. After a fabulous February Friday night meet up after Valentine's Day, March has been taken off for some much needed R&R. I hope March has been good to you all because from here on out, meet ups will be every two months. Spring is finally here again so put away the heavy coats, scarves, and hats because things are warming up. April has come and is now going without another meet up. But do not fret for a meet up in May with a definite date and place exists. May means final exams and even warmer weather so say hello to Spring.
What happened to the April Meet Up Jipan?
To be blunt, there was a surprising lack of interest so I canned it. Nobody loves these things any more that they don't get excited.
This is why we can't have nice things.
Of course I'm being half-serious; the former is true; the latter somewhat isn't.
Shout out to smokeymicpot for the place and date <3:
Friday, May 17th at Fat Cat at the standard meet up time of 8PM.
All are welcome to join including socially awkward people and social butterflies. Also open to under 21 GAF members. See question and answer below for details.
Mini FAQ:
I'm not 21 (yet) but I've always wanted to go to one of these meet ups. Can I come to this one?
I can happily say that yes you can. But you must be there at 8 to enjoy 2 hours of chatting up us older folks and still have fun.
Smokey provided more details which you can read below:
Before 10 underage drinkers can go in. After that plus bar hopping you won't be able to continue after that point. Fuck it if you are bored for 2 hours more then welcome to hangout. Do it up. It is not really a pool hall though. You don't have to play pool. It is more of a place to hangout at first play a few things and talk. After that fuck it lets get crazy. Every meet up we go to a normal bar and drink. Yet this time lets drink a few and hangout. We can talk in this place fuck it even play chess. It is a month to far away but I want everyone on here plus their friends to come. This won't be like other meetups. Let's run this joint till 10 then be the gaf we are meant to be.
So it's just gonna be Fat Cat and that's it?
This is a GAF meet up so in true meet up fashion, this isn't just a point A to point B thing and adios.
To simplify smokey's post, the plan looks like this:
- Starting point-8PM-10PM or so: Hang out at Fat Cat. Shoot the breeze, relax, play, etc.
- 10PM-??? AM: Regular bar hopping shenanigans for the over 21 folks until we croak.
- ???AM-???AM: End up eating at either White Castle, Halal, or the remaining group happens to be craving (usually White Castle since it's become our unofficial go to place after bar hopping shenanigans. Wrap up and call it a night until the next meet up.
Where to this time?
We're gonna go frolic at Fat Cat (75 Christopher St between S 7th Ave & S 7 Ave New York, NY 10014) because it has Scrabble, pool, beer pong, and live music. Also $3 beers so hell yeah guys. We've got an action packed night for you all.
Christopher St - Sheridan Sq (1, 2)
W 4 St (A, B, C, D, E, F, M)
14 St (1, 2, 3)
Here's a map of the area we'll be at for reference:

Alternate map showing the neighborhoods nearby/the neighborhoods in all of Manhattan:
~Devil Trigger~
Jazzy Network
ginger ninja
Believe (got banned recently lol)
Old Lace
-Privacy issues: If you don't want your picture to be taken for privacy concerns, then do make it known. I completely respect people's privacy and will cooperate. I believe it was one of the guys from The Village People who said that people these days are spoiled by documenting every experience that they go to and post it on social networking websites. Some experiences are indeed better lived and best left undocumented (like theatre).
-Update: I've been looking at a couple of places we can hit up in the area after Fat Cat and found the following places of interest. Please note: these are simply ideas; nothing has been set in stone:
Blind Tiger Ale House
Greenwich Treehouse (nice place for a group)
Puck Fair
Formerly Crow's (also a nice place for a group)
Thanks to the following folks for making this thread run smoothly:
-Again, a huge, huge amount of thanks goes to smokey for suggesting the place and date so thank you Based Smokey for the idea.
-Also a huge amount of thanks to -PXG- for contacting a bunch of folks
-Also to BronzeWolf for supporting the thread. Whenever you're in town and want to have a meet up, shoot me a PM and it's done.
Final Update: