~Devil Trigger~
In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
You'll get 30 rsvps then 9 show upsI'm gonna help plan the next one. Gonna make sure all ya'll motherfuckers come out, and yes....even the shy, inept ones. You're coming too. Fuck what you have to do.
For like the first time ever, I legit couldn't come up. I can't be bothered getting stupid ass hell tonight and then manage to get shit down tomorrow.
I should hopefully be there in about an hour.
Sweet. Leaving work now. I'll see you guys there.We're at 3 sheets saloon now.
You'll get 30 rsvps then 9 show ups
On our way to The 13 Steps again.
You guys bailed way too early.
Got a girls number while on the train.
She has a penis
People are lame as hell.
My girl doesn't want my to go out. I got work. I have exams. I'm broke. I'm tired. I'm socially retarded. I don't feel like it. I might get murdered....
The regular crew is cool, but we need new faces. Get people to be less shy and actually come out. The club from a few weekends ago was pretty fun. I'm sure a lot of guys wouldn't want to do that. The thought of being around women the pressure of having to talk to them, dance with them or even try to get their numbers might be too daunting for some. I have a girlfriend anyway, though that didn't stop me from getting my groove on and do some playful, harmless flirting. Fuck it. She didn't care. She goes to clubs in Philly and I'm sure she talks to guys. No big deal. At the end of the day, I know she's only with and sleeping with one guy. And if she's lying...well shit.....Thank God most STDs aren't lethal.
Anyway, I suppose if we make it loud and clear that it's just a guys night out, no pressure, and just us having fun and being stupid, and the fact that everyone one of us is chill as hell, more people will (or rather should) come out.
I just got home. Jesus, I'm tired. Gonna eat those extra tacos before I pass out.
Edit: I'll make sure to leave my bag at home next time.
I'm gonna help plan the next one. Gonna make sure all ya'll motherfuckers come out, and yes....even the shy, inept ones. You're coming too. Fuck what you have to do.
For like the first time ever, I legit couldn't come up. I can't be bothered getting stupid ass hell tonight and then manage to get shit down tomorrow.
Man your not the only one, I couldn't even get to sleep hen I got in. My head was spinning everytime I closed my eyes and then I woke up groggy as fuck. But it was fun, glad I could come out and chill for a bit.Fuck my life, I am so hungover today.
So awesome how we randomly found tacos at the end of the night. They were my life.
Also hilarious shift change after we left a dance party type bar, to one that decided to start exclusively playing sad white dude country music.
Had a great night. Very glad I was able to escape from work and come out.
When aren't you hunting for trophiesI was earning Trophies, so I have a good excuse!
Fuck my life, I am so hungover today.
So awesome how we randomly found tacos at the end of the night. They were my life.
Also hilarious shift change after we left a dance party type bar, to one that decided to start exclusively playing sad white dude country music.
Had a great night. Very glad I was able to escape from work and come out.
We never did Grave's Movie Marathon
Bunch of us theater hop and watch like 4 movies
Subway sandwiches + chips + cookies feast
you name the time and place buddy..it would be fun to do some actual stuff for once
if it's strictly bar hopping/club next time too then i don't think i am coming guys..i realized that going to bar's is just not my thing, i get bored quickly. So no use keep trying again and again..
if we actually get to sit down somewhere to have nice chats or chill..pm me, i will definitely show up. Emily had this idea about just chilling in central park and have pizza, i know that sounds boring but he made it sound awesome, so maybe e we can look more into that.
P.S if i knew you guys were going to go to a different kind of bar and tacos afterwards, i probably would have stayed..Also, old lace was wasted as fuck
I'll be honest with you, I was pretty bored myself by the time we reached the third bar hence why I started drawing. I also tend to day dream when I'm bored. Moreso because of the fact that we went back to places that we've been to which is cool, but it gets old after having gone to the same place 5 times in a row. It was also because I was tired as well. I'm personally not a huge fan of loud bars with a night club-like atmosphere.
Fat Cat was a nice change of setting. I can easily see myself heading back to that place on a date in the future since there's a lot of different games to play and I like the atmosphere in general. In your case, I would chalk it up to the fact that you're still not used to the environment (each bar is different though).
So I don't think that bars should be prohibited flat out, but I do agree with the idea of doing something that doesn't involve bar hopping once in a while. If anything, that can always be done with the crowd that wants to do it after the initial main event (myself included since I'm not going to stop going to bars any time soon).
We tried to have a park meet up last year but things didn't work out as planned and there's too much logistics involved when it comes to that. However, we ate at a Korean BBQ restaurant instead which was pretty damn fun. But it's definitely doable if it's properly coordinated. One idea that Mahonay tossed around was maybe having some kind of a beach party (which would be funny).
I took very few pictures this time around. It was a conscious decision. I only took 3 pictures; one outside of the fat cat; one of the stage area where the band was playing at; and one of an empty pool table. No GAF members were in any of them. I can post them if you want me to but again, it's nothing note worthy.where are all the pics Jipan?
Beach party fuck yeah road trip to the shore. Dude or even better road trip to another meet up and make shit awesome. It