Heres the thing, what do we do with these people? These kids?
Our own Americans who are impoverished are barely getting by with what limited government assistance we have.
Single mothers, families, are own waiting list for years for housing.
American kids in the "system" are more then our social workers can even keep track of.
American kids barely have enough money in schools for good books, teachers have 30 kids in a class.
So what do we do? We just open the flood gates?
Let's get this straight...
America is great, its AMAZING...But we DONT have a never ending wallet to feed, clothe, house, and educate every immigrant from a poor country.
Facts > Feelings.
I'd LOVE, LOVE an option on tax forms/W-2's for every EVERY "Let them in freely!" bleeding heart
that stated..
"I as a person supporting free flowing immigration allot $100 per-week ($5200 a year) from my salary as well as agree to house a family for 3-5 years."
That's it. You want them, your heart is big enough to look past the facts...then YOU pay for them and YOU house them.
They took a chance, knew the rules, new are government for the last 16 months has publicly said "Turn around" and they said fuck it.