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NYT - Is Donald Trump a Racist? (Spoiler Alert: Yes)

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All I'm saying is, you can't expect the Republican party to all just grab their stuff and become Democrats.

Why would you want all these people who all label "racists" in your party anyway? Infiltrating the system?

Why would you want people who tow the line who you blanket label racist, in your party supporting Hillary when it's not sincere.
"We can't just not support racism. It means you have to vote Hillary!" Or you could just not vote for a racist. <-- hard to do when you're racist


All I'm saying is, you can't expect the Republican party to all just grab their stuff and become Democrats.

Why would you want all these people who all label "racists" in your party anyway? Infiltrating the system?

Why would you want people who tow the line who you blanket label racist, in your party supporting Hillary when it's not sincere.

Numerous prominent Republicans refuse to support Trump because he's a racist, sexist buffoon.

Is Ted Cruz a Democrat now? Is Mitt Romney? Is Jeb Bush? Is Condi?
Wow every single one?

Every single one is supporting a platform built directly upon and around racism and racist rhetoric. Which mean, the best case scenario for any given supporter is that they're still functionally indistinguishable from a racist.

So yes, every single one.


This isn't the choice between "go to the Klan rally" or "go to the BLM rally".

They can go to another rally.

Or they can go to no rally if they want.

There's options.


I'd be absolutely embarrassed of my father if he said something that idiotic.

My dad has, and I'm really fucking embarrassed. Trump would pal around with Putin, give nukes to Saudi Arabia, fuck up the economy, abandon NATO, and trash minority rights? No problem! At least he's not Hillary, right?


Man, you can't even stand behind your own views with a bunch of anonymous geeks.
No one enjoys being dog piled by an angry mob, it's hard to defend a topic or even counter act it when people jump down your throat. They are hostile, they are angry, (and yes they have every right to be due to the political climate) I'm trying to be composed with my responses and getting hit with more anger.

I just want people to talk to me as if they were right in front of me. Drop the venom and the snark.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
All I'm saying is, you can't expect the Republican party to all just grab their stuff and become Democrats.

Why would you want all these people who all label "racists" in your party anyway? Infiltrating the system?

Why would you want people who tow the line who you blanket label racist, in your party supporting Hillary when it's not sincere.
Again, WAY more logical options than supporting a racist. You don't have to be a democrat, fuck you don't even have to vote. Just don't support Trump. It's literally that simple.

No one enjoys being dog piled by an angry mob, it's hard to defend a topic or even counter act it when people jump down your throat. They are hostile, they are angry, (and yes they have every right to be due to the political climate) I'm trying to be composed with my responses and getting hit with more anger.

I just want people to talk to me as if they were right in front of me. Drop the venom and the snark.
I doubt everyone here is shy irl and wouldn't be saying the same things they're saying on the forum. The anger comes from the willful ignorance of supporting a fucking racist misogynistic republican candidate who's ENTIRE platform is built on those values including the fucking slogan. And the way people are tripping over themselves trying to deny what's plain and obvious.


All I'm saying is, you can't expect the Republican party to all just grab their stuff and become Democrats.

Why would you want all these people who all label "racists" in your party anyway? Infiltrating the system?

Why would you want people who tow the line who you blanket label racist, in your party supporting Hillary when it's not sincere.

Yeah, I guess the Bush family suddenly became Democrats for not supporting Trump. Or Mitt Romney. Or Ted Cruz. Or John Kasich...

You're just making excuses at this point.
No one enjoys being dog piled by an angry mob, it's hard to defend a topic or even counter act it when people jump down your throat. They see hostile, they are angry, km trying to be composed with my responses and getting hit with more anger.

I just want people to talk to me as if they were right in front of me. Drop the venom and the snark.
"Hey, your description of your family sounds like they're racists" is pretty easy to say to anyone's face.


All I'm saying is, you can't expect the Republican party to all just grab their stuff and become Democrats.

Why would you want all these people who all label "racists" in your party anyway? Infiltrating the system?

Why would you want people who tow the line who you blanket label racist, in your party supporting Hillary when it's not sincere.

All I ask, all I honestly ask from the republican party is to view me, a gay latino with family who half are black latinos that we, for once, get treated with respect love and equality?

You don't have to vote for Hillary but goddamn if voting for hillary is worse than what I just said then perhaps it is me who shouldn't expect the republican party and everyone in it to grow some godfuckingdamn empathy, rationality and humanity.


All I'm saying is, you can't expect the Republican party to all just grab their stuff and become Democrats.

Why would you want all these people who all label "racists" in your party anyway? Infiltrating the system?

Why would you want people who tow the line who you blanket label racist, in your party supporting Hillary when it's not sincere.

Who is expecting them to become Democrats?

I am not expecting Romney to suddenly become a Democrat, I am not expecting fucking Ted Cruz to become a Democrat.

They aren't going to be voting Hilary. They just aren't going to be voting for Trump.

All this tow the party line bullshit is just that when the major domos of said party are running for the fucking hills. Which party line is your father towing? The Republican party that wants nothing to do with Trump or his racist insanity?Oor the tea party alt right nationalists that have hijacked and subverted the GOP into a complete terrifying joke?

It is time you and your father decide what part of the Republican party you are part of.


Anyone who votes for him is a racist,eh? I see that being used a lot and it baffles my mind, I don't want to get into it on this forum though I'll probably be devoured but I'll just say I disagree with that.

If they're not racist, then the absolute best that can be said about them is that they're okay with racism. That's what happens when you support a racist.


When Michael Moore said he thought Trump was going to win, he didn't say it was because of a huge swath of klansmen just waiting for Trump to come along. He (and Joy) are talking about displaced coal miners, steelworkers, factory workers. Trump is dripping poison in their ears in a language they've heard from none of the other candidates, promising they'll have their livelihood back by being tough on the politicians and corporations that have "betrayed" them. A lot of these people feel marginalized and forgotten, dismissing all of it as simple racism is foolish.

I wouldn't dismiss economic concerns at all. But what Trump does, and what fascists and right-populists do in general, is target not the actual source of the problem (capitalism, and specifically recently the erosion of jobs due to automation and outsourcing without replacing them) but Otherizes it. See, it's not that capitalists are always seeking to find ways to drive down labor costs, it's that the "elitist globalists" don't care about tradition and the value of the volk - uhhh, the people - and in fact want to destroy the normal God-fearing Anglo-Americans by giving away their jobs to the Chinese and the Mexicans and let them get killed by violent black criminals and Muslim jihadists. Remember, "something's going on" folks!

Trump speaks in dogwhistles that are so blatant that they aren't dogwhistles. He just won't come out yet and say that he thinks that the ZOG is controlling the banking system to destroy the white race or whatever. But his criticism of the economic situation is rooted in directing people's concerns away from the understanding of the class conflict to making it one about conflict between "Us" and "Them".
We live in NY, my parents will vote Republican and the state will remain blue, I'll vote Johnson and not support either.

My parents and people off line live in a world where saying the N word is racist, not the laundry list of things today that mean you're racist.

I'm just going to have to put everyone on ignore that is calling my father a racist just because he is voting Republican (not just trump but Republican down the line)
It's extremely disrespectful to talk shit about another forum members parents like that. I do not wish to continue engaging people that can be that heartless. I mean damn ya'll have some class.

Have some class? Fuck that. Your father is at worst, a racist, at best, is okay with racism (which kind of makes him a racist anyway). In either scenario he doesn't deserve "class". And I'd say that to your face in a heartbeat. You (and seemingly your father) are completely ignorant to how some of the rhetoric that Trump supports (and, in turn, your father supports), effects some posters and their own families here in very real and direct ways. And you want "respect". Fuck that.


Everyone knows he's a racist. The more interesting question is what % of those voting for him are racist or have racist tendencies.


We live in NY, my parents will vote Republican and the state will remain blue, I'll vote Johnson and not support either.

My parents and people off line live in a world where saying the N word is racist, not the laundry list of things today that mean you're racist.

I'm just going to have to put everyone on ignore that is calling my father a racist just because he is voting Republican (not just trump but Republican down the line)
It's extremely disrespectful to talk shit about another forum members parents like that. I do not wish to continue engaging people that can be that heartless. I mean damn ya'll have some class.

Trump is a threat to NATO
Trump wants to forcefully deport 11 million people from this country
Trump has the support of major white supremacy groups
Trump has said that an American judge who has hispanic heritage can't be on his case because "I'm building a wall"
Trump has surrogates that respond to a VP speaking in Spanish by going "I need to brush up on my Dora the Explorer"
Trump routinely retweets white supremacists (we're talking dozens of incidences, beyond the Star of David one)

Rethink how and why someone can openly or be passive in America becoming a despotic state for anyone not white.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's not like there isn't four decades of public record of him saying racist shit out there or something.

Oh wait a minute, there actually is. Because this man has always been a clown saying dumb shit in front of cameras.
What's the "classy" way to inform someone that their parents exhibit prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior? With a monocle and a cup of tea?


No one enjoys being dog piled by an angry mob, it's hard to defend a topic or even counter act it when people jump down your throat. They are hostile, they are angry, (and yes they have every right to be due to the political climate) I'm trying to be composed with my responses and getting hit with more anger.

I just want people to talk to me as if they were right in front of me. Drop the venom and the snark.

a lot of people are threatened by this man as president simply because of their ethnicity or color of their skin. a vote for Trump either means you agree with those horrendous views or you don't give enough of a shit about those other people's rights as fellow human beings to care.

and yet you want to talk about disrespect. You need to understand that this is essentially telling folks that they mean less than you as a human being pretty much right at the outset.


What's the "classy" way to inform someone that their parents exhibit prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior? With a monocle and a cup of tea?

Well I mean I've tried but...
Everyone knows he's a racist. The more interesting question is what % of those voting for him are racist or have racist tendencies.

All of them. What other reason is there to vote for Trump? Every single policy that he's trumpeted is racist. It's not like he's got some detailed economically conservative budget plan. His popularity grew because he said "I'm going to kick out Mexicans, build a wall, kick out Muslims, kill the families of terrorists!" What other reason is there to support Trump other than because you agree with those things? It was said better above, anyone who supports Trump is either a racist or ignorant. There isn't much middle ground.


If they're not racist, then the absolute best that can be said about them is that they're okay with racism. That's what happens when you support a racist.

The absolute BEST you can say about them is they are enabling, allowing and VOTING for racism to happen.

So at absolute best they are still racist pieces of shits. They just aren't the extremely aggressive ones like the candidates they support. Racists all the same.


If it hurts being called a racist, imagine how we feel when our (us) friends and families are called thugs, rapists, and murderers, by a presidential candidate no less.


All I ask, all I honestly ask from the republican party is to view me, a gay latino with family who half are black latinos that we, for once, get treated with respect love and equality?

You don't have to vote for Hillary but goddamn if voting for hillary is worse than what I just said then perhaps it is me who shouldn't expect the republican party and everyone in it to grow some godfuckingdamn empathy, rationality and humanity.
My father, "the racist" would treat you with respect, if you were our neighbors he would invite you over for burgers and let your family use the pool if you didn't have one.

Sounds like you're looking for Goverment respect
And maybe my father and others like him can't relate to that because in his mind he already treats you like he treats everyone else.

He doesn't care what bathroom you use, he doesn't understand why suddenly people care what bathroom people use now. My father runs a business, to him the Republicans are a better choice. That's all there is to it.
I would love for someone to give me a legitimate (and I mean legitimate, not bullshit like "He's a straight shooter!" or "he's an outsider!") reason why you'd vote for or support Trump that doesn't involve any of his heavily bigoted policies or rhetoric? won't hold my breath because I don't think it's possible. He has virtually no substantial position on anything that doesn't involve deporting mexicans or killing muslims. Like, I don't think it's at all hyperbolic to say that anyone who supports Trump is a moronic racist asshole. Sorry if that isn't "classy".
Well I mean I've tried but...

See, you're forgetting the tea. Here you go:

No one enjoys being dog piled by an angry mob, it's hard to defend a topic or even counter act it when people jump down your throat. They are hostile, they are angry, (and yes they have every right to be due to the political climate) I'm trying to be composed with my responses and getting hit with more anger.

I just want people to talk to me as if they were right in front of me. Drop the venom and the snark.

No one asked you to throw your dad out as some emotional gotchya and defend the honour of people voting Trump from accusations of racism.

Not every argument has more than one valid answer.
My father, "the racist" would treat you with respect, if you were our neighbors he would invite you over for burgers and let your family use the pool if you didn't have one.

Sounds like you're looking for Goverment respect
And maybe my father and others like him can't relate to that because in his mind he already treats you like he treats everyone else.

He doesn't care what bathroom you use, he doesn't understand why suddenly people care what bathroom people use now. My father runs a business, to him the Republicans are a better choice. That's all there is to it.
Oh this is why they said corporations are actually people.


All I'm saying is, you can't expect the Republican party to all just grab their stuff and become Democrats.

Why would you want all these people who all label "racists" in your party anyway? Infiltrating the system?

Why would you want people who tow the line who you blanket label racist, in your party supporting Hillary when it's not sincere.
Ted Cruz deliberately got on stage and signaled to the audience "Hey, it's cool if you're not voting Trump, cause I ain't either."

That doesn't necessarily mean Hillary.
My father, "the racist" would treat you with respect,

By voting for and supporting Trump he is not at all being respectful of people of color, I don't give a fuck if he'd invite me over for lunch or let me use his bathroom.

Also I love the "my dad owns a business" defense, as if Republicans being the better fiscal option is still a thing. What is it going to do for your dad's business when Trump tanks the economy by wasting trillions of dollars to build a wall or deport 11 million people or close the borders? If republicans were at all fiscally conservative that bullshit might fly, but again, either your father is ignorant or simply using that as a way to mask some kind of support for blatant bigotry. Trump is not running on a platform that should be appealing to business owners.


My father, "the racist" would treat you with respect, if you were our neighbors he would invite you over for burgers and let your family use the pool if you didn't have one.

Sounds like you're looking for Goverment respect
And maybe my father and others like him can't relate to that because in his mind he already treats you like he treats everyone else.

He doesn't care what bathroom you use, he doesn't understand why suddenly people care what bathroom people use now. My father runs a business, to him the Republicans are a better choice. That's all there is to it.

If that's all there is to it then he lacks empathy for anyone other than himself for the consequences of a Trump presidency.

But hey at least he'll let the colors use the pooper as they are rounded up and sent packing

The argument of voting republican for just the economy went out the window when Trump became the official nominee. Now there is far more at stake


None of us are ever gonna talk face-to-face with your dad.

You know who likely will?


Are you gonna ask your dad about why he's voting for Trump? Because that's all that matters here.

Oh hell yes
Yeah and he is going to tell me why he votes for a Republican because his business, maybe it's just dumb luck but his business always seems to run better with a Republican in office. That's what he will tell me, I can say "pops, you know people say trump is a racist" and he will say "trump is a moron but I'm still voting republican"


Yeah and he is going to tell me why he votes for a Republican because his business, maybe it's just dumb luck but his business always seems to run better with a Republican in office. That's what he will tell me, I can say "pops, you know people say trump is a racist" and he will say "trump is a moron but I'm still voting republican"

Is that the most compelling argument you could come up with?


Yeah excelsiorlef is right, maybe if you didn't want people calling your Dad a racist maybe you shouldn't have used him to try and trump (hahahaha I am amazing) the discussion.

This isn't the schoolyard.


By voting for and supporting Trump he is not at all being respectful of people of color, I don't give a fuck if he'd invite me over for lunch or let me use his bathroom.
Of course not, cause you didn't grow up with him driving you to baseball practice and helping your father build a deck in the backyard. You have zero history with the man, so like I would expect you to take that stance.
Yeah and he is going to tell me why he votes for a Republican because his business, maybe it's just dumb luck but his business always seems to run better with a Republican in office. That's what he will tell me, I can say "pops, you know people say trump is a racist" and he will say "trump is a moron but I'm still voting republican"

Of course not, cause you didn't grow up with him driving you to baseball practice and helping your father build a deck in the backyard. You have zero history with the man, so like I would expect you to take that stance.

No one gives a fuck about your Dad bro.


Of course not, cause you didn't grow up with him driving you to baseball practice and helping your father build a deck in the backyard. You have zero history with the man, so like I would expect you to take that stance.

I'm sure when Trump and the GOP try to push through racist policies the minorities that are your neighbors can take solace in the fact your father let them use his pool.
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