I know only the extreme stories are posted, but the system in the US sounds scary as shit
A big problem with the exploitative US system that is hostile towards the end customer, is that it instills a lot of FUD in the average citizen. Even when you personally haven't experienced one of the horror stories, you worry it could happen to you without warning. You will be one of the statistics filing for bankruptcy due to medical bills.
This fear filters down through every decision. People don't go to the doctor for preventive care, they remain at jobs they hate because of the employer's health coverage, etc. The entire system is slow grinding death and promotes a poorer quality of life for everyone, not just those without insurance.
It makes it infuriating when an American repeats some terrible story involving the national health care in another country failing some specific case and producing a bad outcome, in order to convince themselves how great they've got it with the Best Healthcare In the World. Many Americans can't imagine what it's like to live in a society where the doctor you meet at your point of contact with the system is
not your adversary in a capitalistic zero sum game. They have at terrible case of Stockholm Syndrome when it comes to healthcare.