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NYT: Refugees and immigrants being detained at US airports right now.

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President Trump’s executive order closing the nation’s borders to refugees was put into immediate effect Friday night. Refugees who were in the air on the way to the United States when the order was signed were stopped and detained at airports.

The detentions prompted legal challenges as lawyers representing two Iraqi refugees held at Kennedy Airport filed a writ of habeas corpus early Saturday in the Eastern District of New York seeking to have their clients released. At the same time, they filed a motion for class certification, in an effort to represent all refugees and immigrants who they said were being unlawfully detained at ports of entry.

It was unclear how many refugees and immigrants were being held nationwide in the aftermath of the executive order. The complaints were filed by a prominent group including the American Civil Liberties Union, the International Refugee Assistance Project at the Urban Justice Center, the National Immigration Law Center, Yale Law School’s Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization and the firm Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton.

The lawyers said that one of the Iraqis detained at Kennedy Airport, Hameed Khalid Darweesh, had worked on behalf of the U.S. government in Iraq for 10 years. The other, Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi, was coming to the United States to join his wife, who had worked for a U.S. contractor, and young son, the lawyers said. They said both men were detained at the airport Friday night after arriving on separate flights.

The attorneys said they were not allowed to meet with their clients, and there were tense moments as they tried to reach them.

“Who is the person we need to talk to?” asked one of the lawyers, Mark Doss, supervising attorney at the International Refugee Assistance Project. “Mr. President,” said a Customs and Border Protection agent, who declined to identify himself. “Call Mr. Trump.”

In the arrivals hall at Terminal 4 of Kennedy Airport, Mr. Doss and two other lawyers fought fatigue as they tried to learn the status of their clients on the other side of the security perimeter.

“We’ve never had an issue once one of our clients was at a port of entry in the United States,” Mr. Doss said. “To see people being detained indefinitely in the country that’s supposed to welcome them is a total shock.”

“These are people with valid visas and legitimate refugee claims who have already been determined by the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security to be admissible and to be allowed to enter the U.S. and now are being unlawfully detained,” Mr. Doss said.

Relatives crowded the living room in their pajamas and slippers, making and receiving phone calls to and from other relatives and the refugee’s lawyers. At times, D. was so emotional she had trouble speaking about her husband’s predicament.

She pulled out her cellphone and flipped through her pictures while seated on the couch. She wanted to show a reporter a picture she took of her son’s letter to Santa Claus. In November, at a Macy’s Santa-letter display at a nearby mall, the boy wrote out his wish: “Dear Santa: Can you bring my Dad from Sweden pls.” He has not seen his father in three years. “I’m really breaking down, because I don’t know what to do,” she said. “It’s not fair.”



Membero Americo
I'd like to point out that the entire world is now looking at you, USA, in complete disgust.

Good luck with that.
Trump is a train wreck.

"We're not racist" but Trump supporters aren't upset that this is happening to people with valid visas. I guess it isn't you, so the collateral damage is cool huh?
This isn't even based on any particular intelligence or threat. It's just straight up racism/xenophobia. Jesus H fucking christ. Hope the lawyers get somewhere by making it class action.


I'd like to point out that the entire world is now looking at you, USA, in complete disgust.

Good luck with that.
I am not even sure about that. The western word, at least, seems kind of split on this issue. Politicians in Western Europe who promote this kind of thing are on the rise, in Eastern Europe most would probably even approve of such a ban, going just by their governments action of refugees (with high public support).
I guess Canada has no rising far right parties.


Trump is a train wreck.

"We're not racist" but Trump supporters aren't upset that this is happening to people with valid visas. I guess it isn't you, so the collateral damage is cool huh?

Muslim isn't a race! Check and mate! /s

Everyday is worse than the last. :facepalm:
I'd like to point out that the entire world is now looking at you, USA, in complete disgust.

Good luck with that.

I don't know about that

The entire world is looking at the most influential country of the world banning/blocking people for "reasons"

And at least half of the entire world is celebrating this decision, carefully waiting to elect someone who can enact a similar policy


Watching the US from the outside is fuckin scary. I can only imagine what its like living there. Its turning into a facist state. Disgusting attitude to people that need help.

Dead Man

Fucking hell. 'Talk to Trump'. What a fuckwit. I feel bad for America, and everyone effected by Trump. It's going to get ugly, can't see myself returning there for a long time.


Can I call Trump a fascist now without people telling me "he is bad, but not a complete fascist".

Also, the scary thing is not only how insane Trump is (we knew that), but how fast the system adapt to his orders.


Trump is a train wreck.

"We're not racist" but Trump supporters aren't upset that this is happening to people with valid visas. I guess it isn't you, so the collateral damage is cool huh?

Why would you think they like foreigners with valid visas any more than those without?
Trudeau should bring all of them to Canada.

The problem is these people may be meeting up with families. Though i would support bringing them to Canada. I'm currently taking a course in the same building that teaches English and provides resources for immigrants and refugees and have met many Syrian families as i make an effort to great them and make them feel welcome. They've all been so lovely, and their stories are generally so sad. To lose your home, loved ones, everything really.
You guys better start organizing and participating in the political process because if this is not a huge red flag that the US is being ruled by a nazi government I don't know what is.
Because to put things in perspective, this right here is basically what every fringe neo-nazi political party in Europe has been promising for years.

koji kabuto

“Who is the person we need to talk to?” asked one of the lawyers, Mark Doss, supervising attorney at the International Refugee Assistance Project. “Mr. President,” said a Customs and Border Protection agent, who declined to identify himself. “Call Mr. Trump
Wow, Customs guy was an asshole.
What's going to happen to them now?


Membero Americo
I am not even sure about that. The western word, at least, seems kind of split on this issue. Politicians in Western Europe who promote this kind of thing are on the rise, in Eastern Europe most would probably even approve of such a ban, going just by their governments action of refugees (with high public support).
I guess Canada has no rising far right parties.

I don't know about that

The entire world is looking at the most influential country of the world banning/blocking people for "reasons"

And at least half of the entire world is celebrating this decision, carefully waiting to elect someone who can enact a similar policy

Well fuck...
It's still better than going back. And once they are in Canada and become Canadian citizens, they can go to the USA without a problem (for now at least) and meet the families.

Oh for sure, i just mean its extra awful that these people have been through a vigorous vetting program already and they and their families would likely be rather happy to put it behind them and be together again.

I would support anyone affected by this ban and their families to come to Canada.

Well fuck...

I am quickly losing hope for our species.


Sickening, honestly.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
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