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NYT: Refugees and immigrants being detained at US airports right now.

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Seriously doubt suppression alone accounted for 92 million people not voting. Not to mention those that heard trumps nonsense and voted 3rd party anyway.

Most did not care about these outcomes. Because, America

Well, some people actually had reasons for not voting, others just didn't care, some might actually care now, though, but it's too late, that's my point.


This must be the worst feeling ever, to be stopped when you're so close to your destination that you've been trying to get to for years.

I can't even imagine what these people must be feeling right now.


Seeing reports of refugees who has gone through all the vetting, sold everything and we're ready to arrive in the US after having made it through and worked it out, literally like, arriving Tuesday, get fucked over and left in limbo, is the most cruel heartbreaking shit.

So ashamed of my country and to be an American right now.


don't ask me for codes
Read some books about what happened at Auschwitz then realise comparing what's going on here is in no way comparable. Americans aren't just suddenly going to start killing millions of migrants.

What's going on is morally bankrupt but no way is this "Auschwitz USA"

Mussolini's Italy was a Fascist State. Learn what a Fascist State is.


Mussolini's Italy was a Fascist State. Learn what a Fascist State is.

As said i misread who actually made the Auschwitz usa remark and retracted it when i realised it was by a second poster after the "fascist state" remark. Thought the original poster had said both.


what a nightmare, majority of people voted for this pos isn't even affected by immigrants

That's why they voted. If they actually knew immigrants like most people in populous cities and coastal cities, then they wouldn't have voted for this nonsense

It's the people closed off from the world living in fear that wanted this America.
He did apologize and was angry at assumptions made at him. These are heated times, and i know its important to stay civil but it can be tough.
Nah man, way too many people defending this facist and nazi agenda. It needs to be checked swiftly as we can see what's already happening.
That's why they voted. If they actually knew immigrants like most people in populous cities and coastal cities, then they wouldn't have voted for this nonsense

It's the people closed off from the world living in fear that wanted this America.
They'd still vote man, these people aren't harmless ignorant, they're dangerous. They'll don't like the "others" it scares them,they're just shitty people.


Fuck you trump and fuck every last one of your supporters. Hope you all burn in your own personal hell. Fascist mother fuckers..
Nah man, way too many people defending this facist and nazi agenda. It needs to be checked swiftly as we can see what's already happening.

Oh man! Check it and check it hard, challenge that shit for sure! I just think Turtle admitting it was a poor choice of words and an impulsive reply isn't enough to ban him, which is likely on the table.
Watching the US from the outside is fuckin scary. I can only imagine what its like living there. Its turning into a facist state. Disgusting attitude to people that need help.

Yeah, every day something disgusting. The whole republican party is really the scum of the earth, soon getting to daesh levels of fuckery.
Really? You think people are being loaded up into trains and being shipped to an Auschwitz USA? Armored cars roaming neighborhoods?
Dude, there was already a thread of horrible decisions and events and public complacency even before Auschwitz was a thing. People are rightfully worried we're starting to see the beginning of a new thread...


45% of America like this.
yeah well... there was a time when a huge chunk of America liked slavery, then another time when a huge chunk of Americans thought civil rights didn't matter or women had bo rights.

fuck that part of America. we will just have to roll over them. fuck if I live in a country that is turning into a modern day Nazi Germany.

time to take our country back from these racist assholes.


Dutch media reporting KLM (the national airline) has begun turning away passengers because of this as well.

What a fucking disgrace and shitshow.


couple years back my niece was in lunch line in the 3rd grade and the kids in the line told her to go back of the line you're a terrorist. Now that Trumps in charge....she don't wear a scarf or anything, Pakistani.


What a circus of misunderstanding, that story. Hope he and others like him at least get their bearings sorted out.

As for the long-term implications of this, this will leave a mark, probably.
This is only the beginning

I know i'm going to be a broken record soon but i truly believe waiting 2 years, or even 4 is a disastrous move. This administration will start, or bait a war without doubt. Revolt, they have shown themselves to be the enemy. Far quick and stronger than any expected.

couple years back my niece was in lunch line in the 3rd grade and the kids in the line told her to go back of the line you're a terrorist. Now that Trumps in charge....she don't wear a scarf or anything, Pakistani.

Thats very sad, as is all of this.
This is terrible. This is where good reporting from the press can really have an impact. Even just capturing photos and videos and stories of these people can help.
I'd like to point out that the entire world is now looking at you, USA, in complete disgust.

Good luck with that.

I don't know man, Europe seems to have already been heading down that path with the Brexit then Theresa May in UK and other ultra conservatives in other countries trying to get into power. But thanks for the well wishes.
is this on CNN/BBC etc? people have to know
Not like it'd matter, the people that need to see this and come around only care about Fox News and other echo chambers.

The only hope right now is the rest of the world steps up to the plate cause the us is out of commission for the foreseeable future. These people having been chomping at the bit and biding there time till they could be openly racist and xenophobic without consequence again. Slavery ended, they changed the rules, the civil rights movement happened they changed the rules and equal rights for LGBT happened. Now they've got complete power it's it time for revenge.


Alexander Hamilton said:
In a free government the security for civil rights must be the same as that for religious rights. It consists in the one case in the multiplicity of interests, and in the other in the multiplicity of sects. The degree of security in both cases will depend on the number of interests and sects; and this may be presumed to depend on the extent of country and number of people comprehended under the same government. This view of the subject must particularly recommend a proper federal system to all the sincere and considerate friends of republican government, since it shows that in exact proportion as the territory of the Union may be formed into more circumscribed Confederacies, or States oppressive combinations of a majority will be facilitated: the best security, under the republican forms, for the rights of every class of citizens, will be diminished: and consequently the stability and independence of some member of the government, the only other security, must be proportionately increased. Justice is the end of government. It is the end of civil society. It ever has been and ever will be pursued until it be obtained, or until liberty be lost in the pursuit. In a society under the forms of which the stronger faction can readily unite and oppress the weaker, anarchy may as truly be said to reign as in a state of nature, where the weaker individual is not secured against the violence of the stronger; and as, in the latter state, even the stronger individuals are prompted, by the uncertainty of their condition, to submit to a government which may protect the weak as well as themselves; so, in the former state, will the more powerful factions or parties be gradually induced, by a like motive, to wish for a government which will protect all parties, the weaker as well as the more powerful.

A republican form of government was supposed to help against these kinds of things.


Give it 2-3 years all the Muslims will be out of this country, I know at least 200 families where they all are going to move out of the USA soon. No Muslim is happy here and won't be at least next 10 years. Have fun with football and Trump tweets my brothers and sisters.
If someone does not want you in their house, you shouldn't stay.
yeah well... there was a time when a huge chunk of America liked slavery, then another time when a huge chunk of Americans thought civil rights didn't matter or women had bo rights.

fuck that part of America. we will just have to roll over them. fuck if I live in a country that is turning into a modern day Nazi Germany.

time to take our country back from these racist assholes.
Here's the thing though, this country always belonged to the racists. It's how it was built, for the straight white male. It was never the country for everyone no matter the gender, race, skin color, belief or sexual orientation. But it's high time we do take their country from them, it's 2017 for fucks sake. We as a species should be past most of this petty shit, but a lot of people can't seem to let it go. So we'll have to find a solution for them eventually cause they're a threat.


Dude, there was already a thread of horrible decisions and events and public complacency even before Auschwitz was a thing. People are rightfully worried we're starting to see the beginning of a new thread...
If anything, I think Hitler exercised more restraint than Trump/Bannon have shown in their first week in power.

The Nazis didn't burn the Reichstag down for a month. The Enabling Act didn't get signed until a month after that.
Nazi Germany moved much slower than this.
Here's the thing though, this country always belonged to the racists. It's how it was built, for the straight white male. It was never the country for everyone no matter the gender, race, skin color, belief or sexual orientation. But it's high time we do take their country from them, it's 2017 for fucks sake. We as a species should be past most of this petty shit, but a lot of people can't seem to let it go. So we'll have to find a solution for them eventually cause they're a threat.

They are indeed. Revolt, keep discussing it. Organize, gain support, build momentum and march on Washington in protest and force this administration to step down. A new administration can expand education greatly with a focus on teaching critical thinking skills and empathy towards our fellow man to help curb this issue in future generations.

obviously its far more complicated than this
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