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[NYT] Trump's Lies



President Trump's political rise was built on a lie (about Barack Obama's birthplace). His lack of truthfulness has also become central to the Russia investigation, with James Comey, the former director of the F.B.I., testifying under oath about Trump's ”lies, plain and simple."

We are using the word ”lie" deliberately. Not every falsehood is deliberate on Trump's part. But it would be the height of naïveté to imagine he is merely making honest mistakes. He is lying.

Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump's lies. But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them.

So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office.





I think the most alarming part about America to me, as an outsider in another country is watching how actively people prefer the lies to the truth. It would be one thing if people were being fooled because they had no access to better information, but people are deliberately ignoring good sources of information and actively building a world perception based on lies they wish to believe.

Even in George Orwell's 1984, there was an implication that people would prefer the truth if they were offered it as an alternative, but in the real world, a lot Americans have willfully turned their backs to it, even though they can access it anytime they feel like.

That's probably more frightening to me than anything else. The truth is out there, they just don't want it.


Hey, sure, sometimes he misspeaks. Nobody's perfect. And yeah, he uses Twitter maybe too much. But you guys in the media are out to get him! Give him a chance, he's trying his best! F--fake news! AMERICA FIRST! #MAGA!!!!!!!!!!


This would be very useful when engaging with any Trump supporters.

Problem is Trump supporters don't care and would probably tell you not to take him so literally. They are a lost cause, period. Best thing Dems and any opposition can do is just rally their own base and supporters alike.
This would be very useful when engaging with any Trump supporters.

Trump supporters are like flat earthers.

Have you seen his recent rally? He basically did a 180 on his policies and people still cheer him on. A goldman sachs dude, some other wall street dude in his cabinet, everybody cheers. Mexico will pay less for the wall everybody cheers.

If he kills their children in front of them and they will still cheer.


bish gets all the credit :)
"you can't reason with a person's choice if they didn't use reason to make that choice."

These people are a lost cause. The war on the media and truth is a very scary thing and tough to combat. Fascist Trump knows this.
I think the most alarming part about America to me, as an outsider in another country is watching how actively people prefer the lies to the truth. It would be one thing if people were being fooled because they had no access to better information, but people are deliberately ignoring good sources of information and actively building a world perception based on lies they wish to believe.

Even in George Orwell's 1984, there was an implication that people would prefer the truth if they were offered it as an alternative, but in the real world, a lot Americans have willfully turned their backs to it, even though they can access it anytime they feel like.

That's probably more frightening to me than anything else. The truth is out there, they just don't want it.

It's not that they prefer lies to the truth. It's that the truth simply doesn't matter. Facts are pointless and immaterial. The only thing that matters is their feelings. And for them, Trump feels what they feel and nothing else matters.

Is it dangerous? Absolutely.
Oh shit is this the boom from the most recent tick tick tick?

Edit: This can't be it, right, this is just a collection of his lies, not anything new. Hmmmmm


Oh shit is this the boom from the most recent tick tick tick?

Edit: This can't be it, right, this is just a collection of his lies, not anything new. Hmmmmm
I hope not. As great as it is to see all the lies in one place, it's just a summary of things those who were paying attention already knew.

EDIT: Ha, missed your edit.


Honestly, who cares at this point? We all know he's full of shit, but his party doesn't seem to care.

Just going around in circles at this point. Pray for Mueller's investigation to come up with something, because if it doesn't... His denial of reality will be normalized by his party.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
That's wonderful, it's too bad that the truth means absolutely nothing at all to his supporters.


how is there no law in place to punish political figures (or fuck, at LEAST the president), from blatant lying and deception? fuck there's so much wrong with everything happening right now, and to think our congress and people that should be taking steps to remove this treasonous pile of dogshit from office are not. Tear them all out of their positions and replace them. I'm fucking tired of old, selfish, greedy cunts deciding things for everyone while lying through their teeth about what they'll do

It would not be useful at all.

It's from the New York Times, which they dismiss out of hand.

Yeah, just look at the NYT Twitter comments for that article: tons of Drumpf supporters going NUH UH NUH UH FAKE NEWS DURRRR

It wouldn't be a stretch to say "fake news" is a defense mechanism for those who don't like what they hear.


Anyone else unable to open the full version of the images on mobile? It just takes me to imgur, where I still can't expand it.


It's not that they don't know he's a liar.

They just don't care.

Those who built their lives on blind adherence to a 2000-year-old novel are not particularly concerned about truth.

It wouldn't be a stretch to say "fake news" is a defense mechanism for those who don't like what they hear.

Those who have been trained since birth to wholeheartedly accept anything they are told by a pastor and then doggedly assault others with the same are never going to think for themselves.

As long religion maintains its firm grip on so much of America's population, you can fact-check all you want; it will change nothing.
Honestly, who cares at this point? We all know he's full of shit, but his party doesn't seem to care.

Just going around in circles at this point. Pray for Mueller's investigation to come up with something, because if it doesn't... His denial of reality will be normalized by his party.

If Mueller is unable to come up with anything, Trump will be next to unstoppable. 4 years of hell are guaranteed and 8 is entirely possible. The damage done will unimaginable from where we stand today.
I think the most alarming part about America to me, as an outsider in another country is watching how actively people prefer the lies to the truth. It would be one thing if people were being fooled because they had no access to better information, but people are deliberately ignoring good sources of information and actively building a world perception based on lies they wish to believe.

Even in George Orwell's 1984, there was an implication that people would prefer the truth if they were offered it as an alternative, but in the real world, a lot Americans have willfully turned their backs to it, even though they can access it anytime they feel like.

That's probably more frightening to me than anything else. The truth is out there, they just don't want it.

The way I see it is that you can't run away from the truth for long. All those people who are burying their heads in the sand will get a rude awakening soon enough. It's already clear Trump isn't going to do shit to save the coal industry.


Junior Member
The way I see it is that you can't run away from the truth for long. All those people who are burying their heads in the sand will get a rude awakening soon enough. It's already clear Trump isn't going to do shit to save the coal industry.

Unfortunately it's been 70 years and Trump has been able to get away with everything.
Unfortunately it's been 70 years and Trump has been able to get away with everything.

To be fair, Trump has never been in a situation where the FBI and multiple Congressional probes needed to investigate him.

That said, I'm not expecting Trump to spend a day in jail. America fetishizes rich white men far too much to ever let that happen. Getting him forced out of office is the best we can do, and that's not an unreasonable goal.


Junior Member
To be fair, Trump has never been in a situation where the FBI and multiple Congressional probes needed to investigate him.

That said, I'm not expecting Trump to spend a day in jail. America fetishizes rich white men far too much to ever let that happen. Getting him forced out of office is the best we can do, and that's not an unreasonable goal.

That's the thing with Narcissistic Personality Disordered people; they go throughout their entire lives conning, manipulating, and lying, in order to get what they want. The more they get away with, the cockier they get, and the more they attempt to hone their "craft." Fortunately, Trump is proof that at least some of these scum eventually get what they deserve, even if it takes forever. The guy is so far up his own ass he doesn't realize that he's constantly shooting himself in the foot. I do think he will get impeached. And if not, there's no chance in hell he's going to get re-elected. But I'd like to think I don't have 3 1/2 more years of this moron.
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