Hopes for the E-Book future:
1. Cross platform (which is already true to a decent extent) - use it on the PC, on your iPad, on your Android, on your PS3, on your future HMD.
2. Exploit digital format - pretty much like Apple does for newstand magazines. Moving Images/videos, non-traditional paper bound formating, rotation, hyperlinks, etc.
3. Basic and obvious interactivity made easy - annotations, book marking - easy as scribbling onto the 'book' - turning it on and off, and expanding it outside the page if you want to continue on with the ideas. Then collate and turn the annotations into data - notes in text form, or jpgs, with a note and a link to where it was written in the book and the context.
4. Extend this interactivity onto the 'net - a wikipedia style substrate for editing annotations (not book content). The idea is that books can have crowd-sourced value adding - books can be illustrated with imagery, diagrams, hyperlinks, community discussion, etc.
In the face of a future with ideas like this... paper bound books are quickly looking anachronistic. The people and businesses that stand by them unflinchingly, holding onto them for dear life with similarly become outmoded with their decline.
Also, retail can die in a fire. Visual, social, spiritual mass pollutants of the 20th century. Send it all to the internet and shipping warehouses. Retain a few high class show room for products that excite people - but reclaim the rest of the retail spaces with new businesses and areas that promote local community socialization.