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NYTimes: Trump Administration Considers Moving Student Loans to Treasury Dept.


The Trump administration is considering moving responsibility for overseeing more than $1 trillion in student debt from the Education Department to the Treasury Department, a switch that would radically change the system that helps 43 million students finance higher education.

A shift in handling federal student aid is being weighed as the Trump administration and Ms. DeVos consider overhauling the Department of Education. Mr. Trump’s proposed budget for 2018 slashes funding for the department by nearly 50 percent. Moving one of its core functions to Treasury would significantly diminish the agency’s power. It could also alter the mission of the student loan program.

“The reason the federal student aid programs live within the Education Department is because that’s the agency that has as its goal increasing educational opportunities within the United States,” said David Bergeron, who left the Education Department in 2013 after 35 years. “That is not the Treasury Department’s goal. Its job is to pay for the business of the government.”

“Moving the agency that is supposed to provide stewardship for student loan borrowers to an agency that is working on a shoestring with a skeletal crew strikes me as a recipe for a policy disaster,” said Sarah Bloom Raskin, who was the deputy Treasury Secretary under President Obama.



These new stupid proclamations smell of desperation. They are just throwing anything out there and hope it might stick to take attention away from the WH.


This sounds like a typical Republican move.

Remember the GOP has wanted to get rid of the Department of Education for a long time.


I'm just going to pretend this is because DeVos is too dumb to understand any of this and wants it out of her Department of School Vouchers


It seems like the implication of this is that it would be dramatically harder for the federal government to collect on loans.
Seeing as how most Trump supporters label education as liberal, they probably don't mind this too.

Hope the ones affected are keeping up with the news no matter how depressing it may be.


The student loan bubble popping under Trump might be the one thing that could actually get millennials to fucking vote.


The Treasury Department? I don't know, I hadn't heard that one. I mean...how would that even work?

Department of Education, not the treasury department. DeVos has stated that she pretty much won't enforce anything at a federal level, and with this news, we can assume at minimum she doesn't want the people she's in charge of to do their jobs.


Yeah, give it to Steve Mnuchin.

That fucking moron will probably have it blow up in his hands and still be befuddled to what happened.


If goes through does it increase the odds that Trump gets impeached due to outrage from the rest of America? It would be one thing if his policies were great and he could hide behind them as every 48 hours since Early February a new piece of salacious information comes out but... his policies are utter shit with this being another one.

I can't wait to hear the bootstraps speech from Trump and Devos on how students need to suck it up, pay their fair share, and get off the government's teat. The collective FOH could hurt this administration next year.

Who thought this shit was a good idea? I need the breakdown of this policy decision moment by moment. It's in an infant state but what gives us confidence that Trump/Devos won't do this?


This sounds like a typical Republican move.

Remember the GOP has wanted to get rid of the Department of Education for a long time.

Wait what? Education isn't important for a government? I feel like it should be one of the key issues that the government should focus on, it's the backbone of a whole society.


Decided to get a degree last year, and was able to start because of loans. I'm 35. Getting straight As. It's going to suck if I have to drop out because they take away my loans. Not only will I have no degree, I'll have to somehow manage to pay for the loans I've already taken.


Wait what? Education isn't important for a government? I feel like it should be one of the key issues that the government should focus on, it's the backbone of a whole society.

The GOP wants the states and local governments to control education instead of being answerable to a national Department of Education.

This would end up being roughly as shitty as it sounds. It's super in keeping with DeVos' school choice bullshit and supporting voucher schools be able to discriminate, though.


Wait what? Education isn't important for a government? I feel like it should be one of the key issues that the government should focus on, it's the backbone of a whole society.

It's largely handled by state and local governments, though. I guess their argument is that it could be entirely handled by state and local governments.


Wait what? Education isn't important for a government? I feel like it should be one of the key issues that the government should focus on, it's the backbone of a whole society.

But if the federal government gets involved in education, they'll teach children about evolution and secularism and gay people! It's all a plot to instill socialist values in children's minds! A power grab by tyrannical government!
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