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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Seems like a lot of the simple-minded lefties here have trouble understanding the concepts of PRIVATE enterprise and the public sector.

Corporations, which are private enterprises, exist for 1 purpose only - to make profit. The drive to generate profit leads to economic growth, innovation, and JOBS CREATION. The laws of the USA require corporations to pay taxes. But they are still private companies, not in any way "extensions of the government".

The best way to create jobs, which supposedly the child-like OWS clowns want, is to grow the economy by allowing private enterprise to thrive and prosper. You achieve this by keeping tax rates and regulations to a reasonable minimum. This has been proven over and over again in history.

Probably unknowingly, OWS losers are advocating for a communist system in the USA. That is just... laughably stupid.

So yes, OWS is a joke, good only for providing some laughs.


Corporate personhood stems from the individual right to free association and to act in concert as a group. I don't think the people opposed to corporate personhood would also say that OWS protesters lack any rights as a group, except those permitted to them.

That corporations are granted certain privileges in terms of structure, liability, etc. in exchange for regulations is irrelevant. Regulations can't infringe on our basic rights (whether we exercise them with others or alone).
Occupy wall street is already a success because it focuses the dialogue. It stokes the discussion fire. It is our responsibility to contribute to this discussion so we can as a species better understand our societies and better prepare for the future.


Just heard about Scott Olsen, the Iraq veteran protester that was shot in the head by the police with - what was it, a bean bag shell? Shameful. I hope he pulls through.


Red Nightmare said:
Seems like a lot of the simple-minded lefties here have trouble understanding the concepts of PRIVATE enterprise and the public sector.
What? The vast majority of these corporations are publicly traded companies, and all of them use public resources. Saying they all exist for profit is a drastic simplification of the situation, since there are many ways of generating profit. Using the word 'private' isn't a magic spell that can remove them from all accountability.


Red Nightmare said:
Seems like a lot of the simple-minded lefties here have trouble understanding the concepts of PRIVATE enterprise and the public sector.

Corporations, which are private enterprises, exist for 1 purpose only - to make profit. The drive to generate profit leads to economic growth, innovation, and JOBS CREATION. The laws of the USA require corporations to pay taxes. But they are still private companies, not in any way "extensions of the government".

The best way to create jobs, which supposedly the child-like OWS clowns want, is to grow the economy by allowing private enterprise to thrive and prosper. You achieve this by keeping tax rates and regulations to a reasonable minimum. This has been proven over and over again in history.

Probably unknowingly, OWS losers are advocating for a communist system in the USA. That is just... laughably stupid.

So yes, OWS is a joke, good only for providing some laughs.

No, demand drives economic growth, innovation, and JOBS CREATION. Profit can be had at the expense of all of these things. If people have no jobs, they don't have enough money to spend, and thus demand goes down because people aren't/can't buy things.

However, like the other poster said, the basic tents of capitalism are sound. It's just people, or corporations, that fuck it up. Unlike communism, which basically implies everyone should *live* equally, capitalism merely requires an equal *playing field* to function ideally. It should be a system based on merit, hard work, and the strength of a product and/or service. But when people skirt the rules, find loopholes, and take advantage of others, they are skewing the playing field in their favor.

Capitalism is, in some ways, like a game. There are implicit rules to be adhered to for it to work. Sure, at the end of the day, there *will* be winners and losers, but because those rules are in place, everyone playing has a sincere chance at being a winner. But if those rules are broken, and those who broke them aren't penalized, then the game is merely a farce.

That's what we're facing right now, and I wouldn't say that private corporations are so much "extensions of the government" as the "government is an extension of the private corporations" at this point.
Red Nightmare said:
Corporations, which are private enterprises, exist for 1 purpose only - to make profit.

I want to address this, and specifically this.

This line of thinking is toxic, and thank god that business students today are picking up on that. Businesses exist as part of a country's social fabric, and they have a duty to their shareholders AND stakeholders. Their ideal goal is to be self-sustaining entities that can grow AND support the communities from which they draw labor and materials and to which they supply goods.

That corporations exist for profit only is like saying people exist only to have sex. It's extremely simplistic and narrow-minded.

Oh, and before you throw out the "omg liberal arts hippie" I go to an extremely business-centric university where I do a double major in international business and finance. I also advise small businesses and non-profits as well as lead several student business organizations. Again, thank goodness that a lot of the upcoming business students are realizing that profit as an only goal is horseshit.
Red Nightmare said:
Seems like a lot of the simple-minded lefties here have trouble understanding the concepts of PRIVATE enterprise and the public sector.

Corporations, which are private enterprises, exist for 1 purpose only - to make profit. The drive to generate profit leads to economic growth, innovation, and JOBS CREATION. The laws of the USA require corporations to pay taxes. But they are still private companies, not in any way "extensions of the government".

The best way to create jobs
, which supposedly the child-like OWS clowns want, is to grow the economy by allowing private enterprise to thrive and prosper. You achieve this by keeping tax rates and regulations to a reasonable minimum. This has been proven over and over again in history.

Probably unknowingly, OWS losers are advocating for a communist system in the USA. That is just... laughably stupid.

So yes, OWS is a joke, good only for providing some laughs.

You understand that you are factually false in many regards, but sure.

well first, Corporations are Chartered by the government. so that's a start. Second, it's not implied that they are by nature extensions of the government, the fact is that their success has allowed them such exorbanent power that they DO act as an extension of the government. How you can't make these simple correlations is astounding.

If you understood the basics of what capitalism even is you'd understand that it's meant essentially to be benevolent in its ends, be balanced and competitive, and not have the market destroyed by plutocracies which are by definition dominating the American economic landscape. Plutocracies in business and a cartel of finance who together have complete control of the media landscape (as seen by your laughable ignorance) and the decision making ability of the government is NOT capitalism, it's a disgusting fat heffer dressed as a schoolgirl.

Plus your entire tirade is full of so many simple minded platitudes, and of course insults and literally saying that the OWS is advocating communism, really makes your idiotic, brain dead and quite pathetic statements even more so.

You clearly don't know shit about political economy, "countwy thrives wen da bizness is like really powafuhl" , i mean you literally sound like a talking point machine.
Belfast said:
No, demand drives economic growth, innovation, and JOBS CREATION. Profit can be had at the expense of all of these things. If people have no jobs, they don't have enough money to spend, and thus demand goes down because people aren't/can't buy things.

However, like the other poster said, the basic tents of capitalism are sound. It's just people, or corporations, that fuck it up. Unlike communism, which basically implies everyone should *live* equally, capitalism merely requires an equal *playing field* to function ideally. It should be a system based on merit, hard work, and the strength of a product and/or service. But when people skirt the rules, find loopholes, and take advantage of others, they are skewing the playing field in their favor.

Capitalism is, in some ways, like a game. There are implicit rules to be adhered to for it to work. Sure, at the end of the day, there *will* be winners and losers, but because those rules are in place, everyone playing has a sincere chance at being a winner. But if those rules are broken, and those who broke them aren't penalized, then the game is merely a farce.
Well said.


SouthernDragon said:
I want to address this, and specifically this.

This line of thinking is toxic, and thank god that business students today are picking up on that. Businesses exist as part of a country's social fabric, and they have a duty to their shareholders AND stakeholders. Their ideal goal is to be self-sustaining entities that can grow AND support the communities from which they draw labor and materials and to which they supply goods.

That corporations exist for profit only is like saying people exist only to have sex. It's extremely simplistic and narrow-minded.

Oh, and before you throw out the "omg liberal arts hippie" I go to an extremely business-centric university where I do a double major in international business and finance. I also advise small businesses and non-profits as well as lead several student business organizations. Again, thank goodness that a lot of the upcoming business students are realizing that profit as an only goal is horseshit.
I'm getting my MBA right now. Sustainability is a pretty major focus of our program.

Also, good post Belfast.
Dartastic said:
I'm getting my MBA right now. Sustainability is a pretty major focus of our program.

Also, good post Belfast.

This is great news, truly. Unsustainable growth has been basically embedded into the entire higher structures, bust after bust after bust.


Red Nightmare said:
Seems like a lot of the simple-minded lefties here have trouble understanding the concepts of PRIVATE enterprise and the public sector.

Corporations, which are private enterprises, exist for 1 purpose only - to make profit. The drive to generate profit leads to economic growth, innovation, and JOBS CREATION. The laws of the USA require corporations to pay taxes. But they are still private companies, not in any way "extensions of the government".

The best way to create jobs, which supposedly the child-like OWS clowns want, is to grow the economy by allowing private enterprise to thrive and prosper. You achieve this by keeping tax rates and regulations to a reasonable minimum. This has been proven over and over again in history.

Probably unknowingly, OWS losers are advocating for a communist system in the USA. That is just... laughably stupid.

So yes, OWS is a joke, good only for providing some laughs.

You're going to have to list them, because I think America has gone too far and deregulated to a point where ponzi schemes are now all too common as a result. Here are some from the last 20 years off the top of my head all related to deregulation or not following regulation.

California Power Grid
The Dot Com Bubble
Sub Prime Mortgage Crisis
Oil Commodities Bubble
Wheat Commodities Bubble
Bernie Madhoff

Worth around 2 trillion dollars. So now list your examples.


jamesinclair said:
What a great conversation this is. Really elevates the dialogue. Please, continue.
Come now jamesinclair, it's only the refreshing stink of new members coming in to drop piles of rotten turd wisdom.

It's that kind of season.

Karma Kramer said:
Occupy wall street is already a success because it focuses the dialogue. It stokes the discussion fire. It is our responsibility to contribute to this discussion so we can as a species better understand our societies and better prepare for the future.
As much as I hate the machine right now treating these protesters like shit, on the other hand this might slowly help bring the necessary change that has long since been needed.

I see America has grown too stagnant in the last few decades - focusing only on short term growth in all kinds of field, infrastructure, and processes - it really badly needs a political/economical revolution/reform in the scale of the 60s movement back then.
Red Nightmare said:
Corporations, which are private enterprises, exist for 1 purpose only - to make profit.
This line of thinking will certainly doom us all. I have no doubt of this.

SouthernDragon said:
This line of thinking is toxic, and thank god that business students today are picking up on that. Businesses exist as part of a country's social fabric, and they have a duty to their shareholders AND stakeholders. Their ideal goal is to be self-sustaining entities that can grow AND support the communities from which they draw labor and materials and to which they supply goods.
And this here gives me some hope.
I'd say that there are really strong ideological divides in business students. A lot want to do right; they want to make sustainable businesses in every sense of the word, and others go by "caveat emptor" rules.

Fortunately, those that disagree with the idea that businesses are part of the social fabric are shut down pretty quick. The only time I see them get away with stupid statements is when they utter them in finance courses...


Belfast said:
No, demand drives economic growth, innovation, and JOBS CREATION. Profit can be had at the expense of all of these things. If people have no jobs, they don't have enough money to spend, and thus demand goes down because people aren't/can't buy things.

However, like the other poster said, the basic tents of capitalism are sound. It's just people, or corporations, that fuck it up. Unlike communism, which basically implies everyone should *live* equally, capitalism merely requires an equal *playing field* to function ideally. It should be a system based on merit, hard work, and the strength of a product and/or service. But when people skirt the rules, find loopholes, and take advantage of others, they are skewing the playing field in their favor.

Capitalism is, in some ways, like a game. There are implicit rules to be adhered to for it to work. Sure, at the end of the day, there *will* be winners and losers, but because those rules are in place, everyone playing has a sincere chance at being a winner. But if those rules are broken, and those who broke them aren't penalized, then the game is merely a farce.

That's what we're facing right now, and I wouldn't say that private corporations are so much "extensions of the government" as the "government is an extension of the private corporations" at this point.

Agree with this so much. It annoys me that people (mainly on the fringe) are trying to use the whole situation to say capitalism has failed, blah blah blah.

Capitalism isn't capitalism if certain parties can influence the government to bend the rules in their favour.
I was just thinking about how a big problem in the way american society sees the OWS movement, among others, is do to what is force fed in education.

Lets take communism.
Every american will tell you "look, communism was tried multiple times and they all failed!"

Indeed. The history books go out of their way to rub this one in.

But the failings of the capitalist/imperialist system? Not so much. How many american courses are devoted to studying what US Corporations did to central america for example?

I mean, the United Fruit Company is a prime exhibit of what happens when government doesn't regulate, and a company is allowed to go all in to their "number one goal" of making a profit. It also shows what happens when a company is so tied up in politics that US navy ships are sent to protect its "interests." But no, that's not really talked about. It's easier to pretend that the myth of the free-market being perfect is true.

And since the books are written by mega-corporations, it's in their best interest to push the economic message that ends up benefiting them. (How many major publishing companies that write textbooks exist...? Three?)

The end result is people like Red Nightmare who think they're informed because they can name, five, maybe six communist countries, but really have no clue as to what the entire picture is.

It's sort of sad.

Mind you, this is quite simplified and really doesn't have much to do with OWS. But when someone claims that OWS wants communism....well, lol.


Yo Red NIghtmare. Don't go bro. Don't go.

Answer the charges leveled against your outburst. Do you change your mind? Or do you have a rebuttal? Are you all talk and no know?
SouthernDragon said:
I want to address this, and specifically this.

This line of thinking is toxic, and thank god that business students today are picking up on that. Businesses exist as part of a country's social fabric, and they have a duty to their shareholders AND stakeholders. Their ideal goal is to be self-sustaining entities that can grow AND support the communities from which they draw labor and materials and to which they supply goods.

That corporations exist for profit only is like saying people exist only to have sex. It's extremely simplistic and narrow-minded.

Oh, and before you throw out the "omg liberal arts hippie" I go to an extremely business-centric university where I do a double major in international business and finance. I also advise small businesses and non-profits as well as lead several student business organizations. Again, thank goodness that a lot of the upcoming business students are realizing that profit as an only goal is horseshit.
Sounds like you're in a kindergarten. We'll see what the students will think when they actually start up a business and wether "helping the community" will interest them in the slightest (it won't).
Arde5643 said:
As much as I hate the machine right now treating these protesters like shit, on the other hand this might slowly help bring the necessary change that has long since been needed.

I see America has grown too stagnant in the last few decades - focusing only on short term growth in all kinds of field, infrastructure, and processes - it really badly needs a political/economical revolution/reform in the scale of the 60s movement back then.

I don't mean to sound cliche, but the revolution is happening. The computer screen is the new street corner. These posts are the new signs. The level of communication we as a generation are experiencing right now is unprecedented.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
The best way to create jobs, which supposedly the child-like OWS clowns want, is to grow the economy by allowing private enterprise to thrive and prosper. You achieve this by keeping tax rates and regulations to a reasonable minimum. This has been proven over and over again in history.
So you're saying throughout the 20th century and last ten years low corporate tax rates and fewer regulations have been linked to lower unemployment, more prosperity and more equal wealth distribution, and vice versa? We all know you're full of shit, but just for fun, please back that up with facts and graphs.


I just can't believe the shower of shit occupying my local market square. Half of them are unemployed drunks and the other half are hypocrites (Starbucks in one hand, Blackberry in the other). It's really frustrating. If I knew what the message was, I might agree with it. The way it's being presented is self-defeating though.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
SmokyDave said:
I just can't believe the shower of shit occupying my local market square. Half of them are unemployed drunks and the other half are hypocrites (Starbucks in one hand, Blackberry in the other). It's really frustrating. If I knew what the message was, I might agree with it. The way it's being presented is self-defeating though.
Coffee and cell phones? The horror!


SmokyDave said:
I just can't believe the shower of shit occupying my local market square. Half of them are unemployed drunks and the other half are hypocrites (Starbucks in one hand, Blackberry in the other). It's really frustrating. If I knew what the message was, I might agree with it. The way it's being presented is self-defeating though.
if they're libertarians it's ok if they are corporate whores


demon said:
Coffee and cell phones? The horror!
Anyone bitching about capitalism and then spending money at Starbucks is on a hiding to nothing.

Quite why some of the soap-dodgers are whinging is beyond me, you've got to actually contribute something before you can moan about being exploited.


Fusebox said:
You're in the UK aren't you Dave?
Yup. Nottingham. I know some of the faces protesting, they're the same people normally sitting outside the dole office with a bottle of white cider and a mangy dog. It's a really bad 'look' and I'd imagine their public support is pretty much next to '0'.

The rest seem to be perpetual students that move from cause to cause to show you how 'aware' they are.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
SmokyDave said:
Anyone bitching about capitalism and then spending money at Starbucks is on a hiding to nothing.

Quite why some of the soap-dodgers are whinging is beyond me, you've got to actually contribute something before you can moan about being exploited.
The protests are about corporate responsibility and accountability and corporate money in politics and the kind of capitalism that rapes the middle class, not anti-consumerism. How do people not get this by now? Or do they just pretend not to? What you're posting is on the level of this kind of horseshit, and I've had to remove people from my facebook just to rid that ignorant crap from my wall.


Yeah, the Australian one's aren't too much better but I'm reluctant to dive into them too much because I do agree with the overarching sentiment of the cause.


demon said:
The protests are about corporate responsibility and accountability and the kind of capitalism that rapes the middle class and the poor, not anti-consumerism. How do people not get this by now? Or do they just pretend not to? What you're posting is on the level of this kind of horseshit, and I've had to remove people from my facebook just to rid that ignorant crap from my wall.
I don't get it because the signs are a fucking mess. Perhaps spelling out the message would help. Y'know, like pretty much every other protest. They couldn't occupy shit without our generous welfare system feeding and clothing them so forgive me if I don't take them seriously.

I'm sorry that you feel the need to block out opinions that you don't agree with. You'll stunt your personal development that way.

Fusebox said:
Yeah, the Australian one's aren't too much better but I'm reluctant to dive into them too much because I do agree with the overarching sentiment of the cause.
Me too but as far as I'm concerned, figure out some solutions rather than just wailing on about the problem. All I'm seeing is people telling us what we already know: the rich are exploiting the poor.


demon said:
The protests are about corporate responsibility and accountability and corporate money in politics and the kind of capitalism that rapes the middle class, not anti-consumerism. How do people not get this by now? Or do they just pretend not to?

Shaddap, you soap dodger.
Zaptruder said:
Yo Red NIghtmare. Don't go bro. Don't go.

Answer the charges leveled against your outburst. Do you change your mind? Or do you have a rebuttal? Are you all talk and no know?

Sorry, I'm at work, just checking here occassionally. So many charges leveled against my outburst... where to start? (Since this site is 95% left-wing, any alternative view point expressed is quickly swamped with mocking responses, making real dialogue difficult. It's 1 against a mob.)

Well, let's start with the key issue, that corporations exist to make profit. This seems to have touched a nerve with people here. "MBA students" and other wannabe businessmen are claiming that modern business is now focusing on more noble goals to help society, and that the profit motive is toxic, or some such nonsense.

This is simply and obviously not true. A business, much like a person, first needs to ensure its own survival. For a business, survival means earning profit. This is not simplistic; it is simply true. No profit = death of business, which means no jobs created or maintained by that business.

As for companies that "go green" or offer "sustainable" goods or services, this is just PR and marketing. This is never a primary goal. Sometimes you have business owners that believe in this or that cause, and dedicate some of their company's profit to that cause, sure. But this is a LUXURY that they can afford to do ONLY because they have enough profits to indulget that luxury.

Business is a life and death struggle, not a social enterprise. It's profit or die. I know this, as I have long been a key player in a company in a cutthroat industry.

The profit motive is GOOD for society, though, as it compels businesses to improve their products and their efficiency (or die). The more profitable companies we have, the more jobs we have for people. Also the more companies we have to use their profits for societally beneficial causes, if they so desire for PR or humanitarian purposes.

Everybody benefits by a good free enterprise system driven by the profit motive.

Of course you will always have scam artists and criminals, but that is part of life. Hopefully the worst of the crooks, like Bernie Madoff, get caught and locked up.

Government does need to tax and regulate business, but they must be extremely careful not to cross the line into interfering with business' ability to profit, grow, and create jobs. The left wants more taxes and regulation, while the right wants less. In this case less is more.


SouthernDragon said:
I'd say that there are really strong ideological divides in business students. A lot want to do right; they want to make sustainable businesses in every sense of the word, and others go by "caveat emptor" rules.

Fortunately, those that disagree with the idea that businesses are part of the social fabric are shut down pretty quick. The only time I see them get away with stupid statements is when they utter them in finance courses...
Well said. I'd like to add that Finance courses are also very much aware of the problems of the latest crisis (even if they're probably much more "profit" oriented). In fact, my Capital Markets teacher mentioned the OWS movement as a relevant trend.

BTW, "sustainable business" practices aren't against profit - in fact, they're a way of maximizing profit. The notion that short sighted profit seeking is bad for long term company goals is accepted by almost everyone.


Red Nightmare said:
Sorry, I'm at work, just checking here occassionally. So many charges leveled against my outburst... where to start? (Since this site is 95% left-wing, any alternative view point expressed is quickly swamped with mocking responses, making real dialogue difficult. It's 1 against a mob.)

Well, let's start with the key issue, that corporations exist to make profit. This seems to have touched a nerve with people here. "MBA students" and other wannabe businessmen are claiming that modern business is now focusing on more noble goals to help society, and that the profit motive is toxic, or some such nonsense.

This is simply and obviously not true. A business, much like a person, first needs to ensure its own survival. For a business, survival means earning profit. This is not simplistic; it is simply true. No profit = death of business, which means no jobs created or maintained by that business.

As for companies that "go green" or offer "sustainable" goods or services, this is just PR and marketing. This is never a primary goal. Sometimes you have business owners that believe in this or that cause, and dedicate some of their company's profit to that cause, sure. But this is a LUXURY that they can afford to do ONLY because they have enough profits to indulget that luxury.

Business is a life and death struggle, not a social enterprise. It's profit or die. I know this, as I have long been a key player in a company in a cutthroat industry.

The profit motive is GOOD for society, though, as it compels businesses to improve their products and their efficiency (or die). The more profitable companies we have, the more jobs we have for people. Also the more companies we have to use their profits for societally beneficial causes, if they so desire for PR or humanitarian purposes.

Everybody benefits by a good free enterprise system driven by the profit motive.

Of course you will always have scam artists and criminals, but that is part of life. Hopefully the worst of the crooks, like Bernie Madoff, get caught and locked up.

Government does need to tax and regulate business, but they must be extremely careful not to cross the line into interfering with business' ability to profit, grow, and create jobs. The left wants more taxes and regulation, while the right wants less. In this case less is more.

I'll try to combat these points, from the point of view of conservatives who are in with the 99%

a) No one is saying corporations shouldn't try to make profit. What people are saying is that some corporations (Such as banks) are making profit in a way that negatively impacts society. This is a failed market, not a free market. OWS is an attempt to fix the market failure that is our current financial system and make it closer to legitimate free market principles.

b) As for Green/Sustainable energy. Often investing in new technology is unprofitable/less profitable then other means, despite its benefits to society. The point behind subsidies is to make it profitable for these businesses by removing the disincentive. This is another correction of the market to maximize net social benefit.

As for the Solyndra case the far right keeps harping on about- that's a problem with corporate malfeasance/greed, not a problem with subsidizing alternative energies.

Another thing about the free market, what we have now with the lack of regulation- it is causing that interference that free-market folks are trying to avoid. Banks have artificially restricted the loan market, which is causing problems in the housing market. Sometimes less is more, you're right there, but right now less is less, and there needs to be more, in order for the market to properly function.

In fact, the bailouts of the financial institutions has created a massive moral hazard among those institutions- that motivates them to short term profit seeking. If they win they keep the profits, if they lose the government bails them out.

OWS, instead of being destroyers of the free market, are its saviors. (though there is an element in OWS that is about redistribution, they are a small minority of the mainstream OWS types) This is a reason you're seeing many of the original, true Tea Partiers, not the Koch-led bastardization which it became, in with the OWS types.


The profit motive is GOOD for society, though, as it compels businesses to improve their products and their efficiency (or die). The more profitable companies we have, the more jobs we have for people. Also the more companies we have to use their profits for societally beneficial causes, if they so desire for PR or humanitarian purposes.

Or it encourages you to buy out all your competition, place barriers to entry with exclusive agreements with suppliers, and then strangle your customer base for every penny. Even Adam Smith, the demigod of free market economics, didn't believe in unchecked laissez-faire economics.


is now taking requests
SmokyDave said:
I just can't believe the shower of shit occupying my local market square. Half of them are unemployed drunks and the other half are hypocrites (Starbucks in one hand, Blackberry in the other). It's really frustrating. If I knew what the message was, I might agree with it. The way it's being presented is self-defeating though.

Oh, Come On. This bullshit is no better than the tripe Red Nightmare and Hans brings to the thread. Please explain why drinking coffe and owning a smartphone makes someone ineligible to join the OWS movement.
jorma said:
Oh, Come On. This bullshit is no better than the tripe Red Nightmare and Hans brings to the thread. Please explain why drinking coffe and owning a smartphone makes someone ineligible to join the OWS movement.
Because they hypocritical assholes, the only thing worse is the rationalization you guys do to justify being whores fr capitalism, but poor victims at the same time.


is now taking requests
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Because they hypocritical assholes, the only thing worse is the rationalization you guys do to justify being whores fr capitalism, but poor victims at the same time.

Smoky Dave: they are hypocrites!
jorma: what makes them hypocrites?
Hans: Because they are hypocritical assholes!

You really suck Hans. Seriously.


lacks enthusiasm.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Because they hypocritical assholes, the only thing worse is the rationalization you guys do to justify being whores fr capitalism, but poor victims at the same time.

I really shouldn't encourage you.
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