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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Fusebox said:
Are you part of the 1%?

When did "Cause of death: unknown" become an overdose?
Why? Because I think Occupy Vancouver is stupid? Breaking news. So does the majority of Vancouver. I've never heard anyone walking around town saying a single good thing about it. A poll showed 75% were in favour of it ending at some point in the near future.

It has absolutely no support in this city. People are smarter than that, we know there's problems in the world, but we also know that no one in that camp represents any of us or the issues that really matter to us. As far as we care, they're the 1%, the deadbeat one percent that the rest of us are paying to support.

If you've seen their camp, their list of demands, the absolutely idiocy they're spewing out. Hell, they were all up in arms yesterday when the fire department said that they need to fix up the camp because it was a fire hazard. Some of them even attacked an ambulance that was responding to the death today. They're scumbags that represent the working and middle class as much as George Bush represents smart people.

And everyone knows it's an overdose. The papers just aren't saying it because the coroner hasn't officially confirmed it.
Fusebox said:
So you don't think the hugely widening divide between the 1% and 99% is a problem?
See. This is what you people do. Everyone points out real critical flaws in your movement, and all you do is ignore everything.


No one ever said that the major issues aren't relevant, but these people aren't promoting any of the real issues, they're fucking promoting crazy-ass ideas and "solutions".


What crazy-ass ideas are they promoting? I honestly don't know btw, I thought they were part of the regular protest movement which are trying to raise awareness about issues which are in your best interest.

Not sure what child rapists have to do with anything though dude, ease up.
Fusebox said:
What crazy-ass ideas are they promoting? I honestly don't know btw, I thought they were part of the regular protest movement which are trying to raise awareness about issues which are in your best interest.

Not sure what child rapists have to do with anything though dude, ease up.
Alright, I'm sorry, but since Friday when all of this has been heating up, I've just been completely riled up arguing this crap with Occupy Vancouver supporters.

Look, I have no qualms against OWS, from all I've heard, it's got legs, but all the offshoots?

Fuck them. Occupy Oakland seems like all it wants to do is burn down Oakland, and Occupy Vancouver is nothing but a camp ground for hippies and the homeless.

This is their list of demands:


Which spokespeople from Occupy Vancouver denied as the official list (honestly a PR stunt that was made AFTER widespread denouncement of the entire list by just about everyone, including fringe supporters)

It just goes to show that these people have absolutely no idea what the problems really are, and understand jack shit about the intricatcies of the issues and solutions. They're basing everything on half information and just plain nonsense. It's what I hate about the movement overall. People AREN'T doing their research, they're listening to catchphrases and slogans and basing everything on that. They are absolutely no better than the scumbag politicians who ignore research, evidence and logic and base everything on emotions.

Too many of the offshoot movements are based on emotions when they should honestly be based on logic and research.


Where did the list originate from? How do we know it just wasn't sent to the paper by a single fringe-dwelling lunatic? Or 6 even...


Occupy Vancouver press liaison Sarah Beuhler told ctvbc.ca that the list is "definitely not official," and was formed by a group of about six individuals.

"Certain people found it very important that a list of demands be generated, though others disagreed," Beuhler said.

"I have personally heard a lot of discontentment with this particular list, in that it's not particularly well-crafted and it seemed to have some people's pet issues on it."

Beuhler confirmed that the list was written by members of the general assembly, but said that body includes anyone who chooses to protest at the site. She estimated between 200 and 300 people show up on a daily basis.
Fusebox said:
Where did the list originate from? How do we know it just wasn't sent to the paper by a single fringe-dwelling lunatic?
Spokespeople from Occupy Vancouver already confirmed that the list WAS made by their members, not just one. But it hasn't been officially voted yet, but this IS an exhaustive list of their ideas, and quite frankly, most of them are terrible ideas.

Leave NATO? Great! I hope they like paying 10x more for a much larger army!

Legal heroines? Sure why not?

Free massages? That's cool too.

Tougher white collared crimes punishment? I can agree with that?

Release all white-collared crimes prisoners? Wait a minute...

Fusebox said:
Where did the list originate from? How do we know it just wasn't sent to the paper by a single fringe-dwelling lunatic? Or 6 even...

I live in the city. Hell, I work a block from the camp site. 200-300 people definitely do not come by the tent. From all the anecdotes I've heard from people who've frequently checked it out, it's more like half that number.


Yeah I agree the list is stupid and distracts from their core message, but wouldn't you rather they just learnt how to focus their campaign instead of wishing they'd go away? Look at the all the global attention they've already brought to the issue. If the goal was to raise awareness it's working.
SpectreFire said:
Spokespeople from Occupy Vancouver already confirmed that the list WAS made by their members, not just one. But it hasn't been officially voted yet, but this IS an exhaustive list of their ideas, and quite frankly, most of them are terrible ideas.

Leave NATO? Great! I hope they like paying 10x more for a much larger army!

Legal heroines? Sure why not?

Free massages? That's cool too.

Tougher white collared crimes punishment? I can agree with that?

Release all white-collared crimes prisoners? Wait a minute...

I live in the city. Hell, I work a block from the camp site. 200-300 people definitely do not come by the tent. From all the anecdotes I've heard from people who've frequently checked it out, it's more like half that number.

non-violent prisoners, white-collar crime - there's a difference.

The list is admirable. Like Zizek said if it is believed possible in science to have a human live forever with the use of technology then it is also possible to change Capitalism from what it is currently.


The non-US movements seem to have been co-opted by pretty radical leftists. At least, that's what's happening in Australia.

Saw a guy on the news yesterday at the Occupy Sydney march saying how he represented the 99%. He was carrying a Socialist Alliance flag. Now these guys are card carrying, Guevara t-shirt wearing, Chavez supporting socialists. Not your American 'any one who supports any government programs at all is a socialist' socialist.

Bit silly.
legend166 said:
The non-US movements seem to have been co-opted by pretty radical leftists. At least, that's what's happening in Australia.

Saw a guy on the news yesterday at the Occupy Sydney march saying how he represented the 99%. He was carrying a Socialist Alliance flag. Now these guys are card carrying, Guevara t-shirt wearing, Chavez supporting socialists. Not your American 'any one who supports any government programs at all is a socialist' socialist.

Bit silly.

Do you think governments should have a military for defense? This of course comes with the connotations that the military is run by the government and is tax payer funded. This is a simple yes/no question.


Mortrialus said:
Do you think governments should have a military for defense? This of course comes with the connotations that the military is run by the government and is tax payer funded. This is a simple yes/no question.
Did you quote the right person? Not sure of the relationship between legends post and your reply...


Mortrialus said:
Do you think governments should have a military for defense? This of course comes with the connotations that the military is run by the government and is tax payer funded. This is a simple yes/no question.

Spending on military,prisons, business subsidies and government-funded religion is exempt from being called socialist in America.
Fusebox said:
Did you quote the right person? Not sure of the relationship between legends post and your reply...

He sounds like a Fox News anchor. "Radical left!' "Socialism." I'm asking him a simple question that relates to it.

alstein said:
Spending on military,prisons, business subsidies and government-funded religion is exempt from being called socialist in America.



Mortrialus said:
He sounds like a Fox News anchor. "Radical left!' "Socialism." I'm asking him a simple question that relates to it.

Uhhh, what?

Yes, yes I do support a military.

I also support universal healthcare.

Maybe you should read my post again.


legend166 said:
Uhhh, what?

Yes, yes I do support a military.

I also support universal healthcare.

Maybe you should read my post again.

Supporting a military, and supporting our current military are two different things.

Most occupy types would be happy with a 50% cut in military spending (I would be also)
legend166 said:
I'm really confused.

Maybe I misread your post ( My post was made 6 A.M. my time), but the whole "Co-opted by radical leftists." and "These guys are socialists." literally read like something Fox News would broadcast.


legend166 said:
The non-US movements seem to have been co-opted by pretty radical leftists. At least, that's what's happening in Australia.

Saw a guy on the news yesterday at the Occupy Sydney march saying how he represented the 99%. He was carrying a Socialist Alliance flag. Now these guys are card carrying, Guevara t-shirt wearing, Chavez supporting socialists. Not your American 'any one who supports any government programs at all is a socialist' socialist.

Bit silly.

I followed the occupy Melbourne protesters around for a bit the other day, they seemed to have tacked on absolutely any issue, regardless of it's relevance to the actual occupy movement. Aboriginal rights, environmentalism, you name it and someone there probably has a banner for it.

It just feels like the exact same old group of people that are at all the other protests, which is because they probably are.


Mortrialus said:
Maybe I misread your post ( My post was made 6 A.M. my time), but the whole "Co-opted by radical leftists." and "These guys are socialists." literally read like something Fox News would broadcast.

Did you see me say 'non-US'? And make a comparison between the 'American socialist' as painted by someone like Fox News, compared to an actual socialist, i.e. the people that seem to make up the vast majority of the Australian protests?


good credit (by proxy)
SpectreFire said:
Why? Because I think Occupy Vancouver is stupid? Breaking news. So does the majority of Vancouver. I've never heard anyone walking around town saying a single good thing about it. A poll showed 75% were in favour of it ending at some point in the near future.

It has absolutely no support in this city. People are smarter than that, we know there's problems in the world, but we also know that no one in that camp represents any of us or the issues that really matter to us. As far as we care, they're the 1%, the deadbeat one percent that the rest of us are paying to support.

If you've seen their camp, their list of demands, the absolutely idiocy they're spewing out. Hell, they were all up in arms yesterday when the fire department said that they need to fix up the camp because it was a fire hazard. Some of them even attacked an ambulance that was responding to the death today. They're scumbags that represent the working and middle class as much as George Bush represents smart people.

And everyone knows it's an overdose. The papers just aren't saying it because the coroner hasn't officially confirmed it.

Good god. You freaked out, posted a bunch of paragraphs that have don't answer his questions (when did he ever ask 'why' to anything???), yet other people are the "crazy".

Great job not being crazy, my dude.


Pikelet said:
I followed the occupy Melbourne protesters around for a bit the other day, they seemed to have tacked on absolutely any issue, regardless of it's relevance to the actual occupy movement. Aboriginal rights, environmentalism, you name it and someone there probably has a banner for it.

It just feels like the exact same old group of people that are at all the other protests, which is because they probably are.

There are folks in the movement in OWS who agree with all those things also, and wish to tack it onto the movement. That would be a mistake in my eyes.

There has to be a consistent hammer on the core issues (electoral,corporate and political reform) - let the rest come as it comes.
Occupy in Canadian cities are full of fail,

in Ottawa and Vancouver, you have homeless and squatters getting into the mix and taking advantage of the tent situation

Occupy Montreal, you got the Patriotes Separatists partially hijacking the thing rendering it heavily partisan


Dartastic said:
Moved my money to Advantis credit union today. Feels good man. $25 dollars a month to use at other bank ATM's, and 2% interest gained a year on free checking? HELL yes. Screw you, Chase.
You pay 300 bucks a year to use another banks ATM? Laugh out loud


Lice...outbreak? I mean...I know the whole dirty hippie thing, but that's a joke. These are just regular Joes, people who bathe, they're not a bunch of earth children who live in the woods.

Anyway, I've seen some photos of protestors trying to cause trouble and vandalize up in the Northwest. Were they black bloc? And isn't it like notoriously known that black bloc groups sometimes include police posing as protestors, there to incite?
So what's the connection with people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, the Waltons, Google founders, etc with everyone closing their bank accounts? What's being fixed?
Bad_Boy said:
not sure if this was posted...


but HOLY FUCK. really, what the fuck? this is probably the first video from the occupy protests that make me seriously angry.

thats completely unwarranted. hope the cop gets in trouble

i havent followed this in a long while but everytime i hear about it in the news, something awful comes out of oakland. i think a few days ago bloomberg was talking about how hes making sure occupy wallst doesnt turn out like oakland, and the protesters here have been fairly civil and peaceful. does oakland have a history of rowdy people/cops? /ignorant


Bad_Boy said:
not sure if this was posted...


but HOLY FUCK. really, what the fuck? this is probably the first video from the occupy protests that make me seriously angry.
Fuck Oakland PD. I can't believe how they are using such unnecessary force on innocent American's simply protesting, and they shoot someone video tapping for no reason!? I don't get how our gov't is so fast to condemn other nations using force against protesters yet refuses to do anything about the brutality happening in our own country.
effingvic said:
thats completely unwarranted. hope the cop gets in trouble

i havent followed this in a long while but everytime i hear about it in the news, something awful comes out of oakland. i think a few days ago bloomberg was talking about how hes making sure occupy wallst doesnt turn out like oakland, and the protesters here have been fairly civil and peaceful. does oakland have a history of rowdy people/cops? /ignorant

OPD has a history of being fuckwads yes.

There was a riot a few years back in Oakland over a man being shot by BART officers in Oakland. He was face down on the ground when the cop shot him. If you want more info on that particular case, its not that hard to find.


remnant said:
You pay 300 bucks a year to use another banks ATM? Laugh out loud
No. They REIMBURSE me up to $25 dollars a month, if I use other bank ATM's.

Edit - Ah, saw that someone else posted right below you. Hah. But yeah. It's amazing, and it makes banking with them even more convient for me than banking at a major bank.
Slavik81 said:
That's astoundingly terrible. For an example of its misleading graphics, the 61% that is male is represented by 7937 pixels, while the 37.5% that is female is represented by 12815 pixels. The actual ratio displayed suggests that the protest is 38% male and 62% female. By coincidence, it's nearly perfectly inverted.

I don't think it is supposed to be deliberately misleading just another graphic "designer" who doesn't understand infographics. Needs to check out David Mccandless's work.


Here my only post on these folks.

Im sorry, even though that many people are protesting out in the street might be good people with honest intentions.

But the people who brought this Otakupy Wall street are the same type or people (who i call motherfuckers) who brought Crunchyroll into existance. The same sick souls.

I know who started the Tea Party. Rick Santelli and Karl Dennerger. Those two. It was a truly honest attempt. But the Koch brothers took it over for the own racist ends. Thats understandble considering there long history.

But Otakupy wall street is the same bs that railroaded the Civil Rights movement and the War Movement in the 60's. Its the left brother man trying to get what the right brother man has plus getting the next IPad, Plus getting a good looking Hipster Chicky to fuck.

Im not trying to be racial but how is it that NOW people are protesting poverty? I been in and out of work for years and now that the Hipster cant get his new IPOD and his Asian Cartoon Porn he gonna start protesting? Dont fucking kid me. I know where these fuckers come from. Same Place that brought us the bronies, same idiots that protected Crunchyroll.

Im not fucking supporter of the facisists either. I just see where its gonna end up. First dude comes out with his new idea of saving this country and hes gonna be elected in a snap. It dont matter if hes anti-freedom on everything else. People only know tyrrany if not in a larger sense but in a smaller one.

No Collective will ever succeed in anything, no matter if its the Tea Party or the Otakupyers. All you need was yourself. End of story.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Novid said:
Here my only post on these folks.

Im sorry, even though that many people are protesting out in the street might be good people with honest intentions.

But the people who brought this Otakupy Wall street are the same type or people (who i call motherfuckers) who brought Crunchyroll into existance. The same sick souls.

I know who started the Tea Party. Rick Santelli and Karl Dennerger. Those two. It was a truly honest attempt. But the Koch brothers took it over for the own racist ends. Thats understandble considering there long history.

But Otakupy wall street is the same bs that railroaded the Civil Rights movement and the War Movement in the 60's. Its the left brother man trying to get what the right brother man has plus getting the next IPad, Plus getting a good looking Hipster Chicky to fuck.

Im not trying to be racial but how is it that NOW people are protesting poverty? I been in and out of work for years and now that the Hipster cant get his new IPOD and his Asian Cartoon Porn he gonna start protesting? Dont fucking kid me. I know where these fuckers come from. Same Place that brought us the bronies, same idiots that protected Crunchyroll.

Im not fucking supporter of the facisists either. I just see where its gonna end up. First dude comes out with his new idea of saving this country and hes gonna be elected in a snap. It dont matter if hes anti-freedom on everything else. People only know tyrrany if not in a larger sense but in a smaller one.

No Collective will ever succeed in anything, no matter if its the Tea Party or the Otakupyers. All you need was yourself. End of story.
Thank god.
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