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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
ha ha. I'm not surprised to see people supporting this movement embracing the stand up comic/911-Truther Joe Rogan. But still...... quite sad.

What's sad is your ability to ignore the substance of the video and laugh it off because of something else that is irrelevant.
Does America’s 99 percent represent the top 1 percent on Earth?
My cousin posted something similar on Facebook recently and it's an idiotic premise imo.

The implication, I guess, is that we are supposed to put up with an injustice because some other injustice is greater? That is ridiculous on its face and can be used to justify almost anything.

(Also, the US makes up more than 1% of the world population, so... yeah.)
rohlfinator said:
My cousin posted something similar on Facebook recently and it's an idiotic premise imo.

The implication, I guess, is that we are supposed to put up with an injustice because some other injustice is greater? That is ridiculous on its face and can be used to justify almost anything.

(Also, the US makes up more than 1% of the world population, so... yeah.)

It's also somewhat of a strawman. "Hey look! You guys have it good compared to those guys. Now get back to work and stop asking questions."


Wazzim said:
Oh shit USA
Proofs my suspicion that the whole system is corrupt, from the economic cirisis in 2008 to the support of Israel to the shitty health care. I'd say we confront them now they're still in one place, the people of France had to do ton of work to find their former elite after the revolution.

This has been going on so long it's not even vilified anymore. It's like someone's cooking in the kitchen while their family is being murdered in the living room and the person in kitchen pretends not to notice anything when they come out and see the end result. How much longer is this shit going to continue?


rohlfinator said:
My cousin posted something similar on Facebook recently and it's an idiotic premise imo.

The implication, I guess, is that we are supposed to put up with an injustice because some other injustice is greater? That is ridiculous on its face and can be used to justify almost anything.

(Also, the US makes up more than 1% of the world population, so... yeah.)
Perhaps not, but it's rather odd when so many of them are angry about America losing jobs to poorer nations.


First of all, I'd like to say the following about (and to) the Occupy movement:

Despite intentions to do good in this world, merely raising your fist in opposition of "the man", who has now been renamed "the 1%", doesn't DO anything. Being mad isn't enough. Especially when "the 1%" isn't the problem, it's merely the symptom we can vilify.
This is why so many people, especially baby boomers, want no part in it: anyone who recalls the 60s and early 70s vividly already knows what just being in opposition without a clear end-game does.
It is energy without focus.
The 1% was NEVER the problem, anyways. In fact, I feel BAD for the 1% being vilified for merely living up to a societal imperative.

We perpetuate society. At ALL levels.

Institutional classism permeates us, and is never more present than with the Occupy movement, making demons out of the very people who are tasked with maintaining a system we all have so much faith in. In the example of Occupy's villain of choice, the 1% they hate tests and sacrifices their humanity on a daily basis, because it's required of them to prop the system up that causes this social inequality. Why are we mad at them when they make more sacrifice than we ever have to support a societal system we all believed in and supported? They support the will of the people, and this is our will, because we didn't ask for anything else. We WANTED THE WORLD THIS WAY.

We're taught very early on that you can't envision something better for the world on a grand scale, so you fight the imaginary demons within it.

Everyone, at EVERY LEVEL, refuses to let go of their classist nature. We hang onto capitalism and democracy because we feel that, if we're lucky, we CAN game the system and finally have power, influence and prestige to lord over others or the world at large.
It's a losing system for everyone, from the top to the bottom. No good, no evil. Just the disfigurement of human well-being that we all willingly subject ourselves to, in the name of the status quo so we can point fingers instead of deal with the causes of the problems we hate.

We all want to climb higher on the ladder, to achieve, not for the sake of the good it does for ourselves or others, but what we gain from it: a sense of superiority over someone or something else.
The poor hate the rich and vilify them as unfeeling and heartless, therefore showing a classist superiority in and of itself: well, I've not been corrupted, I'm a "PURE" human being. But nothing is "pure" in a sick society. The rich have simply gamed the system better than you ever could. But since that's what we ALL want, why would you fault someone for their success in doing so? And if playing this game wasn't what you wanted, WHY ARE YOU STILL PLAYING IT?!
It goes right into everyday life... we have even grown to use our classism as a shield for the horrible things we endure. We teach children to think they're better than the people who torment them. Racism, homophobia, misogyny, ageism, xenophobia... it's all just classism wearing different faces. It indoctrinates us into this larger horrible world where we're all enemies because we're all clawing at each other on the way up the golden ladder.
This sick and destructive pursuit is what drives us not to let go of it.

It is the institutional classism and our failure to question it that befouls us. And it all begins and ends with money.
I propose that the only way we can stop society dead without violent upheaval is to go take out all our money in unison, then burn it in effigy.

Not to say that money is the root of the problem... but it's what keeps it going.
No, the root of the problem is the society we made and institutionalized that put a value on money higher than human well-being. Want something better for yourself? It'll cost you.

NOTHING man-made should EVER be placed higher than our well-being, nor should it be a requirement to obtain it.

We're taught not to question certain things. But the one we NEVER question is society. Because you're a "small part" of it. We're brought into society and told "HANDS OFF, or you'll break it!" You don't fix society, you "work within it".
You play within society's rules, you don't change them. Even when those rules make it so we ALL lose. Our societal model gets the least amount of discourse out of any other belief system in the world.

These protests will do nothing, because all they do is show an inequality in a system that we ALL LET HAPPEN. Don't be mad at someone "winning" the game, because even when they win, they still lose.

No, hate the game that makes sure it stays that way.


So if mothers and their kids were protesting something, and put up tents, the police would react in the same manner, right?


Ether_Snake said:
So if mothers and their kids were protesting something, and put up tents, the police would react in the same manner, right?
Dude, there's mothers with kids who are at these protests since their inception.


Terrell said:
Dude, there's mothers with kids who are at these protests since their inception.

Yeah but I'm saying if the movement was "moms and kids for free education!" or some such.

Teargas and all that would probably not be the response.

The police is biased, they enjoy beating up the people from OWS.
Terrell said:
We all want to climb higher on the ladder, to achieve, not for the sake of the good it does for ourselves or others, but what we gain from it: a sense of superiority over someone or something else.
Speak for yourself. I don't give one solitary fuck for your ladders, or take any pride in shucking my fellow man out of a buck.

I don't for a second believe I exist here, on this living world that orbits a giant fireball through the vastness of the cosmos just to perpetuate an economic system, much less to make mine at the expense of others. We're in this together and we're capable of so god damned much more than we're doing now.


Ether_Snake said:
Yeah but I'm saying if the movement was "moms and kids for free education!" or some such.

Teargas and all that would probably not be the response.

The police is biased, they enjoy beating up the people from OWS.
They get their orders from commissioners who are appointed by elected officials. If elected officials are bought, then so to are commissioners, or they'll be replaced by people who tow the line. And people sacrifice their humanity for prestige at every turn, every day.


Terrell said:
anyone who recalls the 60s and early 70s vividly already knows what just being in opposition without a clear end-game does.
It is energy without focus.

I'm sorry, are you actually suggesting the protest movements of the 60s and early 70s had no positive outcomes?

As for the rest of your post, I think it'd fit in well as a speech to a GA at an Occupy camp, so I'm not sure what your issue with Occupy is. What these people are attempting to do is to literally exclude themselves from the society you claim they propagate. That's why these are "occupations," because they are essentially an attempt at third-way-ism (*) on a grand scale, whether for better or worse.

(*) Here I mean an entirely separate third way, not third-way as political centrism.


NullPointer said:
Speak for yourself. I don't give one solitary fuck for your ladders, or take any pride in shucking my fellow man out of a buck.

I don't for a second believe I exist here, on this living world that orbits a giant fireball through the vastness of the cosmos just to perpetuate an economic system, much less to make mine at the expense of others. We're in this together and we're capable of so god damned much more than we're doing now.
You don't exist merely to perpetuate an economic system. But you do it anyways. We all do it. Because we have no option BUT to do it. And it erodes our day to day life in imperceptible ways.

maharg said:
I'm sorry, are you actually suggesting the protest movements of the 60s and early 70s had no positive outcomes?
Cuz "hippie" or "flower child" is a term of endearment nowadays, isn't it?
The protests of the baby boom set the tone for all others that followed it. If it wasn't damaging to society that most look at protests against injustice as self-entitled bitch-fests, I dunno what to tell you.

maharg said:
As for the rest of your post, I think it'd fit in well as a speech to a GA at an Occupy camp, so I'm not sure what your issue with Occupy is. What these people are attempting to do is to literally exclude themselves from the society you claim they propagate. That's why these are "occupations," because they are essentially an attempt at third-way-ism on a grand scale, whether for better or worse.
Because there's no responsibility taken for the fact that we LET this happen. It's "the 1%" that are to blame. And most Occupy protests speak of even wealth distribution, which equates to "I want my piece of the pie so I can get a fair shake at being a success". They're mad because the world's inequality finally hit THEM. Never mind the poor that were already there long before they were. There's no wake up call, it's just lashing out at people that represent a symptom of the larger problem, but not the actual problem itself.


Yeah, and withdrawal from Vietnam and the Civil Rights Act had nothing at all to do with mass unrest across the country that arose from those protests.

OMG SHOCK, people who go against the grain become pariahs even when they're successful! Who would have thunk it.
Terrell said:
You don't exist merely to perpetuate an economic system. But you do it anyways. We all do it. Because we have no option BUT to do it. And it erodes our day to day life in imperceptible ways.
That I'm part of a system at work, yes I get that. But I do not seek to "get mine", or to look down upon others, or to keep up with Jones' even though that's what our system would seem to be driving at. You can swim in the waters without being a fish.
Slavik81 said:
Perhaps not, but it's rather odd when so many of them are angry about America losing jobs to poorer nations.
Many of them are also angry about the exploitation of poorer nations by multinational corporations.

And for those who are concerned about world poverty, having the majority of our nation's wealth tied up in a tiny segment of the population does nothing to solve that problem. Sure there are a handful of philanthropists like Bill Gates who are making a real difference, but by and large that money is getting funneled back into companies who would rather drive American labor rights down to a third-world level than bring the third-world rights into parity with ours.

Finally, I'm betting that many of the "what about the poor people in Africa" folks are the same people who would flip their shit if we decided to raise taxes so we could spend more on foreign aid.


maharg said:
Yeah, and withdrawal from Vietnam and the Civil Rights Act had nothing at all to do with mass unrest across the country that arose from those protests.

OMG SHOCK, people who go against the grain become pariahs even when they're successful! Who would have thunk it.
Do you see any "success" here? Please, show it to me. Cuz I don't see it.

NullPointer said:
That I'm part of a system at work, yes I get that. But I do not seek to "get mine", or to look down upon others, or to keep up with Jones' even though that's what our system would seem to be driving at. You can swim in the waters without being a fish.
Thank you for proving my point from my previous post.

... a classist superiority in and of itself: well, I've not been corrupted, I'm a "PURE" human being. But nothing is "pure" in a sick society.

Sure it hasn't gotten to you? Not even the tiniest bit?
As long as you're in the water, if you're not a fish, you gotta learn to breathe like one.


Um. Are you suggesting that the end to jim crow laws wasn't success? Or that they weren't the aims of the people who were protesting in the 60s? Or that withdrawal from Vietnam wasn't their goal?

I'm pretty sure they defined those things as success, whether you'd prefer segregated drinking fountains or not.


maharg said:
Um. Are you suggesting that the end to jim crow laws wasn't success? Or that they weren't the aims of the people who were protesting in the 60s? Or that withdrawal from Vietnam wasn't their goal?

I'm pretty sure they defined those things as success, whether you'd prefer segregated drinking fountains or not.
No, I asked you to find any remote success with Occupy. They're being vilified... so where's this success that is supposed to be cropping up in spite of it?


Oh I see. So you're asking me to find measurable success to a movement that's approximately 1 or 2 months old as compared to a movement that lasted more than a decade and has had 40 years since it ended to be analyzed for its consequences?

Sure. That sounds easy. Just give me 15 years and I'll get back to you.


When people take actions against the authority, the authority will fight their teeth to not let this happen. Not shocked at all at these police violence videos.

Here's the story:
In China you can actually go protest against corporations and banks, and sometimes you can succeed (see the recent protests against factory pollution). Why? Because corporations are run by the government and they are supposed to be the puppet. When the puppet gets hurt, the puppet master usually just wants to calm things down. But if you go directly against the puppet master, aka the government, what will happen? Totally different outcome.

Swap the position of government and corporation then you get the picture of the US and part of the Europe.

So here's the conclusion:
This world is always run by a small group of elites. They have different names and they always do the same things. You Americans didn't notice it 40 30 years ago because you just won the lottery, aka beat the Soviet in cold war. You were rich and you were the strongest and everybody listened to you. The elites behind your government were always there but back then when everybody was rich nobody cared about it. Now the global competition is up and your influence is fading and your wealth is being taken away slowly you guys finally notice the corruption, which unfortunately has been in the system since day one.

As for the OWS:
They are good people and they are doing the right thing: bring up the voice and try to change the rules. Too bad they are not going to change the rules. This is not 1860 this is 2011, whoever wins the media wins the game. Whoever has the deepest pocket wins the media. Your propaganda machine has convinced the middle 60% of people that the problem is caused by the low 30% of people because they don't pay enough tax and the government should shrink. Then the elites behind your propaganda machine has convinced the 10% of that 30% people (aka, cops) that if they follow the rules and put those 20% in line then everything will be fine. Then you get the youtube link above.


maharg said:
Oh I see. So you're asking me to find measurable success to a movement that's approximately 1 or 2 months old as compared to a movement that lasted more than a decade and has had 40 years since it ended to be analyzed for its consequences?

Sure. That sounds easy. Just give me 15 years and I'll get back to you.
Even in the beginning, the movements of the 60s and 70s had minor successes. Show me an equivalent for the time period.
It'd be best not to make me seem like an ignorant fool when I have 2 people who were PART of the generation and part of those very protests sitting literally RIGHT BEHIND ME, who have already given me the response to my request.
bill gonorrhea said:

The premise of the argument being deconstructed is more easily defeated than by looking at global income data. The movement is about how the gains of the American economy are distributed to Americans. It is concerned with how slices of the American economic pie are internally divided. 99% of Americans can still be rich relative to the rest of the world while still getting shafted by the top 1% of Americans. While OWS is in solidarity with people in the rest of the world who likewise suffer inequitable slicing of their own pies from their own domestic economic elites (and ours), equitably distributing the entire world's income is not what the movement is about. While ideal, that's a project for the distant future.


If you want to tell me what the early civil rights movement and later anti-war movement each achieved in 2 months you can go right ahead and do that. Telling me that your parents told you so doesn't really do much for your argument, though.


1. Civil rights don't really matter to a country's economy progress. They matter to joe average's life but they don't matter to bankers life. The elites simply don't care. Protests for civil rights are purely between the puppet and the people, and the elites only want to settle it down so everybody can get back to work.

2. Do you know what you were fighting against in Vietnam? Northern Vietnamese, and the whole supply line of China and Russia, 2 countries with powerful central government that can utilize all the resources they have. The elites knew you were not going to win unless their pocket started to bleed, so they backed down. What about the other anti-war protest, aka, Iraq war protest? 8 years later and your army is still there.


Terrell said:
Even in the beginning, the movements of the 60s and 70s had minor successes. Show me an equivalent for the time period.
It'd be best not to make me seem like an ignorant fool when I have 2 people who were PART of the generation and part of those very protests sitting literally RIGHT BEHIND ME, who have already given me the response to my request.

They have had minor successes. They are changing the political tone for the richest country on the face of the Earth. What exactly do you expect in six weeks time? We're talking about institutions that have dug their heels so far deep into the political tapestry and have been doing so for over 100 years. You really think that these things are going to change overnight? I don't know if the OWS movement will ultimately be successful but I'm not going to judge them as failing when they haven't really gotten started yet.


Terrell said:
Even in the beginning, the movements of the 60s and 70s had minor successes. Show me an equivalent for the time period.
It'd be best not to make me seem like an ignorant fool when I have 2 people who were PART of the generation and part of those very protests sitting literally RIGHT BEHIND ME, who have already given me the response to my request.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but does that mean that your parents are dictating all of this to you?


time to take my meds
K2Valor said:
Here's what happened @ my school today


Context - People were asked to move/remove tents by police. They were camping in front of Berkeley's main Sproul Hall. They refused. Police take action.
that is some sad shit.

i get the whole thing about the police asking them to leave, and the students refusing to do so. police are justified to take action if they are doing something illegal. but not the type of action that was shown. in no way should police be beating and jabbing anyone with batons that way. how does that help the situation at all?

if i were one of the students it would be very hard for me not to take action of my own. respect to those who did not resort to violence back towards the cops.
maharg said:
I'm sorry, are you actually suggesting the protest movements of the 60s and early 70s had no positive outcomes?

As for the rest of your post, I think it'd fit in well as a speech to a GA at an Occupy camp, so I'm not sure what your issue with Occupy is. What these people are attempting to do is to literally exclude themselves from the society you claim they propagate. That's why these are "occupations," because they are essentially an attempt at third-way-ism (*) on a grand scale, whether for better or worse.

(*) Here I mean an entirely separate third way, not third-way as political centrism.
A lot of people on the right blame the left for losing vietnam.


MrGame&Watch said:
A lot of people on the right blame the left for losing vietnam.

Not really relevant to the argument. Or rather proof of the point, I guess. It was an achievement of the protest movements of the 60s and 70s whether that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Worth noting, btw, that it was Democrat presidents (Kennedy and then LBJ) who escalated involvement in Vietnam to begin with.


is now taking requests
K2Valor said:
Here's what happened @ my school today


Context - People were asked to move/remove tents by police. They were camping in front of Berkeley's main Sproul Hall. They refused. Police take action.

disgusting. the ease with which the police all over the world resorts to violence is mindboggling. That cop in the middle just started beating a girl up completely unprovoked, triggering all the other cops into violence mode. All without a single agressive move from the students.

Big brave fucking cunts.


Wazzim said:
I know Democrats started the whole 'make the world democratic, free!' thing. They are right-winged too.

Well, if you have other reasons to think that that's fine. But I think left and right alike have been pretty willing to export their ideology by force historically. I think it's an issue that transcends the political binary.


maharg said:
Well, if you have other reasons to think that that's fine. But I think left and right alike have been pretty willing to export their ideology by force historically. I think it's an issue that transcends the political binary.
Oh totally. I was just saying that in the case of the Vietnam war it was the right winged politicians who wanted to stop Southern Vietnam from becoming communist.
Wazzim said:
Oh totally. I was just saying that in the case of the Vietnam war it was the right winged politicians who wanted to stop Southern Vietnam from becoming communist.

Stop Vietnam from exercising national independence would be a more accurate way to put it. Imperial powers were in Vietnam long before communism became the expression of its national independence. Control is the name of the game.


Just watched the video. Holy fucking shit, how is that legal, at all? Because they're cops? How do they justify hurting people that are sitting there peacefully. I don't get how anyone could be against this protest.. lots of shit needs to fucking change. The sad part is it would benefit these same cops too.


I haven't seen that yet, firing up Hulu now, thx. I can't help but wonder if it would have got more airtime if the police had done that to a tea-party rally.
Fusebox said:
I haven't seen that yet, firing up Hulu now, thx. I can't help but wonder if it would have got more airtime if the police had done that to a tea-party rally.

The official report from AP was the police did some "nudging" lol...



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