First of all, I'd like to say the following about (and to) the Occupy movement:
Despite intentions to do good in this world, merely raising your fist in opposition of "the man", who has now been renamed "the 1%", doesn't DO anything. Being mad isn't enough. Especially when "the 1%" isn't the problem, it's merely the symptom we can vilify.
This is why so many people, especially baby boomers, want no part in it: anyone who recalls the 60s and early 70s vividly already knows what just being in opposition without a clear end-game does.
It is energy without focus.
The 1% was NEVER the problem, anyways. In fact, I feel BAD for the 1% being vilified for merely living up to a societal imperative.
We perpetuate society. At ALL levels.
Institutional classism permeates us, and is never more present than with the Occupy movement, making demons out of the very people who are tasked with maintaining a system we all have so much faith in. In the example of Occupy's villain of choice, the 1% they hate tests and sacrifices their humanity on a daily basis, because it's required of them to prop the system up that causes this social inequality. Why are we mad at them when they make more sacrifice than we ever have to support a societal system we all believed in and supported? They support the will of the people, and this is our will, because we didn't ask for anything else. We WANTED THE WORLD THIS WAY.
We're taught very early on that you can't envision something better for the world on a grand scale, so you fight the imaginary demons within it.
Everyone, at EVERY LEVEL, refuses to let go of their classist nature. We hang onto capitalism and democracy because we feel that, if we're lucky, we CAN game the system and finally have power, influence and prestige to lord over others or the world at large.
It's a losing system for everyone, from the top to the bottom. No good, no evil. Just the disfigurement of human well-being that we all willingly subject ourselves to, in the name of the status quo so we can point fingers instead of deal with the causes of the problems we hate.
We all want to climb higher on the ladder, to achieve, not for the sake of the good it does for ourselves or others, but what we gain from it: a sense of superiority over someone or something else.
The poor hate the rich and vilify them as unfeeling and heartless, therefore showing a classist superiority in and of itself: well, I've not been corrupted, I'm a "PURE" human being. But nothing is "pure" in a sick society. The rich have simply gamed the system better than you ever could. But since that's what we ALL want, why would you fault someone for their success in doing so? And if playing this game wasn't what you wanted, WHY ARE YOU STILL PLAYING IT?!
It goes right into everyday life... we have even grown to use our classism as a shield for the horrible things we endure. We teach children to think they're better than the people who torment them. Racism, homophobia, misogyny, ageism, xenophobia... it's all just classism wearing different faces. It indoctrinates us into this larger horrible world where we're all enemies because we're all clawing at each other on the way up the golden ladder.
This sick and destructive pursuit is what drives us not to let go of it.
It is the institutional classism and our failure to question it that befouls us. And it all begins and ends with money.
I propose that the only way we can stop society dead without violent upheaval is to go take out all our money in unison, then burn it in effigy.
Not to say that money is the root of the problem... but it's what keeps it going.
No, the root of the problem is the society we made and institutionalized that put a value on money higher than human well-being. Want something better for yourself? It'll cost you.
NOTHING man-made should EVER be placed higher than our well-being, nor should it be a requirement to obtain it.
We're taught not to question certain things. But the one we NEVER question is society. Because you're a "small part" of it. We're brought into society and told "HANDS OFF, or you'll break it!" You don't fix society, you "work within it".
You play within society's rules, you don't change them. Even when those rules make it so we ALL lose. Our societal model gets the least amount of discourse out of any other belief system in the world.
These protests will do nothing, because all they do is show an inequality in a system that we ALL LET HAPPEN. Don't be mad at someone "winning" the game, because even when they win, they still lose.
No, hate the game that makes sure it stays that way.