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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Choke on the Magic said:
What other lobbying is there really aside from corporate lobbying really.

This is kind of a sad commentary on where we are as a society. I'm referring to citizen lobbying--you know, calling up or visiting your representative and expressing your opinion about a particular matter of concern to you.

Regarding the rest of your post, I don't know why you think I would defend Obama.
empty vessel said:
This is kind of a sad commentary on where we are as a society. I'm referring to citizen lobbying--you know, calling up or visiting your representative and expressing your opinion about a particular matter of concern to you.

Regarding the rest of your post, I don't know why you think I would defend Obama.

He incorrectly assumes all liberals support our current president. Probably because Obama has been incorrecty painted as some sort of marxist by the right. The fact that people on the left could be disenfranchised by the current presidency probably seems silly to him.

Also ... Are you implying the populace itself could lobby without coporations speaking for us? *GASP*
Dartastic said:
I would agree. It's a major issue that they have to work through,
Yes, because right now it just comes off as hypocritical and well classicism to assume the homeless are dirty druggies, when they are fighting the same labels themselves. I mean this is a group they should be embracing and wanting to help, but they aren't doing that an in fact blaming them to an extent.

and it's part of the reason why I believe that it's time for them to take a wider variety of action and start doing things other than occupying parks.
I agree I feel people looked at Egypt and made some very odd ideas for what to do and what to hope to accomplish. I mean lets be frank Egypt ended with the removal of the countries leader (I wont say system since the military is still running things...as it has since independence in Egypt). Was that a goal here? It almost seemed that people wanted to Occupy like it was an achievement to unlock as opposed to a means to change something. I dislike and worry about any movement without goals or leadership as it becomes easy for it to go far away from where people thought it would.

The problem is that I'm not sure anyone actually knows quite what the correct method of action is yet.
That truly is the big problem with crowd sourcing a movement. I mean as much as people dislike the idea, you can't truly have an effective movement without some leadership and hierarchy. Otherwise it's like a water supply that hasn't been checked. Some may taste fine, but some may be filled with bacteria and make you sick. Odd analogy, but if you think of the movement as a body with ideas as nourishment, it makes some more sense.

I fully support the message and ideas of the movement, but people are definitely getting irritated. One of my friends made this statement on his FB recently; "Occupy Pdx, you've cost the city and it's tax paying ppl over 320,000 in police OT as well as over 19,000 in damages to our parks. Portland supports you, buts it's time to get serious and find a real home to effect change (one that isn't infested with drug use and homelessness). Adams and our cops are not your enemies, wall street is. Give the park back to it THE PUBLIC, stop embarrassing our city and making your fellow tax payers pay for your mess." They really need to start to think of other solutions outside of just occupation.
That's a reasonable message, though I think the Wall Street Boogeyman is overplayed, but for making a simple point in this case, I understand.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
balladofwindfishes said:
you start with incredibly high demands, then you get them down as you continue on debating with the opposing side.

If you start with what you really want, what you get will always be far less than you want. You have to start high, since during policy making, your demands will only decrease.

Yeah, but if you start with batshit crazy, you're getting nothing.

It's time for the OWS movement to regroup and rethink their approach. The camps aren't helping their cause anymore, it's time to take it somewhere else.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
It's weird how many people bring up "Why aren't they protesting the government instead?!" in these threads.

I can only assume these are the same people who think Barney Frank singlehandedly caused the 2008 crash.


NervousXtian said:
Yeah, but if you start with batshit crazy, you're getting nothing.

It's time for the OWS movement to regroup and rethink their approach. The camps aren't helping their cause anymore, it's time to take it somewhere else.

Occupy has people, so can conduct marches to different institutions and occupy nearby parks during the day. Occupying at night was great at grabbing attention but now that that's done occupying during daylight is enough.
Fenderputty said:
He incorrectly assumes all liberals support our current president. Probably because Obama has been incorrecty painted as some sort of marxist by the right. The fact that people on the left could be disenfranchised by the current presidency probably seems silly to him.
In the end though most will vote for him. The other possibility scares most of them far too much (even if some candidates may not be bad). That also applies to voting for some joke or write in candidate. Some on the super far left though will vote for a joke/write in candidate, but odds are they did that in 08 too, so it kind of cancels them out. It's more implicit or support for Obama by default.
lol at Manos dancing around.

The "park squatters" have already achieved their goal. Our government and financial institutions are systemically corrupt. The evidence is almost overwhelming and the majority of the public knows this. Momentarily ending a "tactic" does not end the spread of information... as long as OWS remains a topic of discussion and remains peaceful, only progress can be made. Trying to equate park squatting to the ills of our systemically flawed government is laughable. I know people want this movement to have more leadership and to have a more realistic set of demands/goals... but in these early stages that isn't tactically effective. It will take years for real reform to occur and because of all the noise made so far, more positive information geared towards that reform is being spread.

Manos can post hundreds of articles on the smell, attire and bathroom activities of the OWS protestors, but he has no way to counter the growing infectious dissatisfied attitude towards our current model of society.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Yes, because right now it just comes off as hypocritical and well classicism to assume the homeless are dirty druggies, when they are fighting the same labels themselves. I mean this is a group they should be embracing and wanting to help, but they aren't doing that an in fact blaming them to an extent.

The problem is that the majority of homeless people are mentally ill and are not of a sound mind to make a positive impact on the OWS movement. You wouldn't ask a paranoid schizophrenic to join your organization, would you?

Also, it doesn't help when the NYPD actively encouraged vagrants to go to Zucotti Park instead of homeless shelters in order to sabotage the movement.
nyc holdin shit down

Judge orders New York to allow protesters, tents, in park


"New York (CNN) -- A New York judge issued an order Tuesday allowing Occupy Wall Street protesters to return to Zuccotti Park, just hours after scores of riot police ordered them out and tore down their tents.

The order from New York Supreme Court Judge Lucy Billings allows protesters to bring tents and other equipment back into the privately owned park where the now-global Occupy movement began."

"Soon after the ruling, a large group of demonstrators -- some of them apparently holding the court documents -- marched back to Zuccotti Park and presented the documents to police."

"The air was thick with smoke, which some protesters said was from tear gas that officers lobbed."


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
balladofwindfishes said:
tell that to the GOP and the Tea Party

Sorry, very few in the GOP have anything quite as batshit crazy as that list of ideas. Those are the ideas of an angry teenager who doesn't understand how shit works.

I'm not a fan of the Republican Party or the Tea Party. Yet their ideas are nowhere near as destructive as those listed a few pages back. The Contract From America has some misguided ideals, but tell me a single one that's as crazy as raising the min wage to $20/hr.

Here is the Contract From America (I don't agree with quite a bit of it though):

Identify constitutionality of every new law
Reject emissions trading
Demand a balanced federal budget
Simplify the tax system
Audit federal government agencies for waste and constitutionality
Limit annual growth in federal spending
Repeal the healthcare legislation passed on March 23, 2010
Pass an 'All-of-the-Above' Energy Policy
Reduce Earmarks
Reduce Taxes

None of that is really crazy talk, though I have very good arguments on why some of it is bad for the country if taken too far.
Karma Kramer said:
lol at Manos dancing around.
What are you talking about?

Manos can post hundreds of articles on the smell, attire and bathroom activities of the OWS protestors, but he has no way to counter the growing infectious dissatisfied attitude towards our current model of society.
You can make as many random unsubstantiated post as you want, but it won't change the fact that people (even internally) are tiring of the lack of direction and aim of OWS. You can't ignore that OWS kept saying that Zucotti Park is being kept in great condition when evidence is now emerging that that wasn't the case at all.

richiek said:
The problem is that the majority of homeless people are mentally ill and are not of a sound mind to make a positive impact on the OWS movement. You wouldn't ask a paranoid schizophrenic to join your organization, would you?
You guys let the Paul people hang out, didn't you?

Kidding aside it isn't even part of the group as much as trying to help them. So you want to help the community and those marginalized who inhabit the space they are occupying. It does come off as we don't want the mentally ill downtrodden near us.

Also, it doesn't help when the NYPD actively encouraged vagrants to go to Zucotti Park instead of homeless shelters in order to sabotage the movement.
You can blame the NYPD for that, BUT you can also blame the movement for not finding a way to work with that.


Jaladinozozo said:
nyc holdin shit down

Judge orders New York to allow protesters, tents, in park


"New York (CNN) -- A New York judge issued an order Tuesday allowing Occupy Wall Street protesters to return to Zuccotti Park, just hours after scores of riot police ordered them out and tore down their tents.

The order from New York Supreme Court Judge Lucy Billings allows protesters to bring tents and other equipment back into the privately owned park where the now-global Occupy movement began."

"Soon after the ruling, a large group of demonstrators -- some of them apparently holding the court documents -- marched back to Zuccotti Park and presented the documents to police."

"The air was thick with smoke, which some protesters said was from tear gas that officers lobbed."
Holy shit...

Well I guess that regroup and rethink session we were all wanting wont happen. Oh well, back to slummin it in the park.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
NervousXtian said:
Sorry, very few in the GOP have anything quite as batshit crazy as that list of ideas. Those are the ideas of an angry teenager who doesn't understand how shit works.
Yeah, probably. Why are you compared some crazy OWS persons ridiculous demands with the sanest demands that some lawyer put forth from the Tea Party?
NervousXtian said:
Sorry, very few in the GOP have anything quite as batshit crazy as that list of ideas. Those are the ideas of an angry teenager who doesn't understand how shit works.

I'm not a fan of the Republican Party or the Tea Party. Yet their ideas are nowhere near as destructive as those listed a few pages back. The Contract From America has some misguided ideals, but tell me a single one that's as crazy as raising the min wage to $20/hr.

Here is the Contract From America (I don't agree with quite a bit of it though):

Identify constitutionality of every new law
Reject emissions trading
Demand a balanced federal budget
Simplify the tax system
Audit federal government agencies for waste and constitutionality
Limit annual growth in federal spending
Repeal the healthcare legislation passed on March 23, 2010
Pass an 'All-of-the-Above' Energy Policy
Reduce Earmarks
Reduce Taxes

None of that is really crazy talk, though I have very good arguments on why some of it is bad for the country if taken too far.

It is necessary for the demands to be as pie in the sky, idealistic, as possible because it shifts the discussion in that direction. If your demands can be realistically met within a short time period then you will lose the mainstream narrative and ultimately lose momentum.

The Tea Party can afford to campaign on relatively basic "GOP" ideals, because of their support from mainstream media and AM radio. OWS does not have a Rush Limbaugh to hammer the same talking points every day... that is why their demands need to be somewhat surprising, in order to retain traction through the flood of news and information people hear everyday.
Jaladinozozo said:
nyc holdin shit down

Judge orders New York to allow protesters, tents, in park


"New York (CNN) -- A New York judge issued an order Tuesday allowing Occupy Wall Street protesters to return to Zuccotti Park, just hours after scores of riot police ordered them out and tore down their tents.

The order from New York Supreme Court Judge Lucy Billings allows protesters to bring tents and other equipment back into the privately owned park where the now-global Occupy movement began."

"Soon after the ruling, a large group of demonstrators -- some of them apparently holding the court documents -- marched back to Zuccotti Park and presented the documents to police."

"The air was thick with smoke, which some protesters said was from tear gas that officers lobbed."

While a court hearing scheduled for 11:30 a.m. on the restraining order blocking the city's eviction of Zuccotti Park has been delayed, the city has filed papers opposing the order.

Deputy Mayor Cas Holloway wrote in the motion that giving the protesters full run of the park would lead to re-creation of the "unsafe and unsanitary conditions and the substantial threat to public safety" that the city said led to the eviction. There was evidence, he wrote, that the protesters were stockpiling weapons.

Mr. Holloway described a "steady accumulation of combustibles, smoking, and other hazards" at the site and said that makeshift weapons, "such as cardboard tubes with metal pipes inside, had been observed among the occupiers' possessions," and that after the Oct. 1 Brooklyn Bridge march, "knives, mace and hypodermic needles were observed discarded on the roadway.

"Thus," he added, "it was our understanding that the protesters may have had a significant number of items that could potentially be used as weapons. He also wrote that there had been 73 misdemeanor and felony complaints and about 50 arrests since the occupation began.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
In the end though most will vote for him. The other possibility scares most of them far too much (even if some candidates may not be bad). That also applies to voting for some joke or write in candidate. Some on the super far left though will vote for a joke/write in candidate, but odds are they did that in 08 too, so it kind of cancels them out. It's more implicit or support for Obama by default.

Opposing candidates not be bad? To whom? Surely anyone who's upset at Obama for not being liberal enough would find all candidates further to the right worse. I vote in a two party system. I'll vote for someone I'm not happy with because the other options are worse for me, regardless of whether or not I view it as only being the "lesser" of two evils.

One of the main reasons I'm for this movement really. I feel like campain reform has a better chance of success than a third or fourth party becoming relevant. At least with reform I can try to ensure the politician I vote in has my interests ahead of corporations with deeper pockets.
.GqueB. said:
Holy shit...

Well I guess that regroup and rethink session we were all wanting wont happen. Oh well, back to slummin it in the park.

Its only been 2 months. As long as ows and the occupy movement stay in the media; in headlines, in 60 mins, in interviews, in the paper, in debates, in politicians minds, etc.,the movement will grow and things will become more direct and coherent. And a larger and larger % of the population support it (which they do before manos tries to refute this point) - from fox news of all places.

Pew found that 39 percent of Americans support “OWS” while only 35 percent oppose the nascent movement



Jaladinozozo said:
Its only been 2 months. As long as ows and the occupy movement stay in the media; in headlines, in 60 mins, in interviews, in the paper, in debates, in politicians minds, etc.,the movement will grow and things will become more direct and coherent. And a larger and larger % of the population support it (which they do before manos tries to refute this point) - from fox news of all places.

Pew found that 39 percent of Americans support “OWS” while only 35 percent oppose the nascent movement

Hope so.
BruiserBear said:
It's worked out pretty well for my wife and I. Guess it's wrong to apply such common sense to the government though.
yes it actually is... the government isn't a person, you can't run it the same way as it will fail, horribly.

NervousXtian said:
Sorry, very few in the GOP have anything quite as batshit crazy as that list of ideas.
Where the GOP is different is that their ideas look realistic and achieveable, but when you actually examine them further, they're impossible and destructive. It's a different approach, but it's the same idea. Something like "I promise gas will go back to being 2 dollars a gallon!"
Seems logical, fair and possible... until you realize the entire economy of the world would need to collapse for such a thing to be possible.

Shoot for the moon when you really just want the earth, and eventually you can talk down to the earth or even better, maybe pick up some atmosphere you didn't really want but is cool to have.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
NervousXtian said:
Sorry, very few in the GOP have anything quite as batshit crazy as that list of ideas. Those are the ideas of an angry teenager who doesn't understand how shit works.

I'm not a fan of the Republican Party or the Tea Party. Yet their ideas are nowhere near as destructive as those listed a few pages back. The Contract From America has some misguided ideals, but tell me a single one that's as crazy as raising the min wage to $20/hr.

Here is the Contract From America (I don't agree with quite a bit of it though):

Identify constitutionality of every new law
Reject emissions trading
Demand a balanced federal budget
Simplify the tax system
Audit federal government agencies for waste and constitutionality
Limit annual growth in federal spending
Repeal the healthcare legislation passed on March 23, 2010
Pass an 'All-of-the-Above' Energy Policy
Reduce Earmarks
Reduce Taxes

None of that is really crazy talk, though I have very good arguments on why some of it is bad for the country if taken too far.
There are some pretty terrible ideas in there. Balance the federal budget + reduce taxes? Typical senseless republican bullshit. I don't think anyone really believes $20/hour minimum wage is realistic or expects it to happen.

Also, fuck the Republicans and their war on the improvement of our healthcare insurance system. Those people are sick in the head.

The notion that the Republican/Tea Party's ideas aren't destructive is laughable.

It's worked out pretty well for my wife and I. Guess it's wrong to apply such common sense to the government though.
Please don't ever go into politics. Government budgets do not work like household budgets.
Hey let me ask some of the people in this thread that so far have shown themselves to be blatantly agaisnt the Occupy movement, if not outright dismissive of everything they stand for.

We currently have a 14 trillion dollar deficit. We have, by the latest calculations, 1.4 trillion dollars in tax loopholes for the richest 1%. One of the things OWS wants to do, is close these loopholes. Are you agaisnt this?
balladofwindfishes said:
yes it actually is... the government isn't a person, you can't run it the same way as it will fail, horribly.

So that must mean the government is doing the complete opposite of failing these days. Oh wait.....


Jaladinozozo said:
Hey let me ask some of the people in this thread that so far have shown themselves to be blatantly agaisnt the Occupy movement, if not outright dismissive of everything they stand for.

We currently have a 14 trillion dollar deficit. We have, by the latest calculations, 1.4 trillion dollars in tax loopholes for the richest 1%. One of the things OWS wants to do, is close these loopholes. Are you agaisnt this?
I dont think anyone is out and out against the movement. How could we be? Most are arguing against their methods and actions. Their muddled message. Their campsite movement etc etc.
.GqueB. said:
I dont think anyone is out and out against the movement. How could we be? Most are arguing against their methods and actions. Their muddled message. Their campsite movement etc etc.

Which is exactly the point. Manos is the highest poster in this thread... aka the greatest supporter

.GqueB. said:
I dont think anyone is out and out against the movement. How could we be? Most are arguing against their methods and actions. Their muddled message. Their campsite movement etc etc.
I think its better to say certain ideas. Ideas that never originated with this movement anyway.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
I think its better to say certain ideas. Ideas that never originated with this movement anyway.

But at least they got these ideas into the mainstream. People are talking about these issues and ideas, its on everyones tounge one way or another on a scale across the entire country never seen before since the 60s. If something actually does get done or accomplished in the near future this movement will have been the spark for it.

Ela Hadrun

Probably plays more games than you
BruiserBear said:
It's worked out pretty well for my wife and I. Guess it's wrong to apply such common sense to the government though.

One of the ways a household can ensure their budget is balanced is they can take on more jobs (if the jobs are there) to generate more income. Another thing a household can do, something my husband and I just did, is move across the country for a better job and more economic opportunity.

Washington DC can't decide we're going to start building interstates in Nova Scotia and tax those residents for more income. Nor can it decide it would rather be a government in South Asia or Scandinavia because it prefers the economic climate somewhere else.

Spending less money is not the whole picture for either economic entity.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
balladofwindfishes said:
yes it actually is... the government isn't a person, you can't run it the same way as it will fail, horribly.

Where the GOP is different is that their ideas look realistic and achieveable, but when you actually examine them further, they're impossible and destructive. It's a different approach, but it's the same idea. Something like "I promise gas will go back to being 2 dollars a gallon!"
Seems logical, fair and possible... until you realize the entire economy of the world would need to collapse for such a thing to be possible.

Shoot for the moon when you really just want the earth, and eventually you can talk down to the earth or even better, maybe pick up some atmosphere you didn't really want but is cool to have.

Nowhere near as destructive as quickly as forgiving all debt, destroying colleges, paying people $20/hr whether employed or not, complete opening of borders, getting rid of credit agencies (really, that's the problem?), spending 2 trillion on infrastructure and forests and ripping down nuclear plants out of money we don't have, and banning all private insurers.

Baby steps people. We need to raise taxes, close loopholes, end wars, and re-work some free trade agreements.

Drastic changes are bad in the end, and people who want drastic changes don't understand the global economy.
NY city council member Ydanis Rodriguez was arrested in the park last night. He went to the park when he heard they were clearing it out and he claims that an officer was hitting him in the back during the evacuation.
dave is ok said:
It's weird how many people bring up "Why aren't they protesting the government instead?!" in these threads.

I can only assume these are the same people who think Barney Frank singlehandedly caused the 2008 crash.
Corporations got us in this mess, but the government is the enabler or the only thing capable of enacting change.

Corporations won't give a shit about a few liberals freezing their ass off in a park. They won't change out of the goodness of their hearts.

Campaign finance reform should be the sole demand/starting point of OWS.
kame-sennin said:
NY city council member Ydanis Rodriguez was arrested in the park last night. He went to the park when he heard they were clearing it out and he claims that an officer was hitting him in the back during the evacuation.

If this is true NYPD is about to get fucked
Dude Abides said:
No point in calling for campaign finance reform when the SCOTUS will just strike it down.

Not if all of their constituents start demanding it as well, democrats AND republicans. And btw, just like they struck down healthcare right?


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Yes, because right now it just comes off as hypocritical and well classicism to assume the homeless are dirty druggies, when they are fighting the same labels themselves. I mean this is a group they should be embracing and wanting to help, but they aren't doing that an in fact blaming them to an extent.

I agree I feel people looked at Egypt and made some very odd ideas for what to do and what to hope to accomplish. I mean lets be frank Egypt ended with the removal of the countries leader (I wont say system since the military is still running things...as it has since independence in Egypt). Was that a goal here? It almost seemed that people wanted to Occupy like it was an achievement to unlock as opposed to a means to change something. I dislike and worry about any movement without goals or leadership as it becomes easy for it to go far away from where people thought it would.

That truly is the big problem with crowd sourcing a movement. I mean as much as people dislike the idea, you can't truly have an effective movement without some leadership and hierarchy. Otherwise it's like a water supply that hasn't been checked. Some may taste fine, but some may be filled with bacteria and make you sick. Odd analogy, but if you think of the movement as a body with ideas as nourishment, it makes some more sense.

That's a reasonable message, though I think the Wall Street Boogeyman is overplayed, but for making a simple point in this case, I understand.
Holy crap I can't believe I'm agreeing with you on these things. ;)

Seriously though, if the movement is going to move forward it needs to begin to create a bit more focus. The only part I disagree with is your implying that the removal of government was a goal, when it never was. The initial goal was to begin to bring awareness to some of these social and economic issues, and they definitely achieved that. I think the newest Taibbi article hit the nail pretty head on in regards to what the movement really demonstrates. However, now it's time to move on and figure out what to do next.


Jaladinozozo said:
Not if all of their constituents start demanding it as well, democrats AND republicans. And btw, just like they struck down healthcare right?

The goal is a constitutional Amendment. Supreme Court can't do jack about that.

Either that or keep electing Dems until Clarence Thomas dies.

Dude Abides

Jaladinozozo said:
Not if all of their constituents start demanding it as well, democrats AND republicans. And btw, just like they struck down healthcare right?

The Supreme Court doesn't have constituents.

They haven't ruled on healthcare yet. They just announced they'll take the case.

Not sure what you're talking about on either score.


Gold Member
alstein said:
The goal is a constitutional Amendment. Supreme Court can't do jack about that.

Either that or keep electing Dems until Clarence Thomas dies.
Politicizing the law, and subsequently the Supreme Court, is one of the failures of our society. In the US justice is not blind. It is conservative or liberal.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Angry Fork said:
It's true:

Nothing will happen to them, they're the NYPD after all and can do anything with impunity. You basically need HD close up footage for the thugs to be questioned.



Basically, 3 NYPD officers will be disciplined for roughing up a black NYC Council member during the West Indian Day Parade.


ReBurn said:
Politicizing the law, and subsequently the Supreme Court, is one of the failures of our society. In the US justice is not blind. It is conservative or liberal.

It's going to be politicized no matter what, it might as well be politicized on the side of the people and not big business.
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