Something Wicked said:
The US federal government does provide healthcare. You want less restrictions on who receives such healthcare. Also, there are many restrictions within such government (not just the US) healthcare programs. Define what you want for free, as Mr. Angryfork does not seem capable to doing so.
I can't possibly tell you every loophole and what if scenario for who gets what without doing weeks of research, I already said that. The gist of what I'd want is everyone to get free healthcare as long as they didn't purposefully cause the injury/disease and no free vanity shit like breast implants. (Although fixing someone's face who's been injured in an accident and become disfigured is okay)
I'm also going to recant the line I said about having to pick and choose, I don't know why I didn't think about this before but it's completely obvious we can pay for EVERYthing, EVEN the vanity cosmetic surgeries.
Let's just take the top 10 billionares in America (this doesn't even count the rest of the list AND the millionares), their combined worth is 291 BILLION dollars.
Now let's say we use an extreme example (this would never happen and it would be far less, but it still works anyway). Let's say everyone in America right now (around 350 million people) gets Cancer. Let's assume it costs 2 million for total treatment per person (I don't even know how much Cancer treatment costs but I doubt it's even this high). That's 700 million dollars to treat every person in America if they have Cancer. The combined worth of TEN billionares DWARFS this amount. This is chump change if they were all taxed accordingly.
Note - The vast majority of Americans will never make 2 million dollars in their ENTIRE LIFETIME, let alone spend this much on their health, but like I said this is an extreme example just to show the wealth discrepancy and ridiculousness of not offering free healthcare (by taxing the rich).
Now the total cost would be around 700 million (in the most extreme example of everyone getting Cancer and costing 2 mil each which in itself is a high number). 1 billionaire could pay this off ON HIS OWN and still have 24 billion left for himself. It's absolutely bat shit insane.
NYC wanted to build a FOOTBALL STADIUM of all things that cost this much, and you're going to tell me we can't afford free healthcare? You simply cannot have common sense and tell me the combined worth of 291 billion (of only 10 billionaires) cannot pay for the healthcare of everyone in the country. And education is even less! Imagine if every person in the country had 400,000$ tuition each (another extremely high, this would assume everyone is becoming a doctor), that could be paid for just as easily by the billionaires and they'd still have billions left for themselves. Do you really think this is fair?
So there, now we don't have to have death panels to choose who lives and dies, everyone can get healthcare, it can be afforded (and education) for every single person, no matter how young or old, no matter how useless or stupid. Why should we be against allowing billionaires to pay for these things? When the most we'll be taking from each one is less than 1% of their overall worth?