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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Door2Dawn said:
This movement has failed. The assholes who just want to wreck things have successfully taken the movement hostage.

no, it hasn't.

assholes are assholes, but the core of the movement isn't over until the issues are solved.


Door2Dawn said:
This movement has failed. The assholes who just want to wreck things have successfully taken the movement hostage.

I wonder how many people said the Civil Rights movement failed in 1955 for one reason or another. You don't magically change a society in 2 months.

bob page

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Then again this isn't like the Civil Rights movement in any way.

True, its an international movement and focuses on a wide range of problems/injustices. It potentially could be a much larger movement than the Civil Rights movement.

bob page

lawblob said:
Damn, stream just died. Bloomberg ninjas.
It keeps going up and down, I think their batteries are running out. He was running off a solar charger all day but seems to be having issues now.

Edit: back up
Karma Kramer said:
True, its an international movement and focuses on a wide range of problems/injustices. It potentially could be a much larger movement than the Civil Rights movement.
No it isn't. It's a group of people who like committing trespass, acts of violence, and who can't even agree on any real issues or things to want. It's also one that the public is growing tired of more and more each day.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Then again this isn't like the Civil Rights movement in any way.

He's not arguing that they are the same, just giving some perspective to the notion that any protest can change the world overnight. As a side note, Martin Luther King was beginning a movement in support of all poor Americans before he was assassinated, it was a great loss to this country that he did not live to see it through.

bob page

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
No it isn't. It's a group of people who like committing trespass, acts of violence, and who can't even agree on any real issues or things to want. It's also one that the public is growing tired of more and more each day.
Who is committing violence? The most violence I've seen from a protester all day today has been knocking the hat off a police officer (which he was then hit in the face for).

Also, the COURT ruled in favor of the protesters staying in the park. The NYPD actively ignored the court ruling. The protesters aren't really breaking the law here (at least not even close to the extent that the police are).
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
No it isn't. It's a group of people who like committing trespass, acts of violence, and who can't even agree on any real issues or things to want. It's also one that the public is growing tired of more and more each day.

lol you are a joke



Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Cops are a group of people who like committing acts of corruption, acts of violence, and who can't even disagree with any of the things their superiors order them to do. It's also this corruption that the public is growing tired of more and more each day.

Stereotypes are fun.
bob page said:
Who is committing violence? The most violence I've seen from a protester all day today has been knocking the hat off a police officer (which he was then hit in the face for).
You didnt hear about when a cop was slashed with glass? That protestor was also someone destroying barriers,wearing a mask, and was injured from falling and not a baton hit in the face.

Also, the COURT ruled in favor of the protesters staying in the park. The NYPD actively ignored the court ruling. The protesters aren't really breaking the law here (at least not even close to the extent that the police are).
The NYPD did no such thing and besides the court ruling was overturned and people have been allowed in the park since then, they are just not allow to squatt there anymore.

Karma Kramer said:
lol you are a joke
That's rich coming from you of all people. Your the one with an insurance file on me right lol


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
You didnt hear about when a cop was slashed with glass? That protestor was also someone destroying barriers,wearing a mask, and was injured from falling and not a baton hit in the face.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
The NYPD did no such thing and besides the court ruling was overturned and people have been allowed in the park since then, they are just not allow to squatt there anymore.

The NYPD was legally required to let the protesters back into the park until the ruling came down. Until then, they were in contempt of court by refusing to let the protestors reenter the park. But I guess laws only matter when they're on your side, right?
Philooch said:
never knew that about myself. and here i thought i was a guy that likes video games going out having a good time and playing hockey. but now i understand i love acts of violence that explains me playing hockey.
I never said that. Jak140 just made a fake quote up like when alpha bromega was lying about things I said earlier.
Jak140 said:
When it's the Tea Party it sure is.

The NYPD was legally required to let the protesters back into the park until the ruling came down. Until then, they were in contempt of court by refusing to let the protestors reenter the park. But I guess laws only matter when they're on your side, right?
No they weren't, they were waiting for clarification on the order and it was vacated in the end.

bob page

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
You didnt hear about when a cop was slashed with glass? That protestor was also someone destroying barriers,wearing a mask, and was injured from falling and not a baton hit in the face.

The NYPD did no such thing and besides the court ruling was overturned and people have been allowed in the park since then, they are just not allow to squatt there anymore.

That's rich coming from you of all people. Your the one with an insurance file on me right lol

The NYPD denied access for many hours before the ruling was overturned.

And the protesters in the park do a good job of weeding out the nutjobs from their crowd. They even threw out a guy who had a bottle of vodka on him this morning.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
I never said that. Jak140 just made a fake quote up like when alpha bromega was lying about things I said earlier.

It's obvious you never said that. The whole point is that you are stereotyping an entire group based on the actions of a significantly smaller subset. Hence my parody of your post by replacing the protestors with cops.
bob page The NYPD denied access for many hours before the ruling was overturned. [/quote said:
As they waited for clarification on the ruling.

And the protesters in the park do a good job of weeding out the nutjobs from their crowd. They even threw out a guy who had a bottle of vodka on him this morning.
Since when do the protestors get to control access by the public to the park?


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
I never said that. Jak140 just made a fake quote up like when alpha bromega was lying about things I said earlier.

ok thanks for clearing that up. sorry bro <3

bob page

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Since when do the protestors get to control access by the public to the park?
He wasn't just some random guy, he claimed to be part of their movement but they didn't want to associate themselves with his type so they told him to leave.

It's more allowing him access to their movement rather than access to the park.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
When it's the Tea Party it sure is.

Two wrongs make a right.

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
No they weren't, they were waiting for clarification on the order and it was vacated in the end.

New York, NY: At around 6 AM on November 15, 2011, attorneys associated with the New York City Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild working as the Liberty Park Legal Working Group obtained a temporary restraining order against the City of New York, various City agencies, and Brookfield properties directing that occupiers be allowed back on the premises with their belongings.

Earlier, at approximately 1 AM, the NYPD began massing around Zuccotti Park “aka Liberty Park.” In the following hours reports surfaced that the NYPD entered the park with police in riot gear backed up by numerous police vehicles, including a bulldozer, evicting occupiers. In the process they destroyed property and arrested dozens of occupiers and protestors including NYC Councilmember Ydanis Rodriguez and District Leader Paul Newell.

In the coming hours, days and weeks the LPLWG will pursue all legal options to enable the occupiers to continue to exercise their first amendment rights to speech and assembly for speech. Attorney Yetta Kurland, one of the attorneys from the LPLWG, said, “This is a victory for everyone who believes in the First Amendment. We will continue to fight for everyone’s right to continue the occupation.” In response to the injunction, Daniel Alterman, also an attorney with the LPLWG, stated that, “This is a victory for all Americans, for the constitution and for the 99%.” Gideon Oliver, another attorney with the LPLWG reacted by saying, “The LPLWG has been fighting to ensure their right to free speech from day one of the occupation. The occupiers right to free speech is based in our most core legal principles and we will be here till the end to fight for those rights.”

After the city cleaned Zuccotti Park of tents and sleeping bags in the early hours of the morning, Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Lucy Billings issued a temporary restraining order against the city at 6:30 a.m. It barred the city and Brookfield Properties, which owns Zuccotti Park, from evicting Occupy Wall Street protesters or preventing them from returning to the park with their tents and tarps

Read more: http://www.dnainfo.com/20111115/dow...-street-back-into-zuccotti-park#ixzz1e0tJihFg

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
When it's the Tea Party it sure is.

Oh enough of this shit. The Tea Party doesn't catch hell here because of idiots walking around with guns and Obama/Hitler posters (though they do get ridiculed), they catch hell for being a mostly astroturfed arm of the conservative right that can only seem to find the gumption to get angry at big gubmint whenever Republicans are against the ropes.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
You'd condemn one, but not the other. Don't even act like you wouldn't.

I wouldn't... can you provide evidence that I would?

Manos, it seems like your bias is making you lose perspective of reality.
DOO13ER said:
Oh enough of this shit. The Tea Party doesn't catch hell here because of idiots walking around with guns and Obama/Hitler posters (though they do get ridiculed), they catch hell for being a mostly astroturfed arm of the conservative right that can only seem to find the gumption to get angry at big gubmint whenever Republicans are against the ropes.
That's a lie and you know it, the rule is make fun of the idiots in the tea party (and that's fine) and claim it represents the movement at large. , but you'll never ever do that to the OWS.

The astroturfed crutch is a joke, the kotch brothers excuse is no better than the rights Soros boogeyman.

The 99% joke is no better than the Tea Party's big tent claims.
Jak140 said:

Oh yeah the National Lawyers Guild yeah, real good source there.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
You'd condemn one, but not the other. Don't even act like you wouldn't.

Well no shit. I'm going to spend my time defending things I agree with. If someone makes a logically fallacious argument against the Westboro Baptist Church, I'm not going to waste my time defending them either.
Jak140 said:
Well no shit. I'm going to spend my time defending things I agree with.
Except it shows you're a hypocrite. You'll forgive OWS for the same things you'd condemn the Tea Party for. If you were at least consistent I wouldn't object.

Jak140 said:
I posted multiple sources, but whatever, let's not let facts get in the way of your opinions.
The other source never said they violated an order.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Except it shows you're a hypocrite. You'll forgive OWS for the same things you'd condemn the Tea Party for. If you were at least consistent I wouldn't object.

The other source never said they violated an order.

No, I'm not saying that I stereotype the Tea Party, I'm just saying I won't waste my time condeming the people that do because I'd rather spend my energy in support of things I agree with.

Also, the second link says that a judge ordered them to be let back into the park at 6:30 am, which they were not allowed to do.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
The astroturfed crutch is a joke, the kotch brothers excuse is no better than the rights Soros boogeyman.

Only it's not a joke, at least not until angry vargrants start arriving at OWS flash points on buses paid for by Americans for the 99% while the whole thing gets advertising and live team coverage from whatever station they're calling the liberal equivalent of Fox News these days.
Jak140 said:
No, I'm not saying that I stereotype the Tea Party, I'm just saying I won't waste my time condeming the people that do because I'd rather sepend my energy in support of things I agree with
Which is wrong if you want to have honest and open discourse.

DOO13ER said:
Only it's not a joke, at least not until angry vargrants start arriving at OWS flash points on buses paid for by Americans for the 99% while the whole thing gets advertising and live team coverage from whatever station they're calling the liberal equivalent of Fox News these days.
See this is the crutch I'm talking about the oh we're grassroots really, but not our opponents. Poor us.
Manos careful now... you're starting to sound a bit crazy, telling someone they are wrong because they aren't active in all discussion related to political movements.
Karma Kramer said:
Manos careful now... you're starting to sound a bit crazy, telling someone they are wrong because they aren't active in all discussion related to political movements.
Until I reach the point of building an "insurance file" (by saving a webpage) on people (like Nixon's enemy list) I've still got a long road to catching up with you
DOO13ER said:
So for the sake of your bullshit I'm supposed to just accept the false equivalency you've drawn here?
You can keep denying it, but it does highlight the hypocrisy of how OWS members do the same exact behavior and make the same claims the Tea Party does, but will go into total denial when it's pointed out.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Until I reach the point of building an "insurance file" (by saving a webpage) on people (like Nixon's enemy list) I've still got a long road to catching up with you

Lol just because I made a joke about it, doesn't mean the concept is really all that ridiculous. I'd say a good 3-4 people on that page also commented on you being a troll and your specific responses to my questions also seemed like evidence of troll behavior. All I am doing is telling you that if you keep up with that kind of behavior, you might be hearing from the mods. If you don't think you are doing anything wrong or have been, by all means continue onward.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Which is wrong if you want to have honest and open discourse.
i'm all for open discourse which is why i said stereotyping in either case is wrong. but that doesn't mean i need to go out of my way to defend those who have views i believe are wrong.
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